Tender No:
Brief Description: Construction of Toilet and CC flooring for material storage shed at PTYS temple land Narsapur in W.G Dist (Narasapur Block)
Category: Civil Construction
Approximate Quantity: As per attached tender document
Contract Period in case of Services: As per attached tender document
Tender Originating Location : Rajahmundry
Type of tender: Indigenous
Cost of tender document(IN INR):
Cost of tender document(IN FC):
Earnest money Deposit(IN INR):
Earnest money Deposit(IN FC):
Issue / Sale of Tender document: 25 Jul 2024 5:05pm
To 16 Aug 2024 2:00pm
Tender Document selling offices: - Other:
Office of In Charge Tender Cell, GM (Civil), Room NoFC4 Godavari Bhavan, ONGC Base Complex Rajahmundry 533 106 EG Dist (AP) PhNo 08832494433
Last Date of receipt of queries for Pre-bid Conference: NA
Pre-bid Conference: Not Applicable
Pre-bid Conference Venue:
Closing of Tender: 16 Aug 2024 3:00pm
Opening of tender: 16 Aug 2024 3:30pm
Place of submission of tender: Office of In Charge Tender Cell, GM (Civil), Room NoFC4 Godavari Bhavan, ONGC Base Complex Rajahmundry 533 106 EG Dist (AP) PhNo 08832494433
Place of Opening of tender: Office of In Charge Tender Cell, GM (Civil), Room NoFC4 Godavari Bhavan, ONGC Base Complex Rajahmundry 533 106 EG Dist (AP) PhNo 08832494433
Estimated Cost: 486852
Job completion time: 30 (Thirty) Days from 7th day of issue of Work Order (WO) or date of handing over of site whichever is later.
Site Location: Temple land Narsapur in W.G Dist
Pre Qualification criteria: As per attached tender document
Other details: As per attached tender document
Download : SingleT ender Document along with Price format   (Uploaded on 2024-07-25)
For any query related to this tender please contact : YV Rao,GM(Civil) PH:-9490168569