Tender Details
Tender No. 15245023A
Tender Title DIGITAL RAIN Gauge
Contract Type Goods
Tender Type Open - Indigenous
Contract CategoryExpenditure
Evaluation Criteria Itemwise/Consigneewise
Bidding System Single Packet
Pre-Bid Conference Required No
Pre-Bid Conference Date Time Not Applicable
Tendering Section P15
Inspection Agency TPI Agency
Publishing Date / Time 21/03/2024 17:39
Procure From Approved Sources No
Approving Agency Not Applicable
Closing Date Time15/04/2024 11:00
Validity of Offer ( Days)90
Ranking Order for BidsLowest to Highest
Advertised Value
Tender Doc. Cost (INR)0.00
Earnest Money (INR)30300.00
DescriptionDIGITAL RAIN Gauge (P No. 343) WIRELESS DIGITAL RAINFALL RECORDER Specifications: Tipping bucket type rain gauge Rainfall measurement in inches or millimeters with data logger Range: 0-999 mm Accuracy: +/- 1 mm Display type: LCD Durable, Weather resistant construction. Strong signal penetration (enha nced 433MHz) Transmits data every 16 seconds. Automatic GPRS/GSM based data transfer system to office fr om site. Real time clock provided. Logging interval 1 minute to 24 hours. 10 watt solar panel 12V Batteries. ( War ranty Period : Upto 30 months from the date of supply) [ Warranty Period: 30 Months after the date of delivery ]
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Tender No:  15245023A Dept/Rly:  STORES/NORTHERN RLY Closing Date/Time:   15/04/2024 11:00
Tender Title: DIGITAL RAIN Gauge Tender Type: Open
Tender Status Published
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