General Information
Tender Openers
Sl No. Name 1 Gaurav Kumar
Bid Part Template Bid Part Number Scheduled Open Date
Date Schedule
31467 101 100 1522 2483 3916 rfqdate Fixed_rfqdate_dataset RFQ DATE 538 538 A 3724 1582283435000 3724 1582284150000 1 1 19242 Y 1 N Date Schedule 787954 0 0 0 0 false false Y false
Bid Submission Start Date 01-01-2024 03:00 PM Bid Submission Due Date 15-02-2024 04:00 PM Bid Open Date 15-02-2024 05:00 PM Physical doc Submission End Date as allowed in the tender document 15-02-2024 04:00 PM
Pre-bid Discussion
31468 101 100 1522 2483 3919 prebiddiscussion Pre Bid Discussion Pre Bid Discussion 538 538 A 3724 1582283435000 3724 1582284150000 1 1 19246 Y 2 N Pre-bid Discussion 787955 0 0 0 0 false false Y false
Pre-Bid Discussion Type OFFLINE Pre-Bid Meeting Start Date 08-01-2024 11:00 AM Pre-Bid Meeting End Date 08-01-2024 01:00 PM Venue Details Conference Hall, 5th Floor, Vidyut Bhawan-I, Bailey Road, Patna - 800021 Remarks For Online meeting link, pls send request email on
Payment Type Amount Payment Mode Payment Currency Exemption Allowed/Disallowed Exemption Reason EMD 226000 Internet Payment Gateway(IPG),Challan|Bank Guarantee INR N Tender Fee 11800 Internet Payment Gateway(IPG),Challan| INR N Tender Processing Fee 3540 Internet Payment Gateway(IPG),Challan| INR N
Description Name of Bidder Address of Bidder PAN No. of the Bidder GST No. of the Bidder Details of Challan/BG for cost of BOQ/EMD Name & Designation of the authorized person who will sign documents, bills and receipts on behalf of the Bidder Contact number/email of the authorised person Years of experience of providing consultancy services Successfully completed Solar Photo Voltaic (SPV) based grid connected Solar Power Plant(s) of cumulative installed capacity of 250 MW in India in previous 07 years as on the Deadline for Submission of Bid. Successfully completed Grid Connected Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) plant(s) of cumulative installed capacity of 10 MW/ MWh in India or out of India in previous 07 years as on the Deadline for Submission of Bid. The Annual Turnover of the Bidder for the last 03 years: FY 2020-21/2021-22/2022-23 The Net worth of the Bidder for the last 3 years: FY 2020-21/2021-22/2022-23 Name of Consortium Member other than Bidder Address of Consortium Member other than Bidder PAN No. of Consortium Member other than Bidder GST No. of Consortium Member other than Bidder Name & Designation of the authorised person who will sign documents on behalf of the Consortium Member other than Bidder Contact number of the authorised person of Consortium Member other than Bidder Previous Experience of the Consortium Member other than Bidder Net worth of the Consortium Member other than Bidder as on 31.03.2023
Terms and Conditions
Clause No. Specification Attachment BSPGCL reserves the right to reject any or all tenders received at any stage without assigning any reason thereof and the Tenderer shall not be entitled to any costs, charges or expenses in this regard. The Applicant shall be selected under the Quality cum Cost Based System (QCBS) with weightages of 70:30 (70% for technical proposal and 30% for financial proposal) and procedures described in this NIT. The Bidder securing the highest combined technical and financial score will be awarded the contract/project. Evaluations will be based on documentary evidence submitted by the bidder and presentation before the evaluation committee with respect to evaluation/selection criteria. Lump sum fees for the scope of work defined in Bid document for the ?Selection of Consultancy Firm for Owners Engineer (OE) services required during Design, Engineering, Supply, Construction, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of 185 MW(AC) Solar PV Power Plant with 254 MWh Battery Energy Storage System at Kajra, Lakhisarai Distt., Bihar, India?. The total sum of quoted Lump sum fees shall be considered for financial part evaluation purpose. The Bidder and the Consortium Member other than Bidder, if applicable, shall follow all the terms of conditions of this NIT.
Label File Name Attach File Tender Document OE Kajra Tender dt 01.01.2024.pdf OE Kajra Tender dt 01.01.2024.pdf 1st Time Extension Notice dt 18.01.2024 1st Time Extn NIT 09 dt 18.01.24.pdf 1st Time Extn NIT 09 dt 18.01.24.pdf Response & Clarification to Pre-Bid-Queries Upload_OE_Kajra_BSPGCL_18.01.2024_Pre-Bid Queries_&_Response.pdf Upload_OE_Kajra_BSPGCL_18.01.2024_Pre-Bid Queries_&_Response.pdf Amendments to the Tender Document Upload_Amended Clauses NIT 09_23_Kajra_OE_BSPGCL.pdf Upload_Amended Clauses NIT 09_23_Kajra_OE_BSPGCL.pdf
Required Attachment
Supporting Document Mandatory Allow Exemption Attachement Group Evaluation Type Certificate of incorporation issued by Registrar of companies or Registrar of firms etc. Y N Experiences BidPart1 Certificate of Conversion to LLP issued by Registrar of companies or Registrar of firms etc. Y Y Others BidPart1 Audited statement of accounts for the last 3 FY ending on 31-03-23 (P&L, Balance Sheet) CA certified Y N Financial BidPart1 Pan Registration & copy of IT Return of last three years of the Bidder Y N Others BidPart1 GST Registration Certificate of the Bidder Y N Others BidPart1 Self-declaration for experience of providing consultancy services for at least 7 yrs Y N Experiences BidPart1 WO/Contract Agreement for consultancy in SPP of not less than One (1) MW in last 7 yrs Y N Experiences BidPart1 WO/Contract Agreement for consultancy in BESS of not less than Three (3) MW/MWh in last 7 yrs Y N Experiences BidPart1 Declaration that the firm is not blacklisted Y N Others BidPart1 Information about the Bidder (refer Annexure-A) Y N Others BidPart1 Details of works done as per pre-qualification requirements (refer Annexure-B) Y N Experiences BidPart1 Letter of Undertaking as per Annexure-C Y N Others BidPart1 Bank Guarantee In lieu of EMD (refer Annexure-E) Y Y Financial BidPart1 Approach & Methodology along with Time schedule for completion of work (refer Annexure-F) Y N Others BidPart1 Qualification and experience of key personnel to be deployed for the task (refer Annexure-G) Y N Experiences BidPart1 Copy of Self-certified CVs (Refer Annexure-H) for Team Experience Y N Experiences BidPart1 Power of Attorney in favour of the signatory of the Bidder on non-judicial stamp paper Y Y Others BidPart1 Certificate of incorporation by RoC or Registrar of firms, Societies and Chits of Consortium Member Y Y Others BidPart1 Cert. of Conversion to LLP by RoC or Registrar of firms, Societies and Chits for Consortium Member Y Y Others BidPart1 Audited accounts for the last 3 FY upto 31-03-23 (P&L, Balance Sheet) CA cert. for consortium member Y Y Financial BidPart1 Pan Registration & copy of IT Return of last three years of Consortium Member other than Bidder Y Y Others BidPart1 GST Registration of Consortium Member other than Bidder Y Y Others BidPart1 Declaration by the Consortium Member that firm is not blacklisted Y Y Others BidPart1 Information about the Consortium Member other than Bidder (refer Annexure-A) Y Y Others BidPart1 Details of Works done by Consortium Member as per pre-qualification requirements (refer Annexure-B) Y Y Experiences BidPart1 Letter of Association between the consortium parties as per clause I.2.v Y Y Others BidPart1 Notarized copy of consortium agreement or JV agreement as per clause I.2.viii Y Y Others BidPart1
ITEM CODE ITEM NAME UOM Quantity Estimated Cost BOQ Attachment Mandatory Item Total Quoted Price Lump sum fees for the scope of work defined in Bid document for the ?Selection of Consultancy Firm for Owners Engineer (OE) services required during Design, Engineering, Supply, Construction, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of 185 MW(AC) Solar PV Power Plant with 254 MWh Battery Energy Storage System at Kajra, Lakhisarai Distt., Bihar, India?. Work 1 11300000 null Yes
Created By : Mr Rajeev Singh (SUPERINTENDENT ENGINEER)
Created On : 01-01-2024 12:14 PM