Tender No:
Brief Description: Construction of Administrative Building and process control room building at CTF Ankleshwar.
Category: Civil Construction
Approximate Quantity:
Contract Period in case of Services:
Tender Originating Location : Ankleshwar
Type of tender: Indigenous
Cost of tender document(IN INR):
Cost of tender document(IN FC):
Earnest money Deposit(IN INR): 629000
Earnest money Deposit(IN FC):
Issue / Sale of Tender document: 1 Apr 2024 12:05am
To 22 Apr 2024 3:00pm
Tender Document selling offices: - Other:
Office of In-charge Tender cell, Engineering Services (works) Ground Floor, New Bldg, ONGC Ankleshwar Asset, Ankleshwar.
Last Date of receipt of queries for Pre-bid Conference: NA
Pre-bid Conference Venue:
Pre-bid Conference: Not Applicable
Closing of tender: 22 Apr 2024 3:00pm
Opening of Tender: 22 Apr 2024 3:30pm
Place of submission of tender: Bid should be submitted online at ONGC e-tender portal https://etender.ongc.co.in under digital signatures of bidder.
Place of Opening of tender: Office of In-charge Tender cell, Engineering Services (works) Ground Floor, New Bldg, ONGC Ankleshwar Asset, Ankleshwar.
Estimated Cost: 31467621
Job completion time: Twelve (12) Months
Pre Qualification criteria: Bidder (i.e. Single bidder/Indian Joint Venture Company Incorporated) having experience of successfully completed similar works during last (7) years (For this purpose, the period reckoned shall be the period prior to the originally scheduled date of opening of the techno-commercial bid), should be either to the following:- (a) One similar*completed work costing not less than the amount equal to 80% of the estimated cost i.e. Rs. 2,51,74,096.80 -OR- (b) Two similar* completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to 50% of the estimated cost i.e. Rs. 1,57,33,810.50 -OR- (c) Three similar* completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of the estimated cost i.e. Rs. 1,25,87,048.40 Similar *completed works means Any type of Building construction works.
Other details: Please log on to ONGC e-tender website https://etender.ongc.co.in for further details.
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For any query related to this tender please contact : ASHISH SARKAR,EE(C) PH:-02646237014