Tender No.
CKC/Agent/Tender/23-24/552 (SL NO.1), dt. 01-Mar-2024    Publication Date   02-Mar-2024 
Brief Description / Tender Title Construction of 06(six) no. brick pillars for underground roof support in South side Development District of Lower Kajora (R-VIII Top) seam at Central Kajora Colliery. 
Tender Category
Survey    Tender Area / Location   Kajora 
Estimated Cost / Tender Value
149,235.47    Earnest Money   1,865.00    Cost of Tender Document   0.00 
Last Date of Document Collection 15-Mar-2024     TIME   upto 13:00 Hrs. 
Last Date of Submission 15-Mar-2024     TIME   upto 13:00 Hrs. 
Date of Tender Opening 15-Mar-2024     TIME   at 15:30 Hrs. 
Pre-Bid Meeting Date ----
Tender / Bid Document 44980BID.pdf     
Corrigendum(s) ---- 
Cancellation Notice ---- 
Other Information Sealed tenders are invited on item-wise rate basis from reputed, bona-fide, competent, resourceful & experienced contractors working / enlisting in Govt. / Public sector / joint sector Enterprises for the job given below. Specification / probable items of the work and quantities can be seen from the office of the Agent, Central Kajora Colliery (U/G) during office hours. Name of works- Construction of 06(six) no. brick pillars for underground roof support in South side Development District of Lower Kajora (R-VIII Top) seam at Central Kajora Colliery. 1.Details of Issue, submission & opening of Tender paper: a.Issue of Tender Document 08.03.2024 to 15.03.2024 b.Place of Issue of Tender Document / Submission of Tender paper/ Opening of Tender Office of the Agent, Central Kajora Colliery(U/G) c.Date & Time of submission of Tender paper 15.03.2024 (10:00 a.m.to 01:00 p.m.) d. Place of submission of Tender Office of the Agent, Central Kajora Colliery(U/G) e. Date & Time of opening of Tender 15.03.2024 at 3:30 p.m. If Office happens to be closed on date of opening as specified, Opened on next working day at same time & venue. Cost of tender documents is non-refundable.