Tender Details
Tender No. 53241130
Tender Title Polyster Staple Fibre Pillow,Size-36x50x10 cms.
Contract Type Goods
Tender Type Limited - Indigenous
Contract CategoryExpenditure
Evaluation Criteria Itemwise/Consigneewise
Bidding System Single Packet
Pre-Bid Conference Required No
Pre-Bid Conference Date Time Not Applicable
Tendering Section 53
Inspection Agency CONSIGNEE
Publishing Date / Time 01/07/2024 13:22
Procure From Approved Sources No
Approving Agency Not Applicable
Closing Date Time05/07/2024 10:55
Validity of Offer ( Days)60
Ranking Order for BidsLowest to Highest
Advertised Value
Tender Doc. Cost (INR)0.00
Earnest Money (INR)0.00
DescriptionPolyster Staple Fibre Pillow,Size-36x50x10 cms.Construction Details of Pillow: [1] Material for Pillo w-Polyster Staple Fibre. [2] Fibre Content-100 Percent white Virgin Hollow Fibre Non-Compressed in the form of sheet. [3] Weight-420 grams, plus/minus 5 percent.[4] Pillow should be surrounded by Virgin Hollow Fibre Sheet of 20 mm thickness (min.) [5] Indentification of Fibre Hollowness will be as per IS.667/1981. [6] The Covering Clo th should contain 50 percent (Min.) Polyster Yarn and balance Cotton. [7] Pillow should be resistant to normal wa sh. IR Totem to be marked on each corner with indelible ink. [ Warranty Period: 30 Months after the date of deliv ery ]
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Tender No:  53241130 Dept/Rly:  GSD/CNB/NORTH CENTRAL RLY Closing Date/Time:   05/07/2024 10:55
Tender Title: Polyster Staple Fibre Pillow,Size-36x50x10 cms. Tender Type: Limited
Tender Status Published
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