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Current Tender Details  
Tender ID 748874 Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number 1209/MDP/MPLTY/GF/2023-24
Name of Work Construction of 450mm CC drains at chowdeswari nagar-3 and 4 Interling street in 33rd ward in madanapalle municipality Tender Category WORKS
Tender Type OPEN Estimated Contract Value ₹ 1,78,239
Bid Submission Closing Date 03/09/2024 11:15 AM Tender Evaluation Type Percentage

Enquiry Particulars  
Tender ID 748874
IFB No / Tender Notice Number 1209/MDP/MPLTY/GF/2023-24
Name of Project GENERAL FUNDS
Name of Work Construction of 450mm CC drains at chowdeswari nagar-3 and 4 Interling street in 33rd ward in madanapalle municipality
Estimated Contract Value(INR)
₹ 1,78,239  
Package number N/A
Period of Completion/ Delivery Period (in months) 3
Type of Work Drainage Work
Bidding Type OPEN
Bid Call (Numbers) 2
Tender Category WORKS
Currency Type (INR)
Default Currency Indian Rupee - INR
Evaluation Type Percentage
Evaluation Criteria Based on Price
Form Of Contract L.S
Not Applicable
Reverse Tendering Not Applicable
Normal/Emergency Type

Transaction Fee Details  
64 (INR)

Tender Dates
Bid Document Download Start Date & Time 19/08/2024 04:00 PM
Bid Document Download End Date & Time 03/09/2024 11:00 AM
Bid Submission Closing Date & Time 03/09/2024 11:15 AM
Bid Validity Period (in Days) 90

Tender Inviting Authority Particulars  
Contact Details 08571222280
Email commissioner.mpl222@gmail.com

Bid Security Details  
Bid Security (INR) Rs.1782.00
Mode of Payment Online Payment,Challan Generation

Required Tender Documents Details  
S.No Document Name Stage Document Type
1 Registration Certification COMMON Mandatory
2 EMD COMMON Mandatory
3 Transaction Fee Details COMMON Mandatory
4 IT PAN Card COMMON Mandatory
5 AP GST Registration Certificate COMMON Mandatory
6 Any other documents required as per Tender Schedule COMMON Optional
7 Copy of self declaration on Rs 10/- Nun-Judicial Stamp paper stating that the soft copies uploaded are genuine COMMON Mandatory
8 GST Clearance Certificate COMMON Optional
9 Qualification certificate of key personnel COMMON Optional

General Terms and Conditions / Eligibility  
The following information to fulfill the above eligibility criteria shall be uploaded. 1). The Contractors who are registered in the category of Class-IV & V (Registration in PH Engineering Department only) are eligible to participate in the tenders. 2). The contractors who are registered in the category more than Class IV by competent authority are also eligible to participate in the tenders 3). Online payment towards EMD for favour of Municipal Commissioner, Madanapalle 4). PAN card 5). AP GST Registration Certificate

General Technical Terms and Conditions (Procedure)  
The bidders shall submit their eligibility and qualification details, Technical bid, Financial bid etc., in the online standard formats displayed in e Procurement web site. The bidders shall upload the scanned copies of all the relevant certificates, documents etc., in support of their eligibility criteria/technical bids and other certificate/documents in the e Procurement web site. The bidder shall sign on the statements, documents, certificates, uploaded by him, owning responsibility for their correctness/authenticity. The bidder shall attach all the required documents for the specific tender after uploading the same during the bid submission as per the tender notice and bid document. 1.Registration with e Procurement platform: For registration and online bid submission bidders may contact HELP DESK of M/S Upadhi Techno Services Pvt Ltd Vijayawada. www.e procurement. gov.in or https://tender.eprocurement.gov.in. 2. Digital Certificate authentication: The bidder shall authenticate the bid with his Digital Certificate for submitting the bid electronically on e Procurement platform and the bids not authenticated by digital certificate of the bidder will not be accepted on the e Procurement platform. For obtaining Digital Signature Certificate, you may please Contact: Andhra Pradesh Technology Services Limited, Vijayawada You may please Contact Registration Authorities of any Certifying Authorities in India. The lists of CAs are available by clicking the link "https://tender.eprocurement.gov.in/DigitalCertificate/signature.html". 3. Hard copies: Submission of Hard copies as per G.O Ms No: 174, I & CAD Dept., dated: 01-09-2008 I. Submission of original Hard copies of the uploaded scan copies of DD/BG towards EMD by participating bidders to the tender inviting authority before opening of the price bid be dispensed forthwith. II. All the bidders shall invariably upload the scanned copies of DD/BG in e-Procurement system and this will be the primary requirement to consider the bid as responsive. III. The Department shall carry out the technical bid evaluation solely based on the uploaded certificates documents. DD/BG towards EMD in the e-procurement system and open the price bids of the responsive bidders. IV. The Department will notify the successful bidder for submission of original hard copies of all uploaded documents DD/BG towards EMD prior to entering into agreement. V. The successful bidder shall invariably furnish the original DD/BG towards EMD, certificates/ documents of the uploaded scanned copies to the Tender Inviting Authority before entering into agreement either personally or through courier or post and the receipt of the same with in the stipulated date shall be the responsibility of the successful bidder. The Department will not take any responsibility for any delay in receipt / on ? receipt of original DD/BG towards EMD, Certificates /documents, from the successful bidder before the stipulated time. On receipt of documents, the Department shall ensure the genuinity of the DD/BG towards EMD and all other certificates / documents uploaded by the bidder in e-Procurement system in support of the qualification criteria before concluding the agreement. VI. If any successful bidder fails to submit the original Hard copies of uploaded Certificates/ Documents, DD/BG towards EMD with in the stipulated time or if any variation is noticed between the uploaded documents and the hard copies submitted by the bidder, the successful bidder will be suspended from participating in the tenders on e-Procurement platform for a period of 3 years. The e-Procurement system would deactivate the user ID of such defaulting successful bidder based on the trigger/recommendation by the Tender Inviting Authority in the system. Besides this, the Department shall invoke all Processes of law including criminal prosecution of such defaulting bidder as an act of extreme difference to avoid delays in the tender process for execution of the development schemes taken up by the Government. The information to this extent may be displayed in the e-Procurement platform website. 5. Payment Of Transaction Fee: It is mandatory for all the participant bidders from 1st January 2006 to electronically pay a Non-refundable Transaction fee to M/S Upadhi Techno Services Pvt Ltd Vijayawada. the service provider through "Payment Gateway Service on E-Procurement platform". The Electronic Payment Gateway accepts all Master and Visa Credit Cards issued by any bank and Direct Debit facility/Net Banking of ICICI Bank, HDFC, Axis Bank to facilitate the transaction. This is in compliance as per G.O.Ms. 13 dated 07.05.2006. A service tax of 10.30% + Bank Charges for Credit Card Transaction of 2.09%(inclusive of service tax) on the transaction amount payable to M/S Upadhi Techno Services Pvt Ltd Vijayawada shall be applicable. 6. Corpus Fund: As per GO MS No.4 User departments shall collect 0.04% of ECV (estimated contract value) with a cap of Rs.10,000 (Rupees ten thousand only) for all works with ECV upto Rs.50 crores, and Rs.25,000/- (Rupees twenty five thousand only) for works with ECV above Rs.50 crores, from successful bidders on e Procurement platform before entering into agreement / issue of purchase orders, towards e procurement fund in favour of Managing Director, APTS. There shall not be any charge towards e Procurement fund incase of works, goods and services with ECV less than and up to Rs. 10 lakhs 7. Tender Document: The bidder is requested to download the tender document and read all the terms and conditions mentioned in the tender Document and seek clarification if any from the Tender Inviting Authority. Any offline bid submission clause in the tender document could be neglected. The bidder has to keep track of any changes by viewing the Addendum/Corrigenda issued by the Tender Inviting Authority on time-to- time basis in the E-Procurement platform. The Department calling for tenders shall not be responsible for any claims/problems arising out of this. 8. Bid Submission Acknowledgement The bidder shall complete all the processes and steps required for Bid submission. The system will generate an acknowledgement with a unique bid submission number after completing all the prescribed steps and processes by the bidder. Users may also note that the bids for which an acknowledgement is not generated by the e procurement system are treated as invalid or not saved in the system. Such invalid bids are not made available to the Tender Inviting Authority for processing the bids. The Government of AP and M/S Upadhi Techno Services Pvt Ltd Vijayawada is not responsible for incomplete bid submission by users.

Legal Terms & Conditions  
Bids are invited on the e-procurement for the above mentioned work from the Contractors/ Contracting firms registered with Government of Andhra Pradesh. The details of Tender conditions and terms can be down loaded from the electronic procurement platform of Government of Andhra Pradesh i.e. www.e-procurement.gov.in. 2. Approximate Estimate Contract value of work. 4. Period of completion 03 Months. 5. Contractors would be required to register on the e-procurement Market Place www.e-procurement.gov.in and submit their bids on line. The Department will not accept any bid submitted in the paper form. 6. EMD to be paid by way of online payment in favour of Municipal Commissioner, Madanapalle (i.e. 1% of ECV) from any Government Owned Public Sector or any Scheduled Commercial Bank along with bids. 7. The participating bidder should pay non-refundable Transaction fee for Rs. (at 0.04% of ECV + 10.30% Service Tax) through electronic payment gateway on online only as per orders issued by the Government vide G.O.Ms.No. 13 IT&C Dept., Dated. 05-07-2006. 8. The Successful bidder shall pay (at 0.04% of ECV) in the shape of online payment drawn in favour of Managing Director, APTS, towards Corpus fund and same should submit at the time of concluding the Agreement 9. The bidders can view/ down load the tender documents from the e market place. 10. The Tenders with an excess of 5% of the estimated contract value shall summarily rejected. 11. All other relevant conditions are incorporated in the tender document. Note: The . dates stipulated above are firm and under no circumstances they will be altered unless other wise extended by an official notification or happen to be a Public Holiday. Eligibility Criteria regarding Contractor Registration and Technical Qualification: 1. The Class of contractor eligible is given below: Civil Contractors having registration with Government of Andhra Pradesh in appropriate eligible class as per the G.Os specified and also meeting the eligibility criteria of Technical Qualification as specified in the Tender Notice on e market place. The bidder should submit the following particulars invariably in the format specified in the tender schedules with necessary certificates / documents and to be scanned and uploaded online on e procurement platform, failing which his tender shall be treated as incomplete and summarily rejected. 1. Civil contractor registration certificate having registration with Government of Andhra Pradesh in appropriate class required as per NIT. 2. Online Payment towards EMD. 3. IT PAN card along with Latest Income Tax Assessment with Income Tax returns along with proof of receipt. 4. GST registration and GST Clearance Certificate 5. Availability of Key Technical personnel. 6. Copy of declarations on Rs. 10/- Nun-Judicial Stamp Paper stating that the soft copies uploaded by them are genuine. 7. Copy of information regarding any litigation with the Government during the last 5 years, in which the tender is invited. 8. Availability (either owned or leased) of Key and critical equipment. 9. The bidder is subjected to be blacklisted and his EMD is to be forfeited if he found to have misled or furnished false information in the forms / statements / certificates submitted in proof of qualification. 10. Even while execution of the work, if found that the contractor had produced false / fake certificates of experience he will be blacklisted and the contract will be terminated and the work will be taken over invoking clause 60 (a) of PS of APSS. 11. Any further information can be obtained from the Office of the Municipal Commissioner, Madanapalle Special Condition: - All the Govt. G.Os, orders issued with either in the post of in futures in regard to tender processing, execution of works and payment of bills are applicable to this work also.

Procedure for Bid Submission  
Procedure for Bid Submission

Geographical Particulars  
Sno State District Mandal Assembly Parliament

Enquiry Forms
Stage Details Close
S.No Stage Name Evaluation Opening date & Time Evaluation Dependencies
1 Commercial Stage 03/09/2024 11:20 AM
Stage Form Name Type of Form Supporting Document Required Supporting Document Description View Details
Commercial Stage Percentage Wise Rate Secure No N/A

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