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Current Tender Details  
Tender ID 721595 Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number Short time Nit.No.81/TO/2023-24 dt.09.02.2024
Name of Work Shifting (by heightening) of 0.17kms of 11KV line and 1 No. DTR with connected material under 11KV Burjupalli feeder which obstructing construction activities of High level Bridge near Kuppamrajupalli(V) taken up by the R&B authorities under Turnkey basis in Operation Section, Chakrayapeta. Tender Category WORKS
Tender Type OPEN - NCB Estimated Contract Value ₹ 17,58,326
Bid Submission Closing Date 16/02/2024 03:30 PM Tender Evaluation Type Percentage

Enquiry Particulars  
Department Name R&B
Tender ID 721595
IFB No / Tender Notice Number Short time Nit.No.81/TO/2023-24 dt.09.02.2024
Name of Project Shifting (by heightening) of 0.17 Kms of 11 KV line and 1 No DTR with connected material under 11KV Burujupalli feeder which obstructing construction activities of High level Bridge near Kuppamrajupalli (V) taken up by the R&B Authorities under Turnkey Basis in opertaion section Chakrayapeta
Name of Work Shifting (by heightening) of 0.17kms of 11KV line and 1 No. DTR with connected material under 11KV Burjupalli feeder which obstructing construction activities of High level Bridge near Kuppamrajupalli(V) taken up by the R&B authorities under Turnkey basis in Operation Section, Chakrayapeta.
Estimated Contract Value(INR)
₹ 17,58,326  
Package number N/A
Period of Completion/ Delivery Period (in months) 2
Type of Work Electrical Works
Bidding Type OPEN
Bid Call (Numbers) Short Tender Notice - 1st Call
Tender Category WORKS
Currency Type (INR)
Default Currency Indian Rupee - INR
Evaluation Type Percentage
Evaluation Criteria Based on Price
Form Of Contract L.S
Not Applicable
Reverse Tendering Not Applicable

Transaction Fee Details  
623 (INR)

Tender Dates
Bid Document Download Start Date & Time 12/02/2024 07:40 PM
Bid Document Download End Date & Time 16/02/2024 03:00 PM
Bid Submission Closing Date & Time 16/02/2024 03:30 PM
Bid Validity Period (in Days) 30

Tender Inviting Authority Particulars  
Officer Inviting Bids Executive Engineer (R&B) Pulivendula
Bid Opening Authority Executive Engineer (R&B) Pulivendula
Address O/o Executive Engineer (R&B) Pulivendula
Contact Details 9440818148
Email eerbplvd@gmail.com

Bid Security Details  
Bid Security (INR) Rs.17600.00
Bid Security In Favour Of APAO Kadapa
Mode of Payment Online Payment,Challan Generation

Required Tender Documents Details  
S.No Document Name Stage Document Type
1 Class-I Electrical and above contrcator registration COMMON Mandatory
2 EMD and Transaction fee COMMON Mandatory
3 PAN Card and latest Saral form COMMON Mandatory
4 Latest GST certificate COMMON Mandatory
5 Any other required documents as per the tender conditions COMMON Mandatory
6 No excess Tender percentage is accepted COMMON Mandatory
7 Special Electrial conditions applied COMMON Mandatory
8 The Contractors / Contracting firms registered with Government of Andhra Pradesh as Class I (Electrical) as per G.O.Ms.No.94 I CAD Dept 1.07.2023 COMMON Mandatory
9 or Registered with APSPDCL/APCPDCL as Class 1 above Class (in Electrical) from any Distribution company of Andhra Pradesh with Valid A grade license COMMON Mandatory
10 The form of contract shall be lumpsum COMMON Mandatory
11 The APDSS including preliminary specification as adopted shall be followed in all cases where the terms and conditions and specifications required for execution of work and due fulfillment of contract are no specifically covered under this contract COMMON Mandatory
12 If the materials are drawn in excess of the theoretical requirements as calculated according to standard data in force the excess quantity should be returned to the department in good condition if they are not returned to the department their cost will be recovered at issue rate (Hundred percent) surcharge or market rate whichever is higher plus storage and sales tax if leaviable COMMON Mandatory
13 In any case of over payments or wrong payments made if any to the contractor due to wrong interpretation of the provisions of the contract APDSS or otherwise such additional payment will be deducted in subsequent or final bill or at any time thereafter from the deposits available in the R and B Division Pulivendula/else where work done by the contractor COMMON Mandatory
14 The quantum work is subject to the increase or decrease by the Superintending Engineer R and B Division Pulivendula on departmental requirements COMMON Mandatory
15 All the materials required for the work will not be supplied by the Department and it is responsibility of the contractor COMMON Mandatory
16 Loss or damage of materials after handing over to the contractor at the workshop will be recovered from the contractor at market rates or scheduled rates whichever is higher COMMON Mandatory
17 All the Tand P required for the work besides Labour charges should be arranged by the contractor himself COMMON Mandatory
18 In any case it accident loss or damage occurs to the Labour of the Contractor the R and B Division Pulivendula will not be responsible to any kind of compensation COMMON Mandatory
19 If the Contractor fails to complete the work within the stipulated time causing inconvenience to the Department Security Deposit EMD paid by him will before fitted and Agreement and the loss sustained COMMON Mandatory
20 The work should be carried to as per the Departmental standards maintained required clearance as per instructions of the office in charge of the works COMMON Mandatory
21 I agree to execute the work at the rates noted by me in the schedule enclosed and accepting the above mentioned conditions. COMMON Mandatory
22 If the materials are not properly accounted balance materials are not returned within a reasonable time the cost of the unreturned material at double the market value will be recovered from the contractor COMMON Mandatory
23 The work has to be carried out as per the directions of departmental officers from time to time COMMON Mandatory
24 The contractor has to furnish Bank guarantee for a sum of equivalent to five percent of the contract towards performance guarantee which will be released after expiry of the guarantee period of the equipment/agreement period COMMON Mandatory
25 No extra percentage/rate towards area allowance in respect of (a) loading and unloading charges (b) Fabrication of line materials (c) Dismantling and re-erection of single phase/three phase services is allowed COMMON Mandatory
26 The Schedule Rates are inclusive of supervision charges at 2.5 percentage which is to be paid to APSPDCL Department. Hence, no extra supervision charges will be paid to the bidders. Hence the lowest bidder has to pay 2.5 percentage supervision charges on tender schedule amount COMMON Mandatory
27 The receipt of payment of 2.5 percentage supervision charges paid to Executive Engineer, R and B Division Pulivendula is mandatory to process the work bills in R and B Department COMMON Mandatory

General Terms and Conditions / Eligibility  
NOTICE INVITING TENDERS TENDER DOCUMENT For Carrying out the work of ? Shifting (by heightening) of 0.17km's of 11KV line and 1 No. DTR with connected material under 11KV Burjupalli feeder which obstructing construction activities of High level Bridge near Kuppamrajupalli(V) taken up by the R&B authorities under Turnkey basis in Operation Section, Chakrayapeta.? DIVISION OFFICE -------------------------------------- R&B DIVISION, Pulivendula NIT No:81/TO/ 2023-24, Dated:09.02.2024 Address: Executive Engineer, R&B Division, Pulivendula SOUTHERN POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY OF A.P. LIMITED R&B Division, Pulivendula TENDER SPECIFICATION NIT No:80 / 2023-24, Dated:09.02.2024 1) Name of the work : ?Shifting (by heightening) of 0.17km's of 11KV line and 1 No. DTR with connected material under 11KV Burjupalli feeder which obstructing construction activities of High level Bridge near Kuppamrajupalli(V) taken up by the R&B authorities under Turnkey basis in Operation Section, Chakrayapeta.?. 2) Estimated Contract Value (ECV) : Rs. 17,58,326.00 3) Bid security /EMD to be paid : Rs. 17600.00 4) Last date for receipt of tender Schedules : 12.02 .2024 up to 03.00PM 5) PQ Stage Opening Date And Time : 16.02.2024 at 03.30PM 6) Enclosed Bid Security : for Rs?????? Online Transaction No.______ Date: Or Challan No._______________ 7) Full postal address of the : tenderer. NOTE: 1) Items 6&7 are to be filled by the tenderer 2) The bids shall be in two parts, Technical bid and Financial (Price) bid 3) Financial bid will be opened only if the contractor qualifies in technical bid. 4) Bidder must quote percentage rate only in the AP E-procurement website. 5) The quoted percentage is to be rounded off upto two decimals. Executive Engineer R&B Division, Pulivendula CONTRACTOR Annexure-1(b) Notice Inviting Tender Details S. No Description 1 Department Name R&B Division, Pulivendula 2 Office Executive Engineer/ R&B Division, Pulivendula 3 Bid Number NIT No:81/ 2023-24, Dated:09.02.2024 4 Name of the work Shifting (by heightening) of 0.17km's of 11KV line and 1 No. DTR with connected material under 11KV Burjupalli feeder which obstructing construction activities of High level Bridge near Kuppamrajupalli(V) taken up by the R&B authorities under Turnkey basis in Operation Section, Chakrayapeta through E-Tendering 5 Tender Type Open 6 Tender Category Works 7 Bid Security (INR) Rs. 17600.00 8 Bid Security Payable to Online payment 9 Transaction Fee The participating bidder has to pay transaction fee @ 0.04% of E.C.V for all works with E.C.V up to Rs.50 Crores, in favour of M/s APTS Ltd, Vijayawada mandatory through the electronic payment gateway as per G.O.Ms.No.13, Dt.05-07-2006. The participating bidder has to pay @ 12% levied by Government of India towards Service Tax on the above transaction fee in favour of M/s A.P. Technological services, Government of Andhra Pradesh, Vijayawada through the electronic payment gateway as per G.O.MS. No. 13, Dt. 5-7-2006. (As applicable) 10 Transaction Fee Payable to M/s. APTS Ltd., Vijayawada 11 Schedule Sale opening date 12.02.2024 at 03.00PM 12 Schedule Sale Closing Date 16.02.2024 up to 03.00 PM 13 Bid Submission Closing Date 16.02.2024 up to 03.00 PM 14 Bid submission On Line 15 Pre-Qualification & Technical Bid Opening Date (Qualification and Eligibility Stage and Technical Bid Stage) 16.02.2024 at 03.30 PM 16 Price Bid Opening Date (Financial Bid Stage) 16.02.2024 at 03.31 PM 17 Place of Tender Opening R&B Division, Pulivendula 18 Officer Inviting Bids/ Contact Person Executive Engineer/ R&B Division, Pulivendula 19 Address/E-mail id R&B Division, Pulivendula/eerbplvd@gmail.com 20 Contact Details/ Telephone, Fax Telephone: 9440818148 21 Eligibility Criteria As per the Bid Document 22 Procedure for Bid Submission 1. Bids shall be submitted online on www.apeprocurement.gov.in platform. 2. The participating bidders in the tender should register themselves free of cost on e-procurement platform in the website www.apeprocurement.gov.in. 3. Bidders can log-in to e-procurement platform in Secure mode only by signing with the Digital certificates. 4. The bidders who are desirous of participating in e-tendering shall submit their technical bids, price bids as per the standard formats available at the e-market place. 5. The bidders should scan and upload the following documents in support of technical bids. The bidders shall sign on all the statements, documents certificates uploaded by him, owning responsibility for their correctness/authenticity: Bid Security should be furnished as per Sl.No.9 of Notice inviting tender details. 6.Transaction fee payable to M/s. APTS Ltd., Vijayawada. 7.The bidders shall upload copies of all the documents in proof of qualification requirement. For each uploaded document on line, the bidder should provide the index of the file names and its contents invariably. 8. The department will not hold any risk and responsibility regulating non-visibility of the scanned and uploaded documents. 9. The Documents that are uploaded online on e-market place will only be considered for technical bid evaluation. 10. Important Notice to Contractors, Suppliers and Department users. In the endeavor to bring total automation of processes in e-Procurement, the Govt. has issued orders vide G.O.Ms.No. 13 dated. 5.7.2006 permitting integration of electronic Payment Gateway of ICICI/HDFC Banks with e-Procurement platform, which provides a facility to participating suppliers/contractors to electronically pay the transaction fee online using their credit cards. 23 Rights reserved with the Department R&B Division, Pulivendula reserves the right to accept or reject any or all of the tenders received without assigning any reasons therefore. The R&B Division, Pulivendula also reserves the right to split the tender and place contract on more than one bidder at its discretion 24 General Terms and Conditions As per tender documents. EXECUTIVE ENGINEER R&B Division, Pulivendula

General Technical Terms and Conditions (Procedure)  
As per the tender details

Legal Terms & Conditions  
As per the tender details

Procedure for Bid Submission  
Procedure for Bid Submission

Geographical Particulars  
Sno State District Mandal Assembly Parliament

Enquiry Forms
Stage Details Close
S.No Stage Name Evaluation Opening date & Time Evaluation Dependencies
1 Commercial Stage 16/02/2024 03:31 PM
Stage Form Name Type of Form Supporting Document Required Supporting Document Description View Details
Commercial Stage Percentage Wise Rate Secure No N/A

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