Organisation Chain | Haryana Government||Panchayati Raj Haryana||XEN Panchayati Raj Jind||SDO Panchayati Raj Jind | Tender Reference Number | 20244F337A60 1E61 4BFE AA48 DF04E7BB67701993DEV | Tender ID | 2024_HRY_400996_1 | Withdrawal Allowed | Yes | Tender Type | Open Tender | Form Of Contract | Works | Tender Category | Works | No. of Covers | 2 | General Technical Evaluation Allowed | No | ItemWise Technical Evaluation Allowed | No | Payment Mode | Online | Is Multi Currency Allowed For BOQ | No | Is Multi Currency Allowed For Fee | No | Allow Two Stage Bidding | No |
| |
1 | Fee/PreQual/Technical | DNIT | .pdf | | | NOTICE | .pdf | | | TECHNICAL | .pdf | 2 | Finance | BOQ | .xls |
Tender Fee in ₹ | 500 | Processing Fee in ₹ | 1,180 | Fee Payable To | Nil | Fee Payable At | Nil | Tender Fee Exemption Allowed | Yes |
| |
EMD Amount in ₹ | 18,645 | EMD Exemption Allowed | Yes | EMD Fee Type | percentage | EMD Percentage | 5.0% | EMD Payable To | Nil | EMD Payable At | Nil |
Title | Construction Of Shed Install hand Pump in Shamshan Ghat at village Roopgarh block Jind Distt Jind Scheme Shiv Dhan Yojana | Work Description | Construction Of Shed Install hand Pump in Shamshan Ghat at village Roopgarh block Jind Distt Jind Scheme Shiv Dhan Yojana | NDA/Pre Qualification | Construction Of Shed ,Install hand Pump in Shamshan Ghat at village - Roopgarh block - Jind Distt.- Jind Scheme - Shiv Dhan Yojana | Independent External Monitor/Remarks | NA | Tender Value in ₹ | 3,72,900 | Product Category | Civil Works | Sub category | CONSTRUCTION WORK | Contract Type | Tender | Bid Validity(Days) | 120 | Period Of Work(Days) | 120 | Location | ROOPGARH | Pincode | 126102 | Pre Bid Meeting Place | NA | Pre Bid Meeting Address | NA | Pre Bid Meeting Date | NA | Bid Opening Place | Executive Engineer Jind | Should Allow NDA Tender | No | Allow Preferential Bidder | No | |
Published Date | 16-Aug-2024 06:00 PM | Bid Opening Date | 23-Aug-2024 11:00 AM | Document Download / Sale Start Date | 16-Aug-2024 06:00 PM | Document Download / Sale End Date | 22-Aug-2024 01:00 PM | Clarification Start Date | NA | Clarification End Date | NA | Bid Submission Start Date | 16-Aug-2024 06:00 PM | Bid Submission End Date | 22-Aug-2024 01:00 PM |
NIT Document | | Download as zip file | Work Item Documents | 1 | BOQ | BOQ_477387.xls | BOQ | 282.00 | 2 | Other Document | OT0090007.pdf | NOTICE | 600.00 |
Name | Gautam Toshamer | Address | Executive Engineer Jind |