General Information
Bid Part Template Bid Part Number Scheduled Open Date
Date Schedule
31467 101 100 1522 2483 3916 rfqdate Fixed_rfqdate_dataset RFQ DATE 538 538 A 3724 1582283435000 3724 1582284150000 1 1 19242 Y 1 N Date Schedule 870977 0 0 0 0 false false Y false
Bid Submission Start Date 17-02-2024 03:00 PM Bid Submission Due Date 11-03-2024 03:00 PM Bid Open Date 13-03-2024 04:00 PM Physical doc Submission End Date as allowed in the tender document 11-03-2024 04:00 PM
Pre-bid Discussion
31468 101 100 1522 2483 3919 prebiddiscussion Pre Bid Discussion Pre Bid Discussion 538 538 A 3724 1582283435000 3724 1582284150000 1 1 19246 Y 2 N Pre-bid Discussion 870978 0 0 0 0 false false Y false
Pre-Bid Discussion Type OFFLINE Pre-Bid Meeting Start Date 21-02-2024 11:00 AM Pre-Bid Meeting End Date 21-02-2024 04:00 PM Venue Details Chief Engineer, Project-I, BSPTCL, Vidyut Bhawan I, Bailey Road, Patna Remarks
Payment Type Amount Payment Mode Payment Currency Exemption Allowed/Disallowed Exemption Reason EMD 10000000 Internet Payment Gateway(IPG),Challan|Bank Guarantee INR N Tender Fee 11800 Internet Payment Gateway(IPG),Challan| INR N Tender Processing Fee 5900 Internet Payment Gateway(IPG),Challan| INR N
Description Name and designation of the officer of the Bidder to whom all reference shall be made for expeditious technical co-ordinationn. Place of manufacture: (Item wise) Services or facilities available Availability of spare parts
Terms and Conditions
Clause No. Specification Attachment Whether terms of taking over, guarantee, Insurance are acceptable or not Whether the delivery & execution schedule indicated in the specification acceptable Whether liquidated damage for delay in delivery and Execution as indicated in the specification is acceptable Whether latest copy of income tax clearance certificate and sales tax certificate enclosed with the bid or not. Whether terms of payment indicated in the specification acceptable. Whether terms as stipulated under security deposit /CONTRACT PERFORMANCE GUARANTEEE is acceptable. Whether bank guarantees as stipulated under advance payment, Security deposit and performance guarantee clause of the Specification will be submitted Whether agreeable to enter into a contract (As per the Performa enclosed) in the event of an order. Are the prices quoted in price bid FIRM(only firm prices are acceptable) Whether unit FOR destination prices have been quoted in the price bid. Whether prices quoted are also applicable On reduced quantity or not? Rebate, on any account, if any may be mentioned. Whether a statement showing deviations for General conditions enclosed. Whether a statement showing deviations from Technical specification enclosed. Whether the bidder is agreeable to execute the Contract in case deviation stipulated by him are not acceptable to BSPTCL Whether excise duty is leviable? (for the items to be supplied by the contractor directly to the BSPTCL.). If included, Indicate actual amount Whether sales tax is chargeable? (for the items to be supplied by the contractor directly to the BSPTCL.). If included, Indicate actual amount(item wise) Whether certificate of past performance enclosed or not Whether unit FOR destination price (landed) of all individual items quoted in the price bid or not? Whether all commercial terms are accepted or not Whether all technical specifications accepted or not Whether prices are quoted for all works including Design, Engineering, drawing, supply of materials / Equipments, erection and commissioning of complete Substation and .s (all works involved.) Power of Attorney authorizing the signatories of the tenderer to fill up & sign the tender is furnished in the tender or not. Whether certificates granted by bankers regarding credit limit allowed to the Contractor and Bankers assessment of their Solvency submitted Whether Audited balance sheets of last five years submitted or not To confirm whether the price for ?supply? and ?erection component? for sub station automation system has been quoted in complete shape considering the system as a whole including mandatory spare . Also, that the break up and details of different component of SAS has been described in complete shape in the techno commercial bid plus price schedule. Also that the quoted price of project includes provision of guarantee to be extended by contractor for SAS for a period of 5 years, after successful availability test. Confirm that the total price for the complete project including design & drawing has been furnished and no extra claims shall be made for any other work required for completion of the project Offer must be made complete in all respects as per Technical specification Prices of spares and tools and plants shall be furnished separately by the bidder on FOR site basis inclusive of all taxes etc. BSPTCL reserves the right to vary the quantity of spares during order. All distribution Boards shall be fully enclosed, cabined type, fabricated from CRCA sheet steel minimum thickness as Specified in specification suitable for either wall/column/floor mounting. Indoor panels shall be dust and vermin prof. Outdoor panels shall be weather proof with canopy. Though in the Specification for some equipments, particular make and type have not been mentioned, Equipments of make and types which are being used satisfactorily in BSPTCL, will be preferred. However, in case of equipments of makes, not supplied earlier to BSPTCL the credentials and updated performance reports regarding supplies made to other central and state Power utilities should be furnished. BSPTCL reserves the right to opt for the make and type. Only type tested equipments and materials shall be supplied by the contractor All street light poles must have independent LILO junction box, isolating switches and fuses. For inside Control Room area and separate switchyard area tenderer shall have to arrange independent cable trays/racks for entire scheme with separate arrangement for D.C. cables. Tenderer shall note and confirm that their scope of work shall fully comply with the requirement as detailed in BSPTCL's Specn. The Insurance covering Transit Risk, Transportation Risk, handling (during loading and unloading), risk during storage, erection, commissioning, theft and fire shall be done and borne by the Tenderer for all the equipment/items devices pertaining to the sub-stn under turnkey package till the installation is handed over to BSPTCL authorities. Tenderer to note and confirm that storing of all materials under this contract shall be within the Tenderer's scope of work and adequate security arrangement for the stores as well as in the areas of erection till the date of handling over, shall be tenderer's responsibility. Tenderer to arrange their own suitable storage at their cost for lmaterials. Bidder also to construct temporary store as well as Site office at Bidders cost. Tenderer to note and confirm that the BSPTCL and his duly authorised representative shall have an access to the contractor's premises, manufacturer's work for all tests of the equipment, cable etc. as listed in the schedule of tender. Inspection and testing shall be carried out as per tender specification. Tenderer to note and confirm that all the supplies shall conform to relevant ISS, IEC, I.E. RULES and BSPTCLspecifications. No material will be accepted unless covered by relevant ISS, IEC on any other relevant approved specification as required. Tenderer to note and confirm that the installation shall be complete in all respects for efficient and trouble free service For this purpose any part or parts required whether specifically mentioned or not shall be deemed to be within tenderer's Scope. Any additional quantity which may be required over and above the quantiy as per approved bill of materials based on BSPTCL approved drawing to meet the site layout requirements and to achieve the best performance level as specified to BSPTCL shall be supplied and installed at no extra cost of BSPTCL During installation of equipments at site any minor modification of civil work like chipping, grouting, make chase or holes on the walls, floors etc. including materials such as sand, steel, cement as may be required at no extra cost to BSPTCL. Tenderer to note that erection tools and tackles as may be required to complete installation work shall be arranged by you at no extra cost to BSPTCL. All per commissioning checks and commissioning tools and istruments shall have to be arranged by the bidder at no extra cost to BSPTCL. Tenderer to note and confirm that connectors, hardwares required for substation shall be quoted in lump sum basis which will be utilised in switchyard and shall be as per the approved drawing. These should be type tested. Tenderer to note and confirm that without the written consent of BSPTCL they will not assign or sublet the total contract or any part there of other than for any part of the work for which the maker are named in the contract. Such contract if given shall not relieve him from any obligation, duty or responsibility as per the terms and conditions of the specification and the contract. Tenderer to note and confirm that all the cable trays/racks/ladders/cable end boxes/conduties/electrical equipment (such as switchboard, panels, junction boxes etc shall be effectively grounded with 50x6 Flat.) Tenderer to note and confirm the following for the civil work required to complete foundation under the scope of vendor on turnkey basis. Tenderer to note and confirm that relevant data those may be required for the above work and the survey work will be undertaken immediately on receipt of confirmed order. Tenderer also to note that all supply of consumable materials including cement and steel shall be arranged by the contractor. No separate charges for design and preparation of detailed drawing will be entertained by BSPTCL. Construction of approach road, culverts, roads inside Grid sub - stn. Including switchyard for transportation of heavy equipment i.e. Power transformer of 50MVA included in the scope of work whether mentioned in the price schedule or not. The road shall be made of PCC of adequate strength. Tenderer to note and confirm the following drawings and details in quadruplicate shall be furnished as per tender specifications - (A) Tentative scheme for extension of control building as per specification. Complete schedule to be furnished. (B) Tentative scheme for drainage and approach road. (C) Tentative lighting scheme both indoor and outdoor with design calculation with the light fittings used. (D) Tentative scheme for grounding along with calculations. (E) Plan, elevation and other detailed drawing for extension of control building for extension works as and where specified. (F) Detailed drawing for all connectors, hardwares and insulators. (G) Detailed plan, elevation of extension portion of 220/132/33 KV switchyard mentioning all parameter as per CBIP, ISS, I.E Rules etc. Tenderer to note and confirm that AC/DC change over BSPTCL Indoor type suitable for mounting complete with AC/DC conductor, auxiliary conductor, timer, test push button, DC Voltmeter, DC feeder shall have to be included in your price. Tenderer to note and confirm that the lighting switch boards flash type with 5 A switch and 5A socket including space for fixing electronic hand regulator shall be used. Tenderer to note and confirm that any additional requirement for AC/DC changeover board, lighting junction boxes and lighting board are required to fulfill the entire installation, depending on the requirement, shall be within the scope of work with no extra cost to BSPTCL. Tenderer to note and confirm the following for the civil work required to complete foundation under the scope of vendor - Preparation of design and detailed working drawing and construction of foundation for equipment and structure to be supplied by tenderer as per approved drawing. (A) Preparation of design and detailed working drawing for construction of control room building and execution of the same as per approved drawing. (B) Construction of RCC cover for cable trench as per approved drawing. (C) Tenderer also to note that supply of all consumable materials including cement and steel shall be arranged by the contractor. No separate charges for design and preparation of detailed drawing will be entertained by BSPTCL. Tenderer to note and confirm that the transformer shall be completely assembled and tested at the factory. Tests shall be performed in compliance of relevant ISS/IEC (as amended uptodate) CBIP regulations and BSPTCL specification. Tenderer to note and confirm that type tests( as specified in the tender specifications) shall be carried out as per IS 2026 or IEC publication on the new transformer (to be supplied by tenderer). All the equipments provided shall also comply with the latest revision of Indian Electricity Act and Indian Electricity Rules and any another applicable statutory provisions, rules and regulations. All equipments provided under the specification shall generally conform to the latest issue of the ISS and BSPTCL specifications. Tenderer to confirm that they will furnish following documents: i) Bank Guarantee towards security deposit/contract performance, guarantee before execution of the contract Agreement. ii) Bank Guarantee for advance payment. iii) Pert CPM/Barchart/Execution schedule for completion of the project before execution of the agreement. iv) Indemnity Bond for the equipments delivered and handed over to the contractor. v) Bank Guarantee against performance guarantee. vi) Power of Attorney by all the partners in case of Joint Venture for authorising the lead partner. vii) Copy of Agreement executed by the members of Joint Ventures. Sales tax on Works contract, Turnover Tax on any other similar taxes under the Sales Tax, Act, as applicable, are included in the Bid/tendered price and BSPTCL/Purchaser shall not bear any expenditure/liability on this account. Entry tax, if any shall be extra. The tenderer prices quoted in price schedule included all import duties and levies including licence fees lawfully payable by the contractor on imported goods/items and other taxes and duties on bought-out components, materials, equipments and other items and no such taxes, duties & levies shall be additionally payable by the BSPTCL. Tenderer are also to confirm that no taxes and duties (except octrai/entry tax if applicable) shall be payable by the BSPTCL/Purchaser on bought-out items which are dispatched by the Sub-vendors of the contractor directly to the project site on sale-in-transit basis. However, BSPTCL shall provide necessary concessional sales tax declaration from, as concessional sales tax has been included in the price for such sale in transit transactions. The applicable Octroi/entry tax, as indicated in price also be reimbursed by the BSPTCL subject to furnishing of documentary proof. It is hereby confirmed that the bidder/tenderer is making the offer on the basis of a divisible supply-cum-Erection Contract on a single source responsibility basis. The supply portion of the Contract will relate to supply of equipments/materials and erection portion will relate to transportation, insurance, storage, intallation, construction, stringing, testing and commissioning etc as defined in price schedules. The Tender/bidder has no objection if the contract is considered to be placed in to separate contracts, i.e., one contract for supply of all equipment on ex-works basis and second contract for all services such as in land transportation, insurance, handling at site, storage, isurance, erection, testing and commissioning etc of materials/ items as defined in the tender specifications. This is also hereby confirmed that the award of two contracts will not in any way absolve the contractor of any responsibility and obligation as per the terms and conditions of the tender specification for succesful completion of the complete work as per the tender specifications and both the contract will have a cross fall breach Clause i.e., a breach in one contract will automatically be considered as breech of the other contract which will conform the BSPTCL/Purchaser/ Employer the right to terminate the other contract at th contractor's risk and cost. It is hereby confirmed that if any income-tax, surcharge on income tax or any other corporate tax is applicable/payble under the law, the same shall be paid by the contractor. It is confirmed that the contract shall be executed strictly in accordance with the specifications and documents except for the variations and deviations, all of which have been detailed out exhaustively in the following schedules irrespective of what soever has been stated to the contrary any where else in the tender/offer/bid. - (i) Schedule of deviations against technical specifications. (ii) Schedule of deviations against general conditions of the contract. (iii) Schedule of revision of prices against deviations as detatiled. Confirm that the following clauses as specified in the tender specifications are accepted unconditionally and no deviations/exceptions are taken on any account whatsoever.: Prices, Security Deposit, Earnest Money, Liquidated damage for delay,stage penalty, incentives., Guarantee, Terms of Payment, Performance guarantee, Taking Over, Insurance, Confirm that additional conditions, deviations, if any, found in the proposal documents other than those stated in the deviation schedules, save the pretaining to any rebate, offered, shall stand with drawn. Unit rates of items/equipments/works as and where required have been furnished The details of equipments/materials proposed to be supplied as bought out items have been furnished in a separate schedule. The required documents related to the pre-qualification of he tenderers as detailed in the tender specifications has been furnished in the tender. The documents for the fulfillment of the requirement of the tender specifications have been furnished. Confirm that if the offer is submitted against the tender is accepted by the BSPTCL, the contractor agree to submit engineering data, provide services and complete the entire work in accordance with schedule indicated in the tender/offer. It has been clearly understood that the time for completion of the project is the essence of the contract and hence the execution schedule shall be strictly adhered to the execution schedule has been furnished with the offer. Separate schedule for each item for which L.S. price have been quoted should be furnished with part I of the tender. Confirm that all equipments and materials confirming strictly to the tender specification only shall be offered to be delivered in case the order is placed on the bidder. In case of any deviations in the technical specification or make of offered materials/equipments, the BSPTCL shall not be responsibble for any delay even if it is approved proved. Confirm that no extra claim shall be entertained by the BSPTCL for the specified scope of work To confirm whether the price for ?supply? and ?erection component? for sub station automation system has been quoted in complete shape considering the system as a whole including mandatory spare . Also, that the break up and details of different component of SAS has been described in complete shape in the techno commercial bid plus price schedule. Also that the quoted price of project includes provision of guarantee to be extended by contractor for SAS for a period of 5 years after successful availability test. To confirm whether 10% BG would be furnished by that contractor towards employing vendor support if any during guarantee period of SAS as per Cl. of Vol. I of tender specification. Please specify clearly whether support of vendor would be obtained for SAS system or the contractor itself is capable for design, manufacture, supply and installation of SAS system. Required supplementary information and supportive document to complement the bid be submitted as attachment to shedule 'P-III' Bidder must fill up attached BOQ excel sheet and upload the same. Also fill up the final project cost obtained from BOQ excel summary sheet to BOQ tab of e-portal. Bidder must ensure that the total project cost in filled excel sheet and cost filled in BOQ tab of e-portal must be same. If any discrepancy is found, the project cost filled in attached BOQ excel sheet shall prevail.
Label File Name Attach File Tender Notice Tender Notice.pdf Tender Notice.pdf 2BHK Drawings 2BHK Drawings.pdf 2BHK Drawings.pdf 3BHK Drawings 3BHK Drawings.pdf 3BHK Drawings.pdf 33KV Equipment foundation drawings 33KV Equipment foundation drawings.pdf 33KV Equipment foundation drawings.pdf 33KV ICB 33KV ICB.pdf 33KV ICB.pdf 33KV Switchgear room drawings 33KV Switchgear room drawings.pdf 33KV Switchgear room drawings.pdf 33kV System 33kV System.pdf 33kV System.pdf 33KVTowerFoundaitonRCCDetails 33KVTowerFoundaitonRCCDetails.pdf 33KVTowerFoundaitonRCCDetails.pdf 132KVEquipmentFoundation-LACTCVTBPI&ISO 132KVEquipmentFoundation-LACTCVTBPI&ISO.pdf 132KVEquipmentFoundation-LACTCVTBPI&ISO.pdf 132KVTowerFoundaitonRCCDetails 132KVTowerFoundaitonRCCDetails.pdf 132KVTowerFoundaitonRCCDetails.pdf 220 KV Switchyard panel room 220 KV Switchyard panel room.pdf 220 KV Switchyard panel room.pdf 220KVEquipmentFoundation-LACTCVTBPI&ISO 220KVEquipmentFoundation-LACTCVTBPI&ISO.pdf 220KVEquipmentFoundation-LACTCVTBPI&ISO.pdf 220KVTowerfoundation 220KVTowerfoundation.pdf 220KVTowerfoundation.pdf 400KV CT 400KV CT.pdf 400KV CT.pdf 400KV tower drawings 400KV tower drawings.pdf 400KV tower drawings.pdf 420kV Reactor 420kV Reactor.pdf 420kV Reactor.pdf 500MVA TF FIRE WALL 500MVA TF FIRE WALL.PDF 500MVA TF FIRE WALL.PDF TECHNICALSHEET GSS 22122_TECHNICALSHEET GSS.xls 22122_TECHNICALSHEET GSS.xls TECHNICALSHEET LINE 22247_TECHNICALSHEET LINE.xls 22247_TECHNICALSHEET LINE.xls TECHNICALSHEET-BAY 22469_TECHNICALSHEET-BAY.xls 22469_TECHNICALSHEET-BAY.xls ABT Meter ABT Meter.pdf ABT Meter.pdf Air conditioning Air conditioning.pdf Air conditioning.pdf Bank Details BankDetails.pdf BankDetails.pdf Battery Battery.pdf Battery.pdf Boundary wall Boundary wall.pdf Boundary wall.pdf Cable trench Cable trench.pdf Cable trench.pdf Car parking Car parking.pdf Car parking.pdf Circuit Breaker Circuit Breaker.pdf Circuit Breaker.pdf Control & Protection panel Control & Protection panel.pdf Control & Protection panel.pdf CRB CRB.pdf CRB.pdf DG Set DG Set.pdf DG Set.pdf DG DG.pdf DG.pdf Dormitory Dormitory.pdf Dormitory.pdf Drg Treated EARTHING DETAILS FOR EQUIPMENT Drg Treated EARTHING DETAILS FOR EQUIPMENT.pdf Drg Treated EARTHING DETAILS FOR EQUIPMENT.pdf Drg Untreated EARTHING DETAILS FOR EQUIPMENT Drg Untreated EARTHING DETAILS FOR EQUIPMENT.pdf Drg Untreated EARTHING DETAILS FOR EQUIPMENT.pdf Drg-LM-Tower Drg-LM-Tower.pdf Drg-LM-Tower.pdf Dual Float cum Boost Charger Dual Float cum Boost Charger.pdf Dual Float cum Boost Charger.pdf EPAX & DPC EPAX & DPC.pdf EPAX & DPC.pdf Fence Fence.png Fence.png FFPH - WATER RESERVOIR REINFORCEMENT DETAILS (SHEET 01 OF 03) FFPH - WATER RESERVOIR REINFORCEMENT DETAILS (SHEET 01 OF 03).pdf FFPH - WATER RESERVOIR REINFORCEMENT DETAILS (SHEET 01 OF 03).pdf FFPH - WATER RESERVOIR REINFORCEMENT DETAILS (SHEET 02 OF 03) FFPH - WATER RESERVOIR REINFORCEMENT DETAILS (SHEET 02 OF 03).pdf FFPH - WATER RESERVOIR REINFORCEMENT DETAILS (SHEET 02 OF 03).pdf FFPH - WATER RESERVOIR REINFORCEMENT DETAILS (SHEET 03 OF 03) FFPH - WATER RESERVOIR REINFORCEMENT DETAILS (SHEET 03 OF 03).pdf FFPH - WATER RESERVOIR REINFORCEMENT DETAILS (SHEET 03 OF 03).pdf FFPH building FFPH building.pdf FFPH building.pdf FFPH-Water tank reservoir details FFPH-Water tank reservoir details.pdf FFPH-Water tank reservoir details.pdf Fire Protection System Fire Protection System.pdf Fire Protection System.pdf Fnd 1 Approved 3 bhk Fnd 1 Approved 3 bhk.pdf Fnd 1 Approved 3 bhk.pdf Fnd 2 Approved 3 bhk Fnd 2 Approved 3 bhk.pdf Fnd 2 Approved 3 bhk.pdf GA & RCC DETAILS OF 1ST, 2ND, 3RD FLOOR BEAM AND SLAB FOR 2BHK APT (SHEET 01 OF 05) GA & RCC DETAILS OF 1ST, 2ND, 3RD FLOOR BEAM AND SLAB FOR 2BHK APT (SHEET 01 OF 05).pdf GA & RCC DETAILS OF 1ST, 2ND, 3RD FLOOR BEAM AND SLAB FOR 2BHK APT (SHEET 01 OF 05).pdf GA & RCC DETAILS OF 1ST, 2ND, 3RD FLOOR BEAM AND SLAB FOR 2BHK APT (SHEET 02 OF 05) GA & RCC DETAILS OF 1ST, 2ND, 3RD FLOOR BEAM AND SLAB FOR 2BHK APT (SHEET 02 OF 05).pdf GA & RCC DETAILS OF 1ST, 2ND, 3RD FLOOR BEAM AND SLAB FOR 2BHK APT (SHEET 02 OF 05).pdf GA & RCC DETAILS OF 1ST, 2ND, 3RD FLOOR BEAM AND SLAB FOR 2BHK APT (SHEET 03 OF 05) GA & RCC DETAILS OF 1ST, 2ND, 3RD FLOOR BEAM AND SLAB FOR 2BHK APT (SHEET 03 OF 05).pdf GA & RCC DETAILS OF 1ST, 2ND, 3RD FLOOR BEAM AND SLAB FOR 2BHK APT (SHEET 03 OF 05).pdf GA & RCC DETAILS OF 1ST, 2ND, 3RD FLOOR BEAM AND SLAB FOR 2BHK APT (SHEET 04 OF 05) GA & RCC DETAILS OF 1ST, 2ND, 3RD FLOOR BEAM AND SLAB FOR 2BHK APT (SHEET 04 OF 05).pdf GA & RCC DETAILS OF 1ST, 2ND, 3RD FLOOR BEAM AND SLAB FOR 2BHK APT (SHEET 04 OF 05).pdf GA & RCC DETAILS OF 1ST, 2ND, 3RD FLOOR BEAM AND SLAB FOR 2BHK APT (SHEET 05 OF 05) GA & RCC DETAILS OF 1ST, 2ND, 3RD FLOOR BEAM AND SLAB FOR 2BHK APT (SHEET 05 OF 05).pdf GA & RCC DETAILS OF 1ST, 2ND, 3RD FLOOR BEAM AND SLAB FOR 2BHK APT (SHEET 05 OF 05).pdf GA & RCC DETAILS OF FIRST FLOOR BEAM AND SLAB FOR 3BHK APARTMENT (01 OF 02) GA & RCC DETAILS OF FIRST FLOOR BEAM AND SLAB FOR 3BHK APARTMENT (01 OF 02).pdf GA & RCC DETAILS OF FIRST FLOOR BEAM AND SLAB FOR 3BHK APARTMENT (01 OF 02).pdf GA & RCC DETAILS OF FIRST FLOOR BEAM AND SLAB FOR 3BHK APARTMENT( 02 OF 02) GA & RCC DETAILS OF FIRST FLOOR BEAM AND SLAB FOR 3BHK APARTMENT( 02 OF 02).pdf GA & RCC DETAILS OF FIRST FLOOR BEAM AND SLAB FOR 3BHK APARTMENT( 02 OF 02).pdf GA & RCC DETAILS OF LINTEL BEAM FOR 2BHK APT GA & RCC DETAILS OF LINTEL BEAM FOR 2BHK APT.pdf GA & RCC DETAILS OF LINTEL BEAM FOR 2BHK APT.pdf GA & RCC DETAILS OF ROOF BEAM AND SLAB FOR 2BHK APT (SHEET 01 OF 03) GA & RCC DETAILS OF ROOF BEAM AND SLAB FOR 2BHK APT (SHEET 01 OF 03).pdf GA & RCC DETAILS OF ROOF BEAM AND SLAB FOR 2BHK APT (SHEET 01 OF 03).pdf GA & RCC DETAILS OF ROOF BEAM AND SLAB FOR 2BHK APT (SHEET 02 OF 03) GA & RCC DETAILS OF ROOF BEAM AND SLAB FOR 2BHK APT (SHEET 02 OF 03).pdf GA & RCC DETAILS OF ROOF BEAM AND SLAB FOR 2BHK APT (SHEET 02 OF 03).pdf GA & RCC DETAILS OF ROOF BEAM AND SLAB FOR 3BHK APARTMENT (SHEET 01 OF 02) GA & RCC DETAILS OF ROOF BEAM AND SLAB FOR 3BHK APARTMENT (SHEET 01 OF 02).pdf GA & RCC DETAILS OF ROOF BEAM AND SLAB FOR 3BHK APARTMENT (SHEET 01 OF 02).pdf INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS.pdf INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS.pdf Isolator Isolator.pdf Isolator.pdf KEC-SB938-RXL-92-2001 Rev. 01 - FOUNDATION LAYOUT & COLUMN DETAILS OF 2BHK APARTMENT( 01 OF 03) KEC-SB938-RXL-92-2001 Rev. 01 - FOUNDATION LAYOUT & COLUMN DETAILS OF 2BHK APARTMENT( 01 OF 03).pdf KEC-SB938-RXL-92-2001 Rev. 01 - FOUNDATION LAYOUT & COLUMN DETAILS OF 2BHK APARTMENT( 01 OF 03).pdf KEC-SB938-RXL-92-2001 Rev. 01 - FOUNDATION LAYOUT & COLUMN DETAILS OF 2BHK APARTMENT( 02 OF 03)_compressed KEC-SB938-RXL-92-2001 Rev. 01 - FOUNDATION LAYOUT & COLUMN DETAILS OF 2BHK APARTMENT( 02 OF 03)_compressed.pdf KEC-SB938-RXL-92-2001 Rev. 01 - FOUNDATION LAYOUT & COLUMN DETAILS OF 2BHK APARTMENT( 02 OF 03)_compressed.pdf KEC-SB938-RXL-92-2001 Rev. 01 - FOUNDATION LAYOUT & COLUMN DETAILS OF 2BHK APARTMENT( 03 OF 03)-compressed KEC-SB938-RXL-92-2001 Rev. 01 - FOUNDATION LAYOUT & COLUMN DETAILS OF 2BHK APARTMENT( 03 OF 03)-compressed.pdf KEC-SB938-RXL-92-2001 Rev. 01 - FOUNDATION LAYOUT & COLUMN DETAILS OF 2BHK APARTMENT( 03 OF 03)-compressed.pdf KEC-SB938-RXL-92-2002 Rev. 00 - GA & RCC DETAILS OF THE TIE BEAM AND PLINTH BEAM FOR 2BHK APT (SHEET 01 OF 04) KEC-SB938-RXL-92-2002 Rev. 00 - GA & RCC DETAILS OF THE TIE BEAM AND PLINTH BEAM FOR 2BHK APT (SHEET 01 OF 04).pdf KEC-SB938-RXL-92-2002 Rev. 00 - GA & RCC DETAILS OF THE TIE BEAM AND PLINTH BEAM FOR 2BHK APT (SHEET 01 OF 04).pdf KEC-SB938-RXL-92-2002 Rev. 00 - GA & RCC DETAILS OF THE TIE BEAM AND PLINTH BEAM FOR 2BHK APT (SHEET 02 OF 04) KEC-SB938-RXL-92-2002 Rev. 00 - GA & RCC DETAILS OF THE TIE BEAM AND PLINTH BEAM FOR 2BHK APT (SHEET 02 OF 04).pdf KEC-SB938-RXL-92-2002 Rev. 00 - GA & RCC DETAILS OF THE TIE BEAM AND PLINTH BEAM FOR 2BHK APT (SHEET 02 OF 04).pdf KEC-SB938-RXL-92-2002 Rev. 00 - GA & RCC DETAILS OF THE TIE BEAM AND PLINTH BEAM FOR 2BHK APT (SHEET 03 OF 04) KEC-SB938-RXL-92-2002 Rev. 00 - GA & RCC DETAILS OF THE TIE BEAM AND PLINTH BEAM FOR 2BHK APT (SHEET 03 OF 04).pdf KEC-SB938-RXL-92-2002 Rev. 00 - GA & RCC DETAILS OF THE TIE BEAM AND PLINTH BEAM FOR 2BHK APT (SHEET 03 OF 04).pdf KEC-SB938-RXL-92-2002 Rev. 00 - GA & RCC DETAILS OF THE TIE BEAM AND PLINTH BEAM FOR 2BHK APT (SHEET 04 OF 04) KEC-SB938-RXL-92-2002 Rev. 00 - GA & RCC DETAILS OF THE TIE BEAM AND PLINTH BEAM FOR 2BHK APT (SHEET 04 OF 04).pdf KEC-SB938-RXL-92-2002 Rev. 00 - GA & RCC DETAILS OF THE TIE BEAM AND PLINTH BEAM FOR 2BHK APT (SHEET 04 OF 04).pdf KEC-SB938-RXL-93-2005 Rev. 00 - GA & RCC DETAILS OF ROOF BEAM AND SLAB FOR 2BHK APT (SHEET 03 OF 03)-compressed KEC-SB938-RXL-93-2005 Rev. 00 - GA & RCC DETAILS OF ROOF BEAM AND SLAB FOR 2BHK APT (SHEET 03 OF 03)-compressed.pdf KEC-SB938-RXL-93-2005 Rev. 00 - GA & RCC DETAILS OF ROOF BEAM AND SLAB FOR 2BHK APT (SHEET 03 OF 03)-compressed.pdf letter_Testing power system equipment at CPRI letter_Testing power system equipment at CPRI.pdf letter_Testing power system equipment at CPRI.pdf Lighting Specification Lighting Specification.pdf Lighting Specification.pdf LMTowerFoundationRCCDetailsForSBC LMTowerFoundationRCCDetailsForSBC (1).pdf LMTowerFoundationRCCDetailsForSBC (1).pdf LT Switchgear LT Switchgear.pdf LT Switchgear.pdf LT Transformer LT Transformer.pdf LT Transformer.pdf MAIN GATE MAIN GATE.pdf MAIN GATE.pdf Measuring and Testing Equipments Measuring and Testing Equipments.pdf Measuring and Testing Equipments.pdf MoP order-Cyber testing at CPRI MoP order-Cyber testing at CPRI.pdf MoP order-Cyber testing at CPRI.pdf MoP_PPP_MII_Order_dated_16th_Nov_2021 MoP_PPP_MII_Order_dated_16th_Nov_2021.pdf MoP_PPP_MII_Order_dated_16th_Nov_2021.pdf Outdoor cable trench Outdoor cable trench.pdf Outdoor cable trench.pdf Plinth 1 Approved 3 bhk Plinth 1 Approved 3 bhk.pdf Plinth 1 Approved 3 bhk.pdf Plinth 2 Approved 3 bhk Plinth 2 Approved 3 bhk.pdf Plinth 2 Approved 3 bhk.pdf Plinth 3 Approved 3 bhk Plinth 3 Approved 3 bhk.pdf Plinth 3 Approved 3 bhk.pdf Plinth 4 Approved 3 bhk Plinth 4 Approved 3 bhk.pdf Plinth 4 Approved 3 bhk.pdf Porcelain Long Rod Insulator Porcelain Long Rod Insulator.pdf Porcelain Long Rod Insulator.pdf Power & Control Cables Power & Control Cables.pdf Power & Control Cables.pdf PXX1 PXX2 SCH J and BOUGHT OUT ITEM PXX1 PXX2 SCH J and BOUGHT OUT ITEM.xls PXX1 PXX2 SCH J and BOUGHT OUT ITEM.xls Rail cum road Rail cum road.pdf Rail cum road.pdf RAIN HARVESTING RAIN HARVESTING.pdf RAIN HARVESTING.pdf Road drawing Road drawing.pdf Road drawing.pdf SAND PIT SAND PIT.pdf SAND PIT.pdf SAS SAS.pdf SAS.pdf Stair case Layout of CRB Stair case Layout of CRB_compressed.pdf Stair case Layout of CRB_compressed.pdf Surge Arrester Surge Arrester.pdf Surge Arrester.pdf Switchyard drain Switchyard drain.pdf Switchyard drain.pdf SWITCHYARD FENCE & GATE SWITCHYARD FENCE & GATE.PDF SWITCHYARD FENCE & GATE.PDF TECHNICALSPECIFICATION SDH TECHNICALSPECIFICATION SDH.pdf TECHNICALSPECIFICATION SDH.pdf TECHNOCOMMERCIALSHEET TECHNOCOMMERCIALSHEET.xls TECHNOCOMMERCIALSHEET.xls Transformer foundation Transformer foundation.pdf Transformer foundation.pdf TS of Civil works for GSS TS of Civil works for GSS.pdf TS of Civil works for GSS.pdf TS for transmission line TS for transmission line.pdf TS for transmission line.pdf TS of Civil works for Transmission line TS of Civil works for Transmission line.pdf TS of Civil works for Transmission line.pdf TS Transformer TS Transformer.pdf TS Transformer.pdf TS-Communication Equipment TS-CommunicationEquipment.pdf TS-CommunicationEquipment.pdf TS-Insulator-160 KN TS-Insulator-160 KN.pdf TS-Insulator-160 KN.pdf TS-MAINTENANCE FREE EARTHPITS -ROCKY SOIL TS-MAINTENANCE FREE EARTHPITS -ROCKY SOIL.pdf TS-MAINTENANCE FREE EARTHPITS -ROCKY SOIL.pdf TS-Maintenance Free Treaated Earth Pit TS-Maintenance Free Treaated Earth Pit.pdf TS-Maintenance Free Treaated Earth Pit.pdf TS-MAINTENANCE-FREE-EARTHPITS -NORMAL-SOIL TS-MAINTENANCE-FREE-EARTHPITS -NORMAL-SOIL.pdf TS-MAINTENANCE-FREE-EARTHPITS -NORMAL-SOIL.pdf TS-OPGW TS-OPGW.pdf TS-OPGW.pdf TS-RTU TS-RTU.pdf TS-RTU.pdf VMS VMS.pdf VMS.pdf VOL2A VOL2A.pdf VOL2A.pdf VOL4 GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS-TO BE FILLED AND SUBMITTED BY BIDDERS WITH THE TECHNICAL BID) VOL4 GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS-TO BE FILLED AND SUBMITTED BY BIDDERS WITH THE TECHNICAL BID).pdf VOL4 GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS-TO BE FILLED AND SUBMITTED BY BIDDERS WITH THE TECHNICAL BID).pdf Water tank reservoir Water tank reservoir.pdf Water tank reservoir.pdf Standard Bidding Document SBD Rev-17.pdf SBD Rev-17.pdf
Required Attachment
Supporting Document Mandatory Allow Exemption Attachement Group Evaluation Type COPY OF ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR?S LICENCE. Y N Others BidPart1 AUTHORITY OF SEEK REFERENCES FROM THE TENDERER?S BANKERS. Y N Financial BidPart1 FOR LETTER OF UNDERTAKINGS - PXV Y N Others BidPart1 BALANCE SHEET FOR LAST 5 YEARS i.e, PROFIT & LOSS STATEMENT. (FURNISH MAAT VALUE) Y N Financial BidPart1 POWER OF ATTORNEY IN RESPECT OF TENDERERS SIGNATURE - PXVIII Y N Financial BidPart1 ATTORNEY IN RESPECT OF JOINT VENTURES-PXIX Y N Financial BidPart1 FOR QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENT - PXX Y N Experiences BidPart1 FOR TENDER TECHNICAL BID - PXXI Y N Experiences BidPart1 FOR TENDER PRICE BID - PXXII Y N Financial BidPart1 DETAILS OF LIQUID ASSETS. Y N Financial BidPart1 FOR EVIDENCE OF ACCESS TO OR AVAILABILITY OF CREDIT FACILITIES - PXXIV Y N Financial BidPart1 WORK COMPLETION SCHEDULE FOR WORK -PXXVII Y N Others BidPart1 AFFIADEVIT CONFORMING THE ALL DETAILS & DOCUMENTS FURNISHED ARE CORRECT & TRUE COPIES OF ORIGINALS Y N Others BidPart1 Original doc. copies constituational/ legal status, place of reg.& principal place of business,POA Y N Others BidPart1 Total annual turnover in work of a similar nature in his own name in each of the last 5 year Y N Financial BidPart1 Exp in executing similar projects for each of the last 5years. Perform. certificate furnished Y N Experiences BidPart1 Qualifications and exp of key site management and technical person proposed for the contract. Y N Experiences BidPart1 certificate from a bank or reputable firm of accountants conforming the liquidity Y N Financial BidPart1 Solvency Certificate to be furnished. Y N Financial BidPart1 EEvidence of adequacy of working capital for this contract i.e.evidence of access of line (s) of cre Y N Others BidPart1 Authority to seek references from the tenderers bankers. Y N Financial BidPart1 Statement of safety policy and safety statistics for the last 5 years. Y N Others BidPart1 Copy of QA Certification and associated documentation. Y N Experiences BidPart1 Dully filled TECHNICALSHEET Y N Others BidPart1 Dully filled TECHNOCOMMERCIALSHEET Y N Others BidPart1 Any other documents as per NIT Others BidPart1
ITEM CODE ITEM NAME UOM Quantity Estimated Cost BOQ Attachment Mandatory Item BOQ (Supply, F&I & Erection) Construction of following work :- a. 2x500 MV A + 2x200 MVA, 400/220/132 KV AIS Sub-Station at Chhapra (New) with residential quarter b. 132 kV Chhapr a(New) - Raghunathpur DCDS with Single Moose conductor. (line length- 80 km) c. 132 k V Chhapra(New) - Maharajga nj DCDS (45 km) with Single Moose conductor. (line length45 km) WORK 1 4481600000 Price sheet- NIT 06.xlsx Yes
Created By : Mr Nayeem Ahmad (EXECUTIVE ENGINEER)
Created On : 12-02-2024 04:19 PM