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Current Tender Details  
Tender ID 737246 Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number 01/2024-25/EE-I/VMRDA/ Dt. 11-06-2024
Name of Work Left over works of Construction of Grand Entry and Exit Arch way with security cabin to CASUALTY block of KGH, Visakhapatnam Tender Category WORKS
Tender Type OPEN - NCB Estimated Contract Value ₹ 26,16,153
Bid Submission Closing Date 14/06/2024 02:10 PM Tender Evaluation Type Percentage

Enquiry Particulars  
Department Name Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region Development Authority
Circle/Division Visakhapatnam Metropolitan Region Development Authority-Superintending Engineer II, VMRDA, Visakhapatnam
Tender ID 737246
IFB No / Tender Notice Number 01/2024-25/EE-I/VMRDA/ Dt. 11-06-2024
Name of Project Left over works of Construction of Grand Entry and Exit Arch way with security cabin to CASULALTY block of KGH Visakhapatnam
Name of Work Left over works of Construction of Grand Entry and Exit Arch way with security cabin to CASUALTY block of KGH, Visakhapatnam
Estimated Contract Value(INR)
₹ 26,16,153  
Package number N/A
Period of Completion/ Delivery Period (in months) 0.5
Type of Work Civil Works
Bidding Type OPEN
Bid Call (Numbers) Short Tender Notice - 1st Call
Tender Category WORKS
Currency Type (INR)
Default Currency Indian Rupee - INR
Evaluation Type Percentage
Evaluation Criteria Based on Price
Form Of Contract L.S
Not Applicable
Reverse Tendering Not Applicable

Transaction Fee Details  
927 (INR)

Tender Dates
Bid Document Download Start Date & Time 11/06/2024 02:00 PM
Bid Document Download End Date & Time 14/06/2024 02:05 PM
Bid Submission Closing Date & Time 14/06/2024 02:10 PM
Bid Validity Period (in Days) 90

Tender Inviting Authority Particulars  
Officer Inviting Bids SE-II VMRDA
Bid Opening Authority SE-II VMRDA Visakhapatnam
Address Oo SE-II VMRDA Udyog Bhavan Complex Siripuram Jn Visakhapatnam
Contact Details 9989145549
Email sevmrda@gmail.com

Bid Security Details  
Bid Security (INR) Rs.26200.00
Bid Security In Favour Of Metropolitan Commissioner VMRDA
Mode of Payment Online Payment,Challan Generation

Required Tender Documents Details  
S.No Document Name Stage Document Type
1 Valid contractor Registration certificate of Class-IV (Civil) and Above. COMMON Mandatory
2 EMD COMMON Mandatory
3 Transaction fee details COMMON Mandatory
4 Copy of Permanent Account Number PAN Card and copy Latest Income Tax Returns submitted along with proof COMMON Mandatory
5 GST Registration COMMON Mandatory
6 Any other document required as per NIT. COMMON Mandatory

General Terms and Conditions / Eligibility  
Eligibility Criteria: Qualification Requirements: 1. Civil contractors having Registration in appropriate class of contractors as per G.O.Ms. No. 521d, I & CAD, dt. 10-12-84, G.O.Ms. No.178, I& CAD, Dt. 27-9-1997, G.O.Ms. No. 132, TR & B, dt. 11-8-1998, G.O.Ms. No.23, I & CAD dt. 5-3-1999, and G.O.Ms. No. 94, I & CAD (PW-COD), Department, Dt. 01-03-2003. Class IV (Civil) and above 2. The bidder should submit EMD for Rs.26,200/- using net banking from the registered banks or Credit card/ debit card as per G.o Ms.No.08 dated 08.05.2016 of ITE& dept., Govt of A.P. EMD in the form of DD Shall not be excepted under any circumstance. 3. All the bidders should pay Transaction fee @ 0.03% of estimated contracted value (ECV) and service tax on transaction fee as levied by Government of India through electronic gateway payment system to Vupadi Techno Services, Vijayawada. 4. Even while execution of the work, if found that the contractor had produced false/fake certificates of experience he will be blacklisted and the contract will be terminated. 5. The lowest successful bidder should pay 0.04% of tendered contract value in the form of DD in favour of Andhra Pradesh Technology Services Limited and hand over the same to Executive Engineer-I, VMRDA, Visakhapatnam at the time of concluding agreement to sustain i.e., procurement initiations Research and Development Software application for automation of processes in users department. 6. During execution of work, the contractor shall take photographs at various stages at his own cost and produce three sets of the same to the Engineer-in-charge for documentation purpose. 7. Any further information can be obtained from the Office of the E.E-I, VMRDA, Visakhapatnam on all working days between 10.30 A.M to 5.00 P.M III. Procedure for Bid submission: ? Bidder need to contact Executive Engineer-I, VMRDA, Visakhapatnam for information on e-procurement ? Bidder need to register on the electronic procurement market place of Government of Andhra Pradesh on registration on the www.apeprocurement.gov.in on registration on the e-procurement market place they will be provided with a user ID and password by the system using which they can submit their bids online. ? While registering on the e-procurement market place, Bidders need to scan and upload the required documents as per the Tender requirement in to their profile. ? The bidder should sign on all the statements, documents, certificates uploaded by him owning responsibility for their correctness/ authenticity. ? The bidder should submit the particulars invariably in the format specified in the tender schedule along with necessary certificates, failing which his tender shall be treated as incomplete and summarily rejected. ? The successful tenderer shall furnish the original hard copies of all the documents uploaded by him before concluding agreement. IV. General Terms & Conditions: 1. Bids are inviting on the e-procurement for the above-mentioned work from the Contractors / Contracting firms registered with Government of Andhra Pradesh. The details of Tender conditions and terms can be downloaded from the electronic procurement platform of Government of Andhra Pradesh i.e., www.apeprocurement.gov.in 2. Approximate Estimate Contract value of Work Rs. 26,16,153/- 3. Contractors would be required to register on the e-procurement Market Place www.apeprocurement.gov.in and submit their bids on line. The Department will not accept any bid submitted in the paper form. 4. EMD to be paid by way of Cross Demand Draft for Rs.26,200/- (i.e., 1% of ECV) drawn in favour of Metropolitan Commissioner, VMRDA, Visakhapatnam along with bids and the balance EMD @ 1.5% Contract value to be paid at the time of concluding agreement in the shape of DD in favour of Metropolitan Commissioner, VMRDA, Visakhapatnam, Visakhapatnam. Scanned EMD / BG shall be uploaded with the bids and originals must be submitted to the Executive Engineer-I, VMRDA, Visakhapatnam. Failure to furnish the original DD / BG will entail rejection of bid and black listing of the tenderer. 5. Period of completion of work: 15 days 6. The bidders can view/download the tender documents from the ?e? market place. 7. Form of Contract: Lump sum contract 8. Class of Contractor eligible is as given below: Eligible Class of Civil Contractors as per G.O.Ms. N o. 521, I&CAD, dt. 11-12-84, G.O.Ms. No.178, I&CAD, dt. 27-9-1997, G.O.Ms. No. 132, TR&B dt. 11-8-1988, G.O.Ms. No. 23, I&CAD, dt. 5-3-1999 and GO.Ms. No. 94, I&CAD (PW.COD), Department, dt. 01-03-2003. Class IV (Civil) and above 9. View/down load tender documents from e-procurement platform: From 11-06-2024 at 02.00 P.M. onwards. 10. Submission of bids closing date : 14-04-2024 up to 2.05 P.M 11. Date and time of opening of Tenders: a) Technical Bids : Not applicable b) Price Bid : 14-06-2024 at 2.10 P.M Note: The dates stipulated above are firm and under no circumstances they will be altered unless otherwise extended by an official notification or happen to be a Public Holiday.

General Technical Terms and Conditions (Procedure)  
As per Tender documents

Legal Terms & Conditions  
As per Tender documents

Procedure for Bid Submission  
Procedure for Bid Submission

Geographical Particulars  
Sno State District Mandal Assembly Parliament

Enquiry Forms
Stage Details Close
S.No Stage Name Evaluation Opening date & Time Evaluation Dependencies
1 Commercial Stage 14/06/2024 02:11 PM
Stage Form Name Type of Form Supporting Document Required Supporting Document Description View Details
Commercial Stage Percentage Wise Rate Secure No N/A

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