General Information
Bid Part Template Bid Part Number Scheduled Open Date
Date Schedule
32626 101 100 1522 2522 3916 rfqdate Fixed_rfqdate_dataset RFQ DATE 538 538 A 3724 1584609918000 3724 1584610071000 1 1 19485 0 Y 1 N Date Schedule 0 879043 0 0 0 0 false false Y false
Bid Submission Start Date 17-02-2024 03:00 PM Bid Submission Due Date 23-02-2024 03:00 PM Bid Open Date 23-02-2024 03:30 PM Physical doc Submission End Date as allowed in the tender document 23-02-2024 03:00 PM
Pre-bid Discussion
32634 101 100 1522 2522 3919 prebiddiscussion Pre Bid Discussion Pre Bid Discussion 538 538 A 3724 1584609918000 3724 1584610072000 1 1 19489 0 Y 2 N Pre-bid Discussion 0 879047 0 0 0 0 false false Y false
Pre-Bid Discussion Type Not Required Pre-Bid Meeting Start Date Pre-Bid Meeting End Date Venue Details Remarks
Payment Type Amount Payment Mode Payment Currency Exemption Allowed/Disallowed Exemption Reason EMD 454520 Internet Payment Gateway(IPG),Challan|Bank Guarantee INR N Tender Fee 11800 Internet Payment Gateway(IPG),Challan| INR N Tender Processing Fee 3540 Internet Payment Gateway(IPG),Challan| INR N
Terms and Conditions
Clause No. Specification Attachment 1 SBD DOCUMENT SBD ..pdf
Label File Name Attach File TENDER NOTICE NIT SCAN.jpg NIT SCAN.jpg SBD DOCUMENT SBD ..pdf SBD ..pdf RFQ for reference Purnea IB RFQ.pdf Purnea IB RFQ.pdf
Required Attachment from Bidder
Supporting Document Mandatory Allow Exemption Attachement Group Evaluation Type AKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT AGAIST TENDER PAPER/COST OF BOQ Y N Financial BidPart1 AKNOWLEDGEMENT OF PAYMENT RECEIPT AGAINST EMD/BG Y N Financial BidPart1 GST REGISTRATION Y N Others BidPart1 PAN DETAILS Y N Others BidPart1 LAST 5 YEARS ANNUAL FINANCIAL TURNOVER Y N Financial BidPart1 EXPERIENCE OF SIMILAR NATURE OF WORK Y N Experiences BidPart1 BID CAPACITY STATEMENT Y N Financial BidPart1 Valid electrical license Y N Others BidPart1 Character Certificate issued by District Police Y N Others BidPart1 NECESSARY UNDERTAKINGS-NOT ABANDONED ANY PROJECT/NEVER BEEN IN LITIGATION/NO RELATIVE Y N Others BidPart1 Undertaking that bidder would be able to invest a minimum of cost upto 25% of the contract value of Y N Others BidPart1 Affidavit-Availability of credit facilities (minimum 10% of estimated cost) certified by the bankers Y N Others BidPart1 Details of key personnel as per SBD Y N Others BidPart1 Details of Key Plant & Equipments as per SBD Y N Others BidPart1 Executed Quantity of RCC/PCC, Reinforcement, brickwork as per SBD Y N Experiences BidPart1 EXISTING COMMITMENTS (AS PER Attached format) Y N Financial BidPart1 GOVT. REGISTRATION OF REQUISITE CLASS Y N Others BidPart1
Work Ref No Name of the Work UOM QUANTITY Rate GST (%) GST Value Estimated Cost (Inclusive of GST) Attachment Mandatory Item 1 Construction of IB Building (G+1) at Purnea Work 1 16673787 18 3001281.66 19675068.66 _Purnea IB BOQ.xlsx Yes SUM: 19,675,068.66 One crore ninety-six lakh seventy-five thousand and sixty-eight point six six
RFQ Item
Item Code Item Description UOM QUANTITY Rate GST (%) GST Value Estimated Cost (Inclusive of GST) Mandatory Item 1 Supplying, Installing, Testing, Commissioning of 1.5 T inverter AC including appropriate stabilizer complete setup of Make- (Daikin/Carrier/Hitachi/Voltas) all complete job as per direction of E/I. - Note - 5 Star Rating Invertor AC No 4 0 18 0 0 Yes 2. Supplying, Installing, Testing, Commissioning of 2.0 T inverter AC including appropriate stabilizer complete setup of Make- (Daikin/Carrier/Hitachi/Voltas) all complete job as per direction of E/I.Note - 5 Star Rating Invertor AC No 4 0 18 0 0 Yes 3 Supplying, Installing, Testing, Commissioning of 25 L gyser including complete setup of Make- (Havells /Bajaj /Crompton /Rocia /AO Smith) all complete job as per direction of E/I. Note - Gyser with 5 Star Rating No 5 0 18 0 0 Yes 4 Supplying, Installing, Testing, Commissioning of 325 L refrigerator including complete setup of Make- (Samusng /LG /Hairer) all complete job as per direction of E/I. Note - Refrigerator with energy efficient. No 1 0 18 0 0 Yes 5 Supplying, Installing, Testing, Commissioning of 45 L refrigerator including complete setup of Make- (Samusng /LG /Haier) all complete job as per direction of E/I. Note - Refrigerator with energy efficient. No 1 0 18 0 0 Yes 6 Supplying, Installing, Testing, Commissioning of 108 cm (43 inches) The Frame Series 4K Ultra HD Smart QLED TV television including complete setup of Make- (Samusng /LGand equivalent) all complete job as per direction of E/I. Note - Television with energy efficient. No 4 0 18 0 0 Yes 7 Supplying, Installing, Testing, Commissioning of138 cm (55 inches) 4K Ultra HD Smart NEO QLED TV television including complete setup of Make- (Samusng /LG and equivalent) all complete job as per direction of E/I. Note - Television with energy efficient. No 1 0 18 0 0 Yes 8 Supplying, Installing, Testing, Commissioning of 20 l water purifer including complete setup of Make- (aquaguard , kent, LG , Bluestar/AO Smith ) all complete job as per direction of E/I. No 1 0 18 0 0 Yes 9 LIFT/ELEVATOR: Supplying Installation ,Testing and Commissioning of Passenger elevator of capacity of 8 persons / 544 Kg complete with Specifications and Following requirements : i Load and Speed @ 1.00 MPS..........(refer to the PDF for RFQ detail specification of lift in attachment) No 1 0 18 0 0 Yes SUM: 0
Created By : Mr Kumar Anand (EXECUTIVE ENGINEER)
Created On : 15-02-2024 03:50 PM