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Procurement Summary

Tender ID- 95242 View BOQ/Item Details

Organization Name District Development Office  
Location Junagadh
Department Panchayat, Rural Housing & Rural Development Department
Sub Department Taluka Panchayat Office - Manavadar
IFB/Tender Notice No 1/2024   
Tender Type Open
Tender title/Name Of Project Supplying and stacking various type of Building, Road & Other Construction Materials, at various places of Taluka MANAVADAR under Taluka panchayat, MANAVADAR under MGNREGA( Annual Unit Rate)  
Description of Material/Name of Work Supplying and stacking various type of Building, Road & Other Construction Materials, at various places of Taluka MANAVADAR under Taluka panchayat, MANAVADAR under MGNREGA( Annual Unit Rate)   
Sector Category Miscellaneous  
Form of Contract Works  
Product Category Miscellaneous Works 
Tender Category WORKS
Tender Currency Type Single   
Tender Currency Setting Indian Rupee
Period of Completion/Delivery Period 12  Months
Procurement Type Works 
Consortium / Joint Venture N/A
Rebate N/A
Alternate Decrypter N/A

Calender Details

Bid Document Download Start Date 07-08-2024 23:10   
Bid document download End Date 28-08-2024 18:00   
Bid Submission Start Date 08-08-2024 00:00   
Bid Submission Closing Date 28-08-2024 18:00   
Tender NIT View Date N/A
Remarks Tender Fee, EMD and other documents During office hours on Dt.03.09.2024 upto 18.00 in the office of the TDO Taluka Panchayat Office, MGNREGA Branch, Opp. Govt. Hospital, Manavadar Dist.Junagadh by register A.D./Speed Post.
Pre-Bid Meeting No Meeting   
Bid validity 120  Days

Amount Details

Bidding Processing Fee  ( OFFLINE) 5,000 INR()
Bidding Processing Fee Payable to DD in favour of NREGA JUN MANAVADAR TDO 
Bidding Processing Fee Payable at MANAVADAR 
Bid Security/EMD/Proposal Security INR( OFFLINE) 66,000  INR()
Bid Security/EMD/Proposal Security INR Payable to FDR in favour of NREGA JUN MANAVADAR TDO 
Bid Security/EMD/Proposal Security INR Payable at MANAVADAR 
Exempted Fee No 
Minimum FDR 66000 INR
Maximum FDR 66000 INR

Other Details

Officer Inviting Bids Taluka Development Officer, Taluka Panchayat, Manavadar   
Bid Opening Authority Taluka Development Officer, Taluka Panchayat, Manavadar  
Address Opp. Govt. Hospital, Manavadar   
Contact Details   

Tender Stages

Stage Name Evaluation Date Minimum Forms for Submission
Preliminary Stage   30-08-2024 12:30   0  
Commercial Stage   30-08-2024 12:35   0  

1. Preliminary Stage

Form Id Form Name Form Mode Submission Type Mandatory
5 Tender Fee Form Library-Standard Single Yes
6 Emd Fee Form Library-Standard Single Yes

Documents required for Stage - Preliminary Stage

Sr No Document Name Mandatory
1 Kindly Scanned proof Tender Fee Yes
2 Kindly Scanned proof of EMD (FDR) Yes
3 Kindly Scanned All Necessary Documents As per Tender Conditions Yes

Documents required For Form - Tender Fee Form

Sr No Document Name Mandatory
1 Provide any proof of Bid Processing Fee No

Documents required For Form - Emd Fee Form

Sr No Document Name Mandatory
1 Provide any proof of EMD Document No

2. Commercial Stage

Form Id Form Name Form Mode Submission Type Mandatory
3 Price Bid Form Library-Secured Single Yes

Certificate Details

Cert Serial No. 62498de0 
Subject Dn CN=NANDANIYA BHAYA BHAI PALA, SERIALNUMBER=bb85db63dd82f863094f9b7d5a5f9abd72b1644c637eab1ace579b5538e8e9e9, ST=Gujarat, OID., OU="TALUKA PANCHAYAT MANAVADAR,CID - 6963402", OID., O=TALUKA PANCHAYAT MANAVADAR, C=IN
Cert Issuer CN=(n)Code Solutions Sub-CA for DSC 2022, OU=Sub-CA, O=Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers and Chemicals Limited, C=IN
Thumbprint fc a0 7c 8e d2 99 33 9f 41 d1 16 81 a1 be 51 6a fb 9b 53 5a

General Terms & Conditions

****************************************************** As per Tender Documents ******************************************************

Tender Documents

Sr No Document Name Document Definition
2 Tender Correction of Reg. Class and Date.pdf Tender Correction of Reg. Class and Date.pdf


Amendment No. Amendment ID Amendment Subject Amendment Date Action
1 32863 Tender Date Extension and Amendments of Reg. Class 15-08-2024 22:11