Tender Notification

Buyer: All India Institute of Medical Sciences Tender Status: Authorized
 Tender Header
Tender: * 37/EE/CD-II/2024-25 Title: * Tender Notification
Tender Creation Date and Time: 23-08-2024 12:17 Tender Called For: Tender
Stage: Two Stages Email: * dkaiims.esd@gmail.com
Preferred currency: Indian Rupee Document Category: * DOCUPLOAD
 Tender Fee Details
Run Line Number: * 1 Estimated Cost: * 15,17,529
EMD: * 30,351 Tender Processing Fee: 1,791
COT: *
Region: *
Procurement Category: * Works Area Of Interest: *
  • Civil Works
Bid Type: * Percentage Description Of Work: * S/R to External Services. Sh: Construction of footing base and other relevant works for the installation of 20 KL Liquid Oxygen Tank LOT of main hospital at AIIMS.
 Important Dates
1. Request of Tender Document From: * 23-08-2024 15:50 2. Issue of Tender Document From: * 23-08-2024 15:51
3. Request of Tender Document To: * 12-09-2024 15:00 4. Issue of Tender Document To: * 12-09-2024 15:01
5. Bid Clarification date: 6. Tender Closing Date and Time: * 13-09-2024 15:00
7. Techno Commercial Open Date and Time: * 13-09-2024 15:30 8. Cost Open Date and Time: * 18-09-2024 15:30
Corrigendum Template Selection

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