Organisation ChainHarbour Engineering Department||Harbour Engineering||SE (Central Circle)
Tender Reference NumberHED/CEHED/TR/361/2023_5_7_6/1
Tender ID2024_HED_672715_1Withdrawal AllowedYes
Tender TypeOpen TenderForm Of ContractItem Rate
Tender CategoryWorksNo. of Covers1
General Technical Evaluation Allowed NoItemWise Technical Evaluation AllowedNo
Payment ModeOnlineIs Multi Currency Allowed For BOQNo
Is Multi Currency Allowed For FeeNoAllow Two Stage BiddingNo
Online Bankers
S.NoBank Name
Cover NoCover TypeDescriptionDocument Type
1Fee/PreQual/Technical/FinanceAttested copy of the bidder valid registration certificate.pdf
Copy of remittance towards bid submission fee and Bid Security.pdf
Duly filled and signed bid submission letter.pdf
Duly filled and signed preliminary agreement.pdf
Duly filled and signed Integrity pact certificate.pdf
Duly filled and signed Affidavit.pdf
Duly filled and signed NIT and SBD.pdf
Copy of valid GST registration and remittance slip of applicable GST on bid submission fee.pdf
Duly filled Tender Schedule.xls
Duly filled and signed e payment requisition form.pdf
Tender Fee in ₹ 5,515
Fee Payable ToNilFee Payable AtNil
Tender Fee Exemption AllowedYes
EMD Amount in ₹ 50,000EMD Exemption AllowedYes
EMD Fee Type fixed EMD PercentageNA
EMD Payable ToNilEMD Payable AtNil
TitleNABARD-FIDF-DEVELOPMENT OF ARTHUNGAL FISHING HARBOUR BALANCE WORKS-Construction of Overhead Water Tank, Gate and Gatehouse and Compound Wall-General Civil Work
Work DescriptionNABARD-FIDF- DEVELOPMENT OF ARTHUNGAL FISHING HARBOUR BALANCE WORKS-Construction of Overhead Water Tank, Gate and Gatehouse and Compound Wall-General Civil Work
NDA/Pre QualificationPlease refer Tender documents.
Independent External Monitor/RemarksNA
Tender Value in ₹ 1,38,08,293 Product CategoryCivil Works - Others Sub categoryConstruction of Overhead Water Tank, Gate house 
Contract TypeTenderBid Validity(Days)60Period Of Work(Days)300 
LocationARTHUNGAL FISHING HARBOURPincode688530 Pre Bid Meeting PlaceNA 
Pre Bid Meeting AddressNA Pre Bid Meeting DateNA Bid Opening PlaceOffice of the Superintending Engineer HECC
Should Allow NDA TenderNo Allow Preferential BidderNo
Published Date13-May-2024 03:00 PMBid Opening Date29-May-2024 11:00 AM
Document Download / Sale Start Date13-May-2024 03:00 PMDocument Download / Sale End Date27-May-2024 06:00 PM
Clarification Start DateNAClarification End DateNA
Bid Submission Start Date13-May-2024 03:00 PM Bid Submission End Date27-May-2024 06:00 PM
NIT Document
S.NoDocument NameDescriptionDocument Size (in KB)
1Tendernotice_1.pdf Notice Inviting Tender305.57
Download as zip file
Work Item Documents
S.NoDocument TypeDocument NameDescriptionDocument Size (in KB)
1BOQBOQ_1046394.xlsDigital SignatureTender Schedule356.00
2Tender DocumentsNITSBD.pdfDigital SignatureNIT and SBD1910.03
3Tender DocumentsBid_Sub_Letter.pdfDigital SignatureBid Submission Letter475.14
4Tender DocumentsAffidavit.pdfDigital SignatureForm of Affidavit386.23
5Tender DocumentsIntegrity_Pact.pdfDigital SignatureForm of Integrity Pact253.37
6Tender DocumentsPreliminary_Agreement.pdfDigital SignatureForm of Preliminary Agreement602.02
7Additional DocumentsRequisition_epayment.pdfDigital SignatureRequisition of e payment259.09
NameSuperintending Engineer HECC
AddressSuperintending Engineer, Harbour Engineering Central Circle, Corporation Building, Paramara Road, Ernakulam North,Kochi-18
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