createdTs None version None createdDate None modifiedDate None noticeInvitingTenderDTO
createdTs 1725087285155 version 2 createdDate None modifiedDate None tenderType RFQ evaluationType ONE_COVER evaluationTypeText One Cover invitingStrategy OPEN invitingStrategyText Open taxType INCLUSIVE_TAX tenderFee 500.00 emd 4750.00 bidValueType ITEM_WISE bidValueTypeText Item wise tenderReceiptClose 12-09-2024 17:30:00 tenderQueryClose 11-09-2024 17:30:00 technicalBidOpen None publishedDate 05-09-2024 12:17:28 publishedByPost TP_CO_HNL publishedByUser KPE14246 - T LEELAVATHI bidValidityPeriod 90 noOfCalls 1 preBidMeetingDate None preBidMeetingYn False preQualificationBidOpen None denominationType RUPEES denominationTypeText Rupees retenderedYn None percentageRateTypeText None contactPerson DEVARAJA C splitEmdRequiredYn False emdBankGuarantee None emdCash None bgValidityPeriod None hideWeightage None multipleCurrencySelectionAllowedYn False isTechWeightageAllowed None highestBidderSelection False isVariableEmdAllowed None qcbsTenderYn None itemwiseEmdRequiredYn None sampleSubmissionDate None officeNumber 08188265000 mobileNumber 8431919189 tenderSupplierList None tenderSchedule
createdTs 1725087285190 version 4 createdDate None modifiedDate None tenderNumber DMA/2024-25/BR/WORK_INDENT28766 title CONSTRUCTION OF CD NEAR 4TH CROSS ANAGANAWADI IN DURGIGUDI SOUTH AND SLAB CONSTRUCTION IN HIRAMATA IN HONNALI description CONSTRUCTION OF CD NEAR 4TH CROSS ANAGANAWADI IN DURGIGUDI SOUTH AND SLAB CONSTRUCTION IN HIRAMATA IN HONNALI category WORKS categoryText Works ecv 190000.00 deptName Directorate of Municipal Administration status PUBLISHED statusText Published remarks None csrValue None ecvtenderYn True location 2298 locationName DMA Town Municipal Council Honnali provisionalAmount 190000.0 groupOverheadTotal 32436.52 fileNumber TMC/HNL/GF/01 tenderSubEstimateList
createdTs version createdDate modifiedDate workCategoryName subEstimateName estimateTotal itemList 1725087285000 0 None None Bridges/Culverts CONSTRUCTION OF CD NEAR 4TH CROSS ANAGANAWADI IN DURGIGUDI SOUTH AND SLAB CONSTRUCTION IN HIRAMATA IN HONNALI 157563.48
id tenderSubEstimateId categoryName itemCode description uomName baseRate finalRate quantity modifyQuantityYn minQuantity maxQuantity buyBackYn buyBackValue hideYn netAmount taxCount 3892257 149682 None code01 Earth work excavation by manual means for drains,canals, waste weir, draft, approach channels, key trenches, foundation of bridges and such simillar works in all kinds of soils , as per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, shoring, strutting, barricading, caution lights, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, excavated surface leveled and sides neatly dressed disposing off the excavated stuff or sorting & stacking the selected stuff for reuse in a radius of 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m including cost of labour, tools & other appurtenaces required to complete the work.In all kinds of soils Depth upto 1.5 m Cum 247.58 247.58 10.5 False None None False None False 2599.59 0 3892258 149682 None code02 Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete for levelling course for all works in foundation. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed, laid in layers not exceeding 150 mm thickness, well compacted using plate vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials of quality, labour, Usage charges of machineries, curing, and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement & formwork shall be paid separately)Mix 1:4:8( M5) Using 40 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates Cum 5833.92 5833.92 0.98 False None None False None False 5717.2416 0 3892259 149682 None code03 Providing and laying in position Reinforced cement concrete for all Foundation works. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed with super plasticizers laid in finished layers, well compacted using needle vibrators, including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials, quality confirming to the requirements of relevant IS codes , labour, Usage charges of machinery, curing and all the other appurtenances required to complete the work as per technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement & formwork to be paid separately) M20 Design Mix Using 20 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse aggregates Cum 6475.71 6475.71 8.15 False None None False None False 52777.0365 0 3892260 149682 None code04 Addendum Percentage Additionalities for Formwork Centering & Scaffolding Cum 2266.46 2266.46 8.15 False None None False None False 18471.649 0 3892261 149682 None code05 Supplying, fitting and placing TMT FE 550 / 550D Steel Reinforcement including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cleaning, straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, laping/welding joints, tying with binding wire / soft annealed steel wire and other ancilary operations complete as per drawing and technical specification V-1 23-24 Tonne 89025.99 89025.99 0.82 False None None False None False 73001.3118 0 3892262 149682 None code06 Construction of sub-grade and earthen shoulders with approved material obtained from borrow pits with all lifts & leads, transporting to site, spreading, grading to required slope and compacted to meet requirement of table No. Cum 507.79 507.79 9.84 False None None False None False 4996.6536 0 generalCriterionList
createdTs version createdDate modifiedDate criterionType description tenderEligibilityCriterionDocumentList 1725087291000 0 None None ELIGIBILITY Tenders from Joint ventures are not acceptable. None 1725087291000 0 None None ELIGIBILITY Bidders shall not be under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt and fraudulent practices issued by Government of Karnataka None 1725087291000 0 None None ELIGIBILITY Bidders shall ensure upload of relevant document certifying his/her status as Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe/other reserved category as prescribed in the tender document. None 1725087291000 0 None None ELIGIBILITY It shall be the responsibility of the Bidder to ensure credit of Tender Processing Fee and EMD into the respective receiving bank accounts of e-Procurement on or before the last date and time of bid submission. None 1725087291000 0 None None ELIGIBILITY EMD Payments through e-Payment mode shall be made as one single transaction and payments made in part are liable for rejection. None 1725087291000 0 None None ELIGIBILITY Department Registration Details None 1725087291000 0 None None ELIGIBILITY Total value of civl engineering works executed and payments received in the last five years (year-wise) None 1725087291000 0 None None ELIGIBILITY List of existing commitments and ongoing work None 1725087291000 0 None None ELIGIBILITY List of works for which tenders already submitted None 1725087291000 0 None None ELIGIBILITY Banker Details None 1725087347000 0 None None ELIGIBILITY AS PER BID DOCUMENT None preQualCriterionList None technicalCriterionList None tenderCriterionDocumentList
documentName optional documentTypeText Annual Turnover Certificate LAST 3 YEARS True Technical Bid CONTRACTOR Registration Certificate True Technical Bid IT returns for past 3 years True Technical Bid GST and PAN Card Registration True Technical Bid SIMILAR WORK DONE CERTIFICATE True Technical Bid SITE INSPECTION REPORT WITH ULB OFFICIALS True Technical Bid tenderWorkLocationList tenderAddress None tenderRecallDTO None