Organisation Chain | Construction and Design Services UP Jal Nigam||C.G.M. (I) Lucknow||G.M. (08) Lucknow||Unit-29 Lucknow | Tender Reference Number | 1091/Tender Work/425, Dated 30.08.2024 | Tender ID | 2024_UPCDS_951679_1 | Withdrawal Allowed | Yes | Tender Type | Open Tender | Form Of Contract | Percentage | Tender Category | Works | No. of Covers | 2 | General Technical Evaluation Allowed | No | ItemWise Technical Evaluation Allowed | No | Payment Mode | Offline | Is Multi Currency Allowed For BOQ | No | Is Multi Currency Allowed For Fee | No | Allow Two Stage Bidding | No |
| |
1 | Fee/PreQual/Technical | Bidder Documents as per NIT | .pdf | | | Capability Statement | .xls | 2 | Finance | BOQ | .xls |
Tender Fee in ₹ | 11,800 | Fee Payable To | Director C and DS, UP Jal Nigam, Unit 06 | Fee Payable At | Lucknow | Tender Fee Exemption Allowed | No |
| |
EMD Amount in ₹ | 2,85,000 | EMD Exemption Allowed | No | EMD Fee Type | fixed | EMD Percentage | NA | EMD Payable To | Director C and DS, UP Jal Nigam, Unit 06 | EMD Payable At | Lucknow |
Title | Const. of Animal Birth (ABC Centre) with Dog Care at Vill. Amausi Nagar Nigam Lucknow | Work Description | Construction of Animal Birth Centre (ABC Centre) with Dog Care
Centre at Village Amausi, Nagar Nigam, Lucknow | NDA/Pre Qualification | As per NIT and Tender Documents | Independent External Monitor/Remarks | NA | Tender Value in ₹ | 1,42,16,000 | Product Category | Civil Works | Sub category | NA | Contract Type | Tender | Bid Validity(Days) | 120 | Period Of Work(Days) | 270 | Location | Vill Amausi Nagar Nigam Lucknow | Pincode | 226008 | Pre Bid Meeting Place | NA | Pre Bid Meeting Address | NA | Pre Bid Meeting Date | NA | Bid Opening Place | PM Unit 06, 03/416, Vishwas Khand Gomti Nagar Lko | Should Allow NDA Tender | No | Allow Preferential Bidder | No | |
Published Date | 03-Sep-2024 03:00 PM | Bid Opening Date | 03-Oct-2024 03:30 PM | Document Download / Sale Start Date | 03-Sep-2024 03:00 PM | Document Download / Sale End Date | 01-Oct-2024 05:00 PM | Clarification Start Date | NA | Clarification End Date | NA | Bid Submission Start Date | 03-Sep-2024 04:00 PM | Bid Submission End Date | 01-Oct-2024 05:00 PM |
NIT Document | | Download as zip file | Work Item Documents | 1 | Tender Documents | BidDocumentABC.pdf | Bid Document | 2546.72 | 2 | Additional Documents | Capability1.xls | Capability Statement | 35.50 | 3 | BOQ | BOQ_1651848.xls | BOQ | 231.50 |
1 | DATE EXTEND | Date |  | 2 | AMENDMENT OF EXPERIENCE | Other |  |
Name | Project Manager Unit 06 | Address | 03/416, Vishwas Khand Gomti Nagar Lucknow |