Tender Details
Tender No. 4520-GRC-CE-C-HQ-54-2024
Tender Title Project Management Services for Construction and Commissioning of maintenance facilities for Vande Bharat Coaching complex at Shalimar, Howrah (West Bengal) including all Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Telecom works for South Eastern Railway. Estimate No. 1964W/2024.
Contract Type Works
Tender Type Open
Advertised Value49298116.62
Bidding Style Single Rate for Each Schedule
Bidding System Two Packet System
Pre-Bid Required Yes
Pre-Bid Query Date Time 05/08/2024 11:00
Tendering Section CE/CON/HQ
Bidding Unit
Publishing Date / Time 24/07/2024 14:00
Period Of Completion 18 Months
Bidding Start Date 22/08/2024
Closing Date Time05/09/2024 12:00
Validity of Offer ( Days)120
Are Joint Venture (JV) firms allowed to bid-
Tender Doc. Cost (Rs.)0.00
Earnest Money (Rs.)396500.00
DescriptionPersonnel Cost S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding Unit Schedule B-Execution of all works as per schedule 4961792.64 Above/ Below/Par 2 Please see Item Breakup for details. 4961792.64 AT Par 4961792.64 Description:- Reimbursable costs
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Tender No:  4520-GRC-CE-C-HQ-54-2024 Dept/Rly:  SER-CONST-HQ-ENGG/SOUTH EASTERN RLY Closing Date/Time:   05/09/2024 12:00
Tender Title: Project Management Services for Construction and Commissioning of maintenance facilities for Vande Bharat Coaching complex at Shalimar, Howrah (West Bengal) including all Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Telecom works for South Eastern Railway. Estimate No. 1964W/2024. Tender Type: Open
Tender Status Published
List of documents attached with the tender
S.No File Name Document Description
1 FinalStandardBidDocShalimar.pdf EPC schedule and draft agreement
2 FinalRFPShalimar.pdf EPC RFP document Shalimar
3 MOMPreBidmeetingandremarksonquarriesFINAL.pdf EPC minutes of pre bid meeting
4 AC-1Final.pdf EPC A and C 1
5 AC-2Final.pdf EPC A and C 2
6 RFP_PMSSHM.pdf RFP document for PMS
Details of corrigendum are shown below. However, data/details in NIT/Tender document is updated duly incorporating all corrigenda issued. 
S.No Name Date/Time Action
No Corrigendum Issued