createdTs | None |
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version | 4 |
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tenderFee | 510.00 |
emd | 50000.00 |
bidValueType | LUMPSUM |
bidValueTypeText | Lumpsum |
techWeightage | 80 |
tenderReceiptClose | 30-09-2024 16:30:00 |
tenderQueryClose | 17-09-2024 16:30:00 |
technicalBidOpen | 01-10-2024 17:00:00 |
publishedDate | 26-08-2024 19:28:39 |
publishedByPost | BGMUDA_EE_HOD |
bidValidityPeriod | 90 |
noOfCalls | 1 |
preBidMeetingDate | 12-09-2024 12:00:00 |
preBidMeetingYn | True |
preQualificationBidOpen | None |
retenderedYn | None |
contactPerson | Prassana |
splitEmdRequiredYn | False |
emdBankGuarantee | None |
emdCash | None |
bgValidityPeriod | None |
hideWeightage | False |
isMultipleSupplierSelectionAllowed | None |
techEvalStartDate | None |
multipleCurrencySelectionAllowedYn | False |
isTechWeightageAllowed | None |
highestBidderSelection | False |
qcbsTenderYn | True |
itemwiseEmdRequiredYn | None |
itemwiseTechEvalYn | None |
officeNumber | 08372470342 |
mobileNumber | 9535719176 |
provisionalAmount | 2400000.0 |
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tenderSchedule | createdTs | 1724678569674 |
version | 4 |
createdDate | None |
modifiedDate | None |
tenderNumber | BGMUDA/2024-25/SE0015 |
title | Providing Quality Supervision Consultancy Services as Third Party inspectors for materials and developmental works like improvements and Construction of roads,drains,Garden works and Electrical works such as street lighting,highmast etc. All works taken up by Belagavi Urban Development Authority Belagavi (Approximately cost of the projects/works in Rs 48.00 crores) |
description | Providing Quality Supervision Consultancy Services as Third Party inspectors for materials and developmental works like improvements and Construction of roads,drains,Garden works and Electrical works such as street lighting,highmast etc. All works taken up by Belagavi Urban Development Authority Belagavi (Approximately cost of the projects/works in Rs 48.00 crores) |
category | SERVICES |
categoryText | Services |
ecv | 2033898.30 |
deptName | Belagavi Urban Development Authority |
fileName | None |
status | PUBLISHED |
statusText | Published |
remarks | None |
ecvtenderYn | True |
location | 1664 |
locationName | BGMUDA Commissioner Office Belagavi |
procEntityTypeText | None |
tenderGroups | createdTs | version | createdDate | modifiedDate | groupName | itemList | itemSize |
1724678569676 | 0 | None | None | Default | createdTs | version | createdDate | modifiedDate | itemCode | itemName | valueOfService | extendOfContract | quantity | specifications | biddingUnit | estimateUnitRate | estimateItemPrice | denominationType | itemEmd |
1724678570000 | 0 | None | None | THIRDPARTY01 | Providing Quality Supervision Consultancy Services as Third Party inspectors for materials and developmental works like improvements and Construction of roads,drains,Garden works and Electrical works such as street lighting,highmast etc. All works taken up by Belagavi Urban Development Authority Belagavi | None | 1.0 | 1.0 | THIRDPARTY:THIRDPARTY | YEARLY | 2033898.3 | 2033898.30 | RUPEES | None |
| 1 |
generalCriterionList | None |
preQualCriterionList | None |
technicalCriterionList | None |
tenderCriterionDocumentList | documentName | optional | documentTypeText |
Annual Turnover Certificate | False | Technical Bid | Company Registration Certificate | False | Technical Bid | Small Scale Industries Certificate | False | Technical Bid |
tenderItemsList | createdTs | version | createdDate | modifiedDate | itemCode | itemName | valueOfService | extendOfContract | quantity | specifications | biddingUnit | estimateUnitRate | estimateItemPrice | denominationType | itemEmd |
1724678570000 | 0 | None | None | THIRDPARTY01 | Providing Quality Supervision Consultancy Services as Third Party inspectors for materials and developmental works like improvements and Construction of roads,drains,Garden works and Electrical works such as street lighting,highmast etc. All works taken up by Belagavi Urban Development Authority Belagavi | None | 1.0 | 1.0 | THIRDPARTY:THIRDPARTY | YEARLY | 2033898.3 | 2033898.30 | RUPEES | None |
tenderEligibilityCriterionList | createdTs | version | createdDate | modifiedDate | criterionType | description | tenderEligibilityCriterionDocumentList |
1724678571000 | 0 | None | None | ELIGIBILITY | Bidders shall not be under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt and fraudulent practices issued by Government of Karnataka
| None | 1724678571000 | 0 | None | None | ELIGIBILITY | It shall be the responsibility of the Bidder to ensure credit of Tender Processing Fee and EMD into the respective receiving bank accounts of e-Procurement on or before the last date and time of bid submission. | None | 1724678571000 | 0 | None | None | ELIGIBILITY | EMD Payments through e-Payment mode shall be made as one single transaction and payments made in part are liable for rejection. | None | 1724678789000 | 0 | None | None | ELIGIBILITY | Minimum of one similar nature of work should have satisfactorily completed (at least 90% of the contract value) at least one single work of conducting 3rd party inspection (Third party and quality assurance servicesof project cost not less than Rs. 24.00 Crores) in any Government/ Government Undertaken project is a pre-requisite for Qualification | None | 1724678921000 | 0 | None | None | ELIGIBILITY | The consultant should submit certificate only for the consultancy fees received not project cost. (Project cos twill not be considered)-cumulative of minimum 12.00 lakhs should enclose receipt of fees received as proof | None | 1724678960000 | 0 | None | None | ELIGIBILITY | The Consultant must have two years experience in any Govt.institution as Third Party Inspector in last five Years ie (five years i.e., 2019-20 to 2023-24 ) | None | 1724678999000 | 0 | None | None | ELIGIBILITY | To qualify for award of this contract, bidder/firm/Company/Consultants in his name should have (in the last five years i.e., 2019-20 to 2023-24) achieved in at least two financial years a minimum financial turnover of value not less than Rs 48.00 Lakhs. | None | 1724679979000 | 0 | None | None | ELIGIBILITY | The tendered Amount is Exclusive of GST Amount | None |
tenderTechnicalCriterionList | createdTs | version | createdDate | modifiedDate | description | weight | criterionCategoryText | criterionTypeOthersValue | criterionType | tenderTechnicalCriterionDocumentList |
None | None | None | None | The intending bidder/firm/Company/Consultants should have similar work experience of minimum 1 major project in any govt Sector of which minimum work should be costing of value more than 90% the estimated cost of work.Workdone certificate should be obtained duly signed from an office not below the rank of Executive engineer of the concerned division, services of project cost not less than Rs. 24.00 Crores) in any Government/ Government Undertaken projects during the last five financial years from 2019-20 to 2023-24 | 10 | Capabilities of Vendor | None | TECHNICAL_QUALIFICATION | createdTs | version | createdDate | modifiedDate | documentTypeText | documentName |
None | None | None | None | None | Work Done Certificate |
| None | None | None | None | Note: For additional similar nature of work, 5 marks for each works will be added subjected to the maximum of 2 works | 10 | Capabilities of Vendor | None | TECHNICAL_QUALIFICATION | createdTs | version | createdDate | modifiedDate | documentTypeText | documentName |
None | None | None | None | None | Work Done Certificate |
| None | None | None | None | Owning of laboratory with NABL/NACC Accreditation is desirable for standard technical procedures or having MOU with NABL/NACC Accreditation laboratories(Note-1) Own Labrotary -10marks 2) having MOU with NABL/NACC Accreditation laboratories, 5 Marks | 10 | Capabilities of Vendor | None | TECHNICAL_QUALIFICATION | createdTs | version | createdDate | modifiedDate | documentTypeText | documentName |
None | None | None | None | None | Others -- NABL Certificate |
| None | None | None | None | Mobile Laboratory consisting of below mentioned equipments mentioned in Bid Document | 10 | Capabilities of Vendor | None | TECHNICAL_QUALIFICATION | createdTs | version | createdDate | modifiedDate | documentTypeText | documentName |
None | None | None | None | None | Others -- Proof of ownership like invoice or RC etc., of equipments |
| None | None | None | None | Adequacy of the proposed work plan and methodology in responding to the TOR | 10 | Others | Work plan and Methodolgy responding to TOR in attached Bid document | TECHNICAL_QUALIFICATION | createdTs | version | createdDate | modifiedDate | documentTypeText | documentName |
None | None | None | None | None | Others -- Work plan and Methodolgy responding to TOR in attached Bid document |
| None | None | None | None | Qualifications and competence of the key professional staff for the Assignment as mentioned in Bid Document | 50 | Others | Key professionals Details | TECHNICAL_QUALIFICATION | createdTs | version | createdDate | modifiedDate | documentTypeText | documentName |
None | None | None | None | None | Others -- Key professionals Details |
tenderPreQualCriterionList | None |
tenderAddress | createdTs | 1724679983711 |
version | 0 |
createdDate | None |
modifiedDate | None |
street | None |
city | BELAGAVI |
state | Karnataka |
pin | 590010 |
tenderRecallDTO | None |