General Information
Bid Part Template Bid Part Number Scheduled Open Date
Date Schedule
31467 101 100 1522 2483 3916 rfqdate Fixed_rfqdate_dataset RFQ DATE 538 538 A 3724 1582283435000 3724 1582284150000 1 1 19242 Y 1 N Date Schedule 1142685 0 0 0 0 false false Y false
Bid Submission Start Date 30-09-2024 10:00 AM Bid Submission Due Date 22-10-2024 01:00 PM Bid Open Date 23-10-2024 03:30 PM Physical doc Submission End Date as allowed in the tender document
Pre-bid Discussion
31468 101 100 1522 2483 3919 prebiddiscussion Pre Bid Discussion Pre Bid Discussion 538 538 A 3724 1582283435000 3724 1582284150000 1 1 19246 Y 2 N Pre-bid Discussion 1142686 0 0 0 0 false false Y false
Pre-Bid Discussion Type Not Required Pre-Bid Meeting Start Date Pre-Bid Meeting End Date Venue Details Remarks
Payment Type Amount Payment Mode Payment Currency Exemption Allowed/Disallowed Exemption Reason EMD 225605 Internet Payment Gateway(IPG),Challan| INR N Tender Fee 11800 Internet Payment Gateway(IPG),Challan| INR N Tender Processing Fee 3540 Internet Payment Gateway(IPG),Challan| INR N
Description Name of Bidder: Address of bidder: Phone no./email address of the Bidder.: Name and designation of the officer of the Bidder to whom all reference shall be made for expeditious technical co-ordination. Offer is valid upto i) Earnest money deposited or not ii) If deposited, indicate amount and details Whether guarantee clause is acceptable or not Whether insurance clause is acceptable or not Whether liquidated damage/penalty clause is acceptable or not. Whether latest copy of income tax clearance certificate and GST registration enclosed with the bid or not. Whether terms of payment indicated in the specification acceptable. Whether terms as stipulated under security deposit /CONTRACT PERFORMANCE GUARANTEEE is acceptable. Whether bank guarantees as stipulated under advance payment, Security deposit and performance guarantee clause of the Specification will be submitted Whether agreeable to enter into a contract (As per the Performa enclosed) in the event of an order. Are the prices quoted in price bid FIRM (only firm prices are acceptable) Whether prices quoted are also applicable On reduced quantity or not? Rebate, on any account, if any, may be mentioned.(All rebates are to be furnished in the original offer only) Whether a statement showing deviations for General conditions indicated . Whether a statement showing deviations from Technical specificationn indicated. Whether the bidder is agreeable to execute the Contract in case deviation stipulated by him are not acceptable to BSPTCL Whether certificate of past performance enclosed or not Annual details of similar works executed for Past 3 years. Whether all commercial terms are accepted or not Whether all technical specifications accepted or not Power of Attorney authorizing the signatories of the tenderer to fill up & sign the tender is furnished in the tender or not. Whether Audited balance sheets of last five years submitted or not Furnish MAAT for best three years out of last Five financial years i.e. (2023-2024, 2022-2023, 2021-2022, 2020-2021, 2019-2020) Whether valid license is submitted or not Confirm that the total price for the complete the work has been furnished and no extra claims shall be made for any other work required for completion of the project
Terms and Conditions
Clause No. Specification Attachment 1 Accept all terms and conditions as per Tender document
Label File Name Attach File Technical sheet TECHNICALSHEET.xls TECHNICALSHEET.xls Tender Document Tender document updated.pdf Tender document updated.pdf Tender Notice Tender Notice main copy.pdf Tender Notice main copy.pdf
Required Attachment
Supporting Document Mandatory Allow Exemption Attachement Group Evaluation Type Copy of EMD, Tender fees and Tender processing fees Y N Others BidPart1 Experience of successful execution of similar nature of work(Dismantling of GIS Panel or erection of Y N Others BidPart1 Having PAN and proof of up to date income tax return. Y N Others BidPart1 Having a valid license for such type of Work. Y N Others BidPart1 Having valid GST registration. Y N Others BidPart1 Audited balance sheet of last three years. Y N Others BidPart1 The bidders have to provide an affidavit that they have not been banned/blacklisted/ debarred by the Y N Others BidPart1 Power of Attorney authorizing the signatories of the tender as per TS Y N Others BidPart1 Technical bid sheet Y N Others BidPart1 Any other document requires as per Tender document N N Others BidPart1 MAAT for best 3 yrs out of last 5 FY of the bidder should be min 50 percent of estt. value of tender Y N Others BidPart1
ITEM CODE ITEM NAME UOM Quantity Estimated Cost BOQ Attachment Mandatory Item NIT No.- 05/PR/TRZ-Patna/2024 CONSTRUCTION OF 05 NOS GIS OUTGOING BAYS AT 132/33 KV GSS KATRA Work 1 11280249 GIS Katra Price Sheet F.xlsx Yes
Created On : 24-09-2024 11:04 AM