Tender Notification

Buyer: Container Corporation of India Limited Tender Status: Authorized
 Tender Header
Tender/EOI: * CON/AREA-II/ENG/ICD-Aurangabad/pavement/E-82791/2024-25 Title: * Tender Creation
Tender Creation Date and Time: 28-03-2024 17:34 Tender Called For: Tender
Stage: One Stage Email: * niraj@concorindia.com
Document Category: * DOCUPLOAD  
 Tender Fee Details
Run Line Number: * 1 Estimated Cost: 4,60,20,094.37
EMD: * 3,80,100 Form Fee: * 0
Tender Processing Fee: 3,540 Region: *
COT: *
  • CCIL-General
Type Of Work: * Civil Works
Bid Type: * Percentage Area Of Interest: *
  • Civil - All
Description Of Work: * Construction of M-50 CC Block Pavement for unpaved/Kuccha yard at ICD/Aurangabad -Maharashtra  
 Important Dates
1. Request of Tender/EOI Document From: * 02-04-2024 15:00 2. Issue of Tender/EOI Document From: * 02-04-2024 15:00
3. Request of Tender/EOI Document To: * 23-04-2024 17:00 4. Issue of Tender/EOI Document To: * 23-04-2024 17:01
5. Bid Clarification date: 6. Tender/EOI Closing Date and Time: * 24-04-2024 17:00
7. Cost Open Date and Time: * 26-04-2024 15:00  
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