Tender No:
GeMAR&PTS ID: DL1/CORP_MM/PMC/2022/13(24)999745DT.14/2/23/VC1CC24011
Brief Description: Construction of two wheeler parking shed at Polagam DTYS, Karaikal.
Category: Civil Construction
Approximate Quantity:
Contract Period in case of Services:
Tender Originating Location : Karaikal
Type of tender: Indigenous
Cost of tender document(IN INR):
Cost of tender document(IN FC):
Earnest money Deposit(IN INR):
Earnest money Deposit(IN FC):
Issue / Sale of Tender document: 13 Feb 2024 3:00pm
To 4 Mar 2024 3:00pm
Tender Document selling offices: - Other:
Last Date of receipt of queries for Pre-bid Conference: NA
Pre-bid Conference Venue:
Pre-bid Conference: Not Applicable
Closing of tender: 4 Mar 2024 3:00pm
Opening of Tender: 4 Mar 2024 3:30pm
Place of submission of tender: https://etender.ongc.co.in/irj/portal
Place of Opening of tender: Office of LM (Works), Engineering Services, ONGC Ltd, Neravy Complex, Karaikal- 609604 (Puducherry)
Estimated Cost: 814602
Job completion time: 02 (Two) Months
Site Location: At ONGC Polagam DTYS, Karaikal..
Pre Qualification criteria: A. VITAL CRITERIA FOR ACCEPTANCE OF BIDS: A.1 Bidders are advised not to take any exception/deviations to the bid document. Exceptions / deviations, if any, should be brought out during the Pre-bid conference. In case Pre-bid conference is not held, the exceptions / deviations along with suggested changes are to be communicated to ONGC within the date specified in the NIT and bid document. ONGC after processing such suggestions may, through an addendum to the bid document, communicate to the bidders the changes in its bid document, if any. However, During evaluation of bids, ONGC may ask the bidder for clarifications/ confirmations/deficient documents of bid. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing and no change in the price or substance of the bid shall be sought or is permitted. If the bidder still maintains exceptions / deviations in the bid, such conditional / non-conforming bids shall not be considered and may be rejected outright. B REJECTION CRITERIA B.1 COMMERCIAL REJECTION CRITERIA The following vital technical conditions should be strictly complied with failing which the bid will be rejected: B.1.1 ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS & CONDITIONS Bidder must confirm unconditional acceptance to General conditions of Contract, Special Conditions of Contract and Instructions to Bidders contained in the website etender.ongc.co.in. B.2 COMMERCIAL REJECTION CRITERIA The following vital commercial conditions should be strictly complied with failing which the bid will be rejected. B.2.1 Offers which do not confirm unconditional validity of the bid for 90 days from the date of opening of bid. B.2.2 Offers where prices are not firm during the entire duration of the contract and/or with any qualifications. C Tax liability C.1 Bidder shall bear, within the quoted rates, the Personnel Tax as applicable in respect of their personnel and their sub contractor s personnel, arising out of this contract. Bidder shall also bear, within the quoted rates, the Corporate Tax, as applicable, on the income arising out of this contract. The rates quoted by the bidder shall be inclusive of all duties, taxes and levies etc, Central or State or Local bodies. C.2 Bidders are required to ascertain themselves, the prevailing rates of GST and all other taxes and duties as applicable on the scheduled date of submission of Price Bids and ONGC would not undertake any responsibility whatsoever in this regard. Accordingly, bidders should quote the prices, clearly indicating the applicable rate of GST / description of service as per GST rules (under which the respective service is covered), Service Accounting Code, along with all other taxes and duties applicable. Total price inclusive of GST as applicable shall be taken for evaluation. In case the GST is not quoted explicitly in the offer, the offer will be considered as inclusive of GST.
Other details: OTHER DETAILS ONGC reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders received without assigning any reason thereof. In case of any unscheduled holiday on the date of Tender Opening date, the next working day will be treated as the scheduled prescribed day of the Tender Opening. In case of exigencies ONGC at its option may decide to extend tender sale/ Techno- commercial bid closing/ opening date/time in future which will be posted on tenders.ongc.co.in and etender.ongc.co.in (for e-Bid) website for information. Bidders should regularly visit ONGC tender website for the latest information in this regard. New vendors should ensure to approach ONGC for issue of vendor code number along with all required documents minimum 5 working days prior to bid closing date.
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For any query related to this tender please contact : Sreenadh C, AEE (C) PH:-8300010155