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Current Tender Details  
Tender ID 752397 Enquiry/IFB/Tender Notice Number e-procurement Tender Notice No. 02/TO/2024-2025(1), Dt: 05.09.2024
Name of Work Construction of Building to Accommodate the newly established Addl. District and Sessions Court at Pithapuram inEast Godavari District. Sub Work : Providing CC Pavement to newly established Addl. District and Sessions Court at Pithapuram in East Godavari District. Tender Category WORKS
Tender Type OPEN - NCB Estimated Contract Value ₹ 13,93,046
Bid Submission Closing Date 26/09/2024 04:00 PM Tender Evaluation Type Percentage

Enquiry Particulars  
Department Name R&B
Circle/Division R&B-EE OFFICE - KAKINADA
Tender ID 752397
IFB No / Tender Notice Number e-procurement Tender Notice No. 02/TO/2024-2025(1), Dt: 05.09.2024
Name of Project Construction of Building to Accommodate the newly established Addl. District and Sessions Court at Pithapuram inEast Godavari District. Sub Work : Providing CC Pavement to newly established Addl. District and Sessions Court at Pithapuram in East Godavari District.
Name of Work Construction of Building to Accommodate the newly established Addl. District and Sessions Court at Pithapuram inEast Godavari District. Sub Work : Providing CC Pavement to newly established Addl. District and Sessions Court at Pithapuram in East Godavari District.
Estimated Contract Value(INR)
₹ 13,93,046  
Package number N/A
Period of Completion/ Delivery Period (in months) 3
Type of Work Civil Works
Bidding Type OPEN
Bid Call (Numbers) 1
Tender Category WORKS
Currency Type (INR)
Default Currency Indian Rupee - INR
Evaluation Type Percentage
Evaluation Criteria Based on Price
Form Of Contract L.S
Not Applicable
Reverse Tendering Not Applicable

Transaction Fee Details  
494 (INR)

Tender Dates
Bid Document Download Start Date & Time 12/09/2024 03:00 PM
Bid Document Download End Date & Time 26/09/2024 03:30 PM
Bid Submission Closing Date & Time 26/09/2024 04:00 PM
Bid Validity Period (in Days) 90

Tender Inviting Authority Particulars  
Officer Inviting Bids Executive Engineer
Bid Opening Authority Executive Engineer
Address Court Compound, Kakinada
Contact Details 08842367626
Email eerbkkd@yahoo.com

Bid Security Details  
Bid Security (INR) Rs.14000.00
Bid Security In Favour Of APAO WA
Mode of Payment Online Payment,Challan Generation

Required Tender Documents Details  
S.No Document Name Stage Document Type
1 Contractor Registration certificate COMMON Mandatory
2 EMD COMMON Mandatory
3 Trasanction Fee details COMMON Mandatory
4 Vat /GST Registration COMMON Mandatory
5 Pan card COMMON Mandatory
6 Information and Litigation History in Statement VII COMMON Mandatory
7 Availability of Key personnel in Statement VI COMMON Mandatory
8 Any other document for the NIT COMMON Mandatory
9 Latest Income Tax Return COMMON Mandatory

General Terms and Conditions / Eligibility  
e-procurement Tender Notice No. 2/TO/2024-2025(1), Dt: 05.09.2024. Main Work: Construction of Building to accommodate the newly established Addl. District and Sessions Court at Pithapuram in East Godavari District. Sub Work: Providing CC Pavement in newly established Addl. District and Sessions Court at Pithapuram in East Godavari District. OFFICER INVITING BIDS: Executive Engineer (R&B) Division, Kakinada. 1. Bids are invited on the e-procurement platform for the above -mentioned work from the Contractors / Contracting firms registered with Government of Andhra Pradesh. The details of Tender conditions and terms can be downloaded form the electronic procurement platform of Government of Andhra Pradesh i.e www.eprocurement.gov.in Approximate Estimate Contract value of work: Rs. 13,93,046/- 2. Contractors would be required to register on the e-Procurement Market place ?www. eprocurement. gov. in? and submit their bids online. The department will not accept any bid submitted in the paper form. 3. E.M.D. to be paid at 1% of ECV i.e Rs. 14,000/- by way of Online payment using Net Banking RTGS/NEFT from Registered Bank Accounts or using credit card/Debit card along with bids. Online proof of payment towards E.M.D. may be uploaded with the bids and originals must be submitted to the Executive Engineer (R&B), Kakinada Division, Kakinada through Registered post / Courier so as to reach before the date of opening of price bid. Failure to furnish to submit the proof of Online payment before price bid opening date will entail rejection of bid and blacklisting. Period of completion of work : 3 Months 4. The bidders can view/ down load the tender documents from the 'e? market place. 5. Form of contract ? Lump sum contract. 6. Class of Contractors eligible is as given below: Eligible class of contractor as per G.O. Ms. No: Class IV Civil & Higher as per G.O. Ms. No.94, I&CAD (PW-COD), Dt.01.07.2003. (Class IV & Below can tender for works only within Circle where Registration is done) 7. Issue of Tender Documents: From 12.09.2024 03.00 P.M. Up to 26.09.2024 03.30 P.M. 1. Date and time for Receipt of tenders From 12.09.2024 03.00 P.M. Up to 26.09.2024 03.30 P.M. 2. Time and date of opening of tenders: Price Bid : 26.09.2024 04.00 P.M. Note: The dates stipulated above are firm and under no circumstances they will be relaxed unless otherwise extended by an official notification or happen to be Public Holidays. 13. Qualification Requirements: i) Availability of the following key technical personal with adequate experience One degree holder and One diploma holder. ii) Attested copies of documents relating to the Registration of the firm, Registration as Civil Contractor, Partnership deed, Articles of Association, Proof of Registration under GST. Copy of Permanent Account Number (PAN) Card and copy of Latest Income tax returns along with proof i.e acknowledgement. Availability of key personnel in statement VI and litigation history in statement VII. iii) E.M.D. to be paid at 1% of ECV by way of Online payment using Net Banking RTGS/NEFT from Registered Bank Accounts or using credit card/Debit card. iv) The tenderer is subjected to be black listed and the EMD forfeited if he is found to have misled or furnished false information in the forms / statements / certificates submitted in proof of qualification requirements or record of performance such as abandoning of work not properly completed in earlier contracts, inordinate delays in completion of the works, litigation history and / or financial failures and /or participated in the previous tendering for the same work and had quoted unreasonable high bid prices v) Even while execution of the work, if found that the contractor had produced false/fake certificates of experience he will be black listed and the contract will be terminated. vi) Special conditions on Road Safety Norms: 1. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the adequate safety of all activities on the site. The contractor shall prepare and follow a Traffic Management Plan (includes Safety Plan) approved by the Engineer in Charge as per Clause 112 of MoRTH Specifications for Road and Bridge Works. 2. The Contractor shall take all necessary measures for the safety of traffic during construction and provide, erect and maintain such barricades, including signs, marking, flags, lights and flagmen as may be required for the information and protection of traffic approaching or passing through the section of the road under improvement as per MoRTH Specification and IRC SP: 55 guidelines and other relevant latest IRC Codes. The provision of traffic safety measures shall be considered incidental to the work. 3. Failure to carry out the clauses mentioned in 1.1 & 1.2 above and prescribed road safety norms, contractor shall be liable to the imposed with penalty of Rs?? per day, per location as decided by the engineer in charge depending up on the importance of items and size of the project, for the first week. The penalty should not be less than Rs.20,000/- per day per location. Beyond first week the above road safety activity shall be entrusted to the third party on nomination basis and the cost shall be deducted from the contractor?s bills and appropriate action shall be taken on the contractor vii) The service charges payable to M/s Upadhi Technologies Pvt. Ltd., as laid down in the G.O.Ms.No.2, Information and Communication Department, dt.15-01-2003 and other relevant G.O.s are as indicated below. Transaction fee: 0.03% of the Estimate Contract value of the work + 18.00% Service Tax on 0.03% of Estimate Contract Value (i.e., Rs. 494/-) The bidders shall mandatorily pay the transaction fee to M/s. Vupadhi Techno Services Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad through Electronic payment Gateway as per G.O.Ms.No.13,Dt.5-7-2006 (IT&C)Dept from 1-8-2006 onwards. NOTE:- The Successful bidder will pay further fee @0.04% of the Estimate Contract value of the work (i.e.,Rs558/-) Payable to MD, APTS., Vijayawada.

General Technical Terms and Conditions (Procedure)  
As above

Legal Terms & Conditions  
As above

Procedure for Bid Submission  
Procedure for Bid Submission

Geographical Particulars  
Sno State District Mandal Assembly Parliament

Enquiry Forms
Stage Details Close
S.No Stage Name Evaluation Opening date & Time Evaluation Dependencies
1 Commercial Stage 26/09/2024 04:01 PM
Stage Form Name Type of Form Supporting Document Required Supporting Document Description View Details
Commercial Stage Percentage Wise Rate Secure No N/A

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