Tender Details
Tender No. 18241189
Tender Title Com T-32/CO-20-A:- Treasury Remittance Note Book containing 150 leaves
Contract Type Goods
Tender Type Open - Indigenous
Contract CategoryExpenditure
Evaluation Criteria Itemwise/Consigneewise
Bidding System Single Packet
Pre-Bid Conference Required No
Pre-Bid Conference Date Time Not Applicable
Tendering Section P18
Inspection Agency CONSIGNEE
Publishing Date / Time 11/03/2024 16:08
Procure From Approved Sources No
Approving Agency Not Applicable
Closing Date Time18/03/2024 11:00
Validity of Offer ( Days)90
Ranking Order for BidsLowest to Highest
Advertised Value
Tender Doc. Cost (INR)0.00
Earnest Money (INR)4160.00
DescriptionCom T-32/CO-20-A:- Treasury Remittance Note Book containing 150 leaves (50 sets of 3 foils i.e. Record, Cashier/Tressuary/Bank & Account). Size- 14.0x21.0 cms. Paper to be used %u2013Paper Maplitho White 70 GSM conforming to IS-1848/2007 or latest for text and Paper Kraft 130 GSM to IS : 1397/1990 or latest for cover. The book to be printed one side in Hindi & English bilingual. Text matter should be printed with black ink & light red hatching on Cashier/Tressuary/Bank foil and be machine serial numbered in 06-08 digits in alpha numeric series with security ink at one places on each foil as per specimen and allotted serial number. Binding- Lump bound two wire stitch on left. Proof should be got approved before printing. Packing :- 04-06 bundles each of 10 books shall be packed in suitable size five ply corrugated paper constructions carton box conforming to IS : 2771 (part-1) 1990 with amendment No.1 and 2 and style 0620 od IS : 6481/1971. The carton box shall be then closed with gum paper tape 50 mm wide (min.) and finally secured by 02 nos nylon strapping of size 13mm wide each side. The edges of nylon strap should be heat sealed overlapping each other by minimum 25 mm. Packing slip to be pasted on carton box indicating PO No. & other details.
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Tender No:  18241189 Dept/Rly:  STORES/NORTHERN RLY Closing Date/Time:   18/03/2024 11:00
Tender Title: Com T-32/CO-20-A:- Treasury Remittance Note Book containing ...... Tender Type: Open
Tender Status Published
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