Tender No.
ECL/RJML/AE(E&M)/23-24/E-Ten/357, dt. 08-Feb-2024    Publication Date   19-Feb-2024 
Brief Description / Tender Title Construction of 5 Nos earth pits for 132/33KV power transformers neutral equipment body maintenance of existing earth pits and painted of electrical switch gears at Dhankunda Substation. 
Tender Category
GEM    Tender Area / Location   Rajmahal 
Estimated Cost / Tender Value
463,077.44    Earnest Money   0.00    Cost of Tender Document   0.00 
Last Date of Document Collection NA
Last Date of Submission 26-Feb-2024     TIME   upto 17:00 Hrs. 
Date of Tender Opening 26-Feb-2024     TIME   at 17:30 Hrs. 
Pre-Bid Meeting Date ----
Tender / Bid Document 43808BID.pdf     
Corrigendum(s) ---- 
Cancellation Notice ---- 
Other Information Tenders are invited online (Single Cover system) on the website Government e-Marketplace (GeM Portal - i.e., https://gem.gov.in) from the eligible registered seller on GeM portal for the work of Repair & Maintenance. Description of work-Construction of 5 Nos earth pits for 132/33KV power transformers neutral equipment body maintenance of existing earth pits and painted of electrical switch gears at Dhankunda Substation. Time Schedule of Tender: a. Bid Publication Date 16.02.2024 b. Bid End Date 26.02.2024 17:00 c. Bid Opening Date 26.02.202417:30 *Note: i. If the number of bids received online is found to be less than three till bid opening date, then the last date of submission of Bid and Technical Bid Opening date will be manually extended for a period of Four days.