Tenders are invited on-line under single cover system on the website https://coalindiatenders.nic.infrom the eligible bidders having Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) issued from any agency authorized by Controller of Certifying Authority (CCA), Govt. of India and which can be traced up to the chain of trust to the Root Certificate of CCA, for the following work: Description of work- Construction of RCC drain at southern area above the mine at Nirsa Colliery under Lakhimata Group of Mines. Time Schedule of Tender: a. Tender e-Publication date 27.06.2024 at 13:00 b. Document download start date 27.06.2024From 14:00 c. Document download end date 08.07.2024 up to 17:00 d. Bid Submission start date 28.06.2024 From14:00 e. Bid submission end date 08.07.2024 up to 17:00 f. Start date for seeking Clarification on-line 28.06.2024 From14:00 g. Last date for seeking Clarification on-line 05.07.2024 up to 17:00 h. Date of Pre-bid meeting (if any) N/A i. Bid Opening date 09.07.2024 at 10:00 Note: The auto extension of submission of bid shall be applicable as per details mentioned in clause No.14 of NIT.