createdTs None version None createdDate None modifiedDate None noticeInvitingTenderDTO
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createdTs 1723100824644 version 4 createdDate None modifiedDate None tenderNumber MI/2024-25/DA/WORK_INDENT1941 title CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR SURVEY, INVESTIGATION, PREPARATION OF DESIGN, DRAWINGS, ESTIMATES FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CHECK DAM ACROSS MARIHALLA NEAR MADENAHALLI VILLAGE IN HONALLI TALUK DAVANAGERE DISTRICT description Conducting detailed survey and collection of field detailed for various components of M.I. Works preparation of detailed estimate including L/S, C/S,Block level, rate analysis etc.,based on detailed survey along with detailed project report (DPR)As per common Schedule of Rate in consultation with concerned Officers suggestions if any observation made by higher officers TAC needs to be incorporate in the D.P.R .The detailed estimate in 2 copies in neat booklets along with all the drawings to be submitted. category WORKS categoryText Works ecv 141243.00 deptName Minor Irrigation Department status PUBLISHED statusText Published remarks None csrValue None ecvtenderYn True location 110 locationName Minor Irrigation Division Chitradurga provisionalAmount 141243.0 groupOverheadTotal None fileNumber MADENAHALLI10 tenderSubEstimateList
createdTs version createdDate modifiedDate workCategoryName subEstimateName estimateTotal itemList 1723100825000 0 None None Dam and Allied works PREPARATION OF DPR ESTIAMTE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CHECK DAM ACROSS MARIHALLA NEAR MADENAHALLI VILLAGE IN HONALLI TALUK DAVANAGERE DISTRICT. 141243.0
id tenderSubEstimateId categoryName itemCode description uomName baseRate finalRate quantity modifyQuantityYn minQuantity maxQuantity buyBackYn buyBackValue hideYn netAmount taxCount 3721522 137902 None Code01 Conducting detailed survey and collection of field detailed for various components of M.I. Works preparation of detailed estimate including L/S, C/S,Block level, rate analysis etc.,based on detailed survey along with detailed project report (DPR)As per common Schedule of Rate in consultation with concerned Officers suggestions if any observation made by higher officers TAC needs to be incorporate in the D.P.R .The detailed estimate in 2 copies in neat booklets along with all the drawings to be submitted. Job 141243.0 141243.0 1.0 False None None False None False 141243.0 0 generalCriterionList
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createdTs version createdDate modifiedDate documentName None None None None Work Done Certificate None None None None To qualify for award of this contract, each tenderer in his name should have in the last 03 years Period (2021-22 to 2023-24) A) Achieved in at least two financial years a minimum fnancial turnover (In all classes of Civil Engineering Construction works) of Rs 100.00 Lakhs Financial Status None
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