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Current Tender Details  
Tender ID 718397 Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number NIT.38/3/MDR/ENC(MDR)/2023 dt:30.01.2024.
Name of Work Construction of Bridge cum Check dam at km 29/8-10 of thr Arakonam-Renigunta road (Nagari town limits) in Chittoor District Tender Category WORKS
Tender Type OPEN - NCB Estimated Contract Value ₹ 8,13,57,985
Bid Submission Closing Date 19/02/2024 05:30 PM Tender Evaluation Type Percentage

Enquiry Particulars  
Department Name R&B
Circle/Division R&B-SE R&B CHITTOOR
Tender ID 718397
IFB No / Tender Notice Number NIT.38/3/MDR/ENC(MDR)/2023 dt:30.01.2024.
Name of Project Construction of Bridge cum Check dam at km 29/8-10 of thr Arakonam-Renigunta road (Nagari town limits) in Chittoor District
Name of Work Construction of Bridge cum Check dam at km 29/8-10 of thr Arakonam-Renigunta road (Nagari town limits) in Chittoor District
Estimated Contract Value(INR)
₹ 8,13,57,985  
Package number N/A
Period of Completion/ Delivery Period (in months) 18
Type of Work Bridges, Cross drainage Works including U.T
Bidding Type OPEN
Bid Call (Numbers) 1
Tender Category WORKS
Currency Type (INR)
Default Currency Indian Rupee - INR
Evaluation Type Percentage
Evaluation Criteria Based on Price
Form Of Contract L.S
Not Applicable
Reverse Tendering Applicable

Transaction Fee Details  
11800 (INR)

Tender Dates
Bid Document Download Start Date & Time 05/02/2024 05:00 PM
Bid Document Download End Date & Time 19/02/2024 05:00 PM
Bid Submission Closing Date & Time 19/02/2024 05:30 PM
Bid Validity Period (in Days) 90

Tender Inviting Authority Particulars  
Officer Inviting Bids Engineer -in -Chief R&B) MDRs,Vijayawada
Bid Opening Authority Superintending Engineer (R&B) Circle, Chittoor
Address O/o Superintending Engineer (R&B) Circle, Chittoor, Opp.to ZP office, Vellore Road, Chittoor
Contact Details 08572230515
Email sernbchittoor@gmail.com

Bid Security Details  
Bid Security (INR) Rs.813600.00
Bid Security In Favour Of On line payment through apeprocurement or Bank Gurantee in favour of Superintending Engineer (R and B) Circle,Chittoor
Mode of Payment Exempted,Online Payment,Challan Generation,BG

Required Tender Documents Details  
S.No Document Name Stage Document Type
1 Copy of Contractors valid registration under appropriate Class with Government of Andhra Pradesh COMMON Mandatory
2 EMD certificate COMMON Mandatory
3 Transaction fee certificate COMMON Mandatory
4 Copy of PAN card along with a copy of latest Income Tax returns submitted along with proof of receipt COMMON Mandatory
5 Copies of Registration copy under GST Act 2017, i.e., Taxpayer Identification Number COMMON Mandatory
6 Details of Civil Engineering works executed during the last Ten financial years in the tenderers name in statement - I with supporting certificates such as Turn over Certificate by Auditor, P and L Statement, Balance Sheet and IT Acknowledgment (OR) Experience Certificates issued by the concerned Executive Engineer and Counter signed by the Superintending Engineer COMMON Mandatory
7 Details of similar nature of works completed as prime contractor (in the same name) during the last Ten financial years in statement - II with supporting certificates COMMON Mandatory
8 Details of existing commitments i.e., work on hand and works for which tenders are submitted in statement - IV A with supporting certificates and IV B Tenders submitted/likely tobe awarded COMMON Mandatory
9 Availability of critical equipment in statement - V COMMON Mandatory
10 The tenderer shall upload either a certificate issued by the Executive Engineer or self declaration on Non - judicial stamp paper worth Rs 100/- as prescribed in the statement V of the Bid document along with sufficient proof in support of owning the equipment such as invoice/certificate of Registration COMMON Mandatory
11 In case of lease the tenderer should upload the lease deed executed on Non - judicial stamp paper worth Rs 100/- along with sufficient proof in support of owning the equipment by the Lessor such as invoice/certificate of Registration. COMMON Mandatory
12 Proof of owning QC lab or having tie up with an established quality control laboratory along with equipment required as per NIT COMMON Mandatory
13 Availability of key personnel in statement - VI COMMON Mandatory
14 Litigation history in statement - VII COMMON Mandatory
15 Proof of liquid assets in the shape of Solvency certificates etc., for the required amount not earlier than one year from the last date of submission of bids COMMON Mandatory
16 Declaration in on line stating that the soft copies uploaded by them are genuine COMMON Mandatory
17 Self-Declaration COMMON Mandatory
18 Any other certificates required as per NIT COMMON Mandatory
19 Quantities of works executed in similar nature of works as prime contractor (in the same name) during the last Ten financial years in statement - III with supporting certificates COMMON Mandatory

General Terms and Conditions / Eligibility  
As per NIT and DTS

General Technical Terms and Conditions (Procedure)  
As per NIT and DTS

Legal Terms & Conditions  
As per NIT and DTS

Procedure for Bid Submission  
Procedure for Bid Submission

Geographical Particulars  
Sno State District Mandal Assembly Parliament

Enquiry Forms
Stage Details Close
S.No Stage Name Evaluation Opening date & Time Evaluation Dependencies
1 PQ Stage 19/02/2024 06:00 PM
2 Commercial Stage 22/02/2024 11:00 AM PQ Stage
3 TQ Stage 22/02/2024 04:00 PM
Stage Form Name Type of Form Supporting Document Required Supporting Document Description View Details
PQ Stage PQ documents required from the vendor Standard No N/A
Commercial Stage Percentage Wise Rate Secure No N/A
TQ Stage Key Critical Equipment Standard No N/A
TQ Stage Previously Executed works Standard No N/A
TQ Stage Work Done as a Prime Contractor Standard No N/A
TQ Stage Key Personnel Standard No N/A
TQ Stage Works On Hand/Tendered Details Standard No N/A
TQ Stage Similar Work Details Standard No N/A
TQ Stage Eligibility Criteria Standard No N/A

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