Tender Notification

Buyer: All India Institute of Medical Sciences Tender Status: Authorized
 Tender Header
Tender: * 143B/EE/CD-II/2023-24 Title: * Tender Notification
Tender Creation Date and Time: 21-06-2024 12:37 Tender Called For: Tender
Stage: Two Stages Email: * dkaiims.esd@gmail.com
Preferred currency: Indian Rupee Document Category: * DOCUPLOAD
 Tender Fee Details
Run Line Number: * 1 Estimated Cost: * 22,45,986
EMD: * 44,920 Tender Processing Fee: 2,650
COT: *
Region: *
Procurement Category: * Works Area Of Interest: *
  • Civil Works
Bid Type: * Percentage Description Of Work: * S/R to Surgery Block at Masjid Moth SH: Construction work in basement -1 for Radiology Department at surgery block at Masjid Moth, AIIMS New Delhi. Composite Work.
 Important Dates
1. Request of Tender Document From: * 21-06-2024 13:55 2. Issue of Tender Document From: * 21-06-2024 13:55
3. Request of Tender Document To: * 27-06-2024 15:00 4. Issue of Tender Document To: * 27-06-2024 15:01
5. Bid Clarification date: 6. Tender Closing Date and Time: * 28-06-2024 15:00
7. Techno Commercial Open Date and Time: * 28-06-2024 15:30 8. Cost Open Date and Time: * 01-07-2024 15:30
Corrigendum Template Selection

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