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Procurement Summary

Tender ID- 105190 View BOQ/Item Details

Organization Name Nagarpalika (All Nagarpalika Gujarat)  
Location Anand
Department Urban Development and Urban Housing Department
Sub Department Anklav Municipality
IFB/Tender Notice No 2024-25   
Tender Type Open
Tender title/Name Of Project SJMMSVY UDP-88 Year (2023-24)  
Description of Material/Name of Work Bid Documents for Construction of Pumping Main Line - DI K-9 Madhavnagar PS to STP in Anklav Nagarpalika Under SJMMSVY UDP-88 2023-24 For Anklav Nagarpalika. Dist.: Anand  
Sector Category State Governments & UT  
Form of Contract Works  
Product Category Civil - All 
Tender Category WORKS
Estimated Cost Value 9764600.00 INR.  ()
Is ECV Visible to Supplier? Yes  
Tender Currency Type Single 
Tender Currency Setting Indian Rupee
Period of Completion/Delivery Period 12  Months
Procurement Type Works 
Consortium / Joint Venture N/A
Rebate N/A
Alternate decrypter N/A

Calender Details

Bid Document Download Start Date 09-09-2024 12:00  
Bid document download End Date 04-10-2024 18:00  
Bid Submission Start Date 09-09-2024 12:00  
Bid Submission Closing Date 04-10-2024 18:00  
Tender NIT View Date 09-09-2024 11:00
Remarks Submission Of EMD, Tender Fee &supporting Document about eligibility (Hard copy) : Up to Date: 10/10/2024 at the office of chief officer Anklav NagarPalika by speed post/RPAD/Courier only in sealed cover. Duly super scribed with name of work & tender notice no.
Pre-Bid Meeting No Meeting
Bid validity 180   Days

Amount Details

Bidding Processing Fee  ( OFFLINE) 2,832 INR. ()
Bidding Processing Fee Payable to Chief Officer, Anklav Nagarpalika 
Bidding Processing Fee Payable at Chief Officer, Anklav Nagarpalika 
Bid Security/EMD/Proposal Security INR ( OFFLINE) 97,650 INR. ()
Bid Security/EMD/Proposal Security INR Payable to Chief Officer, Anklav Nagarpalika 
Bid Security/EMD/Proposal Security INR Payable at Chief Officer, Anklav Nagarpalika 
Exempted Fee Yes 

Other Details

Address Anklav Nagarpalika, Anklav   
Contact Details   

Tender Stages

Stage Name Evaluation Date Minimum Forms for Submission
Preliminary Stage   11-10-2024 15:00   0  
Commercial Stage   11-10-2024 15:05   0  

1. Preliminary Stage

Form Id Form Name Form Mode Submission Type Mandatory
5 Tender Fee Form Library-Standard Single Yes
6 Emd Fee Form Library-Standard Single Yes

Documents required for Stage - Preliminary Stage

Sr No Document Name Mandatory
1 Attach Scan Copy of All the document as per tender Doc Including Tender Fee and EMD Yes

Documents required For Form - Tender Fee Form

Sr No Document Name Mandatory
1 Provide any proof of Bid Processing Fee No

Documents required For Form - Emd Fee Form

Sr No Document Name Mandatory
1 Provide any proof of EMD Document No

2. Commercial Stage

Form Id Form Name Form Mode Submission Type Mandatory
4 Percentage Rate Library-Secured Single Yes

Certificate Details

Cert Serial No. 62487851 
Subject Dn CN=PANARA VIPUL UMEDBHAI, SERIALNUMBER=c5a84886152116e54ec3c90145066e2787ebd88b0d8a1137cdf418de24bcdf94, ST=Gujarat, OID., OU="ADMIN,CID - 6907647", OID., O=ANKLAV NAGARPALIKA, C=IN
Cert Issuer CN=(n)Code Solutions Sub-CA for DSC 2022, OU=Sub-CA, O=Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers and Chemicals Limited, C=IN
Thumbprint e4 7c 11 98 39 83 04 f6 d6 57 7d d4 ea d2 2c 81 a6 5f da 54

General Terms & Conditions

Other Terms & Conditions as per detailed tender documents

Tender Documents

Sr No Document Name Document Definition
1 1. Technical Bid Doc.pdf 1. Technical Bid Doc.pdf
2 2. Tech Specs Pmain.pdf 2. Tech Specs Pmain.pdf
3 3. Specification for building works.pdf 3. Specification for building works.pdf
4 4. General Technical Specification.pdf 4. General Technical Specification.pdf
5 5. Pumping Main DIK9 Sed B.pdf 5. Pumping Main DIK9 Sed B.pdf