evaluationTypeTextTwo Cover
bidValueTypeTextItem wise
tenderReceiptClose30-05-2024 16:30:00
tenderQueryClose27-05-2024 12:00:00
technicalBidOpen31-05-2024 16:30:00
publishedDate23-05-2024 16:24:40
publishedByUserKPE10627 - HEMARAJA
preBidMeetingDate24-05-2024 11:00:00
titleConstruction of Raitha Samparka Kendra Building & Other Infrastructure in Toranagallu, Under 8443 DMF for the year 2023-24.
descriptionConstruction of Raitha Samparka Kendra Building & Other Infrastructure in Toranagallu, Under 8443 DMF for the year 2023-24.
deptNamePublic Works Department
locationNamePWD Division Office Ballari
17164428630000NoneNoneBuildingsGround Floor3563802.91
3147018108362NoneVolume-3 2.4(ii) bClearing and grubbing road land including uprooting rank vegetation, grass, bushes, shrubs, saplings and trees girth up to 300 mm, removal of stumps of trees cut earlier and disposal of unserviceable materials and stacking of serviceable material to be used or auctioned, including removal and disposal of top organic soil not exceeding 150 mm in thickness.By Manual Means, n area of thorny jungle ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Sqm508.2508.22.08FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse1057.0560
3147019108362NoneVolume-1 1.12Earth work in surface excavation by mechanical means for lowering & leveling the ground for all works other than foundation in all kinds of soils & upto depth not exceeding 300mm as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter including dressing of excavated surfaces, disposing off or levelling the excavated earth or sorting & stacking the selected earth for reuse in a radius of 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m including cost of labour, tools, usage of machinery & other appurtenances required to complete the work. In all kinds of soils upto 300 mm depth ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.6 Mtrs99.7599.7531.2FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse3112.20
3147020108362NoneVol 2. 4.1Providing and injecting chemical emulsion for Pre-constructional Anti-Termite Treatment, creating continuous chemical barrier under and around the column pits, walls, trenches, basement excavation, top surface of the plinth filling, junction of wall and floor, along the external perimeter of building, expansion joints, over the top surface of consolidated earth on which apron is to be laid, surrounding of pipes and conduits with Chlorpyriphos 20% E.C. / Lindane 20% E.C. @ 3.19 l/m2 including cost of chemical, diluting in water to one percent concentration, labour, usage charges of machinery, complete as per specifications. ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Sqm123.9123.9182.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse22549.80
3147021108362NoneVol 1 .1.14.1Earth work excavation for Foundation by mechanical means for all works and depth upto 3 m, as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, including dressing of excavated surfaces, disposing off or levelling the excavated earth or sorting stacking the selected earth for reuse in a radius of 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m including cost of labour, tools, usage of machinery and other appurtenaces required to complete the work In all kinds of soils Depth upto 3 m Note Cost of De watering upto 5 PERCENT of (A plus B) may be added, where required assessment for dewatering shall be made as per site condition In all kinds of soils Depth upto 3 m ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Cum107.1107.1141.97FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse15204.9870
3147022108362None2.1.3Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete for levelling course for all works in foundation. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed, laid in layers not exceeding 150 mm thickness, well compacted using plate vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials of quality, labour, Usage charges of machineries, curing, and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. Mix 1:3:6 (M10) Using 40 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Cum6288.456288.4526.75FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse168216.03750
3147023108362None5.2Providing Coursed rubble masonry (first sort) with hard stone in foundation and plinth with Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Cum6948.96948.97.33FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse50935.4370
3147024108362None5.4Providing Size Stone masonry with hard stone in foundation & plinth with Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Cum6708.456708.4512.01FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse80568.48450
3147025108362None1.9Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations and other similar works etc. in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, consolidating each deposited layer by ramming and watering, lead up to 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m. ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Cum279.3279.376.92FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse21483.7560
3147026108362None1.8Construction of Embankment by excavating the available approved Gravel/Murrum deposited at a place or borrow pits during or prior excavation with all lifts and lead, transportation to site, spreading, grading to required slope and compacting to meet the requirement complete as per specifications, including cost of labour,rolling,water,all materials,usage& all other appurtenaces required to complete the work ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Cum497.7497.776.33FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse37989.4410
3147027108362None2.2.1Footing:-Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for all Foundation works. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticizers laid in finished layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes, labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications.M20 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Cum6601.356601.3520.56FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse135723.7560
3147028108362NoneAdditionalities for Formwork, Centering & ScaffoldAdditionalities for Formwork, Centering & Scaffolding 8% for footings ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Cum528.11528.1120.56FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse10857.94160
3147029108362None2.2.1Columns-Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for all Foundation works. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticizers laid in finished layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes, labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications.M20 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Cum6601.356601.353.23FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse21322.36050
3147030108362NoneAdditionalities for Formwork, Centering & ScaffoldAdditionalities for Formwork, Centering & Scaffolding 70% for Columns (Revised w.e.f. from 01-09-2022) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Cum4620.954620.953.23FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse14925.66850
3147031108362None2.3.1Plinth Beam-Providing and laying in Cement Concrete for all Basement & surface level works, return walls, retaining walls, sunken floors etc. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticisers, laid in layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, providing weep holes wherever necessary, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials of quality, labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. M20 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Cum6639.156639.1514.57FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse96732.41550
3147032108362NoneAdditionalities for Formwork, Centering & ScaffoldAdditionalities for Formwork, Centering & Scaffolding 50% for Beam ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Cum3319.583319.583.97FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse13178.73260
3147033108362NoneAdditionalities for Formwork, Centering & ScaffoldAdditionalities for Formwork, Centering & Scaffolding 10% for Retaining Wall ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Cum663.92663.9210.6FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse7037.5520
3147034108362None2.5.1Columns Above Plinth-Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for all Super structures of building , Road works, Water works, Irrigation works & super structure works of bridges upto 3.50 m height. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticisers laid in layers, well compacted using needle vibrators. The cost includes all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. M20 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Cum6961.56961.55.97FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse41560.1550
3147035108362NoneAdditionalities for Formwork, Centering & ScaffoldAdditionalities for Formwork, Centering & Scaffolding 70% for Columns ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Cum4873.054873.055.96FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse29043.3780
3147036108362None2.5.1Beam,Lintel & Roof-Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for all Super structures of building , Road works, Water works, Irrigation works & super structure works of bridges upto 3.50 m height. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticisers laid in layers, well compacted using needle vibrators. The cost includes all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Cum6961.56961.537.48FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse260917.020
3147037108362NoneAdditionalities for Formwork, Centering & ScaffoldAdditionalities for Formwork, Centering & Scaffolding 60% for Beam & Lintel ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Cum4176.94176.911.98FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse50039.2620
3147038108362NoneAdditionalities for Formwork, Centering & ScaffoldAdditionalities for Formwork, Centering & Scaffolding 50 % for Roof slab & Staircase ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Cum3480.753480.7525.44FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse88550.280
3147039108362None2.5.1Chejjas-Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for all Super structures of building , Road works, Water works, Irrigation works & super structure works of bridges upto 3.50 m height. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticisers laid in layers, well compacted using needle vibrators. The cost includes all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. M20 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Cum6961.56961.51.64FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse11416.860
3147040108362NoneAdditionalities for Formwork, Centering & ScaffoldAdditionalities for Formwork, Centering & Scaffolding 45% for Chejjas ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Cum3132.683132.681.64FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse5137.59520
3147041108362None2.1.6Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for levelling course for all works in foundation. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed, laid in layers not exceeding 150 mm thickness, well compacted using plate vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials of quality, labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing, and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications.Mix 1:2:4 Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Cum6555.156555.151.38FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse9046.1070
3147042108362NoneAdditionalities for Formwork, Centering & ScaffoldAdditionalities for Formwork, Centering & Scaffolding 60% for Cill (Revised w.e.f. from 01-09-2022) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Cum3933.093933.091.38FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse5427.66420
3147043108362None2.11aSupplying, fitting and placing TMT FE 550 or 550D Steel Reinforcement including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cleaning, straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, laping or welding joints, tying with binding wire or soft annealed steel wire and other ancilary operations complete as per drawing and technical specification.Buildings ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Tonne93929.8593929.857.7FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse723259.8450
3147044108362None6.32Providing and constructing load bearing wall with Solid Concrete blocks of size 400x200x200mm having block density more than 1800kg/m3 and minimum compressive strength of 4.00 N/mm2 conforming to IS 2185 (Part - I) - 2005 and constructed with CM 1:4 as per IS 2572:2005 including cost of all materials, labour, scaffolding and curing, usage charges of machinery etc complete as per specifications ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Sqm1375.51375.5238.85FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse328538.1750
3147045108362None6.34Providing and constructing load bearing wall with Solid Concrete blocks of size 400x100x200mm having block density more than 1800kg/m3 and minimum compressive strength of 4.00 N/mm2 conforming to IS 2185 (Part - I) - 2005 and constructed with CM 1:4 as per IS 2572:2005 including cost of all materials, labour, scaffolding and curing, usage charges of machinery etc complete as per specifications. ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Sqm1159.21159.226.19FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse30359.4480
3147046108362None12.13.1Providing Salwood frames of doors, windows, clerestory windows, ventilators and other frames, wrought, framed or assembled including making plaster groves (excluding cost of cement concrete and side clamps), but including cost of materials, labour, usage charges complete as per specifications. ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Cum103755.75103755.750.67FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse69516.35250
3147047108362None12.51Fixing of door frame in an existing opening including embedding frame in floor and walls after cutting masonry for holdfasts for embedding holdfast in cement concrete 1:3:6 of 20mm and down size granite metal painting two coats of coal tar to sides of frame, making good the damages to walls and floor as required and disposal of the debris with lead upto 50 m. including cost of materials, labour charges, complete as per specifications. ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.No1066.81066.810.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse10668.00
3147048108362None12.57.5Providing and fixing flush door shutter made out of solid core block board type, well seasoned , chemicaly treated hard wood battens and internal frame with minimum 45 mm wide wooden frame alround door shutters covered with cross bonded wooden sheets (core veneer) hot pressed and fastened on both sides of the door useing liquid phenol formaldehyde resin as per IS specifications 2202 (part-I) 1991. from manufacturer complete as per spcification. 35 mm thick one side teak and one side commercial ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Sqm4091.854091.8523.31FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse95381.02350
3147049108362None12.93.2Providing and fixing factory made single extruded WPC (Wood Polymer Composite) solid door/window/Clerestory windows & other Frames/ Chowkhat comprising of virgin PVC polymer of K value 58-60 (Suspension Grade), calcium carbonate and natural fibres (wood powder/rice husk/ wheat husk) and non toxic additives (maximum toxicity index of 12 for 100 g) fabricated with miter joints after applying PVC solvent cement and screwed with full body threaded star headed SS screws having minimum frame density of 850 kg/m3, screw withdrawal strength of 2200 N (Face) & 1100 N (Edge), minimum compressive strength of 58 N/mm2 , modulus of elasticity 900 N/mm2 and resistance to spread of flame of Class A category with property of being termite/borer proof, water/moisture proof and fire retardant and fixed in position with M.S hold fast/lugs/SS dash fasteners of required dia and length complete as per direction of Engineer-InCharge. (Fixtures shall be paid for separately) Size 62 x 125mm ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.m802.2802.210.2FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse8182.440
3147050108362None12.94.2Providing and fixing factory made Green certified, Anti Termite, UV resistant, high water absorbant single extruded WPC (Wood PolymerComposite) solid plain flush door shutter of required size comprising of virgin polymer of K value 58-60 (Suspension Grade), calcium carbonate and natural fibers (wood powder/rice husk/wheat husk) and non toxic additives (maximum toxicity index of 12 for 100 g) having minimum density of 650 kg/m3 and screw withdrawal strength of 1800 N (Face) & 900 N (Edge), minimum compressive strength of 50 N/mm2 , modulus of elasticity 850 N/mm2 and resistance to spread of flame of Class A category with property of being termite/borer proof, water/moisture proof and fire retardant and fixing with stainless steel butt hinges of required size with necessary full body threaded star headed counter sunk S.S screws The cost includes cost of materials, transportation, labour and fixing charges.(Cost of Fixtures to be paid separately) 35 mm thickness ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Sqm4243.054243.053.15FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse13365.60750
3147051108362None12.86Providing & fixing of 2 track x 2-panel sliding windows made out of multi chambered UPVC (Matching to RAL 9016) sections and with minimum TiO2(Titanium Dioxide) at 6PHR with TPE(Thermo Plastic Elastomer) and lead free, gaskets grey colour having isolated drainage and reinforced with Galvanized Iron profile through-out the window frame. The outer frame having an overall size of 50mm width x 42mmheight with reinforcement of 1mm thickness and Sash with overall size of 31mm X 57mm with Gi reinforcement of 1mm for the frame and 1.5 mm for the sash. Coextruded Glazing bead for fixing of glass shall be of size 21.5mm x 9.5 mm. Windows shall be provided with 5mm plain float glass, standard hardware& single point locking system with touch lock. Wall thickness of frame & sash shall be of 1.8 0.2 mm. Maximum possible size 1519mm 1519mm. (The cost is inclusive of all fixtures and separate charges for minor T&P's shall not be made ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Sqm5659.55659.527.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse152806.50
3147052108362None12.85Providing and fixing of louvered ventilator made out of multi chambered UPVC(Matching to RAL-9016) sections and with minimum TiO2(Titanium Dioxide) at 6PHR with TPE(Thermo Plastic Elastomer) and lead free with gaskets grey colour having isolated drainage and reinforced with Galvanized Iron profile through-out the ventilator frame. The frame having overall size of 39mm x 39mm with GI reinforcement of 1mm thickness. Louver clip in Aluminium (powder coated in white) will be used on the frame along with plastic parts for fixing the 4 mm pin head glass. Wall thickness of frame shall be 2mm.Maximum possible size 1000mm x 1000mm.(The cost is inclusive of all fixtures and separate charges for minor T&P's shall not be made) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Sqm6004.956004.958.64FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse51882.7680
3147053108362None11.34AProviding and fixing M.S. grills of required pattern in frames of windows etc. with M.S. flats, square or round bars etc. including priming coat with approved steel primer all complete. Fixed to steel windows by welding ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Kg176.4176.4791.82FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse139677.0480
3147054108362None8.1.2Providing 12 mm cement plaster with cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement: 6 fine sand) including rounding off corners wherever required smooth rendering, providing and removing scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineer-in-charge. ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Sqm253.05253.05499.67FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse126441.49350
3147055108362None8.8Providing 18 mm cement plaster in two coats under layer 12 mm thick cement plaster with cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand) finished with a top layer 6 mm thick cement plaster with cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 fine sand) to brick masonry including rounding off corners wherever required smooth rendering, providing and removing scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineer-in-charge ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Sqm389.55389.55233.91FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse91119.64050
3147056108362None8.2.2Providing 15 mm cement plaster on the rough side of single or half brick wall of mix :1:6 (1 cement: 6 fine sand) including rounding off corners wherever required smooth rendering, providing and removing scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineer-in-charge. ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Sqm292.95292.9519.02FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse5571.9090
3147057108362None8.51Providing and applying white cement based putty of average thickness 1 mm, of approved brand and manufacturer, over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and smooth complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineer in charge ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Sqm105.0105.0645.43FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse67770.150
3147058108362None8.39Wall painting with acrylic emulsion paint of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade :Two coats on new work after thoroughly brooming the surface to remove all dirt, dust, mortar drops and foreign matter including preparing the surface even and sand pape smooth, cost of materials, labour complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineer-in-charge. ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Sqm133.35133.35645.43FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse86068.09050
3147059108362None8.30Finishing walls with Acrylic Smooth exterior paint of required shade:New work (Two coat applied @ 1.67 ltr/10 m² over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 2.20 kg/10 m²) with paint of approved quality to give an even shade, after thoroughly brooming the surface to remove all dirt, dust, mortar drops and foreign matter including preparing the surface even and sand paper smooth, cost of materials, labour complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineer-in-charge. ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Sqm182.7182.7233.91FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse42735.3570
3147060108362None8.34.1Applying priming coat: With ready mixed pink or Grey primer of approved brand and manufacture on wood work (hard and soft wood) including preparing the surface after thorougly cleaning oil, grease, dirt and foreign matter, cost of materials, labour complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineer-in-charge ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Sqm55.6555.6548.38FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse2692.3470
3147061108362None8.33.2Painting wood work with Deluxe Multi Surface Paint of required shade. Two coat applied @ 0.90 ltr/10 m² over an under coat of primer applied @0.75 ltr/10 m² of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade including preparing the surface after thorougly cleaning oil, grease, dirt and foreign matter, sand papering and knotting , cost of materials, labour complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineer-in-charge. ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Sqm144.9144.948.38FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse7010.2620
3147062108362None8.40Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade :Two coats on new work after thoroughly brooming the surface to remove all dirt, dust, mortar drops and foreign matter including preparing the surface even and sand paper smooth, cost of materials, labour complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineer-in-charge. ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Sqm120.75120.7537.71FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse4553.48250
3147063108362None9.30Providing and laying Polished Sadarahalli Grey Granite stone flooring in required design and patterns, in linear as well as curvilinear portions of the building all complete as per the architectural drawings with 20 mm thick stone slab over 20 mm (average) thick base of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) laid and jointed with cement slurry and pointing with white cement slurry admixed with pigment of matching shade including rubbing , curing and polishing etc. all complete as specified and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Sqm2189.252189.2522.41FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse49061.09250
3147064108362None10.2Providing edge moulding to 18mm thick Granite stone counters, vanitiesetc including machine polishing to edge to give high gloss finish etc. complete as per design approved by Engineer-in-charge ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.m344.4344.432.1FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse11055.240
3147065108362None9.17.2Providing and laying Vitrified tiles in different sizes (thickness to be specified by manufacturer), with water absorption less than 0.08 % and conforming to I.S. 15622, of approved make, in all colours & shade, over 12 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand), jointing with grey cement slurry @ 3.3 kg/ m2 including grouting the joint with white cement & matching pigments etc. complete. Size of Tile 600mmx600mm ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Sqm1233.751233.75147.49FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse181965.78750
3147066108362None9.11Providing and laying Ceramic glazed floor tiles of size 300x300 mm(thickness to be specified by the manufacturer), of 1st quality conforming to IS : 15622, of approved make, in all colours, shades, except White, Ivory, Grey, Fume Red Brown, laid on 20 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 Coarse sand), jointing with grey cement slurry @ 3.3 kg/ m2 including pointing the joints with white cement and matching pigments etc., complete. ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Sqm933.45933.4511.08FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse10342.6260
3147067108362None9.38Providing skirting, dadooing, rises of steps with white glazed tiles 6mm thick on 10mm thick cement plaster 1:3 and jointed with white cement slurry over existing rough plaster surface using glazed tiles of approved make and size including cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Sqm1461.61461.619.02FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse27799.6320
3147068108362None11.26.1Providing and fixing hand rail of approved size by welding etc. to steel ladder railing, balcony railing, staircase railing and similar works, including applying priming coat of approved steel primer. M.S. tube including cost of materials, labour, usage charges of machinery complete as per specifications and as per directions of the Engineer-in-Charge. ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Kgs144.9144.933.8FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse4897.620
3147069108362NoneVolume-II Iteam Code-12.62Providing and fixing chromium plated brass handles of 100/125 mm with necessary screws etc. complete ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each248.85248.8520.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse4977.00
3147070108362NoneVolume-II Iteam Code-12.75.4Providing and fixing bright finished brass butt hinges with necessary screws etc. complete ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each147.0147.060.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse8820.00
3147071108362NoneVolume-II Iteam Code-12.63Providing and fixing aluminium tower bolts, ISI marked, anodised (an odic coating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS : 1868 ) transparent or dyed to required colour or shade, with necessary screws etc. complete ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each136.5136.520.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse2730.00
3147072108362NoneVolume-II Iteam Code-12.58Providing and fixing bright finished brass hanging type floor door stopper with necessary screws, etc. complete ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each126.0126.020.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse2520.00
17164428630000NoneNoneBuildingsInfrastructure Works Water supply and sanitary156131.96
3147073108363None1.14.1,vol-1Earth work excavation for Foundation by mechanical means for all works & depth upto 3 m, as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, including dressing of excavated surfaces, disposing off or levelling the excavated earth or sorting & stacking the selected earth for reuse in a radius of 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m including cost of labour, tools, usage of machinery & other appurtenaces required to complete the work In all kinds of soils Depth upto 3 m Note: Cost of De-watering upto 5 % of (A+B) may be added, where required assessment for dewatering shall be made as per site condition ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Cum107.1107.120.11FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse2153.7810
3147074108363None1.10,vol-1Refilling available earth around trenches/pipelines, cables in layers not exceeding 20 cms in depth, compacting each deposited layer by ramming after watering with a lead upto 50 m , and lift upto 1.5 m. Including cost of all labour complete as per specifications ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Cum168.0168.020.11FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse3378.480
3147075108363None13.2.2,vol-2Providing and fixing brass bib cock of approved quality 20 mm nominal bore ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.No320.25320.253.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse960.750
3147076108363None13.21.1,vol-2Providing and fixing in position brass PUSH cock of approved quality 20mm nominal bore including cost of all materials, labour and HOM of equipments with all leads omplete as per specifications. (In Hand Wash) DR ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.No134.4134.42.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse268.80
3147077108363None13.3.2,vol-2Providing and fixing brass stop cock of approved quality : 20mm Dia Nominal Bore ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.No320.25320.252.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse640.50
3147078108363None13.4.3,vol-2Providing and fixing Brass full way valve gate with C.I. wheel of approved quality (screwed end) : 40mm Dia Nominal Bore ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.No737.1737.11.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse737.10
3147079108363None13.5.2,vol-2Providing and fixing ball valve (brass) of approved quality, High or low pressure, with plastic floats complete : 20mm Dia Nominal ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.No329.7329.71.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse329.70
3147080108363None13.6.1.1,vol-2Bore gum metal non-return valve 25mm Dia Nominal Bore (horizontal) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.No651.0651.01.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse651.00
3147081108363None13.32.2,vol-2Providing and fixing chorinated poly veny chloride (CPVC) pipes, having therminal stability for hot & cold water supply including all cPVC plain and brass threaded fittings, i/c fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing. This includes jointing of pipe and fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement & the cost of cutting chases and making good the same including testing of joints complete as per direction of engineer in charge. Concealed work, including cutting chases and making good the walls etc 20mm OD Pipe ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.m397.95397.9520.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse7959.00
3147082108363None13.32.3,vol-2Providing and fixing chorinated poly veny chloride (CPVC) pipes, having therminal stability for hot & cold water supply including all cPVC plain and brass threaded fittings, i/c fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing. This includes jointing of pipe and fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement & the cost of cutting chases and making good the same including testing of joints complete as per direction of engineer in charge. Concealed work, including cutting chases and making good the walls etc 25mm OD Pipe ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.m500.85500.8515.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse7512.750
3147083108363None13.31.3,vol-2Providing and fixing chorinated poly veny chloride (CPVC) pipes, having therminal ability for hot & cold water supply including all cPVC plain and brass threaded fittings, including fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing. This includes jointing of pipe and fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement & testing of joints complete as per direction of engineer in charge. Internal work- exposed on wall 25mm OD Pipe ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.m333.9333.920.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse6678.00
3147084108363None13.31.4,vol-2Providing and fixing chorinated poly veny chloride (CPVC) pipes, having therminal ability for hot & cold water supply including all cPVC plain and brass threaded fittings, including fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing. This includes jointing of pipe and fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement & testing of joints complete as per direction of engineer in charge. Internal work- exposed on wall 32mm OD Pipe ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.m420.0420.015.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse6300.00
3147085108363None17.10.2,vol-2Providing and fixing M.S. clamp of required dia to the top of casing/ housing pipe of tubewell as per IS: 2800 (part I), including necessary bolts & nuts of required size complete. ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.m1956.151956.1513.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse25429.950
3147086108363None13.48,vol-2Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS: 13592 Type A, including jointimg with seal ring conforming to IS: 5382, leaving 10mm gap for termal expansion, (i) single socketed pipes 100mm diameter ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.m305.55305.5528.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse8555.40
3147087108363None9.10.1,vol-5(P-102)Supplying, laying and jointing HDPE pipes of specified grade and conforming to IS 4984-2016 with latest ammendments and conveying to work site including loading and unloading at both destinations and rolling and lowering into trenches, laying true to line and jointing of pipes and specials with electrofusion welding, giving hydraulic test as perrelevant ISS with all lead and lifts including encasing the pipe alround to a depth of not less than 15 cms. with soft gravel or selected earth available from the excation, testing and commissioning. The rate is exclusive of required specials and fittings wherever ecessary like saddle Tee, stub ends, flanged sets, bedns, reducers etc. complete Contractor will make his own arrangements for procuring water for testing) etc.Note: Upto 110mm dia Coil shall be used. 63mm ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.m175.35175.3530.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse5260.50
3147088108363None9.10.4 ,vol-5(P-102)Supplying, laying and jointing HDPE pipes of specified grade and conforming to IS 4984-2016 with latest ammendments and conveying to work site including loading and unloading at both destinations and rolling and lowering into trenches, laying true to line and jointing of pipes and specials with electrofusion welding, giving hydraulic test as perrelevant ISS with all lead and lifts including encasing the pipe alround to a depth of not less than 15 cms. with soft gravel or selected earth available from the excation, testing and commissioning. The rate is exclusive of required specials and fittings wherever ecessary like saddle Tee, stub ends, flanged sets, bedns, reducers etc. complete Contractor will make his own arrangements for procuring water for testing) etc.Note: Upto 110mm dia Coil shall be used. 110mm ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.m432.6432.625.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse10815.00
3147089108363None16.1.2,V-5Supplying, lowering, laying, jointing, testing and commissioning of Glazed Stone Ware Pipes of following dia, conforming to IS 651:1992, IS 4127 with latest amendments, including conveying to work site, caulking with hemp dipped in tar and jointing with CM 1:1.5 using OPC, perfect linking and curing for 10 days and testing with water etc. withall lead, lifts and as per Technical Specifications. The cost to include the cost of all jointing materials, necessary survey works for laying of sewer lines etc. complete. The contractor will make own arrangements for procuring water for testing. ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.m302.4302.430.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse9072.00
3147090108363None16.8,vol-5Constructing brick masonry chamber of internal dimension 600x450mm and depth of 600mm (inner dimensions) with modular bricks of CD 75 in cement mortar 1:6, bed concrete 150mm thick with 1:3:6, plastering 12 mm thick with cement mortar 1:4, CC 1:2:4 coping 75mm thk for fixing CI cover & frame etc. excluding the cost of CI frame and cover. ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each5030.555030.551.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse5030.550
3147091108363None16.9,vol-5Constructing brick masonry inspection chamber 600x600mm, and 450mm depth, ( clear inside dimension ) for single pipeline, using table moulded non-modular bricks of class designation 50 in cement mortar 1:5, C.I cover withframe (light duty) 455x610mm internal dimensions, total weight of cover with frame to be not less than 38 kg ( weight of cover 23kg and weight of frame 15 kg) R.C.C. top slab with cement concrete M 15 with 20mm and downsize granite metal, foundation concrete M 5 with 40mm and downsize granite metal inside plastering 12mm thick with cement mortar 1:3, finish smooth with a floating coat of cement on walls and bed concrete complete as per standard design including cost of materials, labour charges, curing complete as per specifications. Specification No. KBS 600x600mm and 450mm depth ( clear inside dimension ) for single pipeline, using table moulded non-modular bricks of class designation 50 in cement mortar 1:5, C.I cover withframe (light duty) 600x600mm ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each5726.75726.71.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse5726.70
3147092108363None13.64.2,Vol-2KSRB 12-7.1 : Making connection of drain or sewer line of size 100 to 230mm external dia with existing manhole including breaking into and making good the walls, floors with cement concrete M 15 with 20mm and downsize granite metal, cement plastered on both sides of mix 1:3, finished with a floating coat of neat cement, and making necessary channels for the drain, including cost of materials, labour charges, curing complete as per specifications. Specification No. KBS ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each404.25404.251.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse404.250
3147093108363None14.7.1,vol-2Providing and fixing white vitreous china wash basin including making all connections but including the cost of fittings :Flat back wash basin of size 630x450 mm ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each3236.13236.12.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse6472.20
3147094108363None13.59,Vol-2Providing and fixing CI Nahani trap of approved make conforming to ISI specifications and construction of Cistern in M-15 as per directions (Rate is inclusive of cost of materials and fixtures and conveyance of materials to work spot). - -do- 10cms x 7.5cms ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each231.0231.03.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse693.00
3147095108363None13.34,Vol-2Providing and placing on terrace(at all floor levels) polyethylene water storage tank, IS: 12701 marked, with cover and suitable locking arrangement and making necessary holes for inlet, outlet and overflow pipes but without fittings and the base support for tank ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.l9.459.451000.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse9450.00
3147096108363None14.1.1,vol-2Providing and fixing water closet squatting pan (Indian type W.C. pan ) with 100 mm sand cast Iron P or S trap, 10 litre low level white P.V.C. flushing cistern, including flush pipe, with manually controlled device (handle lever) conforming to IS : 7231, with all fittings and fixtures complete, including cutting and making good the walls andfloors wherever required:White Vitreous china Orissa pattern W.C. pan of size 580x440 mm with integral type foot rests ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Pan5128.25128.21.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse5128.20
3147097108363None14.3.1,vol-2Providing and fixing white vitreous china pedestal type water closet (European type) with seat and lid, 10 litre low level white vitreous china flushing cistern & C.P. flush bend with fittings & C.I. brackets, 40 mm flush bend, overflow arrangement with specials of andard make and mosquito proof coupling of approved municipal design complete,including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the walls and floors wherever required :W.C. pan with ISI marked white solid plastic seat and lid ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Pan6275.856275.851.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse6275.850
3147098108363None13.40.1,V-2Supplying and fixing of 2/1.5 H.P. Monolbock Pump of approved make with all accessories conforming to ISI specification including cost of all materials, labour, with all lead and lift etc. complete as per directions of the Engineer-in-cahrge of the work. - With all lead and lifts etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of the Engineer-In-Charge of the work. XLV item no 3 ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each16390.516390.51.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse16390.50
3147099108363NoneIC: 11Providing and fixing in position / brass / gun metal easy clean strainer of approved make with stainless steel strainer etc., complete -PVC - Supreme / Prince / Mahesh ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Mtr3858.03858.01.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse3858.00
17164428630000NoneNoneBuildingsInternal Electrical449673.75
3147100108364NoneIC: 1.2.1Concealed Conduit System Supplying heavy gauge PVC conduit pipe 19/20mm dia 2mm thick confirming to IS 2509 with suitable size bends, metal/PVC junction boxes, adhesive paste etc., and running before concreting the slab. The conduit should be tied to the reinforcement rods by using binding wires and unused ways of junction boxes and pipe ends should be covered using PVC end enclosures, run with 18SWG GI fish wire wherever necessary (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-1/It No.1.2.1/Page No. 2 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Mtr66.066.0150.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse9900.00
3147101108364NoneIC: 1.2.2Concealed Conduit System Supplying heavy gauge PVC conduit pipe 19/20mm dia 2mm thick confirming to IS 2509 with suitable size bends, metal/PVC junction boxes, adhesive paste etc., and running before concreting the slab. The conduit should be tied to the reinforcement rods by using binding wires and unused ways of junction boxes and pipe ends should be covered using PVC end enclosures, run with 18SWG GI fish wire wherever necessary 25mm dia 2mm thick (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-1/It No.1.2.2/Page No. 2 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Mtr78.078.090.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse7020.00
3147102108364NoneIC: 1.2.3Concealed Conduit System Supplying heavy gauge PVC conduit pipe 19/20mm dia 2mm thick confirming to IS 2509 with suitable size bends, metal/PVC junction boxes, adhesive paste etc., and running before concreting the slab. The conduit should be tied to the reinforcement rods by using binding wires and unused ways of junction boxes and pipe ends should be covered using PVC end enclosures, run with 18SWG GI fish wire wherever necessary 32mm dia 2.5mm thick (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-1/It No.1.2.3/Page No. 2 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Mtr103.0103.060.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse6180.00
3147103108364NoneIC: 1.7.1Extra for Groove cutting in brick wall/CC floor to the suitable depth for concealing of Conduit/GI pipe and plastering, finishing upto wall surface complete. - upto 50mm conduit in brick wall (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-1/It No.1.7.1/Page No. 3 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Mtr29.029.050.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse1450.00
3147104108364NoneIC: 1.9.2Supplying PVC/GI flexible conduit pipe 25mm dia fixing on surface over inverted tapered wooden plugs or phill plugs or rawl plugs and clamped using heavy gauge saddles at an interval of 300mm using NF screws and on either end of the pipe terminated completely - 25mm (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-1/It No.1.9.2/Page No. 3 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Mtr22.022.010.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse220.00
3147105108364NoneIC: 1.9.3Supplying PVC/GI flexible conduit pipe 25mm dia fixing on surface over inverted tapered wooden plugs or phill plugs or rawl plugs and clamped using heavy gauge saddles at an interval of 300mm using NF screws and on either end of the pipe terminated completely - 32mm (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-1/It No.1.9.3/Page No. 3 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Mtr29.029.015.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse435.00
3147106108364NoneIC: 2.1.1Point wiring using Copper wire with switch. Supplying and wiring adopting loop system in existing PVC Conduit / casing capping using 1100V grade, COPPER conductor flexible multistrand FRLS PVC insulated, 2 Cable confirming to the GTP, with a 6Amps flush type SP control switch shall be fixed on the existing plastic sheet / gang box, the other end of the wires shall be terminated with sufficient loose length in a wood/PVC round block. complete for each outlet..Short point upto 3Mtr from tapping point to out let via switch (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-2/It No.2.1.1/Page No. 5 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Point285.0285.020.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse5700.00
3147107108364NoneIC: 2.1.2Point wiring using Copper wire with switch. Supplying and wiring adopting loop system in existing PVC Conduit / casing capping using 1100V grade, COPPER conductor flexible multistrand FRLS PVC insulated, 2 Cable confirming to the GTP, with a 6Amps flush type SP control switch shall be fixed on the existing plastic sheet / gang box, the other end of the wires shall be terminated with sufficient loose length in a wood/PVC round block. complete for each outlet..Short point upto 3Mtr from tapping point to out let via switch Medium point above 3Mtr upto 6Mtr from tapping point to out let via switch (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-2/It No.2.1.2/Page No. 5 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Point394.0394.018.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse7092.00
3147108108364NoneIC: 2.1.3Point wiring using Copper wire with switch. Supplying and wiring adopting loop system in existing PVC Conduit / casing capping using 1100V grade, COPPER conductor flexible multistrand FRLS PVC insulated, 2 Cable confirming to the GTP, with a 6Amps flush type SP control switch shall be fixed on the existing plastic sheet / gang box, the other end of the wires shall be terminated with sufficient loose length in a wood/PVC round block. complete for each outlet..Short point upto 3Mtr from tapping point to out let via switch Long point above 6Mtr upto 10Mtr from tapping point to out let via switch (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-2/It No.2.1.3/Page No. 5 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Point570.0570.08.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse4560.00
3147109108364NoneIC: 2.3.1Wiring for lighting/power circuit using one of FRLS PVC insulated 1100V grade, multistrand Copper with low conductor resistance single core wire in open or concealed system of wiring with specified IS-694:2010 1 sqmm. CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-2/It No.2.3.1/Page No. 5 of 105 ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Mtr19.019.0270.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse5130.00
3147110108364NoneIC: 2.3.2Wiring for lighting/power circuit using one of FRLS PVC insulated 1100V grade, multistrand Copper with low conductor resistance single core wire in open or concealed system of wiring with specified IS-694:2010 1.5sqmm. (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-2/It No.2.3.2/Page No. 5 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Mtr26.026.0850.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse22100.00
3147111108364NoneIC: 2.3.3Wiring for lighting/power circuit using one of FRLS PVC insulated 1100V grade, multistrand Copper with low conductor resistance single core wire in open or concealed system of wiring with specified IS-694:2010 2.5sqmm. (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-2/It No.2.3.3/Page No. 5 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Mtr42.042.0360.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse15120.00
3147112108364NoneIC: 2.3.4Wiring for lighting/power circuit using one of FRLS PVC insulated 1100V grade, multistrand Copper with low conductor resistance single core wire in open or concealed system of wiring with specified IS-694:2010 4.0sqmm. (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-2/It No.2.3.4/Page No. 5 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Mtr63.063.0150.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse9450.00
3147113108364NoneIC: 3.4.3Supplying and flush mounting powder coated / galvanized metal box suitable for mounting modular switch plates. The box should be firmly flush mounted after due groove cutting in Brick/Stone/C.C wall - 4-5Way (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-3/It No.3.4.3/Page No. 8 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each177.0177.02.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse354.00
3147114108364NoneIC: 3.4.4Supplying and flush mounting powder coated / galvanized metal box suitable for mounting modular switch plates. The box should be firmly flush mounted after due groove cutting in Brick/Stone/C.C wall - 6Way (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-3/It No.3.4.4/Page No. 8 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each220.0220.06.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse1320.00
3147115108364NoneIC: 3.4.5Supplying and flush mounting powder coated / galvanized metal box suitable for mounting modular switch plates. The box should be firmly flush mounted after due groove cutting in Brick/Stone/C.C wall - 8Way (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-3/It No.3.4.5/Page No. 8 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each261.0261.04.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse1044.00
3147116108364NoneIC: 3.4.6Supplying and flush mounting powder coated / galvanized metal box suitable for mounting modular switch plates. The box should be firmly flush mounted after due groove cutting in Brick/Stone/C.C wall - 10-12Way (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-3/It No.3.4.6/Page No. 8 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each319.0319.05.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse1595.00
3147117108364NoneIC: 3.5.3Supplying and fixing superior quality modular switch mounting polycarbonate plate with necessary supporting back plate with required nos. of machine screws, bolts nuts etc., complete on the existing metal/PVC box. 4 Module (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-3/It No.3.5.3/Page No. 8 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each175.0175.02.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse350.00
3147118108364NoneIC: 3.5.4Supplying and fixing superior quality modular switch mounting polycarbonate plate with necessary supporting back plate with required nos. of machine screws, bolts nuts etc., complete on the existing metal/PVC box. 6Module (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-3/It No.3.5.4/Page No. 8 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each234.0234.06.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse1404.00
3147119108364NoneIC: 3.5.5Supplying and fixing superior quality modular switch mounting polycarbonate plate with necessary supporting back plate with required nos. of machine screws, bolts nuts etc., complete on the existing metal/PVC box. 8Module (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-3/It No.3.5.5/Page No. 8 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each284.0284.04.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse1136.00
3147120108364NoneIC: 3.5.6Supplying and fixing superior quality modular switch mounting polycarbonate plate with necessary supporting back plate with required nos. of machine screws, bolts nuts etc., complete on the existing metal/PVC box. 10-12Module (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-3/It No.3.5.6/Page No. 8 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each344.0344.05.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse1720.00
3147121108364NoneIC: 3.6.1Supplying and fixing of modular switch & connected accessories on existing modular switch plate as per IS 3854 and IS 1293 6Amps one way switch. (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-3/It No.3.6.1/Page No. 9 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each102.0102.076.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse7752.00
3147122108364NoneIC: 3.6.3Supplying and fixing of modular switch & connected accessories on existing modular switch plate as per IS 3854 and IS 1293 6Amps 3way socket. (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-3/It No.3.6.3/Page No. 9 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each171.0171.031.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse5301.00
3147123108364NoneIC: 3.6.5Supplying and fixing of modular switch & connected accessories on existing modular switch plate as per IS 3854 and IS 1293 400watts dimmer. (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-3/It No.3.6.5/Page No. 9 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each276.0276.014.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse3864.00
3147124108364NoneIC: 3.6.7Supplying and fixing of modular switch & connected accessories on existing modular switch plate as per IS 3854 and IS 1293 16Amps one way switch. (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-3/It No.3.6.7/Page No. 9 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each180.0180.01.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse180.00
3147125108364NoneIC: 3.6.10Supplying and fixing of modular switch & connected accessories on existing modular switch plate as per IS 3854 and IS 1293 6/16Amps universal socket. (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-3/It No.3.6.10/Page No. 9 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each236.0236.01.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse236.00
3147126108364NoneIC: 3.6.11TV/Telephone socket. (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-3/It No.3.6.11/Page No. 9 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each156.0156.03.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse468.00
3147127108364NoneIC: 3.6.12RJ45/I.O outlet Cat-6 (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-3/It No.3.6.12/Page No. 8 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each337.0337.08.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse2696.00
3147128108364NoneIC: 3.14.5Supplying and fixing/replacing of 6/16/32Amps electrical accessories on existing switch board. 6Amps bakelite ceiling rose (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-3/It No.3.14.5/Page No.10 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.No78.078.014.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse1092.00
3147129108364NoneIC: 3.14.7Supplying and fixing/replacing of 6/16/32Amps electrical accessories on existing switch board. 6Amps Batten holder (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-3/It No.3.14.7/Page No.10 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.No74.074.028.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse2072.00
3147130108364NoneIC: 3.14.13Supplying and fixing/replacing of 6/16/32Amps electrical accessories on existing switch board. 16Amps 3 pin top (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-3/It No.3.14.13/Page No.10 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.No110.0110.01.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse110.00
3147131108364NoneIC: 3.14.1516/6 Amps combined plug and socket with control switch (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-3/It No.3.14.15/Page No.10 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.No218.0218.02.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse436.00
3147132108364NoneIC: 11.3.3Supplying of ......feet - PVC Batten with integrated LED tube.....W with high quality diffuser with Life of 25000 burning hours & 70% lumen maintenance with CRI greater than 80. Power Input: 220-240V @ 50/60Hz & Power factor greater than 0.9 along with CE approved. 2 years Warranty against any manufacturing defect working under standard electrical condition. LED Light fighting 2x 4 - 36 /40 w (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-11/It No.11.3.3/Page No.43 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each1269.01269.020.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse25380.00
3147133108364NoneIC: 12.25.2Supplying of patty fitting, made out of CRCA Sheet metal body with locking type holder completely wired with HF Electronic Ballast, Operating voltage range from 180V to 265V, 50Hz AC power supply excluding Tube. 1 x 4 Tube light fitting. (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-12/It No.12.25.2/Page No.50 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each340.0340.04.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse1360.00
3147134108364NoneIC: 11.11.5Supplying & fixing of retrofit type - LED bulb.......W with OPAL acrylic diffuser comprising of LED source with CCT 6500 degree K, CRIgreater than 70%. efficacy greater than 80 lumen per watt, lifegreater than 25000 burning hours and Compliance to IS 10322/IEC 60598, LM 79 & LM 80. The LED are driven by HF electronic driver integrated in the system, with PF greater than 0.95, power loss should Lesser than 5% of lamp wattage., short circuit & open circuit protection to be integrated in the circuit, THD less than 20%, Life as per LM 79. The operating input voltage should be between 130 to 275 volts. BIS Approved and Tested by NABL/CPRI accredited laboratory with 2 years Warranty against any manufacturing defect working under standard electrical condition 12W, 6500K (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-11/It No.11.11.5/Page No.47 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each269.0269.02.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse538.00
3147135108364NoneIC: 13.7.1Fixing all types and all capacities of fluorescent / false ceiling / spot light / CFL / LED fittings indoor on the wall / ceiling / rafters / girders using 23/0.0076” twin twisted PVC insulated wires, required Nos of round blocks and clamps. On wall / ceiling / Rafter / Girders (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-13/It No.13.7.1/Page No.56 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each122.0122.020.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse2440.00
3147136108364NoneIC: 6.3.1Supplying capacitor type ceiling fan complete with down rod blades, shackle, canopies etc., for operation on 230 volts, 50 cycles. Single phase AC supply conforming to ISS-374- 1979 and with double ball bearing system. 48 Sweep (1200mm) Regular model (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-6/It No.6.3.1/Page No.30 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each2984.02984.014.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse41776.00
3147137108364NoneIC: 13.10Fixing a ceiling / Wall mounting fan of all capacities and all types to the existing S hook with fan regulator to the existing board together with supplying and fixing 5 amps. ceiling rose, necessary length of 23 / 0.0076 inch PVC insulated twin twisted copper wire and wiring. (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-13/It No.13.10/Page No.57 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each171.0171.014.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse2394.00
3147138108364NoneIC: 6.2.1Supplying of 1440rpm heavy duty exhaust fan with bracket blades suitable to operate on 230V 50Hz, AC Supply complete. 12 Sweep (300mm) (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-6/It No.6.2.1/Page No.30 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each2969.02969.02.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse5938.00
3147139108364NoneIC: 13.14Fixing one exhaust fan in the nitch already left in the wall with bolts and nuts and 5 amps. ceiling rose with sufficient length of 23 / 0.0076 inch PVC insulated twin core wire. (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-13/It No.13.14/Page No.57 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each492.0492.02.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse984.00
3147140108364NoneIC: 8.1Supplying and drawing UTP-CAT 6E LAN cable. (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-8/It No.8.1/Page No.36 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Mtr38.038.090.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse3420.00
3147141108364NoneIC: 8.9.2Supplying fixing of Network Switches 24 Port Gigabyte (manageable) (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-8/It No.8.9.2/Page No.36 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each41450.041450.01.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse41450.00
3147142108364NoneIC: 8.9.5Supplying fixing of Network Switches 24 port 10/100 Switch (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-8/It No.8.9.5/Page No.36 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each4700.04700.01.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse4700.00
3147143108364NoneIC: 8.10.2Supplying & fixing of I/O socket with back box Double I/o (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-8/It No.8.10.2/Page No.37 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each550.0550.04.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse2200.00
3147144108364NoneIC: 8.12.2Supplying & Fixing of Patch panel for LAN cabling 24 Port 10/100 patch panel (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-8/It No.8.12.2/Page No.37 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each4100.04100.01.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse4100.00
3147145108364NoneIC: 8.11.2Supplying & Fixing of 2Mtrs Cat 6 Patch Cable (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-8/It No.8.11.2/Page No.37 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each257.0257.04.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse1028.00
3147146108364NoneIC: 9.2.4Supplying, erecting, testing & commissioning of OFFLINE UPS system suitable for operation on 230V, 50Hz, A/C supply, with all accessories complete and Excluding batteries and wiring complete 3 KVA OFF LINE UPS (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-9/It No.9.2.4/Page No.38 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each29142.029142.01.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse29142.00
3147147108364NoneIC: 9.5.9Supplying, installation, testing & commissioning of 12V DC,AH batteries in poly propylene container for U.P.S. Sealed maintenance free batteries. 150 AH capacity (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-9/It No.9.5.9/Page No.39 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each15895.015895.03.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse47685.00
3147148108364NoneIC: 2.3.7Wiring for lighting/power circuit using one of FRLS PVC insulated 1100V grade, multistrand Copper with low conductor resistance single core wire in open or concealed system of wiring with specified IS-694:2010 16sqmm. (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-2/It No.2.3.7/Page No. 6 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Mtr318.0318.01.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse318.00
3147149108364NoneIC: 5.41.1Supplying and fixing angle iron frame work fabricated out of M.S. angle iron.. and M.S. flat … with bolts, washers etc., and painted with 2 coats of red oxide and then two coats of approved paint. 40x40x6mm (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-5/It No.5.41.1/Page No.20 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Mtr305.0305.06.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse1830.00
3147150108364NoneIC: 5.19.9Supplying and fixing regular MCB distribution boards on wall / wood board / flush mounting using required clamps, bolts, nuts etc., with provision for fixing suitable type capacity MCB's single phase / 3 phase / single door with powder coated painting. Made out of 14 SWG MS enclosure. II-Double Door 12Way SP &N (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-5/It No.5.19.9/Page No.18 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each2329.02329.01.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse2329.00
3147151108364NoneIC: 5.18.1Supplying and fixing miniature circuit breakers on existing MCB distribution boards using necessary fixing materials and 'C' Type curve, indicator ON/OFF, energy cross-3 with Short circuit breaking capacity of 10K and complete wiring as required confirming to IEC 60898. 6-32Amps SP (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-5/It No.5.18.1/Page No.17 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each415.0415.08.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse3320.00
3147152108364NoneIC: 5.18.9Supplying and fixing miniature circuit breakers on existing MCB distribution boards using necessary fixing materials and 'C' Type curve, indicator ON/OFF, energy cross-3 with Short circuit breaking capacity of 10K and complete wiring as required confirming to IEC 60898. 50-63Amps TPN (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-5/It No.5.18.9/Page No.18 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each3088.03088.01.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse3088.00
3147153108364NoneIC: 5.42.2Fabricating supplying and mounting MS box made out 16SWG suitable for floor / wall mounting, fully weather proof with provision for better heat dissipation, provided with hinged front cover, equipped with tamper proof locking arrangements, with suitable size clamps with necessary cable entry pipe with gland and box should be finished with 2 coats of red oxide primer paint and finally finished with approved colour enameled metal paint etc., complete. (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-5/It No.5.42.2/Page No.20 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Sq CM0.430.4328000.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse12040.00
3147154108364NoneIC: 5.15.9Supplying and fixing Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) over the existing wood/panel board using necessary screws, bolts, nuts and wiring complete. Protection of Overload and Short circuit with thermal Magnetic/Micro processor release and Earth Fault as per IS-13947. ( Icu = Ics) FOUR POLE 100Amps 25kA. (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-5/It No.5.15.9/Page No.17 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each8487.08487.01.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse8487.00
3147155108364NoneIC: 5.29Supplying, fixing and wiring 3 Phase Digital Ammeter /Voltmeter. (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-5/It No.5.29/Page No.19 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each1425.01425.01.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse1425.00
3147156108364NoneIC: 5.35Supplying, fixing and wiring electronic 10 to 40 Amps three phase 4 wire class-1 Accuracy Energy Meter. (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-5/It No.5.35/Page No.19 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each5705.05705.01.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse5705.00
3147157108364NoneIC: 5.38Supplying and fixing of LED type panel board indicating lamp with required colour suitable for 220v A.C. 50 Hz 12/24v D.C. (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-5/It No.5.38/Page No.19 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each515.0515.03.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse1545.00
3147158108364NoneIC: 5.40.1Supplying 100Amps 4x30x6mm Aluminum Strips rated 3phase with neutral bus bar using required capacity electrolytic aluminum strips covered with heat shrinkable coloured PVC sleeve, mounted on phenolic/FRP/DMC insulator which are mounted on powder coated 40x6mm M.S.flat frame work in existing panel board. The bus bar shall have suitable holes for termination of incoming and outgoing cables as per IS specification with necessary bolts, nuts and washers etc., complete. (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-5/It No.5.40.1/Page No.20 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Mtr2465.02465.01.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse2465.00
3147159108364NoneIC: 5.33Supplying of multi function digital meter with three line back light LCD type display for voltage, Current, frequency, Power, power factor, KVA, KWH,KVAR suitable for 3 phase, 4 wire LT network with IP 54 degree of protection and completely wired as required with communication Port and Class 0.5s accuracy. (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-5/It No.5.33/Page No.19 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each9315.09315.01.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse9315.00
3147160108364NoneIC: 5.7.3Supplying & fixing of Porcelain fuse channel with cut out on existing wooden/panel using necessary nuts, bolts and washers. 63Amps (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-5/It No.5.7.3/Page No.14 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each401.0401.04.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse1604.00
3147161108364NoneIC: 5.6.5Supply and fixing polished wood board made of not less than 15mm thick plank on both sides of not more than 2 pieces and fixing the same to the wall using tapered inverted wooden plugs screws. 15x12x2 (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-5/It No.5.6.5/Page No.14 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each201.0201.01.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse201.00
3147162108364NoneIC: 5.21Supplying, fixing and wiring earth leakage relay with core balanced current transformer suitable for single phase 50 Hz AC with latest microcontroller based, digital readout of percentage leakage current, programmable delay/auto/manual reset facility suitable to mount on DIN rail/ flush mounting on panel board. (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-5/It No.5.21/Page No.18 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each9255.09255.01.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse9255.00
3147163108364NoneIC: 2.56Supplying, fixing, wiring, earth electrode for grounding conduits, I.C. cutouts and other equipments on the meter board using 40mm dia 2.90mm thick GI pipe 2.5 mtr long buried in a pit … The pit should be filled with equal proportion of salt and charcoal 150mm all-round the pipe to complete depth. The connection from the pipe to the conduit etc., is to be established through GI wire of size as per ISI specification 7.3.3. of IS 732 using 12mm dia bolts, nuts, washers and check nuts etc., the pipe shall have 16 through holes of 12 mm dia (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-12/It No.12.56/Page No.54 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.No3510.03510.02.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse7020.00
3147164108364NoneIC: 32.071.1 kV, XLPE or Heat resistant PVC insulated, PVC exutruted Inner Seath Armoured LTUG Cable as per IS-1554 (Part 1) or IS-7098 Part-1, Armouring strip thickness and resistivity as per IS-3975 25 Sqmm, 3.5 Core, (12 GI Strips - 4 x 0.8 mm) (Escom's 2023-24/Part-III/Sl.No.203/Item.No.32.07/Code No.287058/Pg No.13/81) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Km139549.0139549.00.05FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse6977.450
3147165108364NoneIC: 21.05Laying of cable in Existing Trench/GI pipe/Stone Ware/RCC Hume pipe using Wooden/Aluminum Rollers as directed by the departmental staff 2.5 to 25 Sqmm (Escoms 2023-24/Part-III/Item.No.21.05/Pg No.52/81) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Km20886.020886.00.05FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse1044.30
3147166108364NoneIC: 29.03Earth work excavation for cable trench of 0.5 to 0.75 Mtr. Width and Depth (Bescom 2022-23/Part-IV/Sl.No.202/Item.No.29.03/Page No.08/14) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Cum389.0389.020.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse7780.00
3147167108364NoneIC: 29.07Refilling the cable trenches with selected available earth from trench excavation including watering, consolidation in layers of 15 cm. Thickness including depositing of the surplus earth with a lead of 200 Mtr (Bescom 2022-23/Part-IV/Sl.No.206/Item.No.29.07/Page No.08/14) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Cum58.058.020.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse1160.00
3147168108364NoneIC: 12.58.2GI/Copper strips for grounding connections, using necessary fixing materials as required. 25X3mm GI Strip (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-12/It No.12.58.2/Page No.54 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Mtr82.082.015.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse1230.00
3147169108364NoneIC: 7.20.2Supply and laying double walled corrugated (DWC) HDPE Pipe including all necessary connecting Sockets/Couplings/Tees/ Bends / End-caps of same materials in existing trench as per IS 14930 part -II suitable for drawing underground cables. 50mm OD / 38mm ID (DSR 2014-15, Page No-63 , It No- 7.20.2) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Mtr151.0151.045.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse6795.00
3147170108364NoneIC: 12.2.3Supplying and fixing one of 230 volts Ding dong bell and a flush type bell push with gang box fixed on necessary wooden or rawl plugs using NF screws with Remote. (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-12/It No.12.2.3/Page No.48 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each1190.01190.02.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse2380.00
3147171108364NoneIC: 11.8.4Supply of LED Streetlight luminaire with pressure die cast aluminium housing body for optimal thermal dissipation. Lamp compartment comprising of anti glare clear diffuser with Injection moulded polycarbonate material, delivering superior light output. Rated life Burning Hrs 50000 hr @ Lumen Maintenance of 70%, maximum light intensity should be between 60 degrees to 70 degrees. CCT greater than 5500K, IP66 optical and electrical compartment & impact resistance of complete luminaire greater than IK08. Power Factor greater than 0.9 with mains, Surge Protection- Min 5KV along with Over voltage/Overload, short circuit/ miss-wiring protection. Compatible for pole mouting with outer dia of 40mm to 50mm. Universal Voltage driver to operate wide voltage range from 100V to 270V 50/60Hz application. Compliance to IS 10322/IEC60598, LM 79 & LM 80 Adherence with RoHS. UL approved MCPCB. Top access street light with single screw to ensure ease of maintenance at the sight site location with minimized minimal tools. LED Light fixture with ........W System Power consumption. LED Efficiencygreater than 130lm/w, nominal CRI greater than 75. Luminaire manufacturer should have in-house facility accredited by NABL/CPRI & any Government certified agency & Design & Development facility certified by ISO 9001:2008 . LED Streetlight 90watts (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-11/It No.11.8.4/Page No.46 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each8860.08860.01.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse8860.00
3147172108364NoneIC: 13.2.3Supplying and Fixing 40mm dia class A GI pipe bracket up to 2.7 meters long terminated with a reducing collar of 40x25mm to which extra pipe of 175mm length is fixed for fixing MV/SV/MH/FTL street light fitting of all capacities on rail/RCC/wall/tubular pole, using suitable clamps, bolts, nuts and wiring using suitable capacity wires. Using 40mm dia G.I.Pipe (CSR 2023-24/PWD/Elec/Vol-6/Chapter-13/It No.13.2.3/Page No.56 of 105) ---- with all lead, lifts, loading, un-loading charges, including cost of all materials, cost of labour, HoM all Machineries, transportation of all materials and machineries to site of work, labour, incidental and equipment charges, etc., complete as per specification and as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for finished item of work.Each1478.01478.01.0FalseNoneNoneFalseNoneFalse1478.00
17164428650000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYTenders from Joint ventures are not acceptable.None
17164428650000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYBidders shall not be under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt and fraudulent practices issued by Government of Karnataka None
17164428650000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYBidders shall ensure upload of relevant document certifying his/her status as Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe/other reserved category as prescribed in the tender document.None
17164428650000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYIt shall be the responsibility of the Bidder to ensure credit of Tender Processing Fee and EMD into the respective receiving bank accounts of e-Procurement on or before the last date and time of bid submission.None
17164428650000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYEMD Payments through e-Payment mode shall be made as one single transaction and payments made in part are liable for rejection.None
17164433060000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYBidders shall not be under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt and fraudulent practices issued by any State Government / Government of India /Union Territory.None
17164433140000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYIt shall be the responsibility of the Bidder to ensure credit of Tender Processing Fee and EMD into the respective receiving bank accounts of KP Procurement Portal on or before the last date and time of bid submission.None
17164433370000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYThe bidder is required to ensure browser compatibility of the computer well in advance to the last date and time for receipt of tenders. The departments shall not be responsible for non-accessibility of kp-Procurement portal due to internet connectivity issues and technical glitches at bidders end.None
17164433520000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYEMD Payments through e-Payment mode shall be made as one single transaction and payments made in part are liable for rejection.None
17164433600000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYBidder shall pay Contract Management Module processing fees of 0.025% of the contact value (Min Rs.500/- & Max Rs.7500/-) soon after contract has been issued to bidder.None
17164433690000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYBidders shall not be under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt and fraudulent practices issued by Government of Karnataka.None
17164433770000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYAs per Karnataka State Government order No.LD/300/LET/2006 Bangalore Dated 01.01.2007 and Government Letter No.PW/134/BMS/2007 Dated 27-07-2007, a sum amounting to 1%of the bill amount will be deducted towards Construction Labour Welfare fund.None
17164433860000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYThe Item Rate quoted shall include the Royalty Charges on construction materials and other taxes as per prevailing Government Orders.None
17164433940000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYConditional tenders will not be accepted.None
17164434040000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYThe Tenderer shall obtain the required work done certificates from the Competent Authority not below the rank of Executive Engineer or equivalent.None
17164434140000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYFinancial Year will be reckoned as the period between first day of April and Thirty first day of March of succeeding year (both days inclusive).None
17164434230000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYThe Tenderer shall scan Original Ownership Documents/ Lease/ Hire commitment Agreement for the Machineries and attach the scanned file to the Bid. The Original Documents shall be produced at the time of opening of technical Bids for physical verification.None
17164434330000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYThe Employer reserves the right to reject any or all Tenders without assigning any reason or what so ever.None
17164434420000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYThe tenderer shall maintain the Road/Building during the defect liability period.None
17164434510000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYThe Department is not responsible for any delay in accessing KP-procurement portal.None
17164434590000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYFinancial turnover of previous years shall be given a weightage of 10% per year to bring them to the price level of the 2024-25. And Value at 2024-25 price level, of existing commitments and on-going works to be executed during the next 12 months (Financial commitment of previous years shall be given a weightage of 10% per year to bring them to the price level of the 2024-25) in the Technical Qualification Criteria mentioned in the next section.None
17164434690000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYTenderer shall note that the Tenders of those found Eligible as mentioned in Clause 3 - Qualification of the Tenderer in Section 2: Instructions to Tenderers (ITT), will only be considered for evaluation.None
17164434770000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYThe star rates in respect of specified materials (Cement, Steel and Bitumen) shall be payable as per GO No: FD/3/PCL/2008 Bangalore Dated 21.11.2008.None
17164434850000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYThe tenderer shall furnish required information in all formats. Scan and upload all Formats/Original documents required for this bid to the kp-procurement portal. The Original Formats/Documents shall be produced at the time of opening of Technical Bid for physical verification.None
17164434930000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYThe proposed methodology and program of construction, backed with equipment planning and deployment, duly supported with broad calculations and quality control procedures proposed to be adopted, justifying their capability of execution and completion of the work as per technical specifications within the stipulated period of completion.None
17164435030000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYThe time stipulated for completion of work is 6 (Six) calendar months including rainy season.None
17164435130000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYThe defect liability period for the work is 12 (Twelve) calendar months.None
17164435210000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYThe Agency shall comply with ISO14001 (Environmental Management System) requirement during execution of work.None
17164435340000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYInformation on Existing commitments and on going works which are yet to be completed.None
17164435420000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYInformation of the works for which Tender acceptance letters are received.None
17164435500000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYInformation of the works for which Tenderer has submitted Tender.None
17164436500000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYInformation on litigation in which the Tenderer is involved.None
17164436610000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYAt the time of opening of Financial Bids, the Bidders shall furnish all the documents uploaded in original to this office for verification.None
17164436710000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYThe tenderer shall submit an affidavit stating that he has not involved in litigation with Government, also he shall state that, amount of existing / on going works and amount of works awarded to him and yet to be commenced.None
17164436800000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYThe tenderers shall note that as per the Government Order No.FD/850/EXP-12/15 dated 29-12-2015 and GO No.FD/130/EXP-12/15 dated 8-9-2015, the exemption from payment of EMD for Micro and small enterprises registered with NSIC under single point vendor registration scheme is applicable only for supply of goods but not for works.None
17164436910000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYContractor should follow strictly the prevailing rules of labour act and applicable any other law as concerned to work.None
17164437000000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYIf undue delay caused by the contractor, the progressive damages caused to road will be assessed and make good at the cost and risk of the contractor. In addition, suitable action will be initiated against the contractor for the damages occurred during the undue delay period in accordance with the Karnataka Highway Act, 1964.None
17164437080000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYAll safety precautions, warning signs, night illumination, reflectors, deployment of security guards has to be ensured so that no untoward incident happens on account of negligence or any project activity till completion. Contractor should indemnify the client to that extent.None
17164437170000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYContractor should establish a fully functional laboratory at site at their own cost and risk in order to carry out all the required tests for the materials and work being used in the project for satisfactory completion.None
17164437260000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYThe tenderer is required to ensure browser compatibility of the computer well in advance to the last date and time for receipt of tenders. The departments shall not be responsible for non-accessibility of KP Procurement portal due to internet connectivity issues and technical glitches.None
17164437340000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYThe tenderer shall note that, the increase in GST shall not be paid in the extended period of contract for which the contractor alone is responsible for delay as determined by the authority while granting the extension of time.None
17164437480000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYThe tenderer shall note that, the GST at 18% shall be paid to the tendered amount separately.None
17164437580000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYThe tenderers shall note that, as per The Karnataka Minor Mineral Concession Rules-1964, it is mandatory to submit the Mineral dispatch Permits (MDPs) issued by a competent authority, along with the bills. If not, penalty will be levied as per the prevailing clauses.None
17164437670000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYIt is mandatory for the contractor to upload the work done certificate issued by an officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer duly indicating the work indent numbers for works costing more than Rs.5.00 lakhsNone
17164437780000NoneNoneELIGIBILITYThe tenderer shall upload Physical and financial Implementation calendar format before last date of tender receipt in the kpp portal.None
NoneNoneNoneNoneMinimum financial turnover (civil engineering construction works) not less than two times the annual payments from this contract (Rs. xxxxx Lakhs)NoneNone
NoneNoneNoneNoneSatisfactoriy completed (atleast 90%) as prime contractor at-least one such similar work of value not less than Rs. xxxxxxx (80% of estimated cost of tender)NoneNone
NoneNoneNoneNoneTenderer or his identified Sub Contractor should possess valid Electrical License for executing building electrificatio works and should have executed similar electrical works totallng Rs. xxxxxx (not less than 50% of electrical works) n any one yearNoneNone
NoneNoneNoneNoneTenderer or his identified Sub Contractor should possess valid license for executing water supply / sanitary engineering works and should have executed similar works totallng Rs. xxxxxx (not less than 50% of electrical works) n any one yearNoneNone
NoneNoneNoneNoneTotal value of civl engineering works executed and payments received in the last five years (year-wise)NoneNone
NoneNoneNoneNoneList of existing commitments and ongoing worksNoneNone
NoneNoneNoneNoneList of works for which tenders already submittedNoneNone
NoneNoneNoneNoneBanker Details for referenceNoneNone
NoneNoneNoneNoneConstruction equipment owned by the tenderer and equipment proposed to be deployed on this contract, if awardedNoneNone
NoneNoneNoneNoneReports on the financial standing of the tenderer, such as profit and loss statements and auditor’s reports for the last five yearsNoneNone
NoneNoneNoneNoneQualification and experience of the key technical and management personnel in permanent employment with the tenderer and those that are proposed to be deployed on this contract, if awardedNoneNone
NoneNoneNoneNoneProposals for subcontracting components of works amounting to more than 20% of the contract price (for each, the qualifications and experience of the identified sub-contractor in the relevant fields should be attached)NoneNone
NoneNoneNoneNoneContractor PWD registration certificatePast ExperienceNone
NoneNoneNoneNonePWD Registration Certificate (Class I/II/III/IV)
NoneNoneNoneNoneTo qualify for award of this contract, each Tenderer in his name should have in the last five years i.e., 2019-20, 2020-21,2021-22, 2022-23 and 2023-24 (a) achieved in at least two financial years an annual financial turnover (in all classes of civil engineering construction works only) of Rs.42.00 Lakhs.Past ExperienceNone
NoneNoneNoneNoneAudited CA Certificate of Annual Turnover
NoneNoneNoneNoneTo qualify for award of this contract, each Tenderer in his name should have in the last five years i.e., 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23 and 2023-24, (b) satisfactorily completed as prime contractor, at least one similar work such as CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDING WORKS of value not less than Rs.21.00 Lakhs.Past ExperienceNone
NoneNoneNoneNoneWork Done Certificate
KPWD Contractor Registration CertificateTrueTechnical Bid
Annual Turnover Certificate for the last five years duly attested by the Notary or Government Gazetted Officer Submit the Originals at the time of Opening of the Financial BidTrueTechnical Bid
Existing CommitmentsTrueTechnical Bid
Similar Nature work i.e CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDING WORKS Done Certificate as Prime Certificate from competent authority not below the rank of Executive Engineer or equivalent duly attested by the Notary or Government Gazetted Officer Submit the Originals at the time of Opening of the Financial Bid.TrueTechnical Bid
Physical and financial Implementation calendar formatTrueTechnical Bid
blockNumberOffice of the Executive Engineer, PWD, Division, Ballari