Tender Notification

Buyer: Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC) Tender Status: Authorized
 Tender Header
Tender: * E NIT_CWC/RO_Delhi/Engg./ZMC/2024-25/10 Title: * Tender Notification
Tender Creation Date and Time: 10-04-2024 10:54 Tender Called For: Tender
Stage: Two Stages Type of Tender: Open
Email: * ccdelhi.cwc@cewacor.nic.in Document Category: DOCUPLOAD
Bid Type: * Percentage  
 Tender Fee Details
Line: * 1 Estimated Cost: * 2,00,27,031.02
EMD: * 4,00,600 Form Fee: * 1,770
Tender Processing Fee: 885 Region: *
COT: *
Area Of Interest: *
  • All
Description Of Work: * Execution of Miscellaneous Repair /Maintenance, upgradation and Construction works in Zone 11 - a cluster of central warehouses located at CW Dadri CW Ghaziabad-UP On Annual rate Contract basis  
 Important Dates
1. Request of Tender Document From: * 10-04-2024 14:59 2. Issue of Tender Document From: * 10-04-2024 15:00
3. Request of Tender Document To: * 23-04-2024 14:59 4. Issue of Tender Document To: * 23-04-2024 15:00
5. Bid Clarification date: 6. Tender Closing Date and Time: * 24-04-2024 15:00
7. Techno Commercial Open Date and Time: * 24-04-2024 15:30 8. Cost Open Date and Time: * will be defined later
9. Negotiation Date and Time: * will be defined later  
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