Tender Notification

Buyer: LIC South Central Zone Tender Status: Authorized
Type Reference No Approved Date File Name Remarks Status Actions
Corrigendum Tender Extension 26-07-2024 06:12 PM BORgdmTenderExtnnotice.pdf BORgdmTenderExtnn... Approved.
Corrigendum Pre Bid Meeting 24-07-2024 09:49 AM BORgdmPrebidnotice.pdf BORgdmPrebidnotice Approved.
Addendum 001 24-07-2024 09:39 AM BORgdmAmendment001.pdf BORgdmAmendment001 Approved
 Tender Header
Tender: * LICI/SCZO/ENGG/2024-25/15 Type of Tender: Open
Tender Creation Date and Time: 09-07-2024 18:28 Stage: Two Stages
Document Category: DOCUPLOAD Email: * srikantaprasad.s@licindia.com
Preferred currency: Indian Rupee Contact Name/Designation/Dept: * As Per NIT
 Tender Fee Details
Run Line Number: * 15 Quantity Required: 0
Estimated Cost: * 4,46,31,996 Units: NA
Tender Processing Fee TW: 5,900 Place of Execution: * As Per NIT
Tender Document Processing Fee LIC: * 1,180 Period of Execution: 15
EMD: 8,92,700 COT: *
  • LIC-Works
Description Of Work: * e-TENDER FOR PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION CUM MODERNIZATION WITH AC OF BRANCH OFFICE BUILDING AT RAMAGUNDAM UNDER KARIMNAGAR DIVISIONAL OFFICE, TELANGANA STATE. Main Building work including Civil, Plumbing and Sanitary, Electrical, SITC of Lift, and other Ancillary works. Region: *
  • SCZ
  • HYD
Qualification Criteria: * As Per NIT Validity of Quotation in Days: 90
 Important Dates
1. Request of Tender Document From: * 10-07-2024 10:00 2. Request of Tender Document To: * 07-08-2024 14:59
3. Issue of Tender Document From: * 10-07-2024 10:01 4. Issue of Tender Document To: * 07-08-2024 15:00
5. Bid Clarification date: 19-07-2024 11:30 6. Tender Closing Date and Time: * 07-08-2024 17:00
7. Techno Date and Time: * 08-08-2024 12:00 8. Cost Open Date and Time: * will be defined later
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