Tender Details
Organization Steel Authority of India Limited-Rourkela Steel Plant
Plant/Unit Rourkela Steel Plant
Tender No and Date 1094 / 0210500019 (2307AMR5072) Dt - 17-05-2024
Tender Title Construction of Retaining Wall and Garland Drain at Fines & Lump Loading Plant of Bolani Ores Mines
Short Description Construction of Retaining Wall and Garland Drain at Fines & Lump Loading Plant of Bolani Ores Mines
Delivery Period 6 Months
Tender Type Open-Indigenous
Tender Category Works
Amount Details
Tender Currency INR
Bidding Document/Processing Fee (INR) Not Applicable
EMD Amount 100000.00
Tender Dates
Tender Issue Date & Time (dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss) 21 May 2024 19:39:00
Bid Document Download End Date &Time (dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss) 07 Jun 2024 14:59:00
Pre Bid Meeting No
Bid Submission Closing Date & Time (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss): 07 Jun 2024 15:00:00
Bids Opening Date And Time (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss): 07 Jun 2024 16:00:00
Bid Validity Period 180
Remarks To Participate Online Bidding Please Visit sail tender website
Contact Details
Name Dibyajyoti Saha
Address MM-Projects Building, ED(Projects) Complex, SAIL-Rourkela Steel Plant, Rourkela-769011
Phone/Fax 9477702086
Email Address dibyajyotisaha@sail.in
Document Details