Tender Details
Tender No. CPM-ENGG-GSU-BSP-28-23-24
Tender Title Development of temporary parking at Bilaspur circulating area, maintenance of GSU office and New miscellaneous construction, chargeable to Estimate No. 48/GSU/BSP/2023/RE/Major upgradation BSP station.
Contract Type Works
Tender Type Open
Advertised Value39606960.16
Bidding Style Single Rate for Each Schedule
Bidding System Single Packet System
Pre-Bid Required No
Pre-Bid Query Date Time Not Applicable
Tendering Section ENGG
Bidding Unit
Publishing Date / Time 01/03/2024 18:23
Period Of Completion 18 Months
Bidding Start Date 11/03/2024
Closing Date Time25/03/2024 15:00
Validity of Offer ( Days)60
Are Joint Venture (JV) firms allowed to bid-
Tender Doc. Cost (Rs.)0.00
Earnest Money (Rs.)348000.00
DescriptionExecution of All Works As Detailed In Schedule-A-CPWD DSR 2021-Ver-2. S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding Unit Schedule B-CPWD DSR 2021-Ver-2 (Supply of Reinforcement) 4560444.40 Above/ Below/Par 02 Please see Item Breakup for details. 4598612.89 (-) 0.83 4560444.40
More DetailsClick Here To Open
Tender No:  CPM-ENGG-GSU-BSP-28-23-24 Dept/Rly:  BILASPUR DIVISION-GATI SHAKTI/SOUTH EAST CENTRAL RLY Closing Date/Time:   25/03/2024 15:00
Tender Title: Development of temporary parking at Bilaspur circulating are...... Tender Type: Open
Tender Status Published
List of documents attached with the tender
S.No File Name Document Description
1 AnnexureAEngg.Org..pdf Annexure A
2 AnnexureBPlantMachinery.pdf Annexure B
3 AnnexureCWorkinHand.pdf Annexure C
4 AnnexureE-EFT.pdf Annexure E
5 Annexure-G-Vitiationdetails.pdf Annexure G
6 Annexure-J.pdf Annexure J
7 AnnexureWExperiance.pdf Annexure W
8 AnnexureYC.ACertificate.pdf Annexure Y
9 CertificateofFamiliarisation.pdf Certificate of Familiarisation
10 AnnexureI.pdf Annexure I
11 AnnexureH-Bidsecurityformat.pdf Annexure H
12 TenderConditionsSpecifications-PARKING-GSU-BSP.pdf Tender Conditions and Specification
Details of corrigendum are shown below. However, data/details in NIT/Tender document is updated duly incorporating all corrigenda issued. 
S.No Name Date/Time Action
No Corrigendum Issued