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Procurement Summary

Tender ID- 105992 View BOQ/Item Details

Organization Name Nagarpalika (All Nagarpalika Gujarat)  
Location Tapi
Department Urban Development and Urban Housing Department
Sub Department Vyara Nagarpalika
IFB/Tender Notice No 38/2024-25   
Tender Type Open
Tender title/Name Of Project Construction of CC Road in at Fire Station Vyara Nagar Palika, District: Tapi ( with 3 year maintnace grantee period ) under 15 the finance untied 2022-23  
Description of Material/Name of Work Construction of CC Road in at Fire Station Vyara Nagar Palika, District: Tapi ( with 3 year maintnace grantee period ) under 15 the finance untied 2022-23  
Sector Category State Governments & UT  
Form of Contract Fixed-rate  
Product Category Civil Works - Roads 
Tender Category WORKS
Estimated Cost Value 1872757.00 INR.  ()
Is ECV Visible to Supplier? Yes  
Tender Currency Type Single 
Tender Currency Setting Indian Rupee
Period of Completion/Delivery Period 6  Months
Procurement Type Works 
Consortium / Joint Venture N/A
Rebate N/A
Alternate decrypter N/A

Calender Details

Bid Document Download Start Date 10-09-2024 15:00  
Bid document download End Date 23-09-2024 18:00  
Bid Submission Start Date 10-09-2024 15:00  
Bid Submission Closing Date 23-09-2024 18:00  
Tender NIT View Date 10-09-2024 15:00
Remarks Submission of EMD Tender fee and EPF NUMBER CERTIFICATE other Documents during office hours Via Speed Post/R.P.A.D: On date 24/09/2024 to 03/10/2024 in the office of VYARA NAGAR PALIKA UP TO 16 : 00 HOURS Phone : 02626- 222022 , 221322
Pre-Bid Meeting No Meeting
Bid validity 90   Days

Amount Details

Bidding Processing Fee  ( OFFLINE) 900 INR. ()
Bidding Processing Fee Payable to Chief Officer, Vyara Nagarpalika, Vyara, Dist. Tapi. 
Bidding Processing Fee Payable at Vyara 
Bid Security/EMD/Proposal Security INR ( OFFLINE) 19,000 INR. ()
Bid Security/EMD/Proposal Security INR Payable to Chief Officer, Vyara Nagarpalika, Vyara, Dist. Tapi 
Bid Security/EMD/Proposal Security INR Payable at VYARA 
Exempted Fee Yes 
Minimum FDR 19,000 INR. 
Maximum FDR 19,000 INR. 

Other Details

Officer Inviting Bids chief officer vyara nagar palika Di -tapi   
Bid Opening Authority chief officer vyara nagar palika Di -tapi   
Address opp circuit house , ABC gaurav path vyara nagar palika   
Contact Details 02626222022   

Tender Stages

Stage Name Evaluation Date Minimum Forms for Submission
Preliminary Stage   04-10-2024 11:30   0  
Commercial Stage   04-10-2024 11:32   0  

1. Preliminary Stage

Form Id Form Name Form Mode Submission Type Mandatory
5 Tender Fee Form Library-Standard Single Yes
6 Emd Fee Form Library-Standard Single Yes

Documents required for Stage - Preliminary Stage

Sr No Document Name Mandatory
1 Kindly Attach scan copy of necessary Document. As Per Bid Evaluation Criteria. Yes
2 Kindly Attach scan copy of Last Three Year Income Tax Return and PAN Card. As Per Bid Evaluation Criteria. Yes
3 Kindly Attach scan copy of Registration Certificate.As Per Bid Evaluation Criteria. Yes
4 Kindly Attach scan copy of Bank Solvency Current Year Minimum 20 percent of Total Amount of Tender.As Per Bid Evaluation Criteria. Yes
5 Kindly Attach scan copy of Tender EMD Document. Yes
6 Kindly Attach scan copy of Tender Fee Document. Yes
7 Kindly Attach scan copy of For-3A Document for Experiance.As Per Bid Evaluation Criteria. Yes
8 Kindly Attach scan copy of GST Registration Document. Yes
9 Kindly Attach scan copy of EPF Registration Document. Yes
10 site visit certificate Yes

Documents required For Form - Tender Fee Form

Sr No Document Name Mandatory
1 Provide any proof of Bid Processing Fee Yes

Documents required For Form - Emd Fee Form

Sr No Document Name Mandatory
1 Provide any proof of EMD Document Yes

2. Commercial Stage

Form Id Form Name Form Mode Submission Type Mandatory
4 Percentage Rate Library-Secured Single Yes

Certificate Details

Cert Serial No. 45daa50e4b 
Subject Dn CN=MANISHKUMAR MOHANLAL PANCHOLI, SERIALNUMBER=46fbb5e705f3504939fe92d95c6fb10a133f6153467be07b0c8debf687aa0aed, ST=GUJARAT, OID., OID., OU=VYARA NAGARPALIKA, O=VYARA NAGARPALIKA, C=IN
Cert Issuer CN=Capricorn Sub CA for Organisation DSC 2022, OU=Certifying Authority, O=Capricorn Identity Services Pvt Ltd., C=IN
Thumbprint 01 7c 4f 2f 70 e2 54 38 a8 98 a3 0c 59 92 f7 81 be d0 86 de

General Terms & Conditions

General Terms and Conditions
(1) Bidders can download the tender document free of cost from the website.
(2) Bidders have to submit Technical bid as well as Price bid in Electronic format only on nprocure website till the Last Date & time for submission.
(3) Offers in physical form will not be accepted in any case.
(4) Free vendor training camp will be organized every Saturday between 4.00 to 5.00 P.M. at (n)code solutions-A Division of GNFC Ltd., Bidders are requested to take benefit of the same.

Bidders who wish to participate in online tenders will have to procure / should have legally valid Digital Certificate as per Information Technology Act-2000 (Class-III) using which they can sign their electronic bids. Bidders can procure the same from any of the license certifying Authority of India or can contract (n)code solutions- A division of GNFC Ltd, who are licensed Certifying Authority by Govt. of India.

In case bidders need any clarifications or if training required to participate in online tenders, they can contact (n)Procure Support team:-

(n)code Solutions-IT division of GNFC Ltd.,
(n)Procure Cell
304, GNFC Infotower, S.G. Road,
Bodakdev, Ahmedabad – 380054 (Gujarat)

+Contact Details
+91-79-40007517, 40007514, 40007515.
E-mail :

TOLL FREE NUMBER: 73590 21663

Other Terms & Conditions as per detailed tender documents

Tender Documents

Sr No Document Name Document Definition
1 Nivida No.1 Xerox Conditions.pdf Nivida No.1 Xerox Conditions.pdf
2 Nivida-1 Xerox Schedule-B.pdf Nivida-1 Xerox Schedule-B.pdf
3 Notice Inviting Online tender.pdf Notice Inviting Online tender.pdf
4 FORM B-1.pdf FORM B-1.pdf
5 Schedule B CC Road .pdf Schedule B CC Road .pdf
7 Adobe Scan.pdf Adobe Scan.pdf
8 શરતો.pdf શરતો.pdf