1709069613000 | 0 | None | None | Other Works | Providing External sanitary works, External Electrical service connection and Drain Cover Slab Works for Construction of 103 (250) Houses for the slum dwellers at BTM Layout Assembly Constituency Bangalore City under PMAY-HFA. | 20540956.08 | id | tenderSubEstimateId | categoryName | itemCode | description | uomName | baseRate | finalRate | quantity | modifyQuantityYn | minQuantity | maxQuantity | buyBackYn | buyBackValue | hideYn | netAmount | taxCount |
2829980 | 91575 | None | code01 | Dismantling of cement concrete pavement by mechanical means using pneumatic tools, breaking to pieces not exceeding 0.02 m3 in volume and stock piling at designated locations and disposal of dismantled materials and stacking serviceable and unserviceable materials separately., Complete as per specification, all lead, lifts, curing and the directions of Engineer in-charge of the site. | Cum | 619.3 | 619.3 | 193.56 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 119871.708 | 0 | 2829981 | 91575 | None | code02 | Earth work excavation for pipelines/cables by Manual means upto 600 mm trench width, as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, including dressing of excavated surfaces, disposing off or levelling the excavated earth or sorting & stacking the selected earth for reuse in a radius of 50 m. Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches,plinth, sides of foundations etc. in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, consolidating each deposited layer by ramming and watering and lift upto 1.5 m including cost of labour, tools, usage& other appurtenances required to complete the work. 1.6.1 In all kinds of soils. Depth upto 1.50m., Complete as per specification, all lead, lifts, curing and the directions of Engineer in-charge of the site. | Cum | 266.2 | 266.2 | 1693.41 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 450785.742 | 0 | 2829982 | 91575 | None | code03 | Refilling available earth around trenches/pipelines, cables in layers not exceeding 20 cm in depth, compacting each deposited layer by ramming after watering with a lead upto 50 m , and lift upto 1.5 m. Including cost of all labour., Complete as per specification, all lead, lifts, curing and the directions of Engineer in-charge of the site. | Cum | 176.0 | 176.0 | 1571.04 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 276503.04 | 0 | 2829983 | 91575 | None | code04 | Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for levelling course for all works in foundation. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed, laid in layers not exceeding 150 mm thickness, well compacted using plate vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials of quality, labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing, and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement & formwork shall be paid separately)Mix 1:4:8 Using 40 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates ., Complete as per specification, all lead, lifts, curing and the directions of Engineer in-charge of the site. | Cum | 6230.4 | 6230.4 | 216.36 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 1348009.344 | 0 | 2829984 | 91575 | None | code05 | Providing lowering laying, jointing, testing and commissioning of following diameters glazed stone ware pipes, conforming to IS 651:1992, (with 5th revision) in all respects jointing with EPDM rubber rings (seals according to EN 681 & ASPM 425) The rubber seals joints pipe will have groves in interior of socket and exterior of the spigot. The rubber gasket shall be prefixed at the factory by the manufacturer rigidly with approved glue to have leak proof joint including conveying of pipe to work site and rolling and lowering into trenches, laying true to line, level and perfect linking at joints testing and commissoning including loading and unloading at both destinations and cuts of pipes wherever necessary including jointing of GSW pipes and specials, with rubber gaskets conforming to EN 681 and ASTM C-425 including cleaning the socket and spigot with soap solution and applying talcum powder for detecting crack, then applying glue and before inserting of rubber gaskets, jacking and fixing in perfect condition including the cost of soap solution, talcum powder and glue etc. and giving necessary hydraulic test to the required pressure of water head with all lead and lifts including costing of jointing materials and all necessary survey works for laying of sewers etc., and disposal of debris as directed etc., complete. (Contractor will make his own arrangements for procuring water for testing) with Rubber ring gasket joints. 300 mm Dia Pipe ., Complete as per specification, all lead, lifts, curing and the directions of Engineer in-charge of the site. | Cum | 1277.1 | 1277.1 | 1613.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 2059962.3 | 0 | 2829985 | 91575 | None | code06 | Labour charges for laying and jointing glazed stone ware pipes of 0.6m length and of specified dia., of tested quality conforming to IS 651 of 1965 including caulking with hemp yarn, jointing with CM 1:2 and testing with water etc. complete for: (Rate to include cost of jointing materials and trasportation of pipes from store work site )., Complete as per specification, all lead, lifts, curing and the directions of Engineer in-charge of the site. | Cum | 178.2 | 178.2 | 1613.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 287436.6 | 0 | 2829986 | 91575 | None | code07 | Providing, laying, Providing jointing materials, jointing and testing but excluding excavation and back filling etc. for Oriented Polyvinyl chloride pipes or OPVC Pipes of highest Orientation Class 500 IS 16647 2017 with homogeneous socket during orientation process, including supply of Elastomeric sealing ring manufactured as per ISO 16422 2014 and the elastomeric sealing ring gasket conforming to EN 681 1. The manufacturing, testing at factory, Providing, transpotation, handling, stacking, installation, jointing and testing at sites shall comply with all applicable standards (ISO 16422 2014) etc. complete. Pipes of 110mm dia. PN 16 & elastromeric fittings., Complete as per specification, all lead, lifts, curing and the directions of Engineer incharge of the site. | m | 1306.8 | 1306.8 | 142.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 185565.6 | 0 | 2829987 | 91575 | None | code08 | Constructing brick masonry chamber of internal dimension 450x450mm and depth of 600mm (inner dimensions) with modular bricks of CD 75 in cement mortar 1:6, bed concrete 150mm thick with 1:3:6, plastering 12 mm thick with cement mortar 1:4, CC 1:2:4 coping 75mm thk for fixing CI cover & frame etc. excluding the cost of CI frame and cover., Complete as per specification, all lead, lifts, curing and the directions of Engineer in-charge of the site. | Each | 4659.6 | 4659.6 | 35.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 163086.0 | 0 | 2829988 | 91575 | None | code09 | Providing and fixing SFRC frame and cover conforming to IS 12592 (part-I)-1988 and IS 12592 (part-II)- 1991 with latest amendment,
including cutting slabs to the required size for the opening and fixing the cover in C.C. 1:2:4 and C.M. 1:3 plastering 20 mm thick to all exposed faces, curing for 10 days with all lead and lift with appurtenances. complete .Medium Duty., Complete as per specification, all lead, lifts, curing and the directions of Engineer in-charge of the site. | Set | 2105.4 | 2105.4 | 55.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 115797.0 | 0 | 2829989 | 91575 | None | code10 | Providing and installing at site of work P.V.C. pipes including cost of pipes and specials and labour, including lowering into trenches, laying true to line, level and perfect linking at joints leak proof including jointing of approved type with all labour charges and all lift charges, handling charges including encasing the pipe around to a depth not less than 15 cms with gravel or selected earth available from the excavation etc. complete..160mm., Complete as per specification, all lead, lifts, curing and the directions of Engineer in-charge of the site. | m | 1065.9 | 1065.9 | 280.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 298452.0 | 0 | 2829990 | 91575 | None | code11 | Providing and installing at site of work P.V.C. pipes including cost of pipes and specials and labour, including lowering into trenches, laying true to line, level and perfect linking at joints leak proof including jointing of approved type with all labour charges and all lift charges, handling charges including encasing the pipe around to a depth not less than 15 cms with gravel or selected earth available from the excavation etc. complete..200mm., Complete as per specification, all lead, lifts, curing and the directions of Engineer in-charge of the site. | m | 1643.4 | 1643.4 | 100.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 164340.0 | 0 | 2829991 | 91575 | None | code12 | Dismantling the damaged or collapsed Machinehole ,conical in shape, and reconstructing the same for the same dimensions, with machine made wire cut brick in CM 1:4 with ordinary portland cement etc. as per design and specifications. The existing ring, cover and CC beedingto be used. For 1.2m dia. For Machinehole of 1.2M dia and 1.0 M depth., Complete as per specification, all lead, lifts, curing and the directions of Engineer in-charge of the site. | Each | 17131.4 | 17131.4 | 22.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 376890.8 | 0 | 2829992 | 91575 | None | code13 | Dismantling the damaged or collapsed Machinehole ,conical in shape, and reconstructing the same for the same dimensions, with machine made wire cut brick in CM 1:4 with ordinary portland cement etc. as per design and specifications. The existing ring, cover and CC beeding to be used. For 1.2m dia For Machinehole of 1.2M dia and 2.0 M depth., Complete as per specification, all lead, lifts, curing and the directions of Engineer in-charge of the site. | Each | 35525.6 | 35525.6 | 25.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 888140.0 | 0 | 2829993 | 91575 | None | code14 | Dismantling the damaged or collapsed Machinehole ,conical in shape, and reconstructing the same for the same dimensions, with machine made wire cut brick in CM 1:4 with ordinary portland cement etc. as per design and specifications. The existing ring, cover and CC beeding to be used. For 1.2M diaFor Machinehole of 1.5M dia and 3.0 M depth., Complete as per specification, all lead, lifts, curing and the directions of Engineer in-charge of the site. | Each | 53770.2 | 53770.2 | 21.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 1129174.2 | 0 | 2829994 | 91575 | None | code15 | Providing and constructing "WIRE CUT BRICK MACHINEHOLE: CHAMBERS" using Portland/Pozzolana cement, conical in shape at top,with CC 1:3:6 foundation using 40mm and down size graded metal of approved quality and with an offset of 0.15M alround the chamberConstruct Brick masonry in CM 1:4, 340 mm thick, with wirecut bricks of approved quality, plaster inside and out side with CM 1:3, 12mm thick, except for the conical surface outside where the plaster thickness shall be 20mm. Slope inside to be 1:6 in the concrete towards central drain and finished smooth. Fixing of pipes in CC 1:2:4 with graded metal of 20mm and down size. Providing and fixing SFRC Machinehole frame and cover (Heavy Duty) conforming to IS:12592 with latest amendment, in CC 1:2:4. Providing and fixing footsteps made of 12mm dia. steel bars (Fe-500) with 3mm thick plastic encapsulation (IS-10910). The footsteps shall be fixed 30cms apart and on CC block embeded to masonry wall. The whole works include watering, curing, barricading, danger lighting, pouring tar over MH frame and cover, cost of tar, shoring, strutting, de-watering, engraving Machinehole number with flow direction on the inner conical surface etc. as per the drawing etc. as per technical specifications and for the following diameters and depth etc. for 1.2mm dia.: Constructing Brick Masonry Circular Machinehole 1.2 m internal dia1.2 M depth & SFRC cover & frame., Complete as per specification, all lead, lifts, curing and the directions of Engineer in-charge of the site. | Each | 34507.0 | 34507.0 | 20.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 690140.0 | 0 | 2829995 | 91575 | None | code16 | Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for all Foundation works. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticizers laid in finished layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes, labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. 2.2.1 M20 Design Mix Using 20 mm and down size graded crushed coarse aggregates., Complete as per specification, all lead, lifts, curing and the directions of Engineer in-charge of the site. | Cum | 6915.7 | 6915.7 | 556.91 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 3851422.487 | 0 | 2829996 | 91575 | None | code17 | Providing Brick work with common burnt clay machine moulded perforated bricks of class designation 5.0 conforming to IS: 2222 in superstructure above plinth level in cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) With Non modular bricks including cost of all materials, labour, scaffolding and usage charges of machinery & other incidental charges., Complete as per specification, all lead, lifts, curing and the directions of Engineer in-charge of the site. | Cum | 12074.7 | 12074.7 | 3.45 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 41657.715 | 0 | 2829997 | 91575 | None | code18 | Providing flooring with 25mm thick polished Cuddapah slabs using cement mortar 1:6, 25mm thick over existing cement concrete bed or top of roof laid to line and level and jointed with cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab , including cost of materials, labour, curing, polishing., Complete as per specification, all lead, lifts, curing and the directions of Engineer in-charge of the site. | Cum | 1815.0 | 1815.0 | 27.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 49005.0 | 0 | 2829998 | 91575 | None | code19 | Providing and fixing MS inspection door of size 60 cms x 60 cms, including MS frame made of 50x50x6mm angle, shutters made of 3mm thick MS sheets, with hinges, locking arrangements at top etc. including painting+B25with anticorrosive approved paint etc., Complete as per specification, all lead, lifts, curing and the directions of Engineer in-charge of the site. | Each | 2354.0 | 2354.0 | 5.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 11770.0 | 0 | 2829999 | 91575 | None | code20 | Polyurethane based Single Component for New Surface Providing and laying water proofing treatment to the Roof with PU based single component elastomeric pure polyurethane based coating on New terrace/Chajjas/Sunken portion of WC:Bathroom, cold applied PU waterproofing membrane that is highly elastic with elongation greater than 400% and tensile strength greater than 2MPa as per ASTM D412. The waterproofing membrane to be applied in 2coats @ 1.6 kg/m2 to achieve final DFT (Dry Film Thickness) of 1mm including prime coat of epoxy primer @150 g/m2 and protection with 120gsm Geo-textile over the waterproofing membrane. The finished cost to include surface preparation, making coving at Junction, Bore Packing., Complete as per specification, all lead, lifts, curing and the directions of Engineer in-charge of the site. | Sqm | 898.7 | 898.7 | 643.56 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 578367.372 | 0 | 2830000 | 91575 | None | code21 | Finishing walls with Acrylic Smooth exterior paint of required shade :New work (Two coat applied @ 1.67L/10 m² over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 2.20 kg/10 m²) with paint of approved quality to give an even shade, after thoroughly rooming the surface to remove all dirt, dust, mortar drops and foreign matter including preparing the surface even and sand paper smooth, cost of materials, labour complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineer-in-charge. | Sqm | 191.4 | 191.4 | 1264.4 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 242006.16 | 0 | 2830001 | 91575 | None | code22 | Finishing walls with Acrylic Smooth exterior paint of required shade :New work (Two coat applied @ 1.67L/10 m² over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 2.20 kg/10 m²) with paint of approved quality to give an even shade, after thoroughly brooming the surface to remove all dirt, dust, mortar drops and foreign matter including preparing the surface even and sand paper smooth, cost of materials, labour complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineer-in-charge. | Sqm | 193.31 | 193.31 | 1330.31 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 257162.2261 | 0 | 2830002 | 91575 | None | code23 | Finishing walls with Acrylic Smooth exterior paint of required shade :New work (Two coat applied @ 1.67L/10 m² over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 2.20 kg/10 m²) with paint of approved quality to give an even shade, after thoroughly brooming the surface to remove all dirt, dust, mortar drops and foreign matter including preparing the surface even and sand paper smooth, cost of materials, labour complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineer-in-charge. | Sqm | 195.25 | 195.25 | 1330.31 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 259743.0275 | 0 | 2830003 | 91575 | None | code24 | Finishing walls with Acrylic Smooth exterior paint of required shade :New work (Two coat applied @ 1.67L/10 m² over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 2.20 kg/10 m²) with paint of approved quality to give an even shade, after thoroughly brooming the surface to remove all dirt, dust, mortar drops and foreign matter including preparing the surface even and sand paper smooth, cost of materials, labour complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineer-in-charge. | Sqm | 197.2 | 197.2 | 1330.31 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 262337.132 | 0 | 2830004 | 91575 | None | code25 | Making connection of drain or sewer line, external dia with existing manhole including breaking into and making good the walls, floors with cement concrete M 15 with 20mm and downsize granite metal, cement plastered on both sides of mix 1:3, finished with a floating coat of neat cement, and making necessary channels for the drain, including cost of materials, labour charges, curing complete as per specifications.100 t o 230mm., Complete as per specification, all lead, lifts, curing and the directions of Engineer in-charge of the site. | Nos | 2906.28 | 2906.28 | 10.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 29062.8 | 0 | 2830005 | 91575 | None | code26 | Providing and laying in position Cement Concretefor all Foundation works. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregatesas per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with superplasticizers laid in finished layers, well compactedusing needle vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost ofall materials, quality confirming to the requirements ofrelevant IS codes, labour, Usage charges of machinery,curing and all the other appurtenances required tocomplete the work as per technical specifications.2.2.1 M20 Design Mix Using 20 mm and down sizegraded crushed coarse aggregates., Complete as per specification, all lead, lifts, curing and the directions of Engineer in-charge of the site. | Cum | 8173.1 | 8173.1 | 64.35 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 525938.985 | 0 | 2830006 | 91575 | None | code27 | Supplying, fitting and placing TMT FE 550/550D Steel Reinforcement complete as per drawing and technical specification.. (The laps and wastages shall not be measured separately)., Complete as per specification, all lead, lifts, curing and the directions of Engineer in-charge of the site. | Kg | 98.4 | 98.4 | 7722.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 759844.8 | 0 | 2830007 | 91575 | None | code28 | Single Phase Meter board: Supplying, fixing and wiring, T.W.Meter board 300x300x65 mm made out of 15 mm thick plank for the front and 12 mm thick plank for the pack with 40x20 mm batten alround using well seasoned teak wood, fixing them with screws, and smooth finishing with 2 coats of high grade varnish. The back of meter board shall be fixed to the wall by means of screws on atleast 2 Nos of wooden plugs of 40x25x100 mm long well fixed in the wall with necessary masonry patch work etc., complete. The planks for both front and back of the meter board shall be made out of not more than two pieces., Complete as per specification, all lead, lifts, curing and the directions of Engineer in-charge of the site. | Nos | 300.0 | 300.0 | 1020.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 306000.0 | 0 | 2830008 | 91575 | None | code29 | Earthing : Supplying, fixing and wiring earth electrodes for grounding conduits, IC cut outs and other equipments on the meter board using 40 mm dia, 2.90 mm thick G.I.pipe 2.5 mtr long burred in a pit. The pit should be filled in with equal proportion of salt and charcoal 150 mm allround the pipe to complete depth. The connection from the pipe to the conduit etc. is to be established through G.I. wire of size as per clause. 7.33 of S 732 using 12 mm dia bolts, nuts washers and checks nuts etc. The pipe shall have 16 through holes of 12 mm dia as per our drawing., Complete as per specification, all lead, lifts, curing and the directions of Engineer in-charge of the site. | Nos | 2400.0 | 2400.0 | 1020.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 2448000.0 | 0 | 2830009 | 91575 | None | code30 | L.T. Underground cables: Laying underground cable in New/Existing trench : Supplying and laying PVC insulated sheathed steel wire/steel tape armoured 16sqmm UG cable with PVC outer sheathing 1.1 KV Class. The work shall include digging of trench 0.5 mtr wide 0.6 mtr deep laying the cable in trench refilling and consolidating the soil. 2. Laying underground cable in ground inside stoneware pipe in New/Existing trench. Supplying and laying UG cable in stoneware pipe of size 101.6 mm dia 0.6 mtr long (4” dia 2’ long) at road crossing in trench of 0.50 mtr width and 0.60 mtr depth. 3. Laying UG cable in ground inside ACC pipe in New/existing trench Supplying and laying UG cable in ACC pipe of size 101.6 mm dia (4” dia) in trench of 0.5 mtr width and 0.6 mtr depth., Complete as per specification, all lead, lifts, curing and the directions of Engineer in-charge of the site. | Nos | 56956.0 | 56956.0 | 30.59 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 1742284.04 | 0 | 2830010 | 91575 | None | code31 | Fixing of pot heads : Supplying and fixing LT cast iron pot-heads suitable for 1.1 KV class UG cable filled with necessary bitumen/insulating compound complete with terminals, clamps, bolts and nuts & washers etc., Complete as per specification, all lead, lifts, curing and the directions of Engineer in-charge of the site. | Nos | 250.0 | 250.0 | 1020.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 255000.0 | 0 | 2830011 | 91575 | None | code32 | Sealable Cutouts: Fixing of ironclad sealable cutouts at consumer’s premises Supply fixing and wiring of sealable cutouts with MS. Sheet cover of not less than 0.9 mm (20 SWG) thick, painted with grey enameled paint both inside and outside on the meter board including porcelain fuse cutouts 600/500 V grade of different capacities conforming to the relevant latest Indian Standard Specifications., Complete as per specification, all lead, lifts, curing and the directions of Engineer in-charge of the site. | Nos | 150.0 | 150.0 | 1020.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 153000.0 | 0 | 2830012 | 91575 | None | code33 | MCB: Supplying and fixing of 16amphs MCB for house., Complete as per specification, all lead, lifts, curing and the directions of Engineer in-charge of the site. | Nos | 210.0 | 210.0 | 1020.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 214200.0 | 0 |