Tender Details
Tender No. DyCE-GS-BZA-30-2024
Tender Title Name of Work: SW-1 BZA Division: Proposed construction of 12m wide Foot Over Bridges at Ongole station under ABSS scheme. (1 No) in Sr DEN/South Jurisdiction. SW -2 :BZA Division: Proposed construction of 12m wide Foot Over Bridges(FOB) at Gunadala(GALA), Bapatla(BPP), Chirala(CLX)station under ABSS scheme. (3 No's) in DEN/Central Jurisdiction. SW -3 : BZA Division: Proposed construction of 12m wide Foot Over Bridges at Machilipatnam(MTM),Narasapur(NS),Bhimavaram town(BVRT),Gudivada(GDV) station under ABSS scheme. (4 No) in DEN/East Jurisdiction. SW -4 : BZA Division: Proposed construction of 12m wide Foot Over Bridges(FOB) at Samalkota (SLO), Anaparti(APT), Kakinada Town(CCT)station under ABSS scheme. (3 No's) in DEN/North Jurisdiction.
Contract Type Works
Tender Type Open
Advertised Value1008274795.88
Bidding Style Single Rate for Each Schedule
Bidding System Two Packet System
Pre-Bid Required Yes
Pre-Bid Query Date Time 22/02/2024 11:00
Tendering Section WORKS
Bidding Unit
Publishing Date / Time 16/02/2024 15:26
Period Of Completion 12 Months
Bidding Start Date 28/02/2024
Closing Date Time13/03/2024 15:00
Validity of Offer ( Days)90
Are Joint Venture (JV) firms allowed to bid-
Tender Doc. Cost (Rs.)0.00
Earnest Money (Rs.)5191400.00
DescriptionExploratory drilling of boreholes down to required depth, drilling of 150mm dia. boreholes in all type of soils except hard rock & large boulders (boulder core more than 30cm) including refilling, reinstating surface and disposing off surplus material including use of mechanical rigs with power operated winches as well as percussion/chiselling tool for advancing through occasional seams of hard strata to be employed, where necessary in Dry area. 0m to 10m 2 021012 140.00 Metre 1118.52 156592.80 AT Par 156592.80
More DetailsClick Here To Open
Tender No:  DyCE-GS-BZA-30-2024 Dept/Rly:  VIJAYAWADA DIVISION-GATI SHAKTI/SOUTH CENTRAL RLY Closing Date/Time:   13/03/2024 15:00
Tender Title: Name of Work: SW-1 BZA Division: Proposed construction of 1...... Tender Type: Open
Tender Status Published
List of documents attached with the tender
S.No File Name Document Description
1 HQguidelines.pdf HQ guidelines
2 Pre-Bidconferencedocument.pdf Pre Bid conference document
3 ReviedSpecialConditionsforFOB-1.pdf Revised Special Conditions for FOB
4 GCC_1.pdf General Conditions of Contract
5 Instructiontothetenders.pdf Instructions of tenderer
6 Safetyprecautions..pdf safety precautions
7 AdvanceCorrectionSlip2.pdf Advance correction slip to GCC 2022
8 AdvanceCorrectionslip1.pdf Advance correction slip to GCC 2022
9 SAFETYPRECAUTIONSTOBETAKENATWORKSITE..pdf safety precautions to be taken at w
10 Safetyspl.conditions.pdf safety special conditions
11 specialcondictionforBuldingWorks.pdf Special Condition for building work
12 SpecialconditionsforJCB.pdf Special Condition for JCB
13 SPECIFICATIONSOFCONTROLLEDCONCRETE.pdf Specificationsofcontrolled Concrete
14 TrDSpl.Conditions.pdf TRD special conditions
15 SplConditionforconcreteMixdesignletters.pdf Special condition for Concrete Mix
16 SpecialconditionforconcreteMixdesign.pdf Spl condition for Concrete Mix desi
17 ConditionsforMetalizingandPainting.pdf conditions
18 DefectsLiabilityClause_1.pdf Defect liability clause
19 SpecificationsForRoofingWithColourCoatedGalvalumeSheets.pdf special
20 FOBStandardDrawing.pdf standard
21 EstablishmentofSitelab_1.pdf Establishment of site laboratary
22 bidcapacityAneeexure-VIofGCC.pdf bid capacity
23 GuidelinesforFabricationofFOBs_1.pdf guidelines
24 RevisedApprovedlistofBrandsMakes.pdf Revised
25 SpecificationforSteelfabrication.pdf specification
26 Steelprepayment.pdf steel payment
27 GuidelinesforERAuction.pdf Guidelines for E R Auction
28 MasterDocument01-LatestOct-23.pdf Master Documents 1
29 MasterDocument02-LatestOct-23.pdf Master Documents 2
30 BidSecurity.pdf Bid security
Details of corrigendum are shown below. However, data/details in NIT/Tender document is updated duly incorporating all corrigenda issued. 
S.No Name Date/Time Action
No Corrigendum Issued