Tender Details
Tender No. E-DRM-Engg-ADRA-118-24
Tender Title (1)Construction of new crew lobby, crew waiting hall, crew counselling room, Toilets for ladies and gents on the first floor of the EI Building at ANARA (2) Extension of PF NO.3 & 4 of Adra station towards JOC (Joychandipahar) End in Adra Division of S.E.Railway.
Contract Type Works
Tender Type Open
Advertised Value50095028.64
Bidding Style Single Rate for Each Schedule
Bidding System Single Packet System
Pre-Bid Required No
Pre-Bid Query Date Time Not Applicable
Tendering Section WORKS
Bidding Unit
Publishing Date / Time 21/08/2024 18:38
Period Of Completion 12 Months
Bidding Start Date 30/08/2024
Closing Date Time13/09/2024 15:00
Validity of Offer ( Days)60
Are Joint Venture (JV) firms allowed to bid-
Tender Doc. Cost (Rs.)0.00
Earnest Money (Rs.)400500.00
DescriptionExecution of all works under CPWD DSR 2021-Ver-2 2 Please see Item Breakup for details. 17340348.70 17.00 20288207.98
More DetailsClick Here To Open
Tender No:  E-DRM-Engg-ADRA-118-24 Dept/Rly:  ADRA DIVISION-ENGG/SOUTH EASTERN RLY Closing Date/Time:   13/09/2024 15:00
Tender Title: (1)Construction of new crew lobby, crew waiting hall, crew counselling room, Toilets for ladies and gents on the first floor of the EI Building at ANARA (2) Extension of PF NO.3 & 4 of Adra station towards JOC (Joychandipahar) End in Adra Division of S.E.Railway. Tender Type: Open
Tender Status Published
List of documents attached with the tender
S.No File Name Document Description
1 2018_CE-I_CT_9Date04_06_2018.pdf Letter of Credit condition
2 SpecialConditions_Contract_17102018.pdf Updation Labour data shramikkalyan
3 JPOcabledamage.pdf JPO Cable damage
6 GCC_April-2022_2022_CE-I_CT_GCC-2022_POLICY_27.04.22.pdf GCC 2022
7 GCCACS.pdf Advance Correction Slip No1 of GCC
8 ASC-2GCC-2022.pdf ACS2 2022
9 Bidsecruitydocument.pdf Document of Bid Secruity
10 ACS-03OFGCC2022.pdf Correction slip
11 CorrectionslipNo.5.pdf correction slip
12 CorrectionSlipNo_6ACS-61.pdf correction slip
13 Contractore-MB.pdf Contractor eMB
Details of corrigendum are shown below. However, data/details in NIT/Tender document is updated duly incorporating all corrigenda issued. 
S.No Name Date/Time Action
No Corrigendum Issued