Tender No:
Brief Description: Civil works for Construction of New Boundary wall from Sridevi Chariali towards GCP back side boundary wall(L=650m) and Earth filling , levelling & compacting at newly occupied land (425mX225m) for flair line project under GGS-II GLK, Assam Asset.
Category: Civil Construction
Approximate Quantity:
Contract Period in case of Services:
Tender Originating Location : Sivasagar
Type of tender: Indigenous
Cost of tender document(IN INR): NIL
Cost of tender document(IN FC):
Earnest money Deposit(IN INR): 1577000
Earnest money Deposit(IN FC):
Issue / Sale of Tender document: 13 Mar 2024 12:05am
To 4 Apr 2024 3:00pm
Tender Document selling offices: - Other:
From 13.03.2024 at 00:05 Hrs to 04.04.2024 at 15:00 Hrs through ONGC portal for e-Tender (https://etender.ongc.co.in).
Last Date of receipt of queries for Pre-bid Conference: NA
Pre-bid Conference: Not Applicable
Pre-bid Conference Venue:
Closing of Tender: 4 Apr 2024 3:00pm
Opening of tender: 4 Apr 2024 3:30pm
Place of submission of tender: Bid should be submitted online at ONGC e-Tender portal (https://etender.ongc.co.in) on or before 04.04.2024 up to 15:00Hrs under valid digital signatures of Bidder.
Place of Opening of tender: On-line opening of Bid in e-Portal shall be done on 04.04.2024 at 15:30Hrs.
Estimated Cost: 88465389
Job completion time: Six (06) Months
Site Location: GELEKY
Pre Qualification criteria: 8 B.1.2 Eligibility and experience of the bidder:- B.1.2(a) Bidder s (i.e. single bidder / Indian Joint Venture company Incorporated) experience of having successfully completed similar works during last seven (7) years prior to original scheduled date of TBO should be either of the following: - (i) One similar*completed work costing not less than the amount equal to 80% of the estimated cost i.e. Rs 7,07,72,311.67 OR (ii) Two similar* completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to 50% of the estimated cost i.e. Rs 4,42,32,694.79 OR (iii) Three similar* completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of the estimated cost i.e. Rs. 3,53,86,155.83 Similar completed work** means * Civil works with Construction of Boundary Wall of Reinforced Cement Concrete & Masonry Work (OR) Civil works with Construction of Building of Reinforced Cement Concrete & Masonry Work (OR) Civil works with RCC **The completed work shall be under any Central/State Govt. departments (OR) Central/State Public Sector Undertakings (OR) Public Limited Companies Note-1: In case benefit of experience is claimed based on composite nature of Civil work which includes similar works, the quantity (/ies) & value(s) of works of similar nature should be indicated separately in the completion certificate / any other document, duly certified by the client to clearly ascertain & establish the value of similar work in such composite works. Note-2: In case benefit of experience is claimed on the basis of Rate Contract(s) of more than one year period, the value of works mentioned above will be the annualized value of such rate contract (s). To this effect, Bidder should submit copies of respective contracts, along with documentary evidence in respect of satisfactory execution of each of those contracts/satisfactory completion of relevant services, in the form of copies of any of the documents (indicating respective contract number and type of services), such as - (i) Satisfactory completion / performance report (AND) Notice of Award/ Letter of Acceptance (ii) any other documentary evidence that can substantiate the satisfactory execution of each of the contracts cited above. To this effect, Bidders have to attach along with the bid scanned notarized/ notary attested copies of the above documents. B.1.2 (b) The bidder should meet the experience criteria detailed above. In case the bidder is an Incorporated Indian Joint Venture Company, registered in India and incorporated under the Companies Act 1956 and any amendments there under, then the technical experience criteria laid down in the Technical BEC should be met as under: (i) The Joint Venture Company by itself should meet the experience criteria or (ii) The Joint Venture Partner (who can be either a Indian or a foreign company) having stake of at least 26% in the Joint Venture Company should meet the technical experience criteria stipulated in the tender on its own and cannot rely on any other arrangement such as Consortium or Supporting Company of the JV Partner for meeting the technical experience criteria. Documentary evidence in support of the above should be submitted along with the techno-commercial bid. (iii) In case of (ii) above, an undertaking from the Joint Venture partner, based on whose experience the JV seek qualification, shall be submitted with the techno commercial bid stating they shall maintain minimum 26% shareholding in the JV till the execution of the contract. B.1.3 Details of experience and past performance of the bidder and incorporated joint venture partner (in case of a joint venture), on works/ jobs done of similar nature in the past and details of current work in hand and other contractual commitments, indicating areas and clients
Other details: 10 Sale/ issue of tender document From 13.03.2024 at 00:05 Hrs to 04.04.2024 at 15:00 Hrs through ONGC portal for e-Tender (https://etender.ongc.co.in). 11 Clarification/ Deficient document No clarification shall be asked after the opening of the bid. Incomplete bids shall be rejected outright. (Bidders are advised to visit tender cell before tender uploading, in case of any doubt/ query. Since this is new system ONGC shall extend cooperation to clarify such doubts. No query shall be entertained after bid opening). 12 Purchase of Tender Document No tender fee shall be charged from the bidder for this tender. Note : 1. The intending bidders should have Vendor code, Authorization for login-in ID and password for ONGC s e-Portal for e-Tender (https://etender.ongc.co.in) issued by ONGC. 2. The intending bidders, who do not have the required Vendor code and login-ID, must apply Seven (7) Days in advance from the last date of sale of tender documents through ONGC s e-Portal, failing which their request may not be considered. 3. For further details the bidder may visit ONGC web site for tender (https://etender.ongc.co.in). 13 Date, Time & Place for Receipt of Bids. Bid should be submitted online at ONGC e-Tender portal (https://etender.ongc.co.in) on or before 04.04.2024 up to 15:00Hrs under valid digital signatures of Bidder. 14 On-line opening of e-Tender(Un-Priced Bid) On-line opening of Bid in e-Portal shall be done on 04.04.2024 at 15:30Hrs. 15 Date, Time and Place for Receipt of Supporting Documents in Physical Form (if any) under sealed envelope Note: Earnest money shall be deposited along with Bid In the form of Electronic Bank Guarantee (e-BG) from a Nationalized / scheduled Bank valid for 30 days beyond the period of bid validity as per Performa provided with the tender document. OR NEFT/RTGS/Electronic fund transfer to designated account of ONGC as mentioned in Instructions to Bidders of tender document. Physical Documents (if any) in hard copy form, as per requirement of tender condition, should be delivered in one sealed Envelope super scribed with tender number, name of work, name of bidder and vendor code on or before 04.04.2024 up to 15:00Hrs at the Office of In-charge Tender cell, Engineering Services (Works), O.T Complex, Sivasagar, ONGC, Assam Asset, Sivasagar-785640 by registered post/courier to the above address or in the tender box placed at Main Gate of O.T. Complex, ONGC, B.G. Road, Sivasagar, Assam Asset, Sivasagar-785640 from 13.03.2024 to 03.04.2024 09:30 Hrs. to 16:00 Hrs. on all working days (except Saturday, Sunday and any Holiday) and from 9:30 Hrs. to 15:00 Hrs. on 04.04.2024 (i.e. the day of opening of supporting documents in physical form(if any). Bidder has to ensure that the documents reach to concerned office on or before due date and time. ONGC shall not be responsible for any delay in delivery of documents whatsoever. NOTE: Bidders to note that documents (if any) which are required in physical form as per tender conditions should be submitted in sealed cover on or before the bid closing date and time. 16 Opening of supporting Documents in Physical form (if any). Opening of physical documents (if any) shall be on 04.04.2024 at 15:30Hrs at the office of at O/O CGM (Civil) In charge Tender Cell-ES, O.T Complex, B. G. Road, Sivasagar, Assam 785640. 17 On-line opening of Price bid Price Bid will open on 04.04.2024 at 15:30Hrs on in e-Portal. 18 Bids must be uploaded and submitted at ONGC portal for e-Tender (https://etender.ongc.co.in). Bids submitted by any other means will not be accepted and will be summarily rejected. 19 In case of any unscheduled holiday/ closure on the above prescribed opening of
Download : NIT FOR TENDER NO RC1VC24001   (Uploaded on 2024-03-12)
For any query related to this tender please contact : SHRI.DESHRAJ MEENA, SE (Civil) PH:-9428332889