Tender No:
Brief Description: Construction of 8 nos. of parking shed and hardening the floor of logging units along with other miscellaneous civil works at ONGC Cinnamara, Jorhat
Category: Civil Construction
Approximate Quantity:
Contract Period in case of Services:
Tender Originating Location : Jorhat
Type of tender: Indigenous
Cost of tender document(IN INR):
Cost of tender document(IN FC):
Earnest money Deposit(IN INR): 38000
Earnest money Deposit(IN FC):
Issue / Sale of Tender document: 21 Feb 2024 11:00am
To 12 Mar 2024 3:00pm
Tender Document selling offices: - Other:
Civil Section, Engineering Services, ONGC, Jorhat
Last Date of receipt of queries for Pre-bid Conference: NA
Pre-bid Conference Venue: NA
Pre-bid Conference: Not Applicable
Closing of tender: 12 Mar 2024 3:00pm
Opening of Tender: 12 Mar 2024 3:30pm
Place of submission of tender: Civil Section, Engineering Services, ONGC, Jorhat
Place of Opening of tender: Office of SE (Civil), Engineering Services, Nambar II, ONGC, Jorhat
Estimated Cost: 1882229
Job completion time: four months
Site Location: Logging Services ONGC Jorhat
Pre Qualification criteria: As per tender document
Other details: Please visit website https://etender.ongc.co.in/irj/portal for tender documnts
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For any query related to this tender please contact : Deepak Chuhan PH:-7710092190