General Information
Tender Openers
Sl No. Name 1 Zafir Ahmed
Bid Part Template Bid Part Number Scheduled Open Date
Date Schedule
31467 101 100 1522 2483 3916 rfqdate Fixed_rfqdate_dataset RFQ DATE 538 538 A 3724 1582283435000 3724 1582284150000 1 1 19242 Y 1 N Date Schedule 760455 0 0 0 0 false false Y false
Bid Submission Start Date 14-12-2023 03:00 PM Bid Submission Due Date 12-02-2024 04:00 PM Bid Open Date 12-02-2024 05:00 PM Physical doc Submission End Date as allowed in the tender document 12-02-2024 04:00 PM
Pre-bid Discussion
31468 101 100 1522 2483 3919 prebiddiscussion Pre Bid Discussion Pre Bid Discussion 538 538 A 3724 1582283435000 3724 1582284150000 1 1 19246 Y 2 N Pre-bid Discussion 760453 0 0 0 0 false false Y false
Pre-Bid Discussion Type OFFLINE Pre-Bid Meeting Start Date 22-12-2023 11:00 AM Pre-Bid Meeting End Date 22-12-2023 01:00 PM Venue Details Conference Hall, 5th Floor, Vidyut Bhawan - I, Bailey Road, Patna - 800021 Remarks For Online meeting, interested Bidders may request for the link on
Payment Type Amount Payment Mode Payment Currency Exemption Allowed/Disallowed Exemption Reason EMD 182600000 Internet Payment Gateway(IPG),Challan|Bank Guarantee INR N Tender Fee 29500 Internet Payment Gateway(IPG),Challan| INR N Tender Processing Fee 5900 Internet Payment Gateway(IPG),Challan| INR N
Description Name of Bidder: Address of Bidder's Corporate Headquarter: Country of Incorporation: Date of incorporation and/or commencement of business: PAN No. of the Bidder: GST No. of the Bidder: Permanent Provident Fund Code, EPF Account No. and ESI Registration No. of the Bidder: Details of Payment/Challan for cost of RFP: Details of BG for cost of EMD: Details of individual(s) who will serve as the point of contact/communication for company (Name, Designation, Address, Contact No./Email etc.): Particulars of the Authorised Signatory of the Bidder (Name, Designation, Address, Contact No./Email etc.): Details of experience of designed, supplied, and erected/supervised and commissioned grid connected Solar PV Power Plants in previous 10 years as per RFP Clause 3.2.2(i): Nos. and MW Capacity of successfully designed, supplied, and erected/supervised and commissioned Grid Connected Solar PV Power Plants by the Bidder: "Total installed capacity of successfully designed, supplied, and erected/supervised and commissioned Grid Connected Solar Power Plants by the Bidder:" Nos. & MW Capacity of successfully designed, supplied, and erected/supervised and commissioned Grid Connected Solar PV Power Plant by the Bidder having capacity greater than or equal to 50 MW : Details of experience of successfully completed/ongoing Design, Engineering, Procurement, Testing and Commissioning of Grid Connected Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) by the Bidder as per RFP Clause 3.2.2(ii): Nos. and MWh Capacity of successfully completed/ongoing Design, Engineering, Procurement, Testing and Commissioning of Grid Connected Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) by the Bidder: MWh capacity of facility owned & operated by the Bidder for manufacturing lithium-ion or superior battery technologies in India. No. and MWh Capacity of successfully completed/ongoing Design, Engineering, Procurement, Testing and Commissioning of Grid Connected Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) by the Consortium Member, if applicable: MWh capacity of facility owned & operated by the Consortium Member for manufacturing lithium-ion or superior battery technologies in India, if applicable. Name of Consortium Member: Address of Consortium Member's Corporate Headquarter (in India): Country of Incorporation: Date of incorporation and/or commencement of business of Consortium Member: PAN No. of the Consortium Member: GST No. of the Consortium Member: Cumulative Turnover of the Bidder for last three (3) financial years (FY 2020-21/2021-22/2022-23): Cumulative Turnover of Parent Holding Company of the Bidder for last three (3) financial years (FY 2020-21/2021-22/2022-23), (if applicable): Net Worth of the Parent Holding Company of the Bidder on the last day of the preceding financial year (i.e. 31.03.2023) (if applicable): Paid-up share capital of the Subsidiary Company i.e. the Bidder (if applicable): The Net Worth of the Bidder during the last Financial Year: The Net Worth of the Consortium Member during the last Financial Year:
Terms and Conditions
Clause No. Specification Attachment 3.12.1 BSPGCL reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid and to annul the bidding process and reject all Bids at any time without any liability or any obligation for such acceptance, rejection or annulment, and without assigning any reasons thereof. All Terms & Conditions as per RFP
Label File Name Attach File Tender Document Tender Document_NIT No. 07_PR_BSPGCL_2023.pdf Tender Document_NIT No. 07_PR_BSPGCL_2023.pdf Amendment cum Reply to the Pre-bid Queries Final Amendment for NIT 07_23.pdf Final Amendment for NIT 07_23.pdf Usable Land Layout (pls open with KMZ Extn) 05.01.2024 FINAL KAJRA SOLAR PROJECT R5 file.pdf 05.01.2024 FINAL KAJRA SOLAR PROJECT R5 file.pdf Geotechnical Report for Kajra Geotechnical Report for Kajra.pdf Geotechnical Report for Kajra.pdf Hydrogeology Report for Kajra Hydrogeology Report for Kajra.pdf Hydrogeology Report for Kajra.pdf Kajra Topography Survey Kajra Topography Kajra Topography 3rd Time Extension notice 3rd Time Extension.pdf 3rd Time Extension.pdf 2nd Amendment 2nd Amendment dated 12.01.2024.pdf 2nd Amendment dated 12.01.2024.pdf
Required Attachment
Supporting Document Mandatory Allow Exemption Attachement Group Evaluation Type Certificate of incorporation/commencement of business of bidder Y N Others BidPart1 Attested copy of PAN Card of the Bidder Y N Financial BidPart1 Attested copy of GST Registration Certificate of the Bidder Y N Financial BidPart1 Proof of the payment of cost of RFP Y N Others BidPart1 Copy of the BG submitted for cost of EMD as per Appendix 18(A) Y N Others BidPart1 Attested copy towards proof of Permanent Provident Fund Code Y N Others BidPart1 Attested copy towards proof of EPF Account No. Y N Others BidPart1 Attested copy towards proof of ESI Registration No. of the Bidder: Y N Others BidPart1 Valid license under contract labour regulation and abolition of Bihar or Undertaking as per RFP Y N Others BidPart1 Self-attested certificate for Non Blacklisting as per RFP Y N Others BidPart1 Documents in support of experience of grid connected Solar PV Plants as per RFP Y N Experiences BidPart1 Documents in support of experience of grid connected BESS as per RFP Y Y Experiences BidPart1 CA certification for Battery Manufacturing Facility capacity(MWh) as per RFP Y Y Experiences BidPart1 Undertaking from Bidder for no inordinate delay beyond 3 months in execution of any project Y N Others BidPart1 Audited Annual Report of bidder for FY 2020-21/2021-22/2022-23 as per RFP Y N Financial BidPart1 Audited Annual Report of the Parent Holding Company for FY 2020-21/2021-22/2022-23 as per RFP Y Y Financial BidPart1 Certificate of incorporation/commencement of business for Consortium Member as per RFP Y Y Others BidPart1 Attested copy of PAN Card of the Consortium Member Y Y Financial BidPart1 Attested copy of GST Registration Certificate of the Consortium Member Y Y Financial BidPart1 Duly signed & stamped RFP document Y N Others BidPart1 APPENDIX 1: COVERING LETTER Y N Others BidPart1 APPENDIX 2: DETAILS OF BIDDER Y N Others BidPart1 APPENDIX 3: DETAILS OF SIMILAR TECHNICAL EXPERIENCE Y N Experiences BidPart1 APPENDIX 4: DISCLOSURE OF SPV TECHNOLOGY AND BESS TECHNOLOGY Y N Others BidPart1 APPENDIX 5: PROJECT EXECUTION PLAN Y N Others BidPart1 APPENDIX 7: SUBMISSION OF TECHNICAL DOCUMENT Y N Others BidPart1 APPENDIX 8: DETAILS OF QUALIFIED TECHNICAL STAFF Y N Others BidPart1 APPENDIX 9: DECLARATION OF COMPLIANCE Y N Others BidPart1 APPENDIX 10: NO DEVIATION CERTIFICATE Y N Others BidPart1 APPENDIX 11: DECLARATION ON BIDDER'S RELATION TO DIRECTORS Y N Others BidPart1 APPENDIX 12: POWER OF ATTORNEY Y N Others BidPart1 APPENDIX 13: SUMMARY OF AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Y N Financial BidPart1 APPENDIX 14: AUTHORIZATION BY PARENT COMPANY Y Y Others BidPart1 APPENDIX 15: FINANCIAL PROPOSAL Y N Financial BidPart2 Confirmation of NEEGG as per Table 15C by the Bidder Y N Others BidPart1 APPENDIX 21: CONSORTIUM AGREEMENT Y Y Others BidPart1 Project Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Schedule as per RFP Y N Others BidPart1 Technical specifications and standard warranty document of PV modules. Y N Others BidPart1 Design, specifications, and document of Solar Tracking solutions Y Y Others BidPart1 Specifications / Drawings / Designs and datasheets for all electrical work / components as per RFP Y N Others BidPart1 Technical specifications and warranty document of Inverters Y N Others BidPart1 Warranties/guarantees details for Transformers, associated switchgear, and others as per RFP Y N Others BidPart1 Any other document required as per the RFP Y Y Others BidPart1
ITEM CODE ITEM NAME UOM Quantity Estimated Cost BOQ Attachment Mandatory Item Total Quoted Price Bidder shall quote total price as per attached Price Bid Sheet. (Price Quote for Solar PV Project Supply & Work including 132 kV Switch Yard (as per Table 15-A-1) + Price Quote for BESS Supply & Work (as per Table 15-A-2) + Price Quote for O&M Contract for ten (10) years (NPV of O&M charges as per Table 15-B)) WORK 1 18259700000 Price Bid Sheet.xlsx Yes
Created By : Mr Rajeev Singh (SUPERINTENDENT ENGINEER)
Created On : 13-12-2023 05:26 PM