tenderSubEstimateList | createdTs | version | createdDate | modifiedDate | workCategoryName | subEstimateName | estimateTotal | itemList |
1721642922000 | 0 | None | None | Buildings | Tavargere Ground Floor Civil | 3603057.42 | id | tenderSubEstimateId | categoryName | itemCode | description | uomName | baseRate | finalRate | quantity | modifyQuantityYn | minQuantity | maxQuantity | buyBackYn | buyBackValue | hideYn | netAmount | taxCount |
3578863 | 130142 | None | Item 1.12 | Ground Floor Earth work in surface excavation by mechanical means for lowering and leveling the ground for all works other than foundation in all kinds of soils and upto depthnot exceeding 300mm as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, removal of stumpsand other deleterious matter including dressing of excavated surfaces, disposingoff or levelling the excavated earth or sorting and stacking the selected earth forreuse in a radius of 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m including cost of labour, tools,usage of machinery and other appurtenances required to complete the work. | ha | 112.1 | 112.1 | 72.58 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 8136.218 | 0 | 3578864 | 130142 | None | Item 1.14.1 | Ground Floor Earth work excavation for Foundation by mechanical means for all works anddepth upto 3 m, as per drawing and technical specifications, including settingout, shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, including dressing ofexcavated surfaces, disposing off or levelling the excavated earth or sortingand stacking the selected earth for reuse in a radius of 50 m and lift upto 1.5m including cost of labour, tools, usage of machinery and other appurtenacesrequired to complete the work In all kinds of soils Depth upto 3 m | Cum | 120.36 | 120.36 | 169.61 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 20414.2596 | 0 | 3578865 | 130142 | None | Item 5.4 | Ground Floor Providing Size Stone masonry with hard stone in foundation and plinth with Cement mortar 16 1 cement 6 coarse sand | Cum | 7539.02 | 7539.02 | 3.8 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 28648.276 | 0 | 3578866 | 130142 | None | Item 2.1.3 | Ground Floor PCC Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for levelling course forall works in foundation. The graniteortraporbasalt crushed graded coarseaggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed, laid inlayers not exceeding 150 mm thickness, well compacted using plate vibrators,including all lead and lifts, cost of all materials of quality, labour, Usage charges ofmachinery, curing, and all the other appurtenances required to complete thework as per technical specifications. Mix 136 M10 Using 40 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates. | Cum | 7067.02 | 7067.02 | 20.5 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 144873.91 | 0 | 3578867 | 130142 | None | Item 2.2.3 | Ground Floor FOOTINGS Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for all Foundation works. The graniteortraporbasalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregatesas per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticizers laid in finishedlayers, well compacted using needle vibrators, including all lead and lifts, costof all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes,labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates. Including 8% for Centering and Shuttering. | Cum | 8074.59 | 8074.59 | 19.4 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 156647.046 | 0 | 3578868 | 130142 | None | Item 2.5.2 | Ground Floor COLUMNS Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for all Super structures of building , Road works, Water works, Irrigation works and super structure worksof bridges upto 3.50 m height. The graniteortraporbasalt crushed graded coarseaggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed withsuper plasticisers laid in layers, well compacted using needle vibrators. Thecost includes all lead and lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to therequirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curingand all other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications.M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates. Including 70% for Centering and Shuttering. | Cum | 13727.06 | 13727.06 | 6.5 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 89225.89 | 0 | 3578869 | 130142 | None | Item 2.5.2 | Ground Floor PLINTH BEAM Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for all Super structures of building , Road works, Water works, Irrigation works and super structure worksof bridges upto 3.50 m height. The graniteortraporbasalt crushed graded coarseaggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed withsuper plasticisers laid in layers, well compacted using needle vibrators. Thecost includes all lead and lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to therequirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curingand all other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technicalspecifications. M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates. Including 50% for Centering and Shuttering. | Cum | 12112.11 | 12112.11 | 6.05 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 73278.2655 | 0 | 3578870 | 130142 | None | Item 2.5.2 | Ground Floor Curtain Wall Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for all Super structures of building , Road works, Water works, Irrigation works and super structure worksof bridges upto 3.50 m height. The graniteortraporbasalt crushed graded coarseaggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed withsuper plasticisers laid in layers, well compacted using needle vibrators. Thecost includes all lead and lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to therequirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curingand all other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technicalspecifications. M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates. Including 70% for Centering and Shuttering. | Cum | 13727.06 | 13727.06 | 8.5 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 116680.01 | 0 | 3578871 | 130142 | None | Item 2.5.2 | Ground Floor LINTEL and ROOF BEAM Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for all Super structures of building , Road works, Water works, Irrigation works and super structure worksof bridges upto 3.50 m height. The graniteortraporbasalt crushed graded coarseaggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed withsuper plasticisers laid in layers, well compacted using needle vibrators. Thecost includes all lead and lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to therequirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curingand all other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technicalspecifications.M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates. Including 60% for Centering and Shuttering. | Cum | 12919.58 | 12919.58 | 9.3 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 120152.094 | 0 | 3578872 | 130142 | None | Item 2.5.2 | Ground Floor RCC SLAB Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for all Super structures of building , Road works, Water works, Irrigation works and super structure worksof bridges upto 3.50 m height. The graniteortraporbasalt crushed graded coarseaggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed withsuper plasticisers laid in layers, well compacted using needle vibrators. Thecost includes all lead and lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to therequirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curingand all other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technicalspecifications.M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates. Including 50% for Centering and Shuttering. | Cum | 12112.11 | 12112.11 | 13.5 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 163513.485 | 0 | 3578873 | 130142 | None | Item 2.5.2 | Ground Floor RCC STAIRCASE Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for all Super structures of building , Road works, Water works, Irrigation works and super structure worksof bridges upto 3.50 m height. The graniteortraporbasalt crushed graded coarseaggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed withsuper plasticisers laid in layers, well compacted using needle vibrators. Thecost includes all lead and lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to therequirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curingand all other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technicalspecifications.M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates. Including 50% for Centering and Shuttering. | Cum | 12112.11 | 12112.11 | 6.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 72672.66 | 0 | 3578874 | 130142 | None | Item 2.5.1 | Ground Floor RCC For Chajja Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for all Super structures ofbuilding , Road works, Water works, Irrigation works and super structure worksof bridges upto 3.50 m height. The graniteortraporbasalt crushed graded coarseaggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed withsuper plasticisers laid in layers, well compacted using needle vibrators. Thecost includes all lead and lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to therequirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curingand all other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technicalspecifications.M20 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates. Including 45% for Centering and Shuttering. | Cum | 11343.93 | 11343.93 | 0.6 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 6806.358 | 0 | 3578875 | 130142 | None | Item 2.5.1 | Ground Floor Septic Tank and Sump Tank Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for all Super structures ofbuilding , Road works, Water works, Irrigation works and super structure worksof bridges upto 3.50 m height. The graniteortraporbasalt crushed graded coarseaggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed withsuper plasticisers laid in layers, well compacted using needle vibrators. Thecost includes all lead and lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to therequirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curingand all other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technicalspecifications.M20 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates. Including 20% for Centering and Shuttering. | Cum | 9388.08 | 9388.08 | 12.38 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 116224.4304 | 0 | 3578876 | 130142 | None | Item 1.9 | Ground Floor Filling available excavated earth excluding rock in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations and other similar works etc. in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, consolidating each deposited layer by ramming and watering, lead up to 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m. | Cum | 313.88 | 313.88 | 110.4 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 34652.352 | 0 | 3578877 | 130142 | None | Item 1.8 | Ground Floor Construction of Embankment by excavating the available approved GravelorMurrum deposited at a place or borrow pits during or prior excavation with all lifts and lead, transportation to site, spreading, grading to required slope and compacting to meet the requirement complete as per specifications, including cost of labour,rolling,water,all materials,usageand all other appurtenaces required to complete the work | Cum | 559.32 | 559.32 | 54.5 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 30482.94 | 0 | 3578878 | 130142 | None | Item 2.1.4 | Ground Floor Cill concrete Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for levelling course forall works in foundation. The graniteortrap orbasalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed, laid inlayers not exceeding 150 mm thickness, well compacted using platevibrators, including all lead and lifts, cost of all materials of quality, labour, Usage charges ofmachinery, curing, and all the other appurtenances required to complete thework as per technical specifications.Mix 136 Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates | Cum | 7336.06 | 7336.06 | 3.21 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 23548.7526 | 0 | 3578879 | 130142 | None | Item 2.11a | Ground Floor Supplying, fitting and placing TMT FE 550 or 550D Steel Reinforcement including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cleaning, traightening, cutting, bending, hooking, lapingorwelding joints, tying with binding wire or soft annealed steel wire and other ancilary operations complete as per drawing and technical specification.Buildings | t | 105559.26 | 105559.26 | 7.954 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 839618.35404 | 0 | 3578880 | 130142 | None | Item 6.32 | Ground Floor Providing and constructing load bearing wall with Solid Concrete blocks of size 400x200x200mm having block density more than 1800kgorm3and minimum compressive strength of 4.00 Normm2 conforming to IS2185 Part to I to 2005 and constructed with CM 14 as per IS 25722005including cost of all materials, labour, scaffolding and curing, usagecharges of machinery etc complete as per specifications. | Sqm | 1545.8 | 1545.8 | 202.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 312251.6 | 0 | 3578881 | 130142 | None | Item 6.34 | Ground Floor Providing and constructing load bearing wall with Solid Concrete blocks of size 400x100x200mm having block density more than 1800kgorm3and minimum compressive strength of 4.00 Normm2 conforming to IS2185 Part to I to 2005 and constructed with CM 14 as per IS 25722005including cost of all materials, labour,scaffolding and curing, usagecharges of machinery etc complete as per specifications. | Sqm | 1302.72 | 1302.72 | 39.5 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 51457.44 | 0 | 3578882 | 130142 | None | Item 12.13.1 | Ground Floor Providing Salwood frames of doors, windows, clerestory windows, ventilators and other frames, wrought, framed or assembled including making plaster groves excluding cost of cement concrete and side clamps, but including cost of materials, labour, usage charges complete as per specifications. | Cum | 116601.7 | 116601.7 | 0.5 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 58300.85 | 0 | 3578883 | 130142 | None | Item 12.51 | Ground Floor Fixing of door frame in an existing opening including embedding frame in floor and walls after cutting masonry for holdfasts for embedding holdfast in cement concrete 136 of 20mm and down size granite metal painting two coats of coal tar to sides of frame, making good the damages to walls and floor as required and disposal of the debris with lead upto 50 m. including cost of materials, labour charges, complete as per specifications. | Nos | 1198.88 | 1198.88 | 7.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 8392.16 | 0 | 3578884 | 130142 | None | Item 10.6 | Ground Floor Providing and fixing expansion hold fasteners on C.C. orR.C.C.orBrick masonry surface backing including drilling necessary holes and the cost of bolt etc complete.Wedge expansion type Fastener with threaded dia 6 mm | Each | 57.82 | 57.82 | 7.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 404.74 | 0 | 3578885 | 130142 | None | Item 12.75.4 | Ground Floor Providing and fixing bright finished brass butt hinges with necessary screws etc. complete 100x70x4 mm ordinary type | Each | 165.2 | 165.2 | 21.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 3469.2 | 0 | 3578886 | 130142 | None | Item 12.57.6 | Ground Floor Providing and fixing flush door shutter made out of solid core block board type, well seasoned , chemicaly treated hard wood battens and internal frame with minimum 45 mm wide wooden frame alround door shutters covered with cross bonded wooden sheets core veneer hot pressed and fastened on both sides of the door useing liquid phenol formaldehyde resin as per IS specifications 2202 parttoI 1991. from manufacturer complete as per spcification.todoto 35 mm thick both side commercial. | Sqm | 3919.96 | 3919.96 | 15.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 58799.4 | 0 | 3578887 | 130142 | None | Item 12.86 | Ground Floor Providing and fixing of 2totrack x 2topanel sliding windows made out of multichambered UPVC Matching to RALto9016 sections and with minimum TiO2Titanium Dioxide at 6PHR with TPEThermo Plastic Elastomer and lead free, gaskets togrey colour having isolated drainage and reinforced with Galvanized Iron profile throughtoout the window frame. The outer frame having an overall size of 50mm width x 42mmheight with reinforcement of 1mm thickness and Sash with overall size of 31mm X 57mm with Gi reinforcement of 1mm for the frame and 1.5 mm for the sash. Coextruded Glazing bead for fixing of glass shall be of size 21.5mm x 9.5 mm. Windows shall be provided with 5mm plain float glass,tandardhardwareand single point locking system with touch lock. Wall thickness of frame and sash shall be of 1.8 to 0.2 mm. Maximum possible size 1519mm x 1519mm. The cost is inclusive of all fixtures and separate charges for minor TandP's shall not be made | Sqm | 6360.2 | 6360.2 | 14.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 89042.8 | 0 | 3578888 | 130142 | None | Item 11.34A | Ground Floor Providing and fixing M.Sgrills of required pattern in frames of windows etc. with M.S. flats, square or round bars etc. including priming coat with approved steel primer all complete. Fixed to steel windows by welding | Kg | 198.24 | 198.24 | 295.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 58480.8 | 0 | 3578889 | 130142 | None | Item 12.54 | Ground Floor SOLID PVC Door Frame Providing and fixing factory made PVC Door frame of size 50x47mm with a wall thickness of 5mm, made out of extruded 5mm rigid PVC foam sheet metered cut at corners and joined 2 No.s of 150mm long brackets of 15x15mm M.S. Square tube, the entire door frame to be reinforced with 19x19mm M.S. Square tube of 19 gauge. The door frame to be fixed to the wall using M.S. Screws of 65or80mm size complete as per manufacturers specification and direction of Engineertointocharge. | m | 375.24 | 375.24 | 10.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 3752.4 | 0 | 3578890 | 130142 | None | Item 12.53 | Ground Floor Solid panel prelam pvc door shutter. Providing and fixing 30mm thick factory made rigid foam Prelam panelled Door Shutters made from M.S. Tube of 19x19mm, 19 guage for styles and 15x15mm for top and bottom rails, covered with heat moulded Prelaminated PVC C Channel of 5mm thick sheet and 30x50mm wide to form styles and 5mm thick and 75mm wide Prelaminated PVC Sheets for top rail, lock rail and bottom rail on either side and 5mm thick 20mm wide cross PVC sheet as gap insert for top rail and bottom rail, Panelling of 5mm thick PVC sheet Prelaminated on either side fitted in the M.S. frame, Sealed to the styles and rails with PVC Designer beading on either side and joined together with solvent cement adhesive etc., complete as per manufacturers specification and direction of Engineertointocharge fixed to frames with 3 nos of 75 mm. Aluminium hinges. with one side prelam | Sqm | 1873.84 | 1873.84 | 3.15 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 5902.596 | 0 | 3578891 | 130142 | None | Item 8.10 | Ground Floor Providing 6 mm cement plaster with cement mortar 13 1 cement 3 fine sand on concrete surface or ceilings including rounding off corners wherever required smooth rendering, providing and removing scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineertointocharge. | Sqm | 248.98 | 248.98 | 86.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 21412.28 | 0 | 3578892 | 130142 | None | Item 8.1.1 | Ground Floor Providing 12 mm cement plaster with cement mortar 14 1 cement 4 fine sand to brick masonry including rounding off corners wherever required smooth rendering, providing and removing scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineertointocharge. | Sqm | 300.9 | 300.9 | 490.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 147441.0 | 0 | 3578893 | 130142 | None | Item 8.1.2 | Ground Floor Providing 12 mm cement plaster with cement mortar 16 1 cement 6 fine sand including rounding off corners wherever required smooth rendering, providing and removing scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineertointo charge. | Sqm | 284.38 | 284.38 | 6.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 1706.28 | 0 | 3578894 | 130142 | None | Item 8.51 | Ground Floor Providing and applying white cement based putty of average thickness 1 mm, of approved brand and manufacturer, over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and smooth complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineer in charge. | Sqm | 118.0 | 118.0 | 517.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 61006.0 | 0 | 3578895 | 130142 | None | Item 8.8 | Ground Floor Providing 18 mm cement plaster in two coats under layer 12 mm thickcement plaster with cement mortar 15 1 cement 5 coarse sand finishedwith a top layer 6 mm thick cement plaster with cement mortar 16 1cement 6fine sand to brick masonry including rounding off cornerswherever required smoothrendering, providing and removing scaffolding,including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per specificationsand as per directions of Engineertointocharge. | Sqm | 437.78 | 437.78 | 270.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 118200.6 | 0 | 3578896 | 130142 | None | Item 8.2.1 | Ground Floor Providing 15 mm cement plaster on the rough side of single or half brick wall of mix 14 1 cement 4 fine sand including rounding off corners wherever required smooth rendering, providing and removing scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineertointocharge. | Sqm | 348.09 | 348.09 | 33.5 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 11661.015 | 0 | 3578897 | 130142 | None | Item 15.7 | Ground Floor Integral Crystalline Water Proofing Admixture Providing and supplying crystalline integral concrete waterproofing admixture that waterproofs concrete by forming crystals deep in the pores, capillaries and microcracks of the concrete, selftoseal waterproofing compound to bridge shrinkage cracks upto 0.5mm in width and resist hydrotostatic pressure upto 16bar for both positive and negative pressure confirming to DIN 1048 part 5 for 56percent reduction in depth of penetrationagainst control, resistance to chloride penetration confirming to ASTM C 1202 with 64percent improvement against control and protecting steel reinforcement against corrosion mixed at 1percent by weight of cementitiouscontent in concrete. ie., integral crystaline waterproofing admix at 0.5kgorbag of cement. For calculation purpose 320 kg of Cement for Mto20 grade of Concrete is considered in the analysis | Sqm | 725.69 | 725.69 | 6.15 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 4462.9935 | 0 | 3578898 | 130142 | None | Item 9.21.2 | Ground Floor Providing and laying Vitrified tiles in floor with different sizes thickness to be specified by the manufacturer, with water absorption less than 0.08percent and conforming to IS15622, of approved brand and manufacturer, in all colours and shade, laid with cement based high polymer modified quick set tile adhesive water based conforming to IS 15477, in average 6 mm thickness, including grouting of joints Payment for grouting of joints to be made separately.Size of Tile 600x600 mm | Sqm | 1460.84 | 1460.84 | 78.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 113945.52 | 0 | 3578899 | 130142 | None | Item 9.23 | Ground Floor Providing and laying flamed finish Granite stone flooring in required design and patterns, in linear as well as curvilinear portions of the building all complete as per the architectural drawings with 18 mm thick stone slab over 20 mm average thick base of cement mortar 14 1 cement 4 coarse sand laid and jointed with cement slurry and pointing with white cement slurry admixed with pigment of matching shade including rubbing, curing and polishing etc. all complete as specified and as directed by the EngineertointoCharge Flamed finish granite stone slab Black, Cherry Red, Brown, Cat Eye, River Pink or equivalent. | Sqm | 2909.88 | 2909.88 | 26.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 75656.88 | 0 | 3578900 | 130142 | None | Item 9.11 | Ground Floor Providing and laying Ceramic glazed floor tiles of size 300x300 mm thickness to be specified by the manufacturer, of 1st quality conforming to IS 15622, of approved make, in all colours, shades, except White, Ivory, Grey, Fume Red Brown, laid on 20 mm thick bed of cement mortar 14 1 Cement 4 Coarse sand, jointing with grey cement slurry at 3.3 kgor m2 including pointing the joints with white cement and matching pigments etc., complete. | Sqm | 1049.02 | 1049.02 | 6.15 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 6451.473 | 0 | 3578901 | 130142 | None | Item 9.38 | Ground Floor Providing skirting, dadooing, rises of steps with white glazed tiles 6mm thick on 10mm thick cement plaster 13 and jointed with white cement slurry over existing rough plaster surface using glazed tiles of approved make and size including cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications. | Sqm | 1642.56 | 1642.56 | 37.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 60774.72 | 0 | 3578902 | 130142 | None | Item 9.36 | Ground Floor Providing flooring with 25mm thick polished Cuddapah slabs using cement mortar 16, 25mm thick over existing cement concrete bed or top of roof laid to line and level and jointed with cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab , including cost of materials, labour, curing, polishing complete as per specifications. | Sqm | 1947.0 | 1947.0 | 6.5 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 12655.5 | 0 | 3578903 | 130142 | None | Item 11.26.1 | Ground Floor Providing and fixing hand rail of approved size by welding etc. to steel ladder railing, balcony railing, staircase railing and similar works, including applying priming coat of approved steel primer. M.S. tube including cost of materials, labour, usage charges of machinery complete as per specifications and as per directions of the EngineertointoCharge. | Sqm | 162.84 | 162.84 | 245.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 39895.8 | 0 | 3578904 | 130142 | None | Item 8.39 | Ground Floor Wall painting with acrylic emulsion paint of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade Two coats on new work after thoroughly brooming the surface to remove all dirt, dust, mortar drops and foreign matter including preparing the surface even and sand paper smooth, cost of materials, labour complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineertointocharge. | Sqm | 149.86 | 149.86 | 517.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 77477.62 | 0 | 3578905 | 130142 | None | Item 8.30 | Ground Floor Finishing walls with Acrylic Smooth exterior paint of required shade New work Two coat applied at 1.67 ltror10 m² over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied at 2.20 kgor10 m² with paint of approved quality to give an even shade, after thoroughly brooming the surface to remove all dirt, dust, mortar drops and foreign matter including preparing the surface even and sand paper smooth, cost of materials, labour complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineertointo charge. | Sqm | 205.32 | 205.32 | 270.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 55436.4 | 0 | 3578906 | 130142 | None | Item 8.40 | Ground Floor Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade Two coats on new work after thoroughly brooming the surface to remove all dirt, dust, mortar drops and foreign matter including preparing the surface even and sand paper smooth, cost of materials, labour complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineertointocharge. | Sqm | 135.7 | 135.7 | 14.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 1899.8 | 0 | 3578907 | 130142 | None | Item 8.38 | Ground Floor Painting with oil type wood preservative of approved brand and anufacture New work two coats to give an even shade including preparingthe surface after thorougly cleaning oil, grease, dirt and foreign matter,sand papering and knotting, cost of materials, labour complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineertointocharge. | Sqm | 47.19 | 47.19 | 31.3 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 1477.047 | 0 | 3578908 | 130142 | None | Item 12.62 | Ground Floor Providing and fixing chromium plated brass handles of 100or125 mm with necessary screws etc. complete | Nos | 279.66 | 279.66 | 24.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 6711.84 | 0 | 3578909 | 130142 | None | Item 12.58 | Ground Floor Providing and fixing bright finished brass hanging type floor door stopper with necessary screws, etc. complete | Nos | 141.6 | 141.6 | 12.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 1699.2 | 0 | 3578910 | 130142 | None | Item 12.8 | Ground Floor Providing and fixing door latch with necessary screws etc complete.Bright finished brass latch | Each | 336.29 | 336.29 | 24.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 8070.96 | 0 | 3578911 | 130142 | None | Item 12.63 | Ground Floor Providing and fixing aluminium tower bolts, ISI marked, anodised anto odic coating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS 1868 transparent or dyed to required colour or shade, with necessary screws etc. complete | Each | 153.4 | 153.4 | 24.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 3681.6 | 0 | 3578912 | 130142 | None | Item 8.16.2 | Ground Floor Providing and fixing suitable plaster mesh 100mm wide manufactured out of hot dipped galvanised iron of nominal thickness 0.35mm with a zinc coating of 120gorm2 width, along route of walls chipped for services, junction between RCC and brick walls including cost of materials, labour for fixing complete as per specifications. length of mesh only be measured for payment Plaster mesh 150mm wide. | m | 44.84 | 44.84 | 309.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 13855.56 | 0 | 3578913 | 130142 | None | Item Approved Rate HWC | Ground Floor Providing RCC loft atta 7.5cms thick with cement concrete design mix M20 using clean granite or trap jelly of 20mm and down size with necessary reinforcements at 20cms centre to centre as per design including form of work, centring, curing, etc., complete exclusive of cost of steel and fabrication charges. | Sqm | 506.22 | 506.22 | 7.1 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 3594.162 | 0 | 3578914 | 130142 | None | Item Approved Rate HWC | Ground Floor Providing throating elevation Patti on uniform size 10 cm wide and 12 mm thick for portico, chejjas and parapet wall elevation etc, including cost of materials , labour floor fixing, HOM of equipments and machineries all leads and lift loading and unloading, transportation , all other incidental charges at all floor levels etc, complete all as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer in charge. | m | 86.14 | 86.14 | 39.4 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 3393.916 | 0 | 3578915 | 130142 | None | Item 1.15.2 | Sump and Septic Tank Earth work excavation for Foundation by mechanical means for all works anddepth upto 3 m, as per drawing and technical specifications, including settingout, shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, including dressing ofexcavated surfaces, disposing off or levelling the xcavated earth or sortingand stacking the selected earth for reuse in a radius of 50 m and lift upto 1.5m including cost of labour, tools, usage of machinery and other appurtenaces required to complete the work In ordinaryor soft rock without blasting Depth exceeding 1.5 m, but not exceeding 3 m | Cum | 501.5 | 501.5 | 24.76 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 12417.14 | 0 | 3578916 | 130142 | None | Item 15.6 | Sump and Septic Tank Food Graded Water Proofing Membrane Providing and laying water proofing treatment to the Water tanks and Liquid Retaining structures with two component acrylic polymer modified cementitious waterproofing membrane with minimum elongation of 50percentapplied at 1.5 kgorm2 for internal side waterproofing in two layers with waiting period of 4to6 hrs per layer and food grade epoxy coating in twocoats certified by CFTRI Mysuru, including surface preparation completelyas per specification. | Sqm | 598.26 | 598.26 | 59.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 35297.34 | 0 | 3578917 | 130142 | None | Item 18.3 | Sump and Septic Tank Conveying the new CI or RCC machinehole frame and cover of 2 CMTS from divisional stores to the workspot and fixing the same in cement concrete and removing the old frame and cover and conveying back the old ones to stores. | Nos | 2315.16 | 2315.16 | 3.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 6945.48 | 0 |
| 1721642922000 | 0 | None | None | Buildings | Tavargere First Floor Civil | 1866858.96 | id | tenderSubEstimateId | categoryName | itemCode | description | uomName | baseRate | finalRate | quantity | modifyQuantityYn | minQuantity | maxQuantity | buyBackYn | buyBackValue | hideYn | netAmount | taxCount |
3578918 | 130143 | None | Item 2.5.2 | FF COLUMNS Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for all Super structures of building , Road works, Water works, Irrigation works and super structure worksof bridges upto 3.50 m height. The graniteortraporbasalt crushed graded coarseaggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed withsuper plasticisers laid in layers, well compacted using needle vibrators. Thecost includes all lead and lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to therequirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curingand all other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technicalspecifications.M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates. Including 70% for Centering and Shuttering. | Cum | 13864.33 | 13864.33 | 3.4 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 47138.722 | 0 | 3578919 | 130143 | None | Item 2.5.2 | FF RCC BEAMS Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for all Super structures of building , Road works, Water works, Irrigation works and super structure worksof bridges upto 3.50 m height. The graniteortraporbasalt crushed graded coarseaggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed withsuper plasticisers laid in layers, well compacted using needle vibrators. Thecost includes all lead and lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to therequirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curingand all other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technicalspecifications.M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates. Including 60% for Centering and Shuttering. | Cum | 13048.78 | 13048.78 | 4.55 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 59371.949 | 0 | 3578920 | 130143 | None | Item 2.5.2 | FF RCC SLAB Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for all Super structures of building , Road works, Water works, Irrigation works and super structure worksof bridges upto 3.50 m height. The graniteortraporbasalt crushed graded coarseaggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed withsuper plasticisers laid in layers, well compacted using needle vibrators. Thecost includes all lead and lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to therequirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curingand all other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technicalspecifications.M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates. Including 50% for Centering and Shuttering. | Cum | 12233.23 | 12233.23 | 12.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 146798.76 | 0 | 3578921 | 130143 | None | Item 2.5.2 | FF LINTELS Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for all Super structures of building , Road works, Water works, Irrigation works and super structure worksof bridges upto 3.50 m height. The graniteortraporbasalt crushed graded coarseaggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed withsuper plasticisers laid in layers, well compacted using needle vibrators. Thecost includes all lead and lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to therequirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curingand all other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technicalspecifications.M25 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates. Including 60% for Centering and Shuttering. | Cum | 13048.78 | 13048.78 | 2.5 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 32621.95 | 0 | 3578922 | 130143 | None | Item 2.5.1 | FF RCC For Chajja Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for all Super structures ofbuilding , Road works, Water works, Irrigation works and super structure worksof bridges upto 3.50 m height. The graniteortraporbasalt crushed graded coarseaggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed withsuper plasticisers laid in layers, well compacted using needle vibrators. Thecost includes all lead and lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to therequirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curingand all other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technicalspecifications.M20 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates. Including 45% for Centering and Shuttering. | Cum | 11457.37 | 11457.37 | 0.4 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 4582.948 | 0 | 3578923 | 130143 | None | Item 2.1.4 | FFCill concrete Providing and laying in position Cement Concrete for levelling course forall works in foundation. The graniteortraporbasalt crushed graded coarseaggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed, laid inlayers not exceeding 150 mm thickness, well compacted using plate vibrators,including all lead and lifts, cost of all materials of quality, labour, Usage charges ofmachinery, curing, and all the other appurtenances required to complete thework as per technical specifications. Mix 136 Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates | Cum | 7409.42 | 7409.42 | 2.1 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 15559.782 | 0 | 3578924 | 130143 | None | Item 2.11a | FF Supplying, fitting and placing TMT FE 550 or 550D Steel Reinforcement including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cleaning, traightening, cutting, bending, hooking, lapingorwelding joints, tying with binding wire or soft annealed steel wire and other ancilary operations complete as per drawing and technical specification.Buildings | t | 106614.85 | 106614.85 | 2.95 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 314513.8075 | 0 | 3578925 | 130143 | None | Item Approved Rate HWC | FF Providing throating elevation Patti on uniform size 10 cm wide and 12 mm thick for portico, chejjas and parapet wall elevation etc, including cost of materials , labour floor fixing, HOM of equipments and machineries all leads and lift loading and unloading, transportation , all other incidental charges at all floor levels etc, complete all as per specifications and as directed by the Engineer in charge. | m | 87.0 | 87.0 | 29.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 2523.0 | 0 | 3578926 | 130143 | None | Item 6.32 | FFProviding and constructing load bearing wall with Solid Concrete blocks of size 400x200x200mm having block density more than 1800kgorm3and minimum compressive strength of 4.00 Normm2 conforming to IS2185 Part I 2005 and constr ucted with CM 14 as per IS 25722005including cost of all materials, labour, scaffolding and curing, usage
charges of machinery etc complete as per specifications. | Cum | 1561.26 | 1561.26 | 197.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 307568.22 | 0 | 3578927 | 130143 | None | Item 6.34 | FF Providing and constructing load bearing wall with Solid Concrete blocksof size 400x100x200mm having block density more than 1800kgorm3and minimum compressive strength of 4.00 Normm2 conforming to IS2185 Part I 2005 and constructed with CM 14 as per IS 25722005including cost of all materials, labour, scaffolding and curing, usagecharges of machinery etc complete as per specifications. | Sqm | 1315.75 | 1315.75 | 43.5 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 57235.125 | 0 | 3578928 | 130143 | None | Item 12.13.1 | FF Providing Salwood frames of doors, windows, clerestory windows, ventilators and other frames, wrought, framed or assembled including making plaster groves excluding cost of cement concrete and side clamps, but including cost of materials, labour, usage charges complete as per specifications. | Cum | 117767.71 | 117767.71 | 0.3 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 35330.313 | 0 | 3578929 | 130143 | None | Item 12.51 | FF Fixing of door frame in an existing opening including embedding frame in floor and walls after cutting masonry for holdfasts for embedding holdfast in cement concrete 136 of 20mm and down size granite metal painting two coats of coal tar to sides of frame, making good the damages to walls and floor as required and disposal of the debris with lead upto 50 m. including cost of materials, labour charges, complete as per specifications. | Nos | 1210.87 | 1210.87 | 4.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 4843.48 | 0 | 3578930 | 130143 | None | Item 10.6 | FFProviding and fixing expansion hold fasteners on C.C. orR.C.C.orBrick masonry surface backing including drilling necessary holes and the cost of bolt etc complete. | Each | 58.39 | 58.39 | 4.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 233.56 | 0 | 3578931 | 130143 | None | Item 12.75.4 | FF Providing and fixing bright finished brass butt hinges with necessary screws etc. complete 100x70x4 mm ordinary type | Each | 166.85 | 166.85 | 18.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 3003.3 | 0 | 3578932 | 130143 | None | Item 12.57.6 | FF Providing and fixing flush door shutter made out of solid core block board type, well seasoned , chemicaly treated hard wood battens and internal frame with minimum 45 mm wide wooden frame alround door shutters covered with cross bonded wooden sheets core veneer hot pressed and fastened on both sides of the door useing liquid phenol formaldehyde resin as per IS specifications 2202 partI 1991. from manufacturer complete as per spcification.do 35 mm thick both side commercial. | Sqm | 3959.16 | 3959.16 | 8.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 31673.28 | 0 | 3578933 | 130143 | None | Item 12.86 | FF Providing and fixing of 2track x 2panel sliding windows made out of multichambered UPVC Matching to RAL9016 sections and with minimum TiO2Titanium Dioxide at 6PHR with TPEThermo Plastic Elastomer and lead free, gaskets grey colour having isolated drainage and reinforced with Galvanized Iron profile throughout the window frame. The outer frame having an overall size of 50mm width x 42mmheight with reinforcement of 1mm thickness and Sash with overall size of 31mm X 57mm with Gi reinforcement of 1mm for the frame and 1.5 mm for the sash. Coextruded Glazing bead for fixing of glass shall be of size 21.5mm x 9.5 mm. Windows shall be provided with 5mm plain float glass, standard hardwareand single point locking system with touch lock. Wall thickness of frame and sash shall be of 1.8+0.2 mm. Maximum possible size 1519mm x 1519mm. The cost is inclusive of all fixtures and separate charges for minor TandP's shall not be made | Sqm | 6423.8 | 6423.8 | 12.42 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 79783.596 | 0 | 3578934 | 130143 | None | Item 11.34A | FF Providing and fixing M.S. grills of required pattern in frames of windows etc. with M.S. flats, square or round bars etc. including priming coat with approved steel primer all complete. Fixed to steel windows by welding. | Kg | 200.22 | 200.22 | 333.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 66673.26 | 0 | 3578935 | 130143 | None | Item 12.54 | FF SOLID PVC Door Frame Providing and fixing factory made PVC Door frame of size 50x47mm with a wall thickness of 5mm, made out of extruded 5mm rigid PVC foam sheet metered cut at corners and joined 2 No.s of 150mm long brackets of 15x15mm M.S. Square tube, the entire door frame to be reinforced with 19x19mm M.S. Square tube of 19 gauge. The door frame to be fixed to the wall using M.S. Screws of 65or80mm size complete as per manufacturers specification and direction of Engineerincharge. | m | 378.99 | 378.99 | 10.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 3789.9 | 0 | 3578936 | 130143 | None | Item 12.53 | FF Solid panel prelam pvc door shutter. Providing and fixing 30mm thick factory made rigid foam Prelam panelled Door Shutters made from M.S. Tube of 19x19mm, 19 guage for styles and 15x15mm for top and bottom rails, covered with heat moulded Prelaminated PVC C Channel of 5mm thick sheet and 30x50mm wide to form styles and 5mm thick and 75mm wide Prelaminated PVC Sheets for top rail, lock rail and bottom rail on either side and 5mm thick 20mm wide cross PVC sheet as gap insert for top rail and bottom rail, Panelling of 5mm thick PVC sheet Prelaminated on either side fitted in the M.S. frame, Sealed to the styles and rails with PVC Designer beading on either side and joined together with solvent cement adhesive etc., complete as per manufacturers specification and direction of Engineerincharge fixed to frames with 3 nos of 75 mm. Aluminium hinges. with one side prelam | Sqm | 1892.57 | 1892.57 | 3.2 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 6056.224 | 0 | 3578937 | 130143 | None | Item 8.10 | FF Providing 6 mm cement plaster with cement mortar 13 1 cement 3fine sand on concrete surface or ceilings including rounding off corners wherever required smooth rendering, providing and removing scaffolding,including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineerincharge. | Sqm | 251.47 | 251.47 | 78.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 19614.66 | 0 | 3578938 | 130143 | None | Item 8.1.1 | FF Providing 12 mm cement plaster with cement mortar 14 1 cement 4 fine sand to brick masonry including rounding off corners wherever required smooth rendering, providing and removing scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineerincharge. Inside | Sqm | 303.91 | 303.91 | 234.5 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 71266.895 | 0 | 3578939 | 130143 | None | Item 8.51 | FF Providing and applying white cement based putty of average thickness 1 mm, of approved brand and manufacturer, over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and smooth complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineer in charge. | Sqm | 119.18 | 119.18 | 311.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 37064.98 | 0 | 3578940 | 130143 | None | Item 8.80 | FF Providing 18 mm cement plaster in two coats under layer 12 mm thick cement plaster with cement mortar 15 1 cement 5 coarse sand finished with a top layer 6 mm thick cement plaster with cement mortar 16 1 cement 6 fine sand to brick masonry including rounding off corners wherever required smooth rendering, providing and removing scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineerincharge. | Sqm | 442.16 | 442.16 | 248.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 109655.68 | 0 | 3578941 | 130143 | None | Item 8.2.1 | FF Providing 15 mm cement plaster on the rough side of single or half brick wall of mix 14 1 cement 4 fine sand including rounding off corners wherever required smooth rendering, providing and removing scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineerincharge. | Sqm | 351.58 | 351.58 | 25.704 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 9037.01232 | 0 | 3578942 | 130143 | None | Item 8.16.2 | FF Providing and fixing suitable plaster mesh 100mm wide manufactured out of hot dipped galvanised iron of nominal thickness 0.35mm with a zinc coating of 120gorm2 width, along route of walls chipped for services, junction between RCC and brick walls including cost of materials, labour for fixing complete as per specifications. length of mesh only be measured for payment Plaster mesh 150mm wide | m | 45.28 | 45.28 | 120.59 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 5460.3152 | 0 | 3578943 | 130143 | None | Item 7.18 | FF Providing and laying cinder concrete in cement 115 1 cement 15 cinder of 12.5mm nominal gauge on terraced roof or sunken slabs, laid to slope compacting, including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per specifications. | Cum | 2403.86 | 2403.86 | 1.52 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 3653.8672 | 0 | 3578944 | 130143 | None | Item 15.7 | FF Integral Crystalline Water Proofing Admixture Providing and supplying crystalline integral concrete waterproofing admixture that waterproofs concrete by forming crystals deep in the pores, capillaries and microcracks of the concrete, selfseal waterproofing compound to bridge shrinkage cracks upto 0.5mm in width and resist hydrostatic pressure upto 16bar for both positive and negative pressure confirming to DIN 1048 part 5 for 56percent reduction in depth of penetrationagainst control, resistance to chloride penetration confirming to ASTM C 1202 with 64percent improvement against control and protecting steel reinforcement against corrosion mixed at 1percent by weight of cementitiouscontent in concrete. ie., integral crystaline waterproofing admix at 0.5kgorbag of cement. For calculation purpose 320 kg of Cement for M20 grade of Concrete is considered in the analysis | Sqm | 732.96 | 732.96 | 11.16 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 8179.8336 | 0 | 3578945 | 130143 | None | Item 9.21.2 | FF Providing and laying Vitrified tiles in floor with different sizes thickness to be specified by the manufacturer, with water absorption less than 0.08percent and conforming to IS15622, of approved brand and manufacturer, in all colours and shade, laid with cement based high polymer modified quick set tile adhesive water based conforming to IS 15477, in average 6 mm thickness, including grouting of joints Payment for grouting of joints to be made separately.Size of Tile 600x600 mm | Sqm | 1475.45 | 1475.45 | 57.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 84100.65 | 0 | 3578946 | 130143 | None | Item 9.11 | FF Providing and laying Ceramic glazed floor tiles of size 300x300 mm thickness to be specified by the manufacturer, of 1st quality conforming to IS 15622, of approved make, in all colours, shades, except White, Ivory, Grey, Fume Red Brown, laid on 20 mm thick bed of cement mortar 14 1 Cement 4 Coarse sand, jointing with grey cement slurry at 3.3 kgor m2 including pointing the joints with white cement and matching pigments etc., complete. | Sqm | 1059.51 | 1059.51 | 6.2 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 6568.962 | 0 | 3578947 | 130143 | None | Item 9.38 | FF Providing skirting, dadooing, rises of steps with white glazed tiles 6mm thick on 10mm thick cement plaster 13 and jointed with white cement slurry over existing rough plaster surface using glazed tiles of approved make and size including cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications. | Sqm | 1658.98 | 1658.98 | 25.704 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 42642.42192 | 0 | 3578948 | 130143 | None | Item 9.36 | FF Providing flooring with 25mm thick polished Cuddapah slabs using cement mortar 16, 25mm thick over existing cement concrete bed or top of roof laid to line and level and jointed with cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab , including cost of materials, labour, curing, polishing complete as per specifications. | Sqm | 1966.47 | 1966.47 | 2.69 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 5289.8043 | 0 | 3578949 | 130143 | None | Item 9.23 | FF Providing and laying flamed finish Granite stone flooring in required design and patterns, in linear as well as curvilinear portions of the building all complete as per the architectural drawings with 18 mm thick stone slab over 20 mm average thick base of cement mortar 14 1 cement 4 coarse sand laid and jointed with cement slurry and pointing with white cement slurry admixed with pigment of matching shade including rubbing, curing and polishing etc. all complete as specified and as directed by the EngineerinCharge Flamed finish granite stone slab Black, Cherry Red, Brown, Cat Eye, River Pink or equivalent. | Sqm | 2938.97 | 2938.97 | 3.25 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 9551.6525 | 0 | 3578950 | 130143 | None | Item 8.39 | FFWall painting with acrylic emulsion paint of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade Two coats on new work after thoroughly brooming the surface to remove all dirt, dust, mortar drops and foreign matter including preparing the surface even and sand paper smooth, cost of materials, labour complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineerincharge. | Sqm | 151.36 | 151.36 | 234.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 35418.24 | 0 | 3578951 | 130143 | None | Item 8.30 | FF Finishing walls with Acrylic Smooth exterior paint of required shade Newwork Two coat applied at 1.67Lor10 m² over and including priming coat ofexterior primer applied at 2.20 kgor10 m² with paint of approved qualityto give an even shade, after thoroughly brooming the surface to remove alldirt, dust, mortar drops and foreign matter including preparing the surfaceeven and sand paper smooth, cost of materials, labour complete as perspecifications and as per directions of Engineerincharge | Sqm | 207.37 | 207.37 | 248.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 51427.76 | 0 | 3578952 | 130143 | None | Item 8.40 | FF Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade Two coats on new work after thoroughly brooming the surface to remove all dirt, dust, mortar drops and foreign matter including preparing the surface even and sand paper smooth, cost of materials, labour complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineerincharge. | Sqm | 137.05 | 137.05 | 12.5 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 1713.125 | 0 | 3578953 | 130143 | None | Item 8.38 | FF Painting with oil type wood preservative of approved brand and anufacture New work two coats to give an even shade including preparingthe surface after thorougly cleaning oil, grease, dirt and foreign matter,sand papering and knotting, cost of materials, labour complete as per specifications and as per directions of Engineerincharge. | Sqm | 47.67 | 47.67 | 19.2 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 915.264 | 0 | 3578954 | 130143 | None | Item 12.62 | FF Providing and fixing chromium plated brass handles of 100or125 mm with necessary screws etc. complete | No | 282.45 | 282.45 | 12.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 3389.4 | 0 | 3578955 | 130143 | None | Item 12.58 | FF Providing and fixing bright finished brass hanging type floor door stopper with necessary screws, etc. complete | No | 143.01 | 143.01 | 6.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 858.06 | 0 | 3578956 | 130143 | None | Item 12.8 | FF Providing and fixing door latch with necessary screws etc complete. Bright finished brass latch. | No | 339.66 | 339.66 | 12.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 4075.92 | 0 | 3578957 | 130143 | None | Item 12.63 | FF Providing and fixing aluminium tower bolts, ISI marked, anodised an odic coating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS 1868 transparent or dyed to required colour or shade, with necessary screws etc. complete | No | 154.93 | 154.93 | 12.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 1859.16 | 0 | 3578958 | 130143 | None | Item Approved Rate HWC | FF Providing RCC loft atta 7.5cms thick with cement concrete design mix M20 using clean granite or trap jelly of 20mm and down size with necessary reinforcements at 20cms centre to centre as per design including form of work, centring, curing, etc., complete exclusive of cost of steel and fabrication charges. | Sqm | 511.28 | 511.28 | 14.25 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 7285.74 | 0 | 3578959 | 130143 | None | Item 15.1 | FF Polyurethane based Single Component for New Surface Providing and laying water proofing treatment to the Roof with PU based single component elastomeric pure polyurethane based coating on New terraceorChajjasorSunken portion of WCBathroom, cold applied PU waterproofing membrane that is highly elastic with elongation greater than 400percent and tensile strength greater than 2MPa as per ASTM D412. The waterproofing membrane to be applied in 2coats at 1.6 kgorm2 to achieve final DFT Dry Film Thickness of 1mm including prime coat of epoxy primer at150 gorm2 and protection with 120gsm Geotextile over the waterproofing membrane. The finished cost to include surface preparation, making coving at Junction, Bore Packing, treatment of construction joints completely as per specification. | Sqm | 973.7 | 973.7 | 132.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 128528.4 | 0 |
| 1721642923000 | 0 | None | None | Buildings | Tavargere Water Supply and Sanitary Work | 254256.77 | id | tenderSubEstimateId | categoryName | itemCode | description | uomName | baseRate | finalRate | quantity | modifyQuantityYn | minQuantity | maxQuantity | buyBackYn | buyBackValue | hideYn | netAmount | taxCount |
3578960 | 130144 | None | Item 14.2.1 | Providing and fixing white vitreous china pedestal type water closet European type W.C. pan with seat and lid, 10 litre low level white P.V.C. flushing cistern, including flush pipe, with manually controlled device handle lever, conforming to IS 7231, with all fittings and fixtures complete, including cutting and making good the walls and floors wherever required W.C. pan with ISI marked white solid plastic seat and lid | Each | 5708.84 | 5708.84 | 1.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 5708.84 | 0 | 3578961 | 130144 | None | Item 14.1.1 | Providing and fixing water closet squatting pan Indian type W.C. pan with 100 mm sand cast Iron P or S trap, 10 litre low level white P.V.C. flushing cistern, including flush pipe, with manually controlled device handle lever conforming to IS 7231, with all fittings and fixtures complete, including cutting and making good the walls and floors wherever required White Vitreous china Orissa pattern W.C. pan of size 580x440 mm with integral type foot rests | Each | 5763.12 | 5763.12 | 2.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 11526.24 | 0 | 3578962 | 130144 | None | Item 14.7.3 | Providing and fixing wash basin with C.I. brackets, 15 mm C.P. brass pillar taps, 32 mm C.P. brass waste of standard pattern, including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the walls wherever require. White Vitreous China Wash basin size 550x400 mm with a pair of 15 mm
C.P. brass pillar taps | Each | 3381.88 | 3381.88 | 2.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 6763.76 | 0 | 3578963 | 130144 | None | Item 14.22A | Providing and fixing CP Brass 32mm size Bottle Trap of approved quality and make and as per the direction of Engineer incharge. | Each | 955.8 | 955.8 | 5.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 4779.0 | 0 | 3578964 | 130144 | None | Item 14.22B | Providing and fixing CP Brass 15 mm nominal dia Single lever telephonic wall mixer of quality and make as approved by Engineer in charge. | Each | 6563.16 | 6563.16 | 1.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 6563.16 | 0 | 3578965 | 130144 | None | Item | Providing and fixing Stainless Steel A ISI 304 18or8 kitchen sink as per IS13983 with C.I. brackets and stainless steel plug 40 mm, including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the walls wherever required 510x1040 mm bowl depth 225 mm | Each | 6363.74 | 6363.74 | 1.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 6363.74 | 0 | 3578966 | 130144 | None | Item 14.11.2 | Providing and fixing white vitreous china laboratory sink with C.I. brackets, C.P. brass chain with rubber plug, 40 mm C.P brass waste and 40mm C.P.brass trap with necessary C.P. brass unions complete, including painting offittings and brackets, cutting and making good the wall wherever required Size600x450x200 mm | Each | 5996.75 | 5996.75 | 1.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 5996.75 | 0 | 3578967 | 130144 | None | Item 14.29 | Providing and fixing 100 mm sand cast Iron grating for gully trap. | Each | 55.46 | 55.46 | 5.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 277.3 | 0 | 3578968 | 130144 | None | Item 13.23.5 | Providing and fixing PTMT Ball cock of approved quality, colour and make complete with Epoxy coated aluminium rod with L.P.or H.P.H.D. plastic ball. 50 mm nominal bore, 242mm long, weighing not less than 1240 g | No | 1585.92 | 1585.92 | 1.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 1585.92 | 0 | 3578969 | 130144 | None | Item 13.59 | Providing and fixing PVC S.W.R Nahani Trap 10cms x 10cms with all fitting arrangements and all necessary accessories complete | Each | 259.59 | 259.59 | 5.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 1297.95 | 0 | 3578970 | 130144 | None | Item 14.36.2 | Providing and fixing PTMT Waste Coupling for wash basin and sink,of approved quality and colour. Waste coupling 38 mm dia of 83 mm length and 77mm breadth, weighing not less than 60 gms | Each | 109.74 | 109.74 | 5.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 548.7 | 0 | 3578971 | 130144 | None | Item | Providing and fixing P.V.C. waste pipe for sink or wash basin including P.V.C. waste fittings complete. Flexible pipe 40 mm dia | Each | 108.56 | 108.56 | 15.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 1628.4 | 0 | 3578972 | 130144 | None | Item 14.40.1 | Providing and fixing PTMT towel rail complete with brackets fixed to wooden cleats with CP brass screws with concealed fittings arrangement of approved quality and colour 450 mm long towel rail with total length of 495 mm, 78 mm wide and effective height of 88 mm, weighing not less than 170 g. | Each | 564.04 | 564.04 | 2.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 1128.08 | 0 | 3578973 | 130144 | None | Item 13.25 | Providing and fixing PTMT swivelling shower, 15 mm nominal bore,weighing not less than 40 gms | No | 172.28 | 172.28 | 2.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 344.56 | 0 | 3578974 | 130144 | None | Item T090 SR 202122 | Providing and fixing normal gauge polythene pipes of approved quality with special flange compression type fittings of approved make includingtrench excavation and refilling etc. for EXTERNAL WORKS with 50mm nominal bore pipes | m | 164.02 | 164.02 | 15.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 2460.3 | 0 | 3578975 | 130144 | None | Item 166 | C.P. Brass stop cock concealed 15 mm | No | 619.5 | 619.5 | 4.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 2478.0 | 0 | 3578976 | 130144 | None | Item 163 | Brass bibcock 15 mm dia | No | 531.0 | 531.0 | 2.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 1062.0 | 0 | 3578977 | 130144 | None | Item Approved Rate HWC | Air Vent Cowel 110mm | No | 118.0 | 118.0 | 2.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 236.0 | 0 | 3578978 | 130144 | None | Item Approved Rate HWC | Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning approved make Submersible Pump made of C.I Construction suitable for building application. Thequoted rate shall also include for auto lvl.controller with cabling between hePumps, control panel, UGR and OHT etc.,. complete.approx. Length of cable = 80. providing necessary safety devices viz. dry run protection, over load relays etc., complete working on 230V, 50Hz, 1Ph, with starter,.3 no. working and 1no. Standby Sump To OHT DOMESTIC 2HP at 35m head SUMP TO OHTDOMESTIC WATER PUMPS For water sump | Each | 17700.0 | 17700.0 | 1.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 17700.0 | 0 | 3578979 | 130144 | None | Item 10.1.5 | Supplying PVC ringtite pipes conforming to IS 49852000 with latest amendments and conveying to worksite, rolling and lowering into trenches, laying true to line and level and perfect linking at joints, testing and commissioning, including loading unloading at both destinations and cuts of pipes wherever necessary including jointing of PVC pipes and specials excluding cost of specials with jointing of approved type, with all labour with all lead and lift including encasing the pipe alround to a depth of not less than 15 cms. with soft gravel or selected earth available from the excavation etc. complete and giving necessary hydraulic test to the required pressure as per ISS Contractor will make his own arrangements for procuring water for testing etc 75 mm dia, 6 kgorsqcm and class 3 | m | 259.59 | 259.59 | 25.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 6489.75 | 0 | 3578980 | 130144 | None | Item 10.1.6 | Supplying PVC ringtite pipes conforming to IS 49852000 with latest amendments and conveying to worksite, rolling and lowering into trenches, laying true to line and level and perfect linking at joints, testing and commissioning, including loading unloading at both destinations and cuts of pipes wherever necessary including jointing of PVC pipes and specials excluding cost of specials with jointing of approved type, with all labour with all lead and lift including encasing the pipe alround to a depth of not less than 15 cms. with soft gravel or selected earth available from the excavation etc. complete and giving necessary hydraulic test to the required pressure as per ISS Contractor will make his own arrangements for procuring water for testing etc 90 mm dia,6 kgorsqcm and class 3 | m | 346.92 | 346.92 | 50.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 17346.0 | 0 | 3578981 | 130144 | None | Item 10.1.7 | Supplying PVC ringtite pipes conforming to IS 49852000 with latest amendments and conveying to worksite, rolling and lowering into trenches, laying true to line and level and perfect linking at joints, testing and commissioning, including loading unloading at both destinations and cuts of pipes wherever necessary including jointing of PVC pipes and specials excluding cost of specials with jointing of approved type, with all labour with all lead and lift including encasing the pipe alround to a depth of not less than 15 cms. with soft gravel or selected earth available from the excavation etc. complete and giving necessary hydraulic test to the required pressure as per ISS Contractor will make his own arrangements for procuring water for testing etc 110mm dia,6 kgorsqcm and class 3 | m | 484.98 | 484.98 | 60.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 29098.8 | 0 | 3578982 | 130144 | None | Item 10.1.8 | Supplying PVC ringtite pipes conforming to IS 49852000 with latest amendments and conveying to worksite, rolling and lowering into trenches, laying true to line and level and perfect linking at joints, testing and commissioning, including loading unloading at both destinations and cuts of pipes wherever necessary including jointing of PVC pipes and specials excluding cost of specials with jointing of approved type, with all labour with all lead and lift including encasing the pipe alround to a depth of not less than 15 cms. with soft gravel or selected earth available from the excavation etc. complete and giving necessary hydraulic test to the required pressure as per ISS Contractor will make his own arrangements for procuring water for testing etc 140mm dia,6 kgorsqcm and class 3 | m | 689.12 | 689.12 | 20.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 13782.4 | 0 | 3578983 | 130144 | None | Item 13.32.1 | Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride CPVC pipes, having thermal stability for hot and cold water supply, including all CPVC plain and brass threaded fittings, iorc fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing. This includes jointing of pipes and fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement and the cost of cutting chases and making good the same including testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge. Concealed work, including cutting chases and making good the walls etc 15 mm dia | m | 364.62 | 364.62 | 18.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 6563.16 | 0 | 3578984 | 130144 | None | Item 13.32.2 | Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride CPVC pipes, having thermal stability for hot and cold water supply, including all CPVC plain and brass threaded fittings, iorc fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing. This includes jointing of pipes and fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement and the cost of cutting chases and making good the same including testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge. Concealed work, including cutting chases and making good the walls etc 20mm dia | m | 447.22 | 447.22 | 32.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 14311.04 | 0 | 3578985 | 130144 | None | Item 13.33.1 | Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride CPVC pipes, having thermal stability for hot and cold water supply including all CPVC plain and brass threaded fittings This includes jointing of pipes and fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement, trenching, refilling and testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge.External work 15 mm dia | m | 195.88 | 195.88 | 30.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 5876.4 | 0 | 3578986 | 130144 | None | Item 13.33.3 | Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride CPVC pipes, having thermal stability for hot and cold water supply including all CPVC plain and brass threaded fittings This includes jointing of pipes and fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement, trenching, refilling and testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge.External work 25 mm dia | m | 256.06 | 256.06 | 45.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 11522.7 | 0 | 3578987 | 130144 | None | Item 13.33.5 | Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride CPVC pipes, having thermal stability for hot and cold water supply including all CPVC plain and brass threaded fittings This includes jointing of pipes and fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement, trenching, refilling and testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge.External work40 mm dia | m | 562.86 | 562.86 | 15.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 8442.9 | 0 | 3578988 | 130144 | None | Item 13.48 | Providing and fixing on wallafce unplasticised rigid PVC rain water pipes confirming to IS 13592 Type A, Including jointing with seal ring confirming to IS 5382 Leaving 10mm gap thermal expansion, i Single socketed pipes 100 mm dia | m | 343.38 | 343.38 | 45.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 15452.1 | 0 | 3578989 | 130144 | None | Item Approved Rate HWC | Drilling holes of 2.50 cms dia rooforchajjaorstone. in slabs upto 10 cms thick | No | 185.26 | 185.26 | 22.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 4075.72 | 0 | 3578990 | 130144 | None | Item 13.34 | Providing and placing on terrace, at all floor levels polythylene water storage tanks as per IS 12701 marked, with cover and suitable locking arrangements, making necessary holes for inlet,outlet and over flow pipes, but without fitting and basesupport fot tank | l | 10.62 | 10.62 | 1000.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 10620.0 | 0 | 3578991 | 130144 | None | Item 16.9 | Constructing brick masonry chamber of internal dimension 600x600mm and depth of 600mm inner dimensions with modular bricks of CD 75in cement mortar 16, bed concrete 150mm thick with 136, plastering 12 mm thick with cement mortar 14, CC 124 coping 75mm thk for fixing CI cover and frame etc. excluding the cost of CI frame and cover | Each | 5653.38 | 5653.38 | 5.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 28266.9 | 0 | 3578992 | 130144 | None | Item 1.5.1 | Earth work excavation by manual means for drains,canals, waste weir draft, approach channels, key trench, foundation of Bridges and such similar works,as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, shoring,strutting, barricading, caution lights, excavated surface leveled and sides neatly
dressed disposing off or leveling the excavated stuff or sorting and stacking theselected stuff for reuse in a radius of 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m including costof labour, tools, usage and other appurtenances required to complete the work.In ordinaryorsoft rock without blasting upto 1.5 m depth Drain Pipe To Public Drain | Cum | 352.82 | 352.82 | 5.94 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 2095.7508 | 0 | 3578993 | 130144 | None | Item 1.9 | Filling available excavated earth excluding rock in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations and other similar works etc. in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth,consolidating each deposited layer by ramming and watering, lead up to 50 mand lift upto 1.5 m. | Cum | 313.88 | 313.88 | 5.94 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 1864.4472 | 0 |
| 1721642923000 | 0 | None | None | Buildings | Tavargere Electrification Work | 375711.36 | id | tenderSubEstimateId | categoryName | itemCode | description | uomName | baseRate | finalRate | quantity | modifyQuantityYn | minQuantity | maxQuantity | buyBackYn | buyBackValue | hideYn | netAmount | taxCount |
3578994 | 130145 | None | Item 2.2.1 | Point wiring using Copper wire without switch. Supplying and wiring adopting loop system in existing PVC Conduit orcasing capping using 2x1.5Sqmm Phase & Neutral & 1x1.0 sqmm Earth wire FRLS multi strand PVC insulated copper wire confirming to IS694 and latest amendments without control switch shall be fixed on the existing plastic sheetorgang box, the other end of the wires shall be terminated with sufficient loose length in a woodorPVC round block. complete for each outlet. Short point up to 3Mtr from tapping point to out let via switch | Point | 317.42 | 317.42 | 18.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 5713.56 | 0 | 3578995 | 130145 | None | Item 2.2.2 | Point wiring using Copper wire without switch. Supplying and wiring adopting loop system in existing PVC Conduit orcasing capping using 2x1.5Sqmm (Phase & Neutral & 1x1.0 sqmm (Earth wire FRLS multi strand PVC insulated copper wire (confirming to IS694 and latest amendments without control switch shall be fixed on the existing plastic sheetorgang box, the other end of the wires shall be terminated with sufficient loose length in a woodorPVC round block. complete for each outlet. Medium point above 3Mtr up to 6Mtr from tapping point to out let via switch | Point | 447.22 | 447.22 | 30.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 13416.6 | 0 | 3578996 | 130145 | None | Item 2.2.3 | Point wiring using Copper wire without switch. Supplying and wiring adopting loop system in existing PVC Conduit orcasing capping using 2x1.5Sqmm (Phase & Neutral & 1x1.0 sqmm (Earth wire FRLS multi strand PVC insulated copper wire (confirming to IS694 and latest amendments without control switch shall be fixed on the existing plastic sheetorgang box, the other end of the wires shall be terminated with sufficient loose length in a woodorPVC round block. complete for each outlet. Long point above 6Mtr up to 10Mtr from tapping point to out let via switch | Point | 654.9 | 654.9 | 15.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 9823.5 | 0 | 3578997 | 130145 | None | Item 3.4.1 | Supplying and flush mounting powder coated or galvanized metal box suitable for mounting modular switch plates. The box should be firmly flush mounted after due groove cutting in BrickorStoneorC.C wall 12Way | Each | 162.84 | 162.84 | 6.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 977.04 | 0 | 3578998 | 130145 | None | Item 3.4.2 | Supplying and flush mounting powder coated or galvanized metal box suitable for mounting modular switch plates. The box should be firmly flush mounted after due groove cutting in BrickorStoneorC.C wall 3 way | Each | 187.62 | 187.62 | 2.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 375.24 | 0 | 3578999 | 130145 | None | Item 3.4.3 | Supplying and flush mounting powder coated or galvanized metal box suitable for mounting modular switch plates. The box should be firmly flush mounted after due groove cutting in BrickorStoneorC.C wall 45Way | Each | 208.86 | 208.86 | 2.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 417.72 | 0 | 3579000 | 130145 | None | Item 3.4.4 | Supplying and flush mounting powder coated or galvanized metal box suitable for mounting modular switch plates. The box should be firmly flush mounted after due groove cutting in BrickorStoneorC.C wall 6Way | Each | 259.59 | 259.59 | 10.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 2595.9 | 0 | 3579001 | 130145 | None | Item 3.4.5 | Supplying and flush mounting powder coated or galvanized metal box suitable for mounting modular switch plates. The box should be firmly flush mounted after due groove cutting in BrickorStoneorC.C wall 8 Way | Each | 307.97 | 307.97 | 6.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 1847.82 | 0 | 3579002 | 130145 | None | Item 3.4.6 | Supplying and flush mounting powder coated or galvanized metal box suitable for mounting modular switch plates. The box should be firmly flush mounted after due groove cutting in BrickorStoneorC.C wall 1012Way | Each | 376.42 | 376.42 | 2.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 752.84 | 0 | 3579003 | 130145 | None | Item 3.5.1 | Supplying and fixing superior quality modular switch mounting polycarbonate plate with necessary supporting back plate with required nos. of machine screws, bolts nuts etc., complete on the existing metalorPVC box.12 Module | Each | 161.66 | 161.66 | 6.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 969.96 | 0 | 3579004 | 130145 | None | Item 3.5.2 | Supplying and fixing superior quality modular switch mounting polycarbonate plate with necessary supporting back plate with required nos. of machine screws, bolts nuts etc., complete on the existing metalorPVC box.3 Module | Each | 189.98 | 189.98 | 2.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 379.96 | 0 | 3579005 | 130145 | None | Item 3.5.3 | Supplying and fixing superior quality modular switch mounting polycarbonate plate with necessary supporting back plate with required nos. of machine screws, bolts nuts etc., complete on the existing metalorPVC box.4 Module | Each | 206.5 | 206.5 | 2.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 413.0 | 0 | 3579006 | 130145 | None | Item 3.5.4 | Supplying and fixing superior quality modular switch mounting polycarbonate plate with necessary supporting back plate with required nos. of machine screws, bolts nuts etc., complete on the existing metalorPVC box.6 Module | Each | 276.12 | 276.12 | 10.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 2761.2 | 0 | 3579007 | 130145 | None | Item 3.5.5 | Supplying and fixing superior quality modular switch mounting polycarbonate plate with necessary supporting back plate with required nos. of machine screws, bolts nuts etc., complete on the existing metalorPVC box.8 Module | Each | 335.12 | 335.12 | 6.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 2010.72 | 0 | 3579008 | 130145 | None | Item 3.5.6 | Supplying and fixing superior quality modular switch mounting polycarbonate plate with necessary supporting back plate with required nos. of machine screws, bolts nuts etc., complete on the existing metalorPVC box.1012Module | Each | 405.92 | 405.92 | 2.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 811.84 | 0 | 3579009 | 130145 | None | Item 3.6.1 | Supplying and fixing of modular switch & connected accessories on existing modular switch plate as per IS 3854 and IS 1293. 6Amps one way Switch | Each | 120.36 | 120.36 | 50.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 6018.0 | 0 | 3579010 | 130145 | None | Item 3.6.2 | Supplying and fixing of modular switch & connected accessories on existing modular switch plate as per IS 3854 and IS 1293. 6Amps Two way Switch | Each | 195.88 | 195.88 | 6.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 1175.28 | 0 | 3579011 | 130145 | None | Item 3.6.3 | Supplying and fixing of modular switch & connected accessories on existing modular switch plate as per IS 3854 and IS 1293. 6Amps 3way socket | Each | 201.78 | 201.78 | 10.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 2017.8 | 0 | 3579012 | 130145 | None | Item 3.6.8 | Supplying and fixing of modular switch & connected accessories on existing modular switch plate as per IS 3854 and IS 1293. 6Amps Bell push | Each | 208.86 | 208.86 | 2.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 417.72 | 0 | 3579013 | 130145 | None | Item 3.6.4 | Supplying and fixing of modular switch & connected accessories on existing modular switch plate as per IS 3854 and IS 1293. Stepped Fan Regulator. | Each | 421.26 | 421.26 | 12.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 5055.12 | 0 | 3579014 | 130145 | None | Item 3.6.9 | Supplying and fixing of modular switch & connected accessories on existing modular switch plate as per IS 3854 and IS 1293. 32Amps DP switch | Each | 384.68 | 384.68 | 6.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 2308.08 | 0 | 3579015 | 130145 | None | Item 3.6.10 | Supplying and fixing of modular switch & connected accessories on existing modular switch plate as per IS 3854 and IS 1293. 6or16Amps universal socket | Each | 278.48 | 278.48 | 6.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 1670.88 | 0 | 3579016 | 130145 | None | Item 3.6.11 | Supplying and fixing of modular switch & connected accessories on existing modular switch plate as per IS 3854 and IS 1293. TVorTelephone socket | Each | 184.08 | 184.08 | 2.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 368.16 | 0 | 3579017 | 130145 | None | Item 12.2.1 | Supplying and fixing one of 230 volts Ding dong bell and a flush type bell push with gang box fixed on necessary wooden or rawl plugs using NF screws with Remote. Ding Dong Bell | Each | 290.28 | 290.28 | 1.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 290.28 | 0 | 3579018 | 130145 | None | Item 1.13 | Supplying and fixing one of 230 volts Ding dong bell and a flush type bell push with gang box fixed on necessary wooden or rawl plugs using NF screws with Remote. Supplying and Fixing Metal Fan Box with Round Hook. | Each | 138.06 | 138.06 | 12.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 1656.72 | 0 | 3579019 | 130145 | None | Item 1.2.1 | Concealed Conduit System Supplying heavy gauge PVC conduit pipe dia mm thick confirming to IS 2509 with suitable size bends, metalorPVC junction boxes adhesive paste etc., and running before concreting the slab. The conduit should be tied to the reinforcement rods by using binding wires and unused ways of junction boxes and pipe ends should be covered using PVC end enclosures. run with 18SWG GI fish wire wherever necessary(2or2 19or20mm dia 2mm thick | m | 77.88 | 77.88 | 175.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 13629.0 | 0 | 3579020 | 130145 | None | Item 1.2.2 | Concealed Conduit System Supplying heavy gauge PVC conduit pipe dia mm thick confirming to IS 2509 with suitable size bends, metalorPVC junction boxes adhesive paste etc., and running before concreting the slab. The conduit should be tied to the reinforcement rods by using binding wires and unused ways of junction boxes and pipe ends should be covered using PVC end enclosures. run with 18SWG GI fish wire wherever necessary(2or2 25mm dia 2mm thick | m | 92.04 | 92.04 | 120.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 11044.8 | 0 | 3579021 | 130145 | None | Item 1.3.1 | Groove Cutting in Wall Supplying heavy gauge PVC conduit pipe dia mm thick confirming to IS 2509 with suitable size bends, metalorPVC junction boxes adhesive paste etc, by groove cutting in wall and fixing by bracing U or J hooks and cement plastering up to the surface of the brick level and run with 18 SWG GI fish wire run through out the conduit wherever necessary. 19or20mm dia 2mm thick | m | 80.24 | 80.24 | 175.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 14042.0 | 0 | 3579022 | 130145 | None | Item 1.3.2 | Groove Cutting in Wall Supplying heavy gauge PVC conduit pipe dia mm thick confirming to IS 2509 with suitable size bends, metalorPVC junction boxes adhesive paste etc, by groove cutting in wall and fixing by bracing U or J hooks and cement plastering up to the surface of the brick level and run with 18 SWG GI fish wire run through out the conduit wherever necessary. 25mm dia 2mm thick | m | 93.22 | 93.22 | 120.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 11186.4 | 0 | 3579023 | 130145 | None | Item 2.3.2 | WIRING FOR LightingorPower Circuits Wiring for lightingorpower circuit using one of FRLS PVC insulated 1100V grade, multistrand copper wire with low conductor resistance single core in open or concealed system of wiring with specified IS694confirming to latestamendments.1.5 sqmm | m | 30.68 | 30.68 | 350.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 10738.0 | 0 | 3579024 | 130145 | None | Item 2.3.3 | WIRING FOR LightingorPower Circuits Wiring for lightingorpower circuit using one of FRLS PVC insulated 1100V grade, multistrand copper wire with low conductor resistance single core in open or concealed system of wiring with specified IS694confirming to latestamendments.2.5 sqmm | m | 49.56 | 49.56 | 450.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 22302.0 | 0 | 3579025 | 130145 | None | Item 2.3.4 | WIRING FOR LightingorPower Circuits Wiring for lightingorpower circuit using one of FRLS PVC insulated 1100V grade, multistrand copper wire with low conductor resistance single core in open or concealed system of wiring with specified IS694confirming to latestamendments.4 sqmm | m | 74.34 | 74.34 | 190.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 14124.6 | 0 | 3579026 | 130145 | None | Item 5.19.9 | MCB DB Supplying and fixing regular MCB distribution boards on wallor wood board I flush mounting using required clamps,i bolts, nuts etc., with provision for fixing suitable type capacity MCB's single phase I 3 phase I single door with powder coated painting. Made out of 14 SWG MS enclosure II Double Door 12 Way SP & N | Each | 2748.22 | 2748.22 | 2.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 5496.44 | 0 | 3579027 | 130145 | None | Item 5.18.1 | Supplying and fixing miniature circuit breakers on existing MCB distribution boards using necessary fixing materials and 'C' Type curve, indicator ONorOFF, energy cross3 with Short circuit breaking capacity of 10K and complete wiring as required confirming to IEC 60898 632Amps SP | Each | 489.7 | 489.7 | 12.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 5876.4 | 0 | 3579028 | 130145 | None | Item 5.20.1 | Supplying,fixingandwiringResidualcurrentcircuitbreaker(RCCB240or450V upto 300mA sensitivity on existing woodor panel board. Board 1625 Amps 2 pole | Each | 5046.86 | 5046.86 | 2.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 10093.72 | 0 | 3579029 | 130145 | None | Item 11.3.2 | Supplying of feet PVC Batten with integrated LED tube W with high quality diffuser with Life of 25000 burning hours and 70percent lumen maintenance with CRI 80. Power Input 220240V at 50or60Hz & Power factor 0.9 along with CE approved. 2 years Warranty against any manufacturing defect working under standard electrical condition. LED light fighting 1 x4' 20or22 w | Each | 814.19 | 814.19 | 15.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 12212.85 | 0 | 3579030 | 130145 | None | Item 11.11.3 | Supplying and fixing of retrofit type LED bulb W with OPAL acrylic diffuser comprising of LED source with CCT 6500 degree K, CRI 70percent. efficacy 80 lumen per watt, life 25000 burning hours and Compliance to IS 10322orIEC 60598, LM 79 LM 80. The LED are driven by HF electronic driver integrated in the system, with PF 0.95, power loss should 5percent of lamp wattage., short circuit & open circuit protection to be integrated in the circuit, THD less than 20percent, Life as per LM 79. The operating input voltage should be between 130 to 275 volts. BIS Approved and Tested by NABLorCPRI accredited laboratory with 2 years Warranty against any manufacturing defect working under standard electrical condition. 7 W, 6500K | Each | 175.82 | 175.82 | 4.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 703.28 | 0 | 3579031 | 130145 | None | Item 11.11.7 | Supplying and fixing of retrofit type LED bulb W with OPAL acrylic diffuser comprising of LED source with CCT 6500 degree K, CRI 70percent. efficacy 80 lumen per watt, life25000 burning hours and Compliance to IS 10322orIEC 60598, LM 79 LM 80. The LED are driven by HF electronic driver integrated in the system, with PF 0.95, power loss should 5percent of lamp wattage., short circuit & open circuit protection to be integrated in the circuit, THD less than 20percent, Life as per LM 79. The operating input voltage should be between 130 to 275 volts. BIS Approved and Tested by NABLorCPRI accredited laboratory with 2 years Warranty against any manufacturing defect working under standard electrical condition. 18 W, 6500K | Each | 502.68 | 502.68 | 6.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 3016.08 | 0 | 3579032 | 130145 | None | Item 12.27 | LED Street light.Supplying & Fixing of Special Type pigmy and candle lamp. Operating voltage range from 180V to 265V, 50Hz AC power Supply | No | 61.36 | 61.36 | 2.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 122.72 | 0 | 3579033 | 130145 | None | Item 6.1 | Supplying exhaust fan of 1440 RPM of 300mm (12 size with bracket blades complete for light duty suitable to operate on 230V 50Hz, AC Supply. | Each | 1760.56 | 1760.56 | 4.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 7042.24 | 0 | 3579034 | 130145 | None | Item 6.3.1 | Supplying capacitor type ceiling fan complete with down rodblades, shackle, canopies etc., for operation on 230 volts, 50 cycles. Single phase AC supply conforming to ISS3741979 and with double ball bearing system. 48" Sweep (1200mm Regular model | Each | 3521.12 | 3521.12 | 12.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 42253.44 | 0 | 3579035 | 130145 | None | Item 12.46 | Supplying & Fixing of 70150 Watts lamp holder 2 Pin | Each | 74.34 | 74.34 | 22.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 1635.48 | 0 | 3579036 | 130145 | None | Item 13.7.1 | Fixing all types and all capacities of fluorescent or false ceiling or spot light or CFL or LED fittings indoor on the wall or ceiling or rafters or girders using 23or0.0076” twin twisted PVC insulated wires, required Nos of round blocks and clamps. On wall or ceiling or Rafter or Girders | Each | 143.96 | 143.96 | 28.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 4030.88 | 0 | 3579037 | 130145 | None | Item 13.11 | Fixing a ceiling or wall mounting fan of all capacities and all types, with necessary clamps and 'S' hook made out of 15mm dia MS rod, with 5 amps. ceiling rose of approved quality with necessary length of 23 or 0.0076 inch PVC insulated twin twisted wire of approved quality, mounted on a suitable size wooden board and wired. | Each | 371.7 | 371.7 | 12.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 4460.4 | 0 | 3579038 | 130145 | None | Item 13.13 | Fixing one exhaust fan after making a suitable nitch in the wall and finishing with cement mortar and colouring to match the existing wall or brackets, with bolts and nuts and a 5 amps, ceiling rose with sufficient length of 23 or 0.0076 inch PVC insulated twin core wire of approved make with wire mesh and wooden frame. | Each | 834.26 | 834.26 | 3.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 2502.78 | 0 | 3579039 | 130145 | None | Item 13.4.1 | Supplying and fixing telescopic M.S. bracket fabricated by using 0.5m length 4” dia telescopic M. S. pipe, with 2” dia 1.5m long M. S. bracket and are welded with suitable angle, using 6mm thick M. S. sheet, grip bolts & nuts, as required, suitable for 9 to 12 Mtrs. M. S. tubular pole, with necessary two coats of painting, with all other accessories. Single bracket 1.5 Mtr. Length | Each | 1723.98 | 1723.98 | 2.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 3447.96 | 0 | 3579040 | 130145 | None | Item BSR 32.07 | 1.1 kV, XLPE or Heat resistant PVC insulated, PVC exutruted Inner Seath Armoured LTUG Cable as per IS1554 (Part 1 or IS7098 Part1, Armouring strip thickness and resistivity as per IS3975 3.5 core 25 sqmm | Km | 164667.82 | 164667.82 | 0.065 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 10703.4083 | 0 | 3579041 | 130145 | None | Item 21.05 | Laying of cable in Existing TrenchorGI pipeorStone WareorRCC Hume pipe using WoodenorAluminum Rollers as directed by the departmental staff 2.5 to 25 Sqmm | Km | 24645.48 | 24645.48 | 0.065 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 1601.9562 | 0 | 3579042 | 130145 | None | Item 6.11.3 | Supplying and fiixing of heavy duty cable glands suitable for UG cable of 1.1KV class metal only 1920 SR 32mm dia | No | 143.96 | 143.96 | 10.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 1439.6 | 0 | 3579043 | 130145 | None | Item 6.17.5 | Supplying tinned copper lugs and crimping andwiring to terminal point for wire of the following sizes 1920SR10 sqmm | No | 9.44 | 9.44 | 8.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 75.52 | 0 | 3579044 | 130145 | None | Item BSR 29.03 | Earth work excavation for cable trench of 0.5 to 0.75 Mtr. Width and Depth upto 1 Mtr including trial pits, depositing on bank upto a lead of 50 Mtr,Supplying and Displaying necessary Danger Boards and Lighting, Using sightRails and Sign Boards at every 100 Mtr wherever necessary as directedIn ordinary soil | Cum | 306.8 | 306.8 | 30.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 9204.0 | 0 | 3579045 | 130145 | None | 5.42.1 | Fabricating supplying and mounting MS box made out SWG suitable for floor I wall mounting, fully weather proof with provision for better heat dissipation, provided with hinged front cover, equipped with tamper proof locking arrangements, with suitable size clamps with necessary cable entry pipe with gland and box should be finished with 2 coats of red oxide primer paint and finally finished with approved colour enameled metal paint etc., complete 14SWG | Sq CM | 0.59 | 0.59 | 30000.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 17700.0 | 0 | 3579046 | 130145 | None | Item 5.40.3 | Supplying amps rated 3phase with neutral bus bar using required capacity electrolytic aluminum strips covered with heat shrinkable coloured PVC sleeve, mounted on phenolici FRPorDMC insulator which are mounted on powder coated 40x6mm M.S.flat frame work in existing panel board. The bus bar shall have suitable holes for termination of incoming and outgoing cables as per IS specification with necessary bolts, nuts and washers etc., complete 400 A 4 x 50 x 10 mm Aluminium Strips | m | 5245.09 | 5245.09 | 1.5 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 7867.635 | 0 | 3579047 | 130145 | None | Item 5.41.3 | Supplying and fixing angle iron frame work iabricated out of M.S. angle iron.. and M.S. flat with bolts, washers etc.,and painted with 2 coats of red oxide and then two coats of approved paint75x75x6mm | m | 654.9 | 654.9 | 5.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 3274.5 | 0 | 3579048 | 130145 | None | Item 13.5 | Fixing halogenormetal halide or SVL or IL or LED floodlight fitting over existing pole or wall ceiling including clamps, bolts, nuts and wiring using suitable capacity wires. | Each | 191.16 | 191.16 | 2.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 382.32 | 0 | 3579049 | 130145 | None | Item 7.1.2 | Supplying litres capacity verticalorhorizontal type wall mounting Electrical water heater with 22 SWG copperorSS sheet metal inner Container tinned inside and anticorrosive paint outside and 20 SWG M.S. sheet metal outer cover filled with glass wool between inner and outer container for thermal insulation complete. The inlet and outlet pipes so arranged that water flow inside results in water to flow out from the inner container without turbulence. The Inner container shall have direct immersion type copper tube nickel plate .2KW capacity element with a neon indicator fitted with 20A capacity 25 to 85 degree Centigrade range thermostat. The water heater shall completely be wired with 40or0.0076 inch 3 core copper flexible wire of 1.5 meters length and the outer container provided with heavy gauge brackets for wall mounting. 15Litres | Each | 10342.69 | 10342.69 | 1.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 10342.69 | 0 | 3579050 | 130145 | None | Item 5.42.1 | Meetering Panel Fabricating supplying and mounting MS box made out SWG suitable for floor I wall mounting, fully weather proof with provision for better heat dissipation, provided with hinged front cover, equipped with tamper proof locking arrangements, with suitable size clamps with necessary cable entry pipe with gland and box should be finished with 2 coats of red oxide primer paint and finally finished with approved colour enameled metal paint etc., complete 14SWG | Sq CM | 0.59 | 0.59 | 30000.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 17700.0 | 0 | 3579051 | 130145 | None | Item 5.40.1 | Supplying amps rated 3phase with neutral bus bar using required capacity electrolytic aluminum strips covered with heat shrinkable coloured PVC sleeve, mounted on phenoliciFRPorDMC insulator which are mounted on powder coated 40x6mm M.S.flat frame work in existing panel board. The bus bar shall have suitable holes for termination of incoming and outgoing cables as per IS specification with necessary bolts, nuts and washers etc., complete. 100Amps 4x30x6mm Aluminum Strips | m | 2908.7 | 2908.7 | 2.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 5817.4 | 0 | 3579052 | 130145 | None | Item 5.41.4 | Supplying and fixing angle iron frame work iabricated out of M.S. angle iron.. and M.S. flat with bolts, washers etc.,and painted with 2 coats of red oxide and then two coats of approved paint 50x100x50x6mm C channel | m | 892.08 | 892.08 | 2.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 1784.16 | 0 | 3579053 | 130145 | None | Item 5.18.4 | Supplying and fixing miniature circuit breakers on existing MCB distribution boards using necessary fixing materials and 'C' Type curve, indicator ONorOFF, energy cross3 with Short circuit breaking capacity of 10K and complete wiring as required confirming to IEC 60898 632Amps DP | Each | 872.02 | 872.02 | 3.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 2616.06 | 0 | 3579054 | 130145 | None | Item 5.18.9 | Supplying and fixing miniature circuit breakers on existing MCB distribution boards using necessary fixing materials and 'C' Type curve, indicator ONorOFF, energy cross3 with Short circuit breaking capacity of 10K and complete wiring as required confirming to IEC 60898 5063Amps TPN | Each | 1300.36 | 1300.36 | 1.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 1300.36 | 0 | 3579055 | 130145 | None | Item 5.7.2 | Supplying & fixing of Porcelain fuse channel with cut out on existing woodenorpanel using necessary nuts, bolts and washers 32Amps | Each | 284.38 | 284.38 | 3.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 853.14 | 0 | 3579056 | 130145 | None | Item 5.7.3 | Supplying & fixing of Porcelain fuse channel with cut out on existing woodenorpanel using necessary nuts, bolts and washers 63Amps | Each | 473.18 | 473.18 | 1.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 473.18 | 0 | 3579057 | 130145 | None | Item 5.12.1 | Supplying of on load change over switches 4 poles, AC23A Duty, 415V, 50Hz, AC Supply. With all accessories. (SM Enclosure Sheet Metal Execution 63Amps | Each | 8119.58 | 8119.58 | 1.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 8119.58 | 0 | 3579058 | 130145 | None | Item 5.27 | Supplying, fixing and wiring rotary selector switch suitable for Ammeter | Each | 236.0 | 236.0 | 1.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 236.0 | 0 | 3579059 | 130145 | None | Item 5.28 | Supplying, fixing and wiring rotary selector switch suitable for Voltmeter | Each | 188.79 | 188.79 | 1.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 188.79 | 0 | 3579060 | 130145 | None | Item 5.29 | Supplying, fixing and wiring 3 Phase Digital Ammeter | Each | 1681.5 | 1681.5 | 2.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 3363.0 | 0 | 3579061 | 130145 | None | Item 5.38 | Supplying and fixing of LED type panel board indicating lamp with required colour suitable for 220v A.C. 50 Hz 12or24v D.C 48or6.36 | Each | 607.69 | 607.69 | 2.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 1215.38 | 0 | 3579062 | 130145 | None | Item 5.34 | Supplying, fixing and wiring 50or5 to 400or5Amps 5VA burden Current Transformer. Class 0.5 accuracy with Tape Wound 48or6.32 | Each | 663.16 | 663.16 | 3.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 1989.48 | 0 | 3579063 | 130145 | None | Item 5.30 | Supplying, fixing and wiring electronic 5 to 20Amps single phase Class1 Accuracy with Temper Proof Energy Meter | Each | 1628.39 | 1628.39 | 2.0 | False | None | None | False | None | False | 3256.78 | 0 |