createdTs None version None createdDate None modifiedDate None noticeInvitingTenderDTO
createdTs 1707387864805 version 8 createdDate None modifiedDate None tenderType RFQ evaluationType TWO_COVER evaluationTypeText Two Cover invitingStrategy OPEN invitingStrategyText Open taxType INCLUSIVE_TAX tenderFee 7500.00 emd 3731000.00 bidValueType LUMPSUM bidValueTypeText Lumpsum tenderReceiptClose 19-02-2024 17:30:00 tenderQueryClose 14-02-2024 15:00:00 technicalBidOpen 21-02-2024 11:00:00 publishedDate 08-02-2024 17:22:07 publishedByPost KPCL_SE_CD2_BNG publishedByUser KPE17833 - SUDARSHAN A B bidValidityPeriod 180 noOfCalls 2 preBidMeetingDate 15-02-2024 11:00:00 preBidMeetingYn True preQualificationBidOpen None denominationType RUPEES denominationTypeText Rupees retenderedYn True percentageRateTypeText None contactPerson Sudarshan A B splitEmdRequiredYn True emdBankGuarantee 3631000.00 emdCash 100000.00 bgValidityPeriod 210 hideWeightage None multipleCurrencySelectionAllowedYn False isTechWeightageAllowed False highestBidderSelection False isVariableEmdAllowed None qcbsTenderYn None itemwiseEmdRequiredYn None sampleSubmissionDate None officeNumber None mobileNumber 9845689678 tenderSupplierList None tenderSchedule
createdTs 1707387864808 version 13 createdDate None modifiedDate None tenderNumber KPCL/2023-24/DA/WORK_INDENT1070/CALL-2 title Design and Construction of Anchored RCC retaining wall resting on RCC piles at downstream of Supa dam, Ganeshgudi on EPC Turnkey Basis description The major components of the project shall include but not limited to 1. Survey and geological investigation including sub soil exploration. 2.Excavation/Dredging of earthen mound/Island in the D/s of Supa dam. 3.Design and construction of coffered dam/bund.4.Design and construction of RCC cast in situ bored piles. 5. Design and construction of Steel sheet piles.6. Design and construction of RCC retaining wall.7.Design and construction of earthen embankment.8.Design and construction of asphalt roads and RCC Drains. category WORKS categoryText Works ecv 373100000.00 deptName Karnataka Power Corporation Limited status PUBLISHED statusText Published remarks None csrValue None ecvtenderYn False location 9531 locationName KPCL Superintending Engineer CD2 office Bengaluru provisionalAmount 373100000.0 groupOverheadTotal None fileNumber CECD/KALI/SUPA/DS tenderSubEstimateList
createdTs version createdDate modifiedDate workCategoryName subEstimateName estimateTotal itemList 1707387865000 0 None None Dam and Allied works Design and Construction of Anchored RCC retaining wall resting on RCC piles at downstream of Supa dam, Ganeshgudi on EPC Turnkey Basis 373100000.0
id tenderSubEstimateId categoryName itemCode description uomName baseRate finalRate quantity modifyQuantityYn minQuantity maxQuantity buyBackYn buyBackValue hideYn netAmount taxCount 2510173 76409 None Code01 Design and Construction of Anchored RCC retaining wall resting on RCC piles at downstream of Supa dam, Ganeshgudi on EPC Turnkey Basis Lump Sum for Each 373100000.0 373100000.0 1.0 False None None False None False 373100000.0 0 generalCriterionList
createdTs version createdDate modifiedDate criterionType description tenderEligibilityCriterionDocumentList 1707387865000 0 None None ELIGIBILITY Tenders from Joint ventures are acceptable None 1707387865000 0 None None ELIGIBILITY Bidders shall not be under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt and fraudulent practices issued by Government of Karnataka None 1707387865000 0 None None ELIGIBILITY Bidders shall upload original scanned copies of all the certificates pertaining to the pre-qualification as mentioned under Minimum pre-qualification requirements clause. None preQualCriterionList None technicalCriterionList
createdTs version createdDate modifiedDate description criterionCategoryText criterionTypeOthersValue tenderTechnicalCriterionDocumentList None None None None Intending bidders should have satisfactorily completed (at least 90% of the contract value) as a prime contractor/Joint Venture/Consortium partner and atleast one similar nature work such as Pile foundation of value not be less than Rs.18.66 crores, for State/Central Govt., PSUs/Corporate or any other reputed institution in the last five financial years (2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023). The intending bidder should submit work completion certificate issued by the officer not less than the rank of Executive Engineer/competent authority. Further, the Value of the Completed Works shall be given a Weightage of 10% per year to bring them to the Price Level of 2023-2024. Past Experience None
createdTs version createdDate modifiedDate documentName None None None None Work Done Certificate None None None None Intending bidder(s) should have achieved minimum annual financial turnover of Rs.37.31 crore, at least in two financial years in past five completed financial years (2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023) (in all classes of civil engineering construction works only). As a proof of annual turnover certified copies of the income tax returns, audited balance sheet (head wise) and profit and loss account certified by the chartered accountant is to be submitted. Further, the Financial Turnover of the Previous Years shall be given a Weightage of 10% per year to bring them to the Price Level of 2023-2024. Financial Status None
createdTs version createdDate modifiedDate documentName None None None None Audited CA Certificate of Annual Turnover None None None None A copy of the Joint-Venture Agreement (JVA) entered into by the partners shall be submitted Others Joint Venture
createdTs version createdDate modifiedDate documentName None None None None Others -- Joint-Venture Agreement None None None None Bidder shall upload the income tax pan copy Others Income Tax PAN
createdTs version createdDate modifiedDate documentName None None None None Others -- Income tax pan None None None None Bidder shall upload the GST Registration certificate Others GST Registration certificate
createdTs version createdDate modifiedDate documentName None None None None GST Registration None None None None Bidder shall upload the Independent PF code registration certificate Others Independent PF code registration certificate
createdTs version createdDate modifiedDate documentName None None None None Valid EPF Certificate None None None None Bidder shall upload declaration 1 as per Bid Document Page Number 210 & 211. Others Declaration
createdTs version createdDate modifiedDate documentName None None None None Others -- Declaration None None None None Intending bidder(s) should have executed in any one year, the minimum quantities of work as per clause 1 (iv) of minimum qualifying requirements in bid document enclosed Others Quantity executed
createdTs version createdDate modifiedDate documentName None None None None Others -- Supporting Document None None None None Bidder shall upload Equipment/Machinery requirement as per clause 1 (v) of minimum qualifying requirement in the bid document enclosed. Others Machinary Requirement
createdTs version createdDate modifiedDate documentName None None None None Others -- Supporting Document None None None None Bidder shall upload Letter of Site visit Others Letter of Site visit
createdTs version createdDate modifiedDate documentName None None None None Others -- Letter of Site visit tenderCriterionDocumentList
documentName optional documentTypeText Annual Turnover Certificate False Technical Bid Company Registration Certificate False Technical Bid Small Scale Industries Certificate False Technical Bid tenderWorkLocationList tenderAddress
createdTs 1707392460000 version 0 createdDate None modifiedDate None blockNumber O/o Chief Engineer (Civil) Design, 1st Floor, KPCL Green Building, Drug Controller's Office Premises, Palace Road, Bengaluru-560001 street None city Bangalore state Karnataka pin 560001 tenderRecallDTO None