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Current Tender Details  
Tender ID 724763 Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number Short time Nit.No.84/TO/2023-24 dt.19.02.2024
Name of Work Main work:- Construction of HLB at Km 3/6-8 of PRP road to Mopuri devalalu road (Via) Nallacheruvupalli (KDMD-390) in YSR District Sub Work:- "Providing Road safety Interventions of HLB at Km 3/6-8 of PRP road to Mopuri devalalu road (Via) Nallacheruvupalli (KDMD-390) in YSR District ". Tender Category WORKS
Tender Type OPEN - NCB Estimated Contract Value ₹ 8,03,272
Bid Submission Closing Date 26/02/2024 03:30 PM Tender Evaluation Type Percentage

Enquiry Particulars  
Department Name R&B
Tender ID 724763
IFB No / Tender Notice Number Short time Nit.No.84/TO/2023-24 dt.19.02.2024
Name of Project Main work:- Construction of HLB at Km 3/6-8 of PRP road to Mopuri devalalu road Via Nallacheruvupalli KDMD -390 in YSR District Sub Work:- Providing Road safety Interventions of HLB at Km 3/6-8 of PRP road to Mopuri Devalalu road (via) Nallacheruvupalli (KDMD-390) in YSR Disrict
Name of Work Main work:- Construction of HLB at Km 3/6-8 of PRP road to Mopuri devalalu road (Via) Nallacheruvupalli (KDMD-390) in YSR District Sub Work:- "Providing Road safety Interventions of HLB at Km 3/6-8 of PRP road to Mopuri devalalu road (Via) Nallacheruvupalli (KDMD-390) in YSR District ".
Estimated Contract Value(INR)
₹ 8,03,272  
Package number N/A
Period of Completion/ Delivery Period (in months) 2
Type of Work Road Work
Bidding Type OPEN
Bid Call (Numbers) Short Tender Notice - 1st Call
Tender Category WORKS
Currency Type (INR)
Default Currency Indian Rupee - INR
Evaluation Type Percentage
Evaluation Criteria Based on Price
Form Of Contract L.S
Not Applicable
Reverse Tendering Not Applicable

Transaction Fee Details  
285 (INR)

Tender Dates
Bid Document Download Start Date & Time 22/02/2024 03:00 PM
Bid Document Download End Date & Time 26/02/2024 03:00 PM
Bid Submission Closing Date & Time 26/02/2024 03:30 PM
Bid Validity Period (in Days) 30

Tender Inviting Authority Particulars  
Officer Inviting Bids Executive Engineer (R&B) Pulivendula
Bid Opening Authority Executive Engineer (R&B) Pulivendula
Address O/o Executive Engineer (R&B) Pulivendula
Contact Details 9440818148
Email eerbplvd@gmail.com

Bid Security Details  
Bid Security (INR) Rs.8100.00
Bid Security In Favour Of APAO Kadapa
Mode of Payment Online Payment,Challan Generation

Required Tender Documents Details  
S.No Document Name Stage Document Type
1 Contrcator registration COMMON Mandatory
2 EMD and Transaction fee COMMON Mandatory
3 PAN Card and latest Saral form COMMON Mandatory
4 Latest GST certificate COMMON Mandatory
5 Any other required documents as per the tender conditions COMMON Mandatory
6 Special Road safety conditions are applied COMMON Mandatory
7 Certificate in support of Existing Commitment COMMON Mandatory
8 Experience Certificate in Support of Executed with in Block Period COMMON Mandatory
9 Similar Work Experience Certificate for the Work completed within the Block Period COMMON Mandatory
10 Proof of Liquid Assets in the Shape of Solvancy Certificate etc for the required amount taken should not be earlier than 1 year from date of submission of bids COMMON Mandatory
11 A self declaration as given in the tender schedule on a Non judicial stamp paper worth of Rs 100 for the machinery owned by him along with proof of machinery ownership either invoices or EEs certificate the certificate should not be earlier than 01.04.2020 COMMON Mandatory
12 A self declaration as given in the tender schedule on a Non judicial stamp paper worth of Rs 100 for the machinery proposed to be taken by him on lease along with proof of machinery ownership either invoices or EEs certificate the certificate should not be earlier than 01.04.2020 COMMON Mandatory
13 Authorization certificate from reputed manufacture on the name of work pre qualification warranty certificate ISO9000 certificate for retro Reflective Road signs COMMON Mandatory
14 Authorization certificate from reputed manufacture on the name of work pre qualification warranty certificate Test Certificate third party test report for raised pavement markers COMMON Mandatory
15 Authorized certificate from Berger/ Asian paints/ Prime Roads/ Equivalent brand on the name of work pre warranty Certificate from manufacture company latest ISO certificate property Certificate performance guarantee for thermo plastic material COMMON Mandatory
16 Authorization certificate from reputed manufacture for W beam Metal crash barrier COMMON Mandatory
17 The agency shall be authorized converter / Distributor of a reputed manufacturer for thermoplastic material. They shall enclose the brochures and leaflets along with authorization letter/Certificates COMMON Mandatory
18 The agency shall possess all equipments necessary for providing and laying of road marking with thermoplastic material. Proof of evidence for possessing all such equipments for execution of work is to be produced. The Engineer in Charge should be allowed for inspection of such facilities. COMMON Mandatory
19 The percentage quoted for centerline and Zebra markings shall be inclusive of all overhead costs taxes etc. COMMON Mandatory
20 A copy of latest ISO certification awarded to the manufacturer for their thermoplastic material is to be furnished by the agency. COMMON Mandatory
21 The agency may be called for demonstration if required to see the quality of the product COMMON Mandatory
22 Pre qualification of performance history Materials shall be considered for use only when sufficient evidence exists to ensure that the material and services are conforming to the technical specifications COMMON Mandatory
23 Warranty and Durability The Contractor shall obtain from the manufacturer a twoyear warranty for satisfactory field performance including stipulated retro reflectance of the reflecting panel and submit the same to the Engineer. In addition a two year warranty for satisfactory infield performance of the road stud shall also be given by the Contractor who carries out the work of fixing the studs. S COMMON Mandatory
24 Post Completion conditions for the Contract 1 The Contractor shall submit the final warranty certificate for 2 years field performance of studs in original jointly signed by the studs manufacturer and the Contractor. 2 LOT / CONSUMPTION certificate from the studs manufacturer in original confirming the quantity consumed for the project COMMON Mandatory
25 The detailed Specifications Drawings for Roadway indicators Hazard Markers. Object Markers Linear Delineation System Cautionary / Warning signs Mandatory / Regulatory signs Facility Informatory signs are enclosed COMMON Mandatory
26 The agency shall be an Authorized Converter / Distributor of a reputed retro reflective sheeting manufacturer for the reflective items quoted. They shall also enclose the brochures and Leaflets along with authorization letter / certificate COMMON Mandatory
27 The percentage quoted for items shall be inclusive of all overhead costs taxes etc COMMON Mandatory
28 The agency shall possess all equipments for providing quality retro reflective signs / products and necessarily have Plotter Cutter HSRA and Screen Printing facilities. The Engineer in charge should be allowed for inspection of such facilities COMMON Mandatory
29 The agency shall submit a copy of latest ISO certification awarded to the manufacturer for their reflective products COMMON Mandatory
30 The agency shall produce Test Report from Internationally reputed laboratories for 36 months outdoor weathering of the retro reflective sheeting and testing of the product for conditions as per ASTM Testing Requirements COMMON Mandatory
31 The agency may be called for demonstration if required to see the quality of the products COMMON Mandatory
32 Prequalification of performance history Materials Sheeting inks and overlay films shall be considered for use only when sufficient evidence exists to ensure that the material and services are conforming to the technical specifications COMMON Mandatory
33 Warranty to be given At the end of 7 years the sheeting shall retain atleast 75 percentage of its original retroreflectivity COMMON Mandatory
34 Postcompletion conditions for contracts 1 The Contractor shall submit the final warranty certificate for 7 years field performance of signs in original jointly signed by the sheeting manufacturer and the Contractor. 2 LOT / CONSUMPTION certificate from the sheeting manufacturer in Original confirming the quantity consumed for the project COMMON Mandatory

General Terms and Conditions / Eligibility  
GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ROADS AND BUILDINGS DEPARTMENT Office of the Executive Engineer, (R&B) Division, Pulivendula. Short time NIT No: 84/2023-24, Dated: 19.02.2024 Tenders are invited on the e- procurement platform for the following work from the Contractors / Contracting firms registered with Government of Andhra Pradesh. The tenders will be opened in on line by the Executive Engineer (R&B) Division, Pulivendula or his nominee. The department will not accept any tender submitted in paper form. 1. Name of Work: Main work:- Construction of HLB at Km 3/6-8 of PRP road to Mopuri devalalu road (Via) Nallacheruvupalli (KDMD-390) in YSR District Sub Work:- "Providing Road safety Interventions of HLB at Km 3/6-8 of PRP road to Mopuri devalalu road (Via) Nallacheruvupalli (KDMD-390) in YSR District ". 2. Officer inviting tenders: Executive Engineer, (R&B) Division, Pulivendula. 3. Eligible class of contractors registered as per G.O.Ms.Nos. 1) G.O.Ms. No. No. 521 I & PW Dept. dt 10-12-1984 Class IV civil or Higher 2) G O Ms No 178, I &CAD (PW-COD) Dept DT 27-09-1997 Any class in civil 3) G.O.Ms.No. 132 T (R&B) Dept. Dt. 11-08-1998 ? Class III civil or Higher 4) G.O.Ms.No.94, I&CAD (PW-COD) Dept. dated 01-07-2003 ? Any class in civil. 4. Contractors would be required to register on the e-Procurement Market place at the ?e? market place www.eprocurement.gov.in in addition to their respective registration and submit their bids online. The procedure for registration of contractors is explained in the tender schedule. 5. Tenders with an excess of above 5% of the estimated contract value shall summarily be rejected. 6. Approximate Estimate Contract Value of work: - Rs: 803272/- 7. Period of completion of work: 02 Months 8. Form of contract: Lump sum 9. Cost of Tender schedule is dispensed. The tenderers can view / download the tender schedules from the ?e? market place www.eprocurement.gov.in at free of cost. 10. The tenderers can download the tender schedules from: 22.02.2024 @ 03.00 PM Onwards up to 03.00 PM On 26.02.2024 11. The last date and time of receipt of tenders: 26.02.2024 up to 03.30 PM 12. Date and time of opening of Tenders: i) Technical Bid: 26.02.2024 @ 04:00 PM Onwards ii) Price Bid: 26.02.2024 @ 04:00 PM Onwards 13. Payment of Earnest money deposit: Each tenderer must pay, as earnest money a sum of Rs: 8100/- (1 % of ECV) by way by onlin in favour of APAO, Pulivendula, in any Nationalized Bank / Scheduled Commercial Bank payable at Cuddapah drawn on or after the date of above NIT only. 14. The participating bidders shall pay transaction fee Rs: 271/- All the participating bidders shall electronically pay the transaction fee to the Service provider through Payment Gateway service on e procurement platform. Payment of transaction fee by the participating bidders through the Electronic Payment Gateway is made mandatory for tenders with estimated cost value above Rs. 01.00Lakhs with effect from 15.07.2006 and for tenders with Estimated cost value below Rs.10.00 with effect from 01.08.2006. 15. Eligibility criteria: for opening the price bid: a)The technical bid evaluation of the tenderers will be done on the certificates/ documents uploaded through online only towards qualification criteria furnished by them. b) The successful tenderer shall furnish the original hard copies of all documents/ certificates/ statements uploaded by him before concluding the agreement. c) The tenderer shall furnish a declaration in online stating that the soft copies uploaded by them are genuine. Any incorrectness, deviation noticed will be viewed seriously and apart from canceling the work duly forfeiting the EMD. Criminal action will be initiated including suspension of business. d) The applicant should furnish the following documents along with bids: i. In case of proprietary partnership firm it is necessary to furnish the certificate mentioned above for the proprietor and for each of the partners as the case may be. ii. Copy of Permanent Account Number (PAN) Card and copy of latest Income Tax returns submitted along with proof of receipt. iii. Evidence of having registered with Commercial Tax Department, GST and TIN 16. Submission of Bids: The bidders who are desirous of participating in ?e? procurement shall submit their technical bids, price bids etc., in the standard formats prescribed in the tender documents, displayed at ?e? market place. The procedure for submission of bid is explained in the tender document. 1) Furnishing of hard copies by the tenderers before opening of the price bids is dispensed with. 2) The technical bid evaluation of the tenderers will be done on the certificates/ documents uploaded through online only towards qualification criteria furnished by them. 3) The successful tenderer shall furnish the original hard copies of all documents/ certificates/ statements uploaded by him before concluding the agreement. 4) The bidder shall authenticate the bid with his digital certificate for submitting the bid electronically on e-procurement platform and the bids not authenticated by digital certificate of the bidder will not be accepted on the e-procurement plat form. Note: -- The above conditions are stipulated in accordance with the instructions given in G.O. Ms.No. 6, I & CAD (PW ? Reforms) department, dated 11.01.2005. The above conditions shall only prevail and any contradictory clause if any provided any bidding document shall not be taken into cognizance. 16. The tenderer is subjected to be black listed and the EMD forfeited if he is found to have misled or furnish false information in the forms / statements / certificates submitted in proof of qualification requirements or record of performance such as abandoning of work not properly completed in earlier contracts, inordinate delays in completion of the works, litigation history and / or financial failures and / or participated in the previous tendering for the same work and had quoted unreasonable high bid prices. Even while execution of the work, if found that the contractor had produced false / fake certificates of experience he will be black listed and the contract will be terminated. 17. Any further information can be obtained from the office of the Executive Engineer (R&B), Pulivendula. EXECUTIVE ENGINEER, (R & B) DIVISION, PULIVENDULA.

General Technical Terms and Conditions (Procedure)  
As per the tender details

Legal Terms & Conditions  
As per the tender details

Procedure for Bid Submission  
Procedure for Bid Submission

Geographical Particulars  
Sno State District Mandal Assembly Parliament

Enquiry Forms
Stage Details Close
S.No Stage Name Evaluation Opening date & Time Evaluation Dependencies
1 Commercial Stage 26/02/2024 03:31 PM
Stage Form Name Type of Form Supporting Document Required Supporting Document Description View Details
Commercial Stage Percentage Wise Rate Secure No N/A

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