Tender Details
Tender No. 4460-GRC-CE-C-0I-19-2024
Tender Title New sick line shed to cater sick wagons arising out of empty yard & departure yard at Bokaro and extension of sick line Bokaro to create infrastructure for ROH of BOXNHL 25T and other wagons at Bokaro Steel City-Execution of earthwork in formation & cutting including p. way linking work with ballasting including loop Lines & Siding, construction of service building, road & platform, circulating area including other related work including S&T and Electrical work at Bokaro new sick line & existing sick line in Bokaro of S. E. Railway. Estimate No. 1948W/2023 & 1949W/2023.
Contract Type Works
Tender Type Open
Advertised Value399795396.72
Bidding Style Single Rate for Each Schedule
Bidding System Two Packet System
Pre-Bid Required No
Pre-Bid Query Date Time Not Applicable
Tendering Section CE/CON/I
Bidding Unit
Publishing Date / Time 25/06/2024 17:37
Period Of Completion 18 Months
Bidding Start Date 04/07/2024
Closing Date Time18/07/2024 12:00
Validity of Offer ( Days)90
Are Joint Venture (JV) firms allowed to bid-
Tender Doc. Cost (Rs.)0.00
Earnest Money (Rs.)2149000.00
DescriptionEarthwork in Formation under SERUSSOR-2021 S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding Unit Schedule B-Execution of all works as per schedule 10544816.14 Above/ Below/Par 2 Please see Item Breakup for details. 9821007.86 7.37 10544816.14
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Tender No:  4460-GRC-CE-C-0I-19-2024 Dept/Rly:  SER-CONST-HQ-ENGG/SOUTH EASTERN RLY Closing Date/Time:   18/07/2024 12:00
Tender Title: New sick line shed to cater sick wagons arising out of empty yard & departure yard at Bokaro and extension of sick line Bokaro to create infrastructure for ROH of BOXNHL 25T and other wagons at Bokaro Steel City-Execution of earthwork in formation & cutting including p. way linking work with ballasting including loop Lines & Siding, construction of service building, road & platform, circulating area including other related work including S&T and Electrical work at Bokaro new sick line & existing sick line in Bokaro of S. E. Railway. Estimate No. 1948W/2023 & 1949W/2023. Tender Type: Open
Tender Status Published
List of documents attached with the tender
S.No File Name Document Description
1 GCCApril-2022.pdf GCC 2022
2 AdvanceCorrectionSlipNo.1.pdf Advance Correction Slip No 1
3 AdvanceCorrectionSlipNo.2.pdf Advance Correction Slip No 2
4 AdvanceCorrectionSlipNo.3.pdf Advance Correction Slip No 3
5 AdvanceCorrectionSlipNo.4.pdf Advance Correction Slip No 4
6 AdvanceCorrectionSlipNo.5.pdf Advance Correction Slip No 5
7 AdvanceCorrectionSlipNo.6.pdf Advance Correction Slip No 6
8 BarChart.pdf Bar Chart
9 STdocument.pdf S and T Document
10 TD19-2024.pdf Tender Document
Details of corrigendum are shown below. However, data/details in NIT/Tender document is updated duly incorporating all corrigenda issued. 
S.No Name Date/Time Action
No Corrigendum Issued