createdTs | None |
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tenderFee | 5000.00 |
emd | 25000.00 |
bidValueType | LUMPSUM |
bidValueTypeText | Lumpsum |
techWeightage | 80 |
tenderReceiptClose | 29-06-2024 16:00:00 |
tenderQueryClose | 24-06-2024 16:00:00 |
technicalBidOpen | 02-07-2024 16:00:00 |
publishedDate | 20-06-2024 17:14:55 |
publishedByPost | KHB_EE2_CO_BNG |
publishedByUser | KPE11678 - LOKESHBABU C G |
bidValidityPeriod | 180 |
noOfCalls | 2 |
preBidMeetingDate | 25-06-2024 11:00:00 |
preBidMeetingYn | True |
preQualificationBidOpen | 01-07-2024 16:00:00 |
retenderedYn | True |
contactPerson | Lokesh Babu C G |
splitEmdRequiredYn | False |
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isMultipleSupplierSelectionAllowed | None |
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isTechWeightageAllowed | None |
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qcbsTenderYn | True |
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modifiedDate | None |
tenderNumber | KHB/2024-25/SE0117/CALL-2 |
title | Construction of additional classroom/Lab/Library/Auditorium/Staff Room/Other Rooms/Development works for Govt. First Grade College in 1)Somwarpete 2) Virajpete 3) Kushalanagara, in Madkeri District under state fund 2023-24. |
description | Construction of additional classroom/Lab/Library/Auditorium/Staff Room/Other Rooms/Development works for Govt. First Grade College in 1)Somwarpete 2) Virajpete 3) Kushalanagara, in Madkeri District under state fund 2023-24. |
category | SERVICES |
categoryText | Services |
ecv | 30000000.00 |
deptName | Karnataka Housing Board |
fileName | 51/2024-25 |
status | PUBLISHED |
statusText | Published |
remarks | None |
ecvtenderYn | False |
location | 5488 |
locationName | KHB Central Office Bengaluru |
procEntityTypeText | None |
tenderGroups | createdTs | version | createdDate | modifiedDate | groupName | itemList | itemSize |
1718877626763 | 0 | None | None | Default | createdTs | version | createdDate | modifiedDate | itemCode | itemName | valueOfService | extendOfContract | quantity | specifications | biddingUnit | estimateUnitRate | estimateItemPrice | denominationType | itemEmd |
1718877627000 | 0 | None | None | AEF-117 | Appointment of Architectural and Engineering Firms (AE Firms) for Construction of additional classroom, and laboratory to Govt. First Grade College at 1)Somwarpete 2) Virajpete 3) Kushalanagara, at Madkeri District under state fund. | None | 1.0 | 1.0 | KHB SPECIFICATION:As per tender documents | NUMBER | 30000000.0 | 30000000.00 | RUPEES | None |
| 1 |
generalCriterionList | None |
preQualCriterionList | None |
technicalCriterionList | None |
tenderCriterionDocumentList | documentName | optional | documentTypeText |
Annexure A | True | Technical Bid | Annual Turnover Certificate | True | Technical Bid | Certificate of registration of Council of Architecture | True | Technical Bid | Certificate of Registration of the Firm / Company | True | Technical Bid | Company Registration Certificate | False | Technical Bid | Consortium Agreement, if any | True | Technical Bid | FINANCIAL CAPACITY | True | Technical Bid | Small Scale Industries Certificate | False | Technical Bid | Work done certificate | True | Technical Bid |
tenderItemsList | createdTs | version | createdDate | modifiedDate | itemCode | itemName | valueOfService | extendOfContract | quantity | specifications | biddingUnit | estimateUnitRate | estimateItemPrice | denominationType | itemEmd |
1718877627000 | 0 | None | None | AEF-117 | Appointment of Architectural and Engineering Firms (AE Firms) for Construction of additional classroom, and laboratory to Govt. First Grade College at 1)Somwarpete 2) Virajpete 3) Kushalanagara, at Madkeri District under state fund. | None | 1.0 | 1.0 | KHB SPECIFICATION:As per tender documents | NUMBER | 30000000.0 | 30000000.00 | RUPEES | None |
tenderEligibilityCriterionList | createdTs | version | createdDate | modifiedDate | criterionType | description | tenderEligibilityCriterionDocumentList |
1718877626000 | 0 | None | None | ELIGIBILITY | Bidders shall not be under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt and fraudulent practices issued by Government of Karnataka
| None | 1718877626000 | 0 | None | None | ELIGIBILITY | It shall be the responsibility of the Bidder to ensure credit of Tender Processing Fee and EMD into the respective receiving bank accounts of e-Procurement on or before the last date and time of bid submission. | None | 1718877626000 | 0 | None | None | ELIGIBILITY | EMD Payments through e-Payment mode shall be made as one single transaction and payments made in part are liable for rejection. | None | 1718877626000 | 0 | None | None | ELIGIBILITY | Notarized copy of the Valid certificate of registration of Council of Architecture of the Chief Architect to be deployed for the project | None | 1718877626000 | 0 | None | None | ELIGIBILITY | Notarized copy of the Valid certificate of registration of Council of Architecture of the Chief Architect to be deployed for the project | None | 1718877626000 | 0 | None | None | ELIGIBILITY | Consultants who have rendered services for the completed projects towards eligibility as mentioned above in Column No.5(in tender notification) in consortium with other Architectural & Engineering firms should submit the notarized copy of the consortium Agreement | None | 1718877626000 | 0 | None | None | ELIGIBILITY | Only qualified firms in technical presentation will be considered for financial bid opening | None | 1718877626000 | 0 | None | None | ELIGIBILITY | The participating AE firms should produce the original copy of the work done certificate and the registration in the Council of Architecture-New Delhi at the time of technical presentation. | None | 1718877626000 | 0 | None | None | ELIGIBILITY | Selection of the consultants will be Quality and Cost based. | None | 1718877626000 | 0 | None | None | ELIGIBILITY | KHB reserves the right to withdraw or cancel this invitation to BID/Tender without assigning any reason whatsoever. | None | 1718877626000 | 0 | None | None | ELIGIBILITY | The Conditional Applications are liable to be rejected. | None |
tenderTechnicalCriterionList | createdTs | version | createdDate | modifiedDate | description | weight | criterionCategoryText | criterionTypeOthersValue | criterionType | tenderTechnicalCriterionDocumentList |
None | None | None | None | ANNEXURE - A : TEAM OF PROFESSIONALS TO BE DEPLOYED FOR THE PROJECT | 25 | Capabilities of Vendor | None | TECHNICAL_QUALIFICATION | createdTs | version | createdDate | modifiedDate | documentTypeText | documentName |
| None | None | None | None | Composition of the AE Firm and Similar nature of completed works i.e., preparation of plans & estimates of public buildings including services such as plumbing, internal electrification, fire fighting etc., anywhere in India | 10 | Capabilities of Vendor | None | TECHNICAL_QUALIFICATION | createdTs | version | createdDate | modifiedDate | documentTypeText | documentName |
None | None | None | None | None | Work Done Certificate |
| None | None | None | None | Master plan / ZR provisions | 10 | Capabilities of Vendor | None | TECHNICAL_QUALIFICATION | createdTs | version | createdDate | modifiedDate | documentTypeText | documentName |
None | None | None | None | None | Others -- Master plan / ZR provisions |
| None | None | None | None | Overall Building Design Approach | 10 | Capabilities of Vendor | None | TECHNICAL_QUALIFICATION | createdTs | version | createdDate | modifiedDate | documentTypeText | documentName |
None | None | None | None | None | Others -- Overall Building Design Approach |
| None | None | None | None | Study of surrounding developments | 8 | Capabilities of Vendor | None | TECHNICAL_QUALIFICATION | createdTs | version | createdDate | modifiedDate | documentTypeText | documentName |
None | None | None | None | None | Others -- Study of surrounding developments |
| None | None | None | None | Circulation Pattern | 8 | Capabilities of Vendor | None | TECHNICAL_QUALIFICATION | createdTs | version | createdDate | modifiedDate | documentTypeText | documentName |
None | None | None | None | None | Others -- Circulation Pattern |
| None | None | None | None | Building Design and elevation | 8 | Capabilities of Vendor | None | TECHNICAL_QUALIFICATION | createdTs | version | createdDate | modifiedDate | documentTypeText | documentName |
None | None | None | None | None | Others -- Building Design and elevation |
| None | None | None | None | Environment study of storm water and sewage disposal | 8 | Capabilities of Vendor | None | TECHNICAL_QUALIFICATION | createdTs | version | createdDate | modifiedDate | documentTypeText | documentName |
None | None | None | None | None | Others -- Environment study of storm water and sewage disposal |
| None | None | None | None | Financial feasibility study | 8 | Capabilities of Vendor | None | TECHNICAL_QUALIFICATION | createdTs | version | createdDate | modifiedDate | documentTypeText | documentName |
None | None | None | None | None | Others -- Financial feasibility study |
| None | None | None | None | Presentation by the firm | 5 | Capabilities of Vendor | None | TECHNICAL_QUALIFICATION | createdTs | version | createdDate | modifiedDate | documentTypeText | documentName |
None | None | None | None | None | Others -- Presentation by the firm |
tenderPreQualCriterionList | createdTs | version | createdDate | modifiedDate | description | criterionType | criterionCategoryText | criterionTypeOthersValue | tenderPreQualCriterionDocumentList |
1718877626000 | 0 | None | None | Notarized copy of the Work done Certificate for similar nature of completed works such as preparation of plans & estimates of public buildings including services such as plumbing, internal electrification, fire fighting etc., in single entrustment costing not less than 50% of Approx., project cost in the last 5 years anywhere in India. Work done Certificate without project cost and date of completion is liable to be rejected. | PRE_QUALIFICATION | Capabilities of Vendor | None | id | nitId | tenderPreQualCriterionId | documentName | weight | optional |
902 | 24897 | 858 | Work Done Certificate | None | False |
| 1718877626000 | 0 | None | None | Notarized copy of the Valid certificate of registration of Council of Architecture of the Chief Architect to be deployed for the project | PRE_QUALIFICATION | Capabilities of Vendor | None | id | nitId | tenderPreQualCriterionId | documentName | weight | optional |
903 | 24897 | 859 | Others -- Notarized copy of the Valid certificate of registration of Council of Architecture of the Chief Architect to be deployed for the project | None | False |
| 1718877626000 | 0 | None | None | FINANCIAL CAPACITY: Should have in the last five years period achieved during any three consecutive financial years an average annual financial turnover. | PRE_QUALIFICATION | Capabilities of Vendor | None | id | nitId | tenderPreQualCriterionId | documentName | weight | optional |
904 | 24897 | 860 | Audited CA Certificate of Annual Turnover | None | False |
tenderAddress | createdTs | 1718878475708 |
version | 0 |
createdDate | None |
modifiedDate | None |
street | None |
city | Bengaluru |
state | Karnataka |
pin | 560009 |
tenderRecallDTO | None |