Tender Details
Tender No. 70244195
Tender Title Polyster Staple Fibre Pillow,Size-30x45x10 cms
Contract Type Goods
Tender Type Limited - Indigenous
Contract CategoryExpenditure
Evaluation Criteria Itemwise/Consigneewise
Bidding System Single Packet
Pre-Bid Conference Required No
Pre-Bid Conference Date Time Not Applicable
Tendering Section 70
Inspection Agency TPI Agency
Publishing Date / Time 28/06/2024 11:39
Procure From Approved Sources No
Approving Agency Not Applicable
Closing Date Time18/07/2024 10:55
Validity of Offer ( Days)90
Ranking Order for BidsLowest to Highest
Advertised Value
Tender Doc. Cost (INR)0.00
Earnest Money (INR)0.00
DescriptionPolyster Staple Fibre Pillow,Size-30x45x10 cms .Construction Details of Pillow:1.Material for pillow -Polyster Staple Fibre.2.Fibre content-100 Percent white Virgin Hollow Fibre non compressed in the form of sheet .3.Weight-290 grams,plus/minus 5 percent. 4.Pillow should be surrounded by virgin hollow fibre sheet of 20 mm t hickness (min.).5.Indentification of Fibre Hollowness will be as per IS.667/1981or latest. 6.The covering cloth sho uld contain 50 percent (Min.) polyster yarn and balance cotton, 7.Pillow should be resistant to normal wash.IR To tem to be marked on each corner with indelible in [ Warranty Period: 30 Months after the date of delivery ]
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Tender No:  70244195 Dept/Rly:  STORES/NORTH CENTRAL RLY Closing Date/Time:   18/07/2024 10:55
Tender Title: Polyster Staple Fibre Pillow,Size-30x45x10 cms Tender Type: Limited
Tender Status Published
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