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Current Tender Details  
Tender ID 720424 Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number e CTN No. e-CTN-14/EE(NH&CRF)/DEE3/AE/2023-24, dt. 06.02.2024 of the Chief Engineer (R&B) NH & CRF, Vijayawada
Name of Work Widening and Strengthening of Narsapur - Aswaraopeta road from km 89/000 to 101/380 and km 112/380 to 117/990 in West Godavari District. Subwork:- Reconstruction of HLB across Byneruvagu at km 113/400 of Narsapur - Aswaraopeta road in West Godavari District.(2nd call) Tender Category WORKS
Tender Type OPEN Estimated Contract Value ₹ 2,67,74,856
Bid Submission Closing Date 27/02/2024 03:30 PM Tender Evaluation Type Percentage

Enquiry Particulars  
Department Name R&B
Circle/Division R&B-SE R&B ELURU
Tender ID 720424
IFB No / Tender Notice Number e CTN No. e-CTN-14/EE(NH&CRF)/DEE3/AE/2023-24, dt. 06.02.2024 of the Chief Engineer (R&B) NH & CRF, Vijayawada
Name of Project Widening and Strengthening of Narsapur - Aswaraopeta road from km 89/000 to 101/380 and km 112/380 to 117/990 in West Godavari District. Subwork:- Reconstruction of HLB across Byneruvagu at km 113/400 of Narsapur - Aswaraopeta road in West Godavari District.(2nd call)
Name of Work Widening and Strengthening of Narsapur - Aswaraopeta road from km 89/000 to 101/380 and km 112/380 to 117/990 in West Godavari District. Subwork:- Reconstruction of HLB across Byneruvagu at km 113/400 of Narsapur - Aswaraopeta road in West Godavari District.(2nd call)
Estimated Contract Value(INR)
₹ 2,67,74,856  
Package number N/A
Period of Completion/ Delivery Period (in months) 9
Type of Work Similar Work
Bidding Type OPEN
Bid Call (Numbers) 2
Tender Category WORKS
Currency Type (INR)
Default Currency Indian Rupee - INR
Evaluation Type Percentage
Evaluation Criteria Based on Price
Form Of Contract L.S
Not Applicable
Reverse Tendering Applicable
Normal/Emergency Type

Transaction Fee Details  
9479 (INR)

Tender Dates
Bid Document Download Start Date & Time 13/02/2024 03:00 PM
Bid Document Download End Date & Time 27/02/2024 03:00 PM
Bid Submission Closing Date & Time 27/02/2024 03:30 PM
Bid Validity Period (in Days) 90

Tender Inviting Authority Particulars  
Officer Inviting Bids The Chief Engineer (R&B) NH & CRF Vijayawada
Bid Opening Authority The Superintending Engineer (R&B) Circle, Eluru
Address NR peta , Eluru
Contact Details 08812230257
Email serbeluru@yahoo.co.in

Bid Security Details  
Bid Security (INR) Rs.268000.00
Bid Security In Favour Of to be paid using Net banking/ RTGS/ NEFT from their registered bank accounts only / Bank Guarantee in favour of Superintending Engineer (R and B), Eluru valid for 6 months
Mode of Payment Online Payment,Challan Generation,BG

Required Tender Documents Details  
S.No Document Name Stage Document Type
1 Registration Certification COMMON Mandatory
2 EMD COMMON Mandatory
3 Transaction Fee Details COMMON Mandatory
4 Copy of permanent account number PAN card and copy of latest income-Tax returns submitted along with proof COMMON Mandatory
5 Registration copy of Goods And Service Tax (GST) Number ie., taxpayer identification number COMMON Mandatory
6 Annual turnover certificate certified by CA along with balance sheet or issued by Executing authority COMMON Mandatory
7 Experience certificate in support of quantities executed with in the block period COMMON Mandatory
8 Details of the existing commitments i.e., works on hand and works for which tenders are submitted in Statement IV COMMON Mandatory
9 Availability of Key and critical construction/quality control equipment in Statement V COMMON Mandatory
10 Information regarding any litigation with government in which the tenderer is involved in Statement VII COMMON Mandatory
11 Declaration in online stating that the soft copies uploaded by them are genuine COMMON Mandatory
12 Any other documents required as per Tender schedule COMMON Mandatory
13 Availability of Key and critical construction and quality control equipment. The certificate in respect of key and critical equipment shall not be earlier than one year from the last date of bid submission COMMON Mandatory
14 Details of similar works completed as Prime Contractor (in the same name) during the last Ten financial Years with supporting certificates in Statement II COMMON Mandatory
15 Availability of working capital for the work Liquid assets, credit facility and availability of other financial resources such as solvency / Networth certificate etc NOT EARLIER THAN ONE YEAR from last date of submission of the tender COMMON Mandatory

General Terms and Conditions / Eligibility  
e CTN No: e- CTN -14/EE(NH&CRF)/DEE3/AE/2023-24, dt. 06.02.2024 of the Chief Engineer (R&B) NH & CRF, Vijayawada. Name of work: ?Widening and strengthening of Narsapur-Aswaraopeta road from Km 89/0 to 101/380 & Km 112/ 380 to 117/990 in W.G District. Sub Work:- Re Construction of HLB across Byneru vagu @ Km 113/400 of Narsapur -Aswaraopet road in West Godavari District(2nd call)? Officer inviting bids: The Chief Engineer (R&B) NH & CRF, Vijayawada. Bids are invited on the e-procurement platform for the above -mentioned work from the Contractors / Contracting firms registered with Government of Andhra Pradesh. The details of Tender conditions and terms can be downloaded from the electronic procurement platform of Government of Andhra Pradesh i.e., www.tender.apeprocurement.gov.in 1. Approximate Estimate Contract Value of work: Rs.2,67,74,856/- 2. Contractors would be required to register on the e-Procurement Market place ?www.eprocurement.gov.in? and submit their bids online. The department will not accept any bid submitted in the paper form. 3. Tenders with an Excess of above 5% of the Estimate contract value shall summarily be rejected. 4. E.M.D. to be paid using Net banking/ RTGS/ NEFT from their registered bank accounts only / Bank Guarantee in favour of Superintending Engineer (R&B), Eluru valid for 6 months at 1% of the estimated contract value of work for Rs.2,68,000/- (i.e., 1% of ECV) 5. Period of completion of work : 9 Months 6. The bidders can view/ down load the tender documents from the 'e? market place. 7. Form of contract - Lump sum contract 8. Class of Contractors eligible is as given below: Eligible class of contractor as per G.O. Ms. No: 178, I & CAD (PW-COD) Department, Dated: 27-09-1997 : Class I (Civil)& above 132, T(R&B) Department, Dated: 11-08-1998 : Class I (Civil)& above G.O.MS 8, T, R&B dated 8-1-2003 : Class I (Civil)& above 94, I&CAD (PW&COD) Department, Dated: 01-07-2003 : Class I (Civil)& above As per G.O.Ms No 73 Dated 27.06.2009 of IRRIGATION & CAD(PW-REFORMS)DEPARTMENT OF GOVT OF AP CLAUSE 4(3) ?To attract competition from contractors of others states, in the 2nd call tenders the agencies/contractors who are registered in the State Government/Public Sectors/Government undertaking(s) throughout the country shall be permitted tendering, without insisting for registration in State Government.? 9. Issue of Tender Documents : From 13.02.2024 at 03.00 PM to 27.02.2024 up to 03.00 PM 10. Last Date & Time for Receipt of Bids : 27.02.2024 at 03.30 PM 11. Time and date of opening of tenders: (a) PQ Stage Date & Time : 27.02.2024 at 04.00 PM (b) Commercial Stage Date & Time : 01.03.2024 at 11.00 AM (c) Auction Date & Time (Reverse Auction) : 02.03.2024 at 02.00 PM (d) TQ Stage Date & Time : 04.03.2024 at 11.00 AM 12. Bid Validity Period : 90 Days Note: The dates stipulated above are firm and under no circumstances they will be relaxed unless otherwise extended by an official notification or happen to be public holidays.

General Technical Terms and Conditions (Procedure)  
13. Procedure for submission of Bids: a) Bidders need to contact Superintending Engineer (R&B) Circle, Eluru for information on e-Procurement. b) Tender schedule can be downloaded from the web site: https://tender.apeprocurement.gov.in. c) The bidder shall submit the bid and all related correspondence in English language only. d) All bidders must fill in the pre-qualification checklist in the templates provided and sign on the self-declaration form stating their compliance with all the technical and financial pre - qualification criteria and up load the same. e) E.M.D. to be paid in the shape of Bank Guarantee in favour of Superintending Engineer, (R&B) Circle, Eluru to be valid for 6 months from the Date of NIT, issued by any Nationalized Bank /scheduled Bank in the standard format (or) Using Net Banking / RTGS/ NEFT from registered bank accounts OR using Credit Card / Debit card (i.e., 1% of ECV). f) All bidders must upload all supporting documents in the e-Procurement portal validating their declarations and uploaded in the templates provided for the same under the technical and commercial pre-qualification criteria laid down in the check list. g) The bidders should quote their initial price offer at the prescribed field / place provided in the e-market place within the prescribed period. h) The bidder shall sign on all the documents uploaded by him including EMD along with the self-declaration for fulfilling pre - qualification criteria set by the Department (on the check list) owning responsibility for their correctness / authenticity and upload along with Tender. i) The system shall carry initially the evaluation based on the information furnished in the given templates with regard to both technical and commercial pre-qualification criteria and the declaration up loaded by the bidder. j) The price bids will be opened on the date and time fixed. k) Only those bids will be evaluated and considered for comparison to arrive at L1 value and allowed to participate in reverse bidding in whose favour an authorized communication or a letter or a scanned and uploaded copy of that letter on e-procurement Website or an e-mail from the issuing bank or any authorized communication from the bank with regard to issue of the Bank Guarantees/Demand Draft is sent to the Tender Inviting authority within the stipulated time. l) The bidders shall furnish willingness in participating reverse tendering process and an undertaking shall be uploaded to that effect along with submission of initial price offer. m) The time and date will be displayed for reverse tendering process. n) Finally, after completion of reverse tendering process, the Department shall carry out the technical bid evaluation of L1 bidder solely based on the uploaded certificates/documents, BG towards EMD in the e-procurement system. Reverse Tendering Process: As per G.O.Ms. No. 67 Water Resources (Reforms) Department dated: 16-08-2019 and G.O. Ms. No 50 Water Resources (Reforms) Department dated: 15-10-2020. (i) Submission of Hard Copies of uploaded Scan copies of Bank Guarantee towards EMD by participating bidders to the tender Inviting authority before opening of Price Bid is dispensed with. (ii) Only those bids will be evaluated and considered for comparison to arrive at L1 value and allowed to participate in reverse bidding in whose favour an authorized communication or a letter or a scanned and uploaded copy of that letter on e- procurement Website or an e-mail from the issuing bank or any authorized communication from the bank with regard to issue of the Bank Guarantee is sent to the Tender Inviting authority within the stipulated time. (iii) All Bank Guarantees uploaded by all Bidders would be verified with the issuing Bank, subsequently and if any uploaded Bank Guarantee is found (iv) To be forged or tampered with or fake, then it would be considered as fraud and would be liable for criminal action invariably. (v) Tenders up to 25% less (-25%) than the estimate may be accepted. Tenders which are less beyond minus 15% {(<-15%)} of the estimate but upto minus 25%, a Bank Guarantee for the difference between the tendered amount and 85% of the estimate value should be taken, over and above other guarantee, which would be released after the completion of work with other Bank Guarantees. Illustration: If a L1 bidder quotes Rs 75 for an estimated value of Rs 100, then the bidder will have to give an additional BG of Rs 10 {Rs 85 (that is 85% of Est. Value)- Rs 75 (Tendered amount )}. (vi) All the bidders shall invariably upload the scanned copies of Demand Draft /Bank Guarantee in e- Procurement system and this will be the primary requirement to consider the bid as responsive. (vii) The Department shall carry out the technical bid evaluation solely based on the uploaded certificates / documents, BG towards EMD/ affidavit, in the e-Procurement system and open the price bids of the responsive bidders and proceed further for reverse auctioning. (viii) The Department will notify the successful bidder for submission of original hard copies of all uploaded documents, BG towards EMD prior to entering into agreement. (ix) The successful bidder shall invariably furnish the original certificates /documents of the uploaded scanned copies to the Tender Inviting Authority, original Bank Guarantee towards EMD before entering into agreement either personally or through courier or post and the receipt of the same within the stipulated date shall be the responsibility of the successful bidder. The Department will not take any responsibility for any delay in receipt / non-receipt of original BG towards EMD, certificates /documents, from the successful bidder before the stipulated time. On receipt of documents, the Department shall ensure the genuineness of the BG towards EMD and all other certificates / documents uploaded by the bidder in e-Procurement system in support of the qualification criteria before concluding the agreement. (x) If any successful bidder fails to submit the original Hard Copies of uploaded certificates / Documents, BG towards EMD within the stipulated time or if any variation is noticed between the uploaded documents and the hard copies submitted by the bidder, the successful bidder will be suspended from participating in the tenders on e-Procurement platform for a period of 3 years. The e-Procurement system would deactivate the user ID of such defaulting successful bidder based on the trigger / recommendation by the Tender Inviting Authority in the system. Besides this, the Department shall invoke all Processes of Law including criminal prosecution of such defaulting bidder as an act of extreme deterrence to deter frivolous bidders and to avoid delays in the tender process for execution of the development schemes taken up by the Government. The information to this extent may be displayed in the e- Procurement platform website and all Govt. Dept./Public Sector Units/ Local Bodies/Autonomous Bodies in AP would prevent such bidders from participating in the bidding process xi) All bidders shall self-declare their details under each technical and financial criterion on the e-procurement platform along with an undertaking confirming their compliance with the technical and financial criterion prescribed in the bid document. xii) All bidders shall submit supporting documents for their submittals under each technical and financial criterion. In case of documents found to be defective, incorrect or forged and therefore claim of Qualification is not supported, severe action including forfeiture of EMD shall be taken. xiii) The threshold values of Technical and Financial qualification as prescribed by the department shall be displayed to the bidders on the screen of online e-procurement site. The bidders have to submit their details of qualification criterion in prescribed text boxes along with their self-declaration on the fulfillment of qualification criterion prescribed. The system automatically evaluates the qualification details uploaded by the bidders and enable the qualified bidders only to quote for their price bid in the prescribed box for the work. xiv) All bidders satisfying pre-qualification criterion as per their submittals and self-declaration on e-procurement site shall quote their price offer. xv) The Price bids of all the bidders shall be opened and the lowest quoted price bid among the qualified bidders in the tender process shall be determined. xvi) To conduct the reverse tender process at least two bidders would be required. xvii) The L1 Price Offer (Initial) shall be the maximum allowable Bid price for the reverse tendering process. xviii) Only one round of reverse tendering shall be carried out in which bidders can revise their bids multiple times within the time limits specified. xix) At the start of the Reverse Tendering process the Maximum Allowable Bid Price will be set and bidders shall submit their bids in an online platform. xx) Names of the bidders / vendors shall be anonymously masked in the Reverse Tendering process and vendors will be given suitable dummy names. xxi) The initial period of the Reverse tendering process will start after 3 hours, following which there will be auto extensions of time by 15 minutes in case of any reduction in bids recorded in the prior 15 minutes. xxii) Only the current L1 bid shall be visible to all bidders who may revise their bids until the end of the process. xxiii) Decrements made in each subsequent bid shall not be less than 0.5% of the IBM/ECV uploaded. xxiv) The L1 bid may be determined following a period of inactivity of more than 15 minutes of reverse bidding after the initial 3 hour period after closure of the main bidding. xxv) Following the determination of the L1 bid, the L1 bidder?s supporting documents under each technical and commercial criterion shall be verified. The reverse tendering process shall be on hold for a maximum period of 24 hours (1 day) while the L1 bidder?s supporting documents are verified. xxvi) Upon successful verification of the L1 bidder?s supporting documents, the reverse tendering process shall be closed declaring the L1 bidder as ?successful bidder? and the remaining bidders in the process shall be notified as ?unsuccessful? and their respective EMDs shall be refunded. xxvii) In case there are discrepancies between the L1 bidder?s declarations under the technical and financial criteria and the supporting documents submitted, the L1 bidder shall be disqualified, his EMD shall be forfeited, he will be removed from the reverse tendering process and the remaining bidders shall be notified of the date and time when the reverse tendering process shall be resumed. xxviii) The reverse tendering process shall be resumed with the L2 price as the Maximum Allowable Bid Price. xxix) Only 15 minutes shall be initially allowed for the remaining bidders to revise their bids, subject to automatic extensions of 15 minutes in case of any reduction in bids recorded in the prior 15 minutes. xxx) The reverse tendering process shall continue until the determination of a successful bidder. Conclusion of the Reverse Tendering Process:- i) After conclusion of the reverse auction process, the pre-qualification criteria of L1 bidder shall be verified. In case of successful verification of pre-qualification criteria of the L-1 Bidder and if qualified he will be awarded the contract and the EMDs of un successful bidders shall be refunded. ii) If any variation is noticed between the up loaded documents, information furnished in the given templates in respect of both technical and commercial prequalification criteria and the self-declaration submitted by the bidder, the bidder will be suspended from participating in the tenders on e-procurement platform for a period of 3 years. If any of the documents furnished by the bidder are found to be false / fabricated / bogus, at any time the bidder will be black listed and the EMD will be forfeited. In case of the L1 bidder being disqualified, the Department reserves the right to restart the reverse auction process with the L2 price of the concluded reverse auction as the start/ maximum bid price OR to restart the entire tendering process from the NIT Stage. In either case, the date and time of the subsequent process shall be communicated to the remaining bidders thru online.

Legal Terms & Conditions  
Qualification Requirements and submission of bids: As per G.O.Ms No 73 Dated 27.06.2009 of IRRIGATION & CAD(PW-REFORMS)DEPARTMENT OF GOVT OF AP Clause 4(1) ?Whenever there is no response for the 1st call, in such tenders the qualification/eligibility criteria such as i)Amount of similar work ii)Minimum physical quantities iii)Bid Capacity iv)Liquid Assets/Credit Facilities etc may be reduced to 50% to that stipulated in the 1st call eligibility criteria.? The bidder should submit the following particulars invariably in formats specified in the tender schedule under Annexure-I along with necessary certificates, failing which his tender shall be treated as incomplete and summarily rejected. To qualify for consideration of award of the contract each tender should fulfill the following criteria and submit information in the form of certificates or statements issued by the competent authorities as prescribed: 1. Assessed available bid capacity as per formula (2AN-B) should be greater than 50% of the Estimate Contract Value as specified in the tender document. 2. The details and certificates are to be furnished as per the proforma/ formats available in the tender schedules vide Annexure-I for the following. 3. The bidder should have satisfactory completed similar works of value not less than Rs.89,24,952/- as a Prime Contractor in the same name and style in any one year during the financial years 2013 - 2014 to 2022 - 2023 updated to 2023 - 2024 price level. Sub contractor?s / GPA holder?s experience shall not be taken into account. 4. The Bidder should have executed the minimum quantities of items of work as given below in any one year during the financial years 2013 - 2014 to 2022 - 2023. The bidder should enclose certificate issued by the Engineer-in-Charge of the State/Central Government Departments undertakings not below the rank of E.E., or equivalent and countersigned by the officer of the rank of Superintending Engineer or equivalent. Certificate to be enclosed as prescribed in the format under Annexure-I. Sl. No. Item For this work 1 CC/VCC/RCC /VRCC / PCC /PSC ( or Combined quantity) 435.67 Cum 2 Mild steel / Hysd bars (or Combined Quantity) 42.87 MT ii) The tenderer should further demonstrate: I) Availability (either owned or leased) of the following key and critical equipment. A) Each bidder should further demonstrate : B) Availability [either owned or leased of the following key and critical equipment for this work)]. The bidder should submit the latest Certificate Obtained from Executive Engineer/Invoices for the owned machinery and lease deed along with proof of owning machinery for the leased machinery C) The Equipment certificate shall not be earlier than one year from last date of submission of Bids for consideration of their bids. Sl. No Equipment type and characteristics Minimum Nos required 1. Concrete mixers 2 Nos 2 Weigh Batchers 1 No 3. Quality Control Lab 1 Set 4. Steel centering 500 sqm 5 Vibratory road roller 1 No The Certificate for key & critical equipment by any Executive Engineer should not be earlier than one year from last date of submission of Bids. The tenderer shall upload either a certificate issued by the Executive Engineer or self declaration on Non - judicial stamp paper worth Rs 100/- as prescribed in the statement V of the Bid document along with sufficient proof in support of owning the equipment such as invoice/certificate of Registration. In case of lease the tenderer should upload the lease deed executed on Non - judicial stamp paper worth Rs 100/- along with sufficient proof in support of owning the equipment by the Lessor such as invoice/certificate of Registration Availability of the following key technical personal with adequate experience: a) Graduate Engineer : 1 No b) Diploma holder : 1 No II) Liquid assets and / or credit facilities of not less than Rs.44,62,476/- (Solvency certificate being issued by the banks in their Proforma as per guidelines of R.B.I (or) the Net worth certificate issued by the Charted Accountant, for the purpose of registration of contractor and for bidding purpose as per G.O.Ms.No.129, dt. 05.10.2015 of Water Resources (Reforms) Dept, Govt. of A.P. shall be considered and the solvency certificate / Net worth certificate shall not be earlier than ONE YEAR from the last date for submission of bid. III) E.M.D. to be paid using Net banking/ RTGS/ NEFT from their registered bank accounts only/ Bank Guarantee in favour of Superintending Engineer (R&B), Eluru valid for 6 months at 1% of the estimated contract value of work for Rs.2,68,000/- (i.e., 1% of ECV) Reverse tendering process will be carried out as detailed in the bid document vide GO MS No.67, Water Resources (Reforms) Department dated: 16-08-2019 and as per G.O.Ms.No 50 Water Resources (Reforms) Department dated: 15-10-2020. 5. The tenderer is subjected to be black listed and the EMD forfeited if he is found to have misled or furnished false information in the forms / statements / certificates submitted in proof of qualification requirements or record of performance such as abandoning of work not properly completed in earlier contracts, inordinate delays in completion of the works, litigation history and / or financial failures and /or participated in the previous tendering for the same work and had quoted unreasonable high bid prices. 6. Even while execution of the work, if found that the contractor had produced false/fake certificates of experience he will be black listed and the contract will be terminated. 7. All participate bidders shall pay 0.03 % of Estimate Contract Value + 18.00% of service tax i.e. Rs.9,479/- towards transaction fee at the time of bid submission through the Electronic payment Gateway to the Managing Director, A.P.T.S., Vijayawada and the successful bidder shall pay 0.04% of ECV i.e. Rs.10,000/- towards corpus fund payable to the Managing Director, A.P.T.S, Vijayawada in online e procurement platform with the successful bidder login ID, at the time of concluding agreement and hand over payment details to the Superintending Engineer(R&B), Eluru. 8. The bidder shall authenticate the bid with his Digital certificate for submitting the Bid electronically on e-procurement platform and the bids not authenticated by the digital certificate of the bidder will not be accepted on the e-procurement platform.

Procedure for Bid Submission  
Procedure for Bid Submission

Geographical Particulars  
Sno State District Mandal Assembly Parliament

Enquiry Forms
Stage Details Close
S.No Stage Name Evaluation Opening date & Time Evaluation Dependencies
1 PQ Stage 27/02/2024 04:00 PM
2 Commercial Stage 01/03/2024 11:00 AM PQ Stage
3 TQ Stage 04/03/2024 11:00 AM
Stage Form Name Type of Form Supporting Document Required Supporting Document Description View Details
PQ Stage PQ documents required from the vendor Standard No N/A
Commercial Stage Percentage Wise Rate Secure No N/A
TQ Stage Key Critical Equipment Standard No N/A
TQ Stage Previously Executed works Standard No N/A
TQ Stage Work Done as a Prime Contractor Standard No N/A
TQ Stage Key Personnel Standard No N/A
TQ Stage Works On Hand/Tendered Details Standard No N/A
TQ Stage Similar Work Details Standard No N/A
TQ Stage Eligibility Criteria Standard No N/A

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