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createdTs 1722847645832 version 4 createdDate None modifiedDate None tenderNumber KFD/2024-25/BD/WORK_INDENT12868 title Construction of DRFO Quarters in Gudibande Social Forestry Range description Construction of DRFO Quarters in Gudibande Social Forestry Range category WORKS categoryText Works ecv 2250000.00 deptName Karnataka Forest Department status PUBLISHED statusText Published remarks None csrValue None ecvtenderYn False location 8838 locationName KFD ACF Social Forestry Sub Division Office Chickballapura provisionalAmount 2250000.0 groupOverheadTotal None fileNumber A2/BUD/CR36/2024-25Buildings13 tenderSubEstimateList
createdTs version createdDate modifiedDate workCategoryName subEstimateName estimateTotal itemList 1722847646000 0 None None Buildings Construction of DRFO Quarters in Gudibande Social Forestry Range 2250000.0
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